927 resultados para WASTE POLLUTION
The term ‘water pollution’ broadly refers to the contamination of water and water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater etc). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove the harmful contaminants. This affects not only the plants and organisms living in these bodies of water but also the entire natural biological communities and the biodiversity.Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been tested as environment-friendly techniques for the treatment of contaminated water, in view of their ability to convert pollutants into harmless end products. These techniques refer to a set of treatment procedures designed to remove organic or inorganic contaminants in wastewater by oxidation. The contaminants are oxidized by different reagents such as air, oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide which are introduced in precise, preprogrammed dosages, sequences and combinations under appropriate conditions. The procedure when combined with light in presence of catalyst is known as photocatalysis. When ultrasound (US) is used as the energy source, the process is referred as sonication. Sonication in presence of catalyst is referred as sonocatalysis. Of late, combination of light and sound as energy sources has been tested for the decontamination of wastewater in the presence of suitable catalyst. In this case, the process is referred as sonophotocatalysis. These AOPs are specially advantageous in pollution control and waste water treatment because unlike many other technologies, they do not just transfer the pollutant from one phase to another but completely degrade them into innocuous substances such as CO2 and H2O.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) increasingly supplies food and non-food values to the rapidly growing West African cities. However, little is known about the resource use efficiencies in West African small-scale UPA crop and livestock production systems, and about the benefits that urban producers and retailers obtain from the cultivation and sale of UPA products. To contribute to filling this gap of knowledge, the studies comprising this doctoral thesis determined nutrient use efficiencies in representative urban crop and livestock production system in Niamey, Niger, and investigated potential health risks for consumers. Also assessed was the economic efficiency of urban farming activities. The field study, which was conducted during November 2005 to January 2008, quantified management-related horizontal nutrient flows in 10 vegetable gardens, 9 millet fields and 13 cattle and small ruminant production units. These farms, selected on the basis of a preceding study, represented the diversity of UPA crop and livestock production systems in Niamey. Based on the management intensity, the market orientation and especially the nutrient input to individual gardens and fields, these were categorized as high or low input systems. In the livestock study, high and low input cattle and small ruminant units were differentiated based on the amounts of total feed dry matter offered daily to the animals at the homestead. Additionally, economic returns to gardeners and market retailers cultivating and selling amaranth, lettuce, cabbage and tomato - four highly appreciated vegetables in Niamey were determined during a 6-months survey in forty gardens and five markets. For vegetable gardens and millet fields, significant differences in partial horizontal nutrient balances were determined for both management intensities. Per hectare, average annual partial balances for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) amounted to 9936 kg C, 1133 kg N, 223 kg P and 312 kg K in high input vegetable gardens as opposed to 9580 kg C, 290 kg N, 125 kg P and 351 kg K in low input gardens. These surpluses were mainly explained by heavy use of mineral fertilizers and animal manure to which irrigation with nutrient rich wastewater added. In high input millet fields, annual surpluses of 259 kg C ha-1, 126 kg N ha-1, 20 kg P ha-1 and 0.4 kg K ha-1 were determined. Surpluses of 12 kg C ha-1, 17 kg N ha-1, and deficits of -3 kg P ha-1 and -3 kg K ha-1 were determined for low input millet fields. Here, carbon and nutrient inputs predominantly originated from livestock manure application through corralling of sheep, goats and cattle. In the livestock enterprises, N, P and K supplied by forages offered at the farm exceeded the animals’ requirements for maintenance and growth in high and low input sheep/goat as well as cattle units. The highest average growth rate determined in high input sheep/goat units was 104 g d-1 during the cool dry season, while a maximum average gain of 70 g d-1 was determined for low input sheep/goat units during the hot dry season. In low as well as in high input cattle units, animals lost weight during the hot dry season, and gained weight during the cool dry season. In all livestock units, conversion efficiencies for feeds offered at the homestead were rather poor, ranging from 13 to 42 kg dry matter (DM) per kg live weight gain (LWG) in cattle and from 16 to 43 kg DM kg-1 LWG in sheep/goats, pointing to a substantial waste of feeds and nutrients. The economic assessment of the production of four high value vegetables pointed to a low efficiency of N and P use in amaranth and lettuce production, causing low economic returns for these crops compared to tomato and cabbage to which inexpensive animal manure was applied. The net profit of market retailers depended on the type of vegetable marketed. In addition it depended on marketplace for amaranth and lettuce, and on season and marketplace for cabbage and tomato. Analysis of faecal pathogens in lettuce irrigated with river water and fertilized with animal manure indicated a substantial contamination by Salmonella spp. with 7.2 x 104 colony forming units (CFU) per 25 g of produce fresh matter, while counts of Escherichia coli averaged 3.9 x 104 CFU g-1. In lettuce irrigated with wastewater, Salmonella counts averaged 9.8 x 104 CFU 25 g-1 and E. coli counts were 0.6 x 104 CFU g-1; these values exceeded the tolerable contamination levels in vegetables of 10 CFU g-1 for E. coli and of 0 CFU 25 g-1 for Salmonella. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that Niamey’s UPA enterprises put environmental safety at risk since excess inputs of N, P and K to crop and livestock production units favour N volatilisation and groundwater pollution by nutrient leaching. However, more detailed studies are needed to corroborate these indications. Farmers’ revenues could be significantly increased if nutrient use efficiency in the different production (sub)systems was improved by better matching nutrient supply through fertilizers and feeds with the actual nutrient demands of plants and animals.
The rivers are considered as the life line of any country since they make water available for our domestic, industrial and recreational functions. The quality of river water signifies the health status and hygienic aspects of a particular region, but the quality of these life lines is continuously deteriorating due to discharge of sewage, garbage and industrial effluents into them. Thrust on water demand has increased manifolds due to the increased population, therefore tangible efforts to make the water sources free from pollution is catching attention all across the globe. This paper attempts to highlight the trends in water quality change of River Beas, right from Manali to Larji in India. This is an important river in the state of Himachal Pradesh and caters to the need of water for Manali and Kullu townships, besides other surrounding rural areas. The Manali-Larji Beas river stretch is exposed to the flow of sewage, garbage and muck resulting from various project activities, thereby making it vulnerable to pollution. In addition, the influx of thousands of tourists to these towns also contributes to the pollution load by their recreational and other tourist related activities. Pollution of this river has ultimately affected the livelihood of local population in this region. Hence, water quality monitoring was carried out for the said stretch between January, 2010 and January, 2012 at 15 various locations on quarterly basis, right from the upstream of Manali town and up to downstream of Larji dam. Temperature, color, odor, D.O. , pH, BOD, TSS, TC and FC has been the parameters that were studied. This study gives the broad idea about the characteristics of water at locations in the said river stretch, and suggestions for improving water quality and livelihood of local population in this particular domain.
The incorporation of space allows the establishment of a more precise relationship between a contaminating input, a contaminating byproduct and emissions that reach the final receptor. However, the presence of asymmetric information impedes the implementation of the first-best policy. As a solution to this problem a site specific deposit refund system for the contaminating input and the contaminating byproduct are proposed. Moreover, the utilization of a successive optimization technique first over space and second over time enables definition of the optimal intertemporal site specific deposit refund system
Urban air pollution and climate are closely connected due to shared generating processes (e.g., combustion) for emissions of the driving gases and aerosols. They are also connected because the atmospheric lifecycles of common air pollutants such as CO, NOx and VOCs, and of the climatically important methane gas (CH4) and sulfate aerosols, both involve the fast photochemistry of the hydroxyl free radical (OH). Thus policies designed to address air pollution may impact climate and vice versa. We present calculations using a model coupling economics, atmospheric chemistry, climate and ecosystems to illustrate some effects of air pollution policy alone on global warming. We consider caps on emissions of NOx, CO, volatile organic carbon, and SOx both individually and combined in two ways. These caps can lower ozone causing less warming, lower sulfate aerosols yielding more warming, lower OH and thus increase CH4 giving more warming, and finally, allow more carbon uptake by ecosystems leading to less warming. Overall, these effects significantly offset each other suggesting that air pollution policy has a relatively small net effect on the global mean surface temperature and sea level rise. However, our study does not account for the effects of air pollution policies on overall demand for fossil fuels and on the choice of fuels (coal, oil, gas), nor have we considered the effects of caps on black carbon or organic carbon aerosols on climate. These effects, if included, could lead to more substantial impacts of capping pollutant emissions on global temperature and sea level than concluded here. Caps on aerosols in general could also yield impacts on other important aspects of climate beyond those addressed here, such as the regional patterns of cloudiness and precipitation.
In Catalonia, according to the nitrate directive (91/676/EU), nine areas have been declared as vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources (Decret 283/1998 and Decret 479/2004). Five of these areas have been studied coupling hydro chemical data with a multi-isotopic approach (Vitòria et al. 2005, Otero et al. 2007, Puig et al. 2007), in an ongoing research project looking for an integrated application of classical hydrochemistry data, with a comprehensive isotopic characterisation (δ15N and δ18O of dissolved nitrate, δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulphate, δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and δD and δ18O of water). Within this general frame, the contribution presented explores compositional ways of: (i) distinguish agrochemicals and manure N pollution, (ii) quantify natural attenuation of nitrate (denitrification), and identify possible controlling factors. To achieve this two-fold goal, the following techniques have been used. Separate biplots of each suite of data show that each studied region has a distinct δ34S and pH signatures, but they are homogeneous with regard to NO3- related variables. Also, the geochemical variables were projected onto the compositional directions associated with the possible denitrification reactions in each region. The resulting balances can be plot together with some isotopes, to assess their likelihood of occurrence
El crecimiento apresurado de la industria tecnológica en los últimos años a nivel mundial, ha generado un nuevo problema socio-ambiental: el manejo y control de los volúmenes de aparatos y componentes electrónicos obsoletos que crecen exponencialmente, específicamente los aparatos que provienen de sistemas de informática, volviéndose en una situación descontrolada y desatendida. Esta problemática empeora cada día por el desconocimiento, la imprudencia, las malas políticas adoptadas por el gobierno y el constante deseo de los consumidores por estar en contacto con los últimos modelos del mercado, reflejándose en un incremento acelerado en las ventas de aparatos electrónicos. Sin embargo, muchos se preguntaran él porque proponemos una idea de negocio caracterizada por lo social y lo ambiental, pues dicha idea viene de la experiencia que se ha tenido durante 7 años en el mercado de tecnología en computación y periféricos, que ha logrado una relación directa con empresas y personas; observando así, las verdaderas preocupaciones de los clientes y a su vez un aumento acelerado en los desechos tecnológicos. De esta manera y siguiendo con el espíritu emprendedor que nos ha caracterizado desde pequeños, hemos llegado a pensar en una idea de negocio interesante y viable, que nos permita incursionar ante competidores importantes y sobresaliendo con una idea innovadora que no se maneja de lleno en dicho sector. Para lograrlo, aprovecharemos los conocimientos y la experiencia que hemos acumulado a través de los años con el contacto directo con los clientes, quienes consideramos son el motor del negocio y llevándonos a concluir con el transcurrir del tiempo, que en Colombia no existe una cultura para desechar los elementos tecnológicos de una manera ecológica y saludable con el medio ambiente. Gracias a la oportunidad latente que muestra el mercado en el sector de reciclaje de desechos tecnológicos, nuestro equipo de trabajo se muestra inquieto ante la oportunidad de negocio encontrada, debido a que en Colombia existen pocas organizaciones que se especialicen en el proceso de reciclaje y reutilización adecuada de dichos desechos. Por esta razón, se confirma la oportunidad para generar un completo plan de negocio que gire en torno al manejo de e-waste y cuidado del medio ambiente, mediante la implementación de productos y servicios especializados para la recolección de dichos desechos electrónicos tanto para los consumidores como para las empresas.
La red TECO es una iniciativa que integra elementos ya conocidos en el mundo de la publicidad y de la gestión RAEE, en un nuevo modelo de negocio. Esto le permite competir de manera efectiva en un segmento de mercado que si bien no está saturado, requiere de cambios estructurales para poder cumplir su objetivo. El éxito del modelo de TECO radicará en la capacidad de generar su propio flujo de dinero, lo que le garantiza su auto sostenimiento, mientras minimiza la barrera del pensamiento tradicional en la comunidad respecto al miedo de desechar el e-waste (a través de la educación). De igual manera ayudará a todos los participantes de la red a mejorar su reputación y posicionar sus marcas. En última instancia el gran ganador de esta iniciativa es el medio ambiente. Al juntar todos los segmentos de mercado, de entre los cuales TECO podrá participar en su mercado objetivo de mil empresas en Bogotá, estos suman alrededor de ochocientos treinta y ocho mil millones. De esta cifra global nada despreciable, TECO podrá aspirar a cerca de un 0.19% de participación. Más concretamente, en lo que respecta a la categoría de presupuestos destinados a programas posconsumo RAEE y Green Businesses orientados a la publicidad institucional, TECO espera obtener un 6.13% del share.
Municipal solid waste issue has acquired a growing importance into urban management discussions, particularly in metropolitan areas. Although metropolitan regions were created for integrating public functions of common interest, it appears that the structures, in general, are limited to planning activities. In this context, the democratization process occurred in Brazil during 1980’s led to the strengthening of inter-municipal arrangements of voluntary cooperation, acquiring great expressiveness in metropolitan areas, responsible for 60% of waste generated in Brazil. However, despite the consortia emergence as an alternative management of metropolitan territory, its process of setting up and operation is not free of challenges and dilemmas. This paper starts with the hypothesis that inter-municipal consortia in metropolitan areas have high strength asymmetry and weak regional identity among municipalities, conditions that tend to create barriers to its concretization. In this context, this research aim to develop a comparative study of inter-municipal arrangements for solid waste management in the metropolitan areas of Curitiba (pr), Belo Horizonte (bh) and Salvador (ba), by identifying influence degree of regional identity and strength asymmetry in these arrangements. The multiple case study reveals an inverse proportionality relationship between regional identity and strength asymmetry among the municipalities, deeply influenced by political interinstitutional arrangement and the metropolitan area in which they are is inserted.
El presente proyecto de investigación tuvo como principal objetivo resaltar la importancia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el marco del desarrollo sostenible, unificando estrategias de logística inversa con modelos que permitirán cerrar el ciclo de vida útil de los envases de las mas prestigiosas compañías colombianas; líderes en el sector químico, mas exactamente de pinturas. Al ver la oportunidad del proyecto, en este se analizaron a grandes rasgos, los procesos inmersos en la producción, distribución y comercialización de las pinturas en el país para así poder llegar al cliente final quien se convirtió tanto en la fuente principal para la recolección de los residuos solidos generados como en el precursor de interrogantes y retos sobre cuales y como deberían ser atacadas las problemáticas sociales y ambientales que se originaban en la post-venta de dichos productos. De lo contrario, no se hubiera podido reflejar la importancia que tenia el proyecto en la búsqueda de soluciones a la problemática ambiental por la que atraviesa nuestro planeta. Problemática que debía ser atacada con iniciativas como estas que buscan disminuir y/o evitar la contaminación a recursos naturales existentes y en extinción. La recolección de envases contaminados y sus respectivas estrategias de reutilización, reciclaje y disposición final, acompañados de estrategias comerciales, ambientales y sociales de la empresa que seria creada para llevar a cabo esta tarea. Fueron los principales temas que se desarrollaron en el presente proyecto.
La asignatura de Competitividad Internacional Urbana (ciu) del programa de Gestión y Desarrollo Urbanos (gdu) de la Universidad del Rosario ha sido desde 2009, cuando asumí su dirección y orientación, un reto permanente de aprendizajes tan estimulantes y variados cuantas ciudades y atributos hay por descubrir en el inmenso mundo de lo urbano-rural-regional. Si bien la competitividad es un asunto urbano-regional antes que nacional, la mayor parte de los enfoques y de las consiguientes referencias bibliográficas abordan la competitividad a nivel nacional siendo relativamente escasas las publicaciones sobre la competitividad urbana. Así, los documentos abordan una descripción general de las ciudades, las causas de las crisis y las consecuencias para la ciudad y su estructura económica, analizadas a partir de los impactos sobre el mercado laboral, los precios de la vivienda, el desarrollo del turismo, entre otros, y las diversas estrategias que adoptaron para afrontar la crisis y convertirla en una oportunidad de desarrollo.
Este trabajo de investigación, busca ofrecer al sector panelero de Colombia nuevas estrategias eco-eficientes y amigables con el medio ambiente, en pro de fortalecer las buenas prácticas agrícolas, que contribuyan con la gestión óptima de los residuos que se crean alrededor de la cadena de producción de la panela. Teniendo en cuenta que la obtención de desechos tanto orgánicos como inorgánicos, genera un impacto medioambiental negativo, se pudo identificar una de estas fuentes de contaminación, a través de un proceso de observación. Ésta es conocida como la Cachaza, la cual se genera dentro de un procedimiento denominado Limpieza del Dulce de Caña. Inicialmente, la caña se muele a través de una trituradora que exprime dulce sin tratamiento, el cual pasa por un ducto hasta regarse sobre una primera paila, donde se le aplica balso. Por medio del calor que produce una hornilla sobre la que se coloca dicha paila, se realiza un proceso de separación, el residuo consolidado en una espuma espesa, comienza a flotar por encima del dulce, siendo extraída a medida que va saliendo y depositada en otros recipientes. Considerando constantes prácticas como el vertimiento de la Cachaza sobre algunas fuentes hídricas (ríos, lagunas, etc.) y cultivos de caña ya fermentados (que elaboran nutrientes negativos sobre los mismos); se profundizará sobre los diferentes impactos ambientales que se originan en éste proceso agroindustrial. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo de investigación, consiste en la implementación de un proyecto de logística inversa, formulando estrategias para el procesamiento de la Cachaza a implementar en un trapiche de la zona de Rio negro a fin de reutilizar este residuo generando subproductos que aporten a la mitigación del impacto ambiental, dando así un valor agregado a toda la cadena. Mediante un análisis costo beneficio se evaluará qué tan fácil o difícil resulta la implementación de dicho proyecto, el cual al incluir un proceso adicional a la cadena de producción de la panela generara un suplemento alimenticio para los equinos y aprovechara el 100% de sus residuos a muy bajo costo.
Analiza las causas de polución y algunas de las acciones que han tomado los gobiernos para la conservación del medio ambiente. Ofrece tres experimentos con explicaciones paso a paso para el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Los experimentos hacen hincapié en la necesidad del niño de investigar. Hay glosario, bibliografía y direcciones de páginas webs para ampliar información.
Este título forma parte de la serie Planeta bajo presión, examina el impacto de la producción de cantidades de residuos por las personas a lo largo de su vida cotidiana y analiza las formas en que se están tratando de abordar dichas cuestiones. Combina la geografía física y la geografía humana para dar respuesta a preguntas difíciles y explica cómo estos s problemas globales afectan a la vida del lector. Estudios de casos y estadísticas ofrecen una visión general de los problemas que nosotros, como comunidad mundial, nos enfrentamos. Dirigido a lectores de edades a partir de 12 años. Incluye referencias bibliográficas.
Este recurso presenta a los jóvenes de una manera muy visual, la idea del proceso de reciclaje de los residuos orgánicos: los desperdicios de los alimentos y los residuos de jardinería. Conduce al lector en un viaje para la localización de los residuos, y cómo son reciclados, desde el principio hasta el acabado del nuevo producto. Incluye: fotografías del proceso del reciclaje; datos y cifras del reciclaje; consejos y actividades de diversión. Tiene glosario, bibliografía y sitios web.