968 resultados para Vocal cyst


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We report the case of a one-year and two-months-old child with a choledochal cyst tYpe I of Alonso-Lej and Todani's classification , diagnosed through abdominal ultrasound. The surgical treatment was cholecistectomy and choledochal cyst excision with Roux-in-Y hepatic- jejunostomy. Minor complications were observed during early postoperative recovery. Long-term flow-up has been uneventiful, with overall improvement.


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Mesenteric cyst is a rare abdominal disease, with a higher incidence among women and 1: 250.000 incidence among hospitalized adults and 1: 200.000 among hospitalized children. Thereby, we report a case of a 10 years old child, male, presenting a large mesenteric cyst, which occupied almost all the abdominal and pelvic cavities and treated by resection during laparotomy.


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A 32-year-old woman was referred to our institution for a pelvic mass. She was asymptomatic and was found to have a mass on rectal examination. Magnetic resonance showed a large solid-cystic mass and the patient underwent complete surgical excision with pathologic findings suggesting retrorectal cyst-hamartoma. Tailgut cysts (or retrorectal cystic hamartomas) are rare congenital lesions settled in the retrorectal (presacral) space. They are made up of cysts lined by multiple types of epithelium, often predominantly mucin-secreting. The lesion requires complete surgical excision to prevent complications of recurrence, infection or carcinomatous degeneration.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do tratamento do carcinoma papilífero limitado a um lobo da glândula tireóide, através de tireoidectomia parcial com seguimento superior a cinco anos. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de 105 prontuários de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado da glândula tireóidea operados no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Heliópolis, Hosphel, São Paulo de 1977 a 1997 e selecionados 31 casos que apresentavam nódulos limitados a um lobo da glândula com seguimento superior a cinco anos e submetidos à lobectomia total mais istmectomia. RESULTADOS: Observamos somente um caso (3%) de disfonia transitória com paresia de prega vocal unilateral que regrediu espontaneamente. Não houve casos de hipoparatireoidismo transitório ou definitivo. O seguimento médio foi de 12,6 anos, sendo todos com seguimento superior a cinco anos; 10 casos (32%) com seguimento entre 10 e 15 anos e 10 casos (32%) com seguimento além de 15 anos. Não foram observados casos com recorrência loco-regional ou metástase à distância, estando todos eles assintomáticos e sem doença. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta série, a tireoidectomia parcial para carcinoma papilífero limitado a um lobo, mostrou-se eficaz.


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The authors describe a rare case of a gastric duplication cyst in a 55-year-old man. The past history revealed that the patient was treated one year before for gastroduodenal ulcer. The cyst was discovered incidentally at upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsies showed inflammation without evidence of tumor. On abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan, a left upper quadrant mass was noted. At laparotomy, a mass measuring 6,0 cm in contact with the stomach was excised. Histopathology showed a gastric duplication cyst containing pancreatic mucosa.


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OBJETIVO: A tireoidectomia minimamente invasiva vídeo-assistida (TIMIVA) sem infusão de gás é considerada segura com vantagem estética em relação ao procedimento convencional. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar a experiência preliminar brasileira com a TIMIVA e a técnica convencional nahemitireoidectomia. MÉTODO: Doze pacientes foram submetidos à hemitireoidectomia por doença nodular tireoidiana por TIMIVA (grupo I) e quatorze pela técnica convencional (grupo II). Analisamos gênero, idade, volume do bócio, medida do maior eixo do nódulo dominante, tempo de cirurgia, queixa de dor no pós-operatório, resultado estético e complicações (paralisia de prega vocal, infecção e hematoma). RESULTADOS: No grupo I, todos eram do gênero feminino, a mediana etária foi 34 anos, a mediana do volume do bócio foi 16,5 mL, a mediana do tamanho do nódulo dominante foi 2,3 cm, a mediana do tempo cirúrgico foi 55 minutos. Oito pacientes referiram dor discreta e quatro negaram dor. A mediana do tamanho da incisão foi 2 cm, todos consideraram os resultados estéticos excelentes e não houve complicações. No grupo II, o índice feminino/masculino foi 6:1, a mediana etária foi 35 anos, a mediana do volume foi de 18 mL, a mediana do tamanho do nódulo foi 2,5 cm, a mediana do tempo foi 55 minutos. Sete pacientes referiram discreta dor, cinco moderada e dois intensa. A mediana do tamanho da cicatriz foi 5 cm. Onze pacientes consideraram os resultados estéticos excelentes e três, bom. Não houve complicações. CONCLUSÕES: A TIMIVA proporciona bom resultado estético e dor pós-operatória mínima, sem aumento do tempo cirúrgico e das complicações.


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Urachus anomalies are generally asymptomatic, but when infected can simulate acute abdomen. This anomaly has to be deemed when abdominal tenderness is associated with inflammation signs in parumbilical or hypogastric regions. Ultrasonography has great sensibility to settle down the diagnosis as observed from our three cases. Ultrasonography images with air suggest intestinal fistula in most cases with sigmoid or ileum as shown here.


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The authors report a case of spontaneous perforation of the biliary tract (S.P.B.T) in a three-month-old infant. The diagnosis was suspected before the operation by clinical signs and diagnostic tests. The importance of paracentesis and scintigraphy is stressed. A surgical approach was chosen and drainage procedure of the area around the perforation and a cholecystostomy were done. S.P.B.T. is rare and its etiology is controversial, but cannot be forgotten in association between biliary ascites and cholestatic jaundice during the first months of life.


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Common bile duct cysts are rare congenital anomalies which have been diagnosed only in twenty per cent of adults. The etiology is uncertain, but many patients have an anomalous pancreatobiliary junction anatomy. We present a case of a young man with a type I Alonso-Lej/ Todani common bile duct cyst and an anomalous common bile duct-pancreatic junction anatomy. Because the common bile duct did not have a segment of normal caliber, to avoid compromising with the pancreatic channel after the excision of the cyst, we performed a Roux-en-Y anastomosis by anastomosing the biliary duct to the proximal excluded jejunal loop and the common duct-pancreatic junction to the same more distally loop.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the importance of flexible bronchoscopy in tracheostomy patients in the process of decannulation to assess the incidence and types of laryngotracheal injury and compare the presence of such lesions with clinical criteria used for decannulation. METHODS: We studied 51 tracheostomized patients aged between 19 and 87 years, with tracheal stent for a mean of 46 ± 28 days and with clinical criteria for decannulation. They were submitted to tracheostomy tube occlusion tolerance testfor 24 hours, and then to flexible bronchoscopy. We described and classified the diagnosed laryngotracheal changes. We compared the clinical criteria for decannulation indication with the bronchoscopy-diagnosed laryngotracheal injuries that contraindicated decannulation. We identified the factors that could interfere in decannulation and evaluated the importance of bronchoscopy as part of the process. RESULTS: Forty (80.4%) patients had laryngotracheal alterations. Of the 40 patients considered clinically fit to decannulation, eight (20%) (p = 0.0007) presented with laryngotracheal injuries at bronchoscopy that contraindicated the procedure. The most frequent laryngeal alteration was vocal cords lesion, in 15 (29%) individuals, and granuloma, the most prevalent tracheal lesion, in 14 (27.5%) patients. CONCLUSION: flexible bronchoscopy showed a large number of laryngotracheal injuries, the most frequent being the vocal cords injury in the larynx and the granuloma in the trachea, which contributed to increase the decannulation procedure safety.


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OBJETIVO: quantificar os valores do líquido amniótico no primeiro trimestre da gestação, em fetos normais, por meio de ultra-sonografia tridimensional e bidimensional. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 25 fetos normais, da 8ª à 11ª semana de gestação. O estudo foi do tipo prospectivo longitudinal. As medidas do volume de líquido amniótico foram obtidas por meio de ultra-sonografia endovaginal, modos tridimensional e bidimensional. O estudo bidimensional consistiu em determinar o volume por cálculo matemático com base na forma de um elipsóide (constante 0,52), obtendo-se o volume do saco amniótico e do embrião. No estudo tridimensional, o volume do líquido amniótico foi feito pela técnica VOCAL, utilizando os graus de rotação 6, 9, 15 e 30°. Foi considerado como resultado final o volume do líquido amniótico obtido pelo grau de rotação6. Em ambos, o volume de líquido amniótico foi obtido pela subtração do volume do saco amniótico pela medida volumétrica do embrião. Para análise estatística utilizamos análise de variância (ANOVA), correlação e análise de regressão. O nível de significância adotado foi p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: a evolução no volume de líquido amniótico pela ultra-sonografia bidimensional foi de 5,4 para 39,5 cm³ da 8ª para a 11ª semana (ANOVA - p < 0,05). Observamos correlação entre idade gestacional e volume de líquido amniótico (p < 0,001, r² = 88,3%). No estudo tridimensional o volume de líquido amniótico aumentou de 5,7 para 42,9 cm³ da 8ª para a 11ª semana (ANOVA - p < 0,05). Também observamos correlação entre idade gestacional e volume de líquido amniótico (p < 0,001, r² = 98,1%). CONCLUSÃO: há aumento no volume de líquido amniótico no primeiro trimestre da gestação, quando avaliado nos modos bidimensional e tridimensional. Além disso, demonstramos que, quanto maior a idade gestacional, maior é o volume de líquido amniótico.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a evolução do volume do embrião (VE) entre a sétima e a décima semana de gestação por meio da ultra-sonografia tridimensional. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal com 63 gestantes normais entre a sétima e a décima semana. Os exames ultra-sonográficos foram realizados por meio de um transdutor endocavitário volumétrico. Para o cálculo do VE, utilizou-se o método VOCAL (Virtual Organ Computer-aided Analysis) com ângulo de rotação de 12º, com delimitação de 15 planos seqüenciais. Para o VE foram calculadas médias, medianas, desvios padrão e valores máximo e mínimo em todas as idades gestacionais. Para se avaliar a correlação entre o VE e o comprimento cabeça-nádega (CCN) foi criado gráfico de dispersão, sendo o ajuste realizado pelo coeficiente de determinação (R²). Para se determinarem intervalos de referência do VE em função do CCN, utilizou-se a seguinte fórmula: percentil =VE+K versus dp, com K=1,96. RESULTADOS: o CCN variou de 9,0 a 39,7 mm, com média de 23,9 mm (±7,9 mm), enquanto o VE variou de 0,1 a 7,6 cm³, com média de 2,7 cm³ (±3,2 cm³). O VE foi altamente correlacionado com o CCN, sendo que o melhor ajuste foi obtido com regressão quadrática (VE=0,165 - 0,055 x CCN + 0,005 x CCN²; R²=0,853). O VE médio variou de 0,1 (-0,3 a 0,5 cm³) a 6,7 cm³ (3,8 a 9,7 cm³) no intervalo de 9 a 40 mm do CCN. Neste intervalo o VE aumentou 67 vezes, enquanto o CCN aumentou apenas 4,4 vezes. CONCLUSÕES: o VE é um parâmetro mais sensível que o CCN para avaliar o crescimento embrionário entre a sétima e a décima semana de gestação.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness, recurrence rate, and complications of carbon-dioxide laser vaporization in the treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts. METHODS: A retrospective study including 127 patients with symptomatic Bartholin' gland cysts submitted to carbon-dioxide laser vaporization at our institution from January 2005 to June 2011. Patients with Bartholin's gland abscesses and those suspected of having neoplasia were excluded. All procedures were performed in an outpatient setting under local anaesthesia. Clinical records were reviewed for demographic characteristics, anatomic parameters, intraoperative and postoperative complications, and follow-up data. Data were stored and analyzed in Microsoft Excel® 2007 software. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and its results were expressed as frequency (percentage) or mean±standard deviation. Complication, recurrence, and cure rates were calculated. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 37.3±9.5 years-old (range from 18 to 61 years-old). Seventy percent (n=85) of them were multiparous. The most common symptom was pain and 47.2% (n=60) of patients had a history of previous medical and/or surgical treatment for Bartholin's gland abscesses. Mean cyst size was 2.7±0.9 cm. There were three (2.4%) cases of minor intraoperative bleeding. Overall, there were 17 (13.4%) recurrences within a mean of 14.6 months (range from 1 to 56 months): ten Bartholin's gland abscesses and seven recurrent cysts requiring reintervention. The cure rate after single laser treatment was 86.6%. Among the five patients with recurrent disease that had a second laser procedure, the cure rate was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: At this institution, carbon-dioxide laser vaporization seems to be a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts.


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The vocal repertoire of some animal species has been considered a non-invasive tool to predict distress reactivity. In rats ultrasound emissions were reported as distress indicator. Capybaras[ vocal repertoire was reported recently and seems to have ultrasound calls, but this has not yet been confirmed. Thus, in order to check if a poor state of welfare was linked to ultrasound calls in the capybara vocal repertoire, the aim of this study was to track the presence of ultrasound emissions in 11 animals under three conditions: 1) unrestrained; 2) intermediately restrained, and 3) highly restrained. The ultrasound track identified frequencies in the range of 31.8±3.5 kHz in adults and 33.2±8.5 kHz in juveniles. These ultrasound frequencies occurred only when animals were highly restrained, physically restrained or injured during handling. We concluded that these calls with ultrasound components are related to pain and restraint because they did not occur when animals were free of restraint. Thus we suggest that this vocalization may be used as an additional tool to assess capybaras[ welfare.


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The genus Acanthamoeba comprises free-living amebae identified as opportunistic pathogens of humans and other animal species. Morphological, biochemical and molecular approaches have shown wide genetic diversity within the genus. In an attempt to determine the genetic relatedness among isolates of Acanthamoeba we analyzed randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles of 11 Brazilian isolates from cases of human keratitis and 8 American type culture collection (ATCC) reference strains. We found that ATCC strains belonging to the same species present polymorphic RAPD profiles whereas strains of different species show very similar profiles. Although most Brazilian isolates could not be assigned with certainty to any of the reference species, they could be clustered according to pattern similarities. The results show that RAPD analysis is a useful tool for the rapid characterization of new isolates and the assessment of genetic relatedness of Acanthamoeba spp. A comparison between RAPD analyses and morphological characteristics of cyst stages is also discussed.