831 resultados para Vision, Monocular.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common in developing countries, but also occur in developed countries. We review micronutrient deficiencies for the major vitamins A, cobalamin (B-12), biotin (vitamin H), vitamins C and E, as well as the minerals iron, and zinc, in the developed world, in terms of their relationship to systemic health and any resulting ocular disease and/or visual dysfunction. A knowledge of these effects is important as individuals with consequent poor ocular health and reduced visual function may present for ophthalmic care.
This paper makes a case for taking a systems view of knowledge management within health-care provision, concentrating on the emergency care process in the UK National Health Service. It draws upon research in two casestudy organizations (a hospital and an ambulance service). The case-study organizations appear to be approaching knowledge (and information) management in a somewhat fragmented way. They are trying to think more holistically, but (perhaps) because of the ways their organizations and their work are structured, they cannot ‘see’ the whole of the care process. The paper explores the complexity of knowledge management in emergency health care and draws the distinction for knowledge management between managing local and operational knowledge, and global and clinical knowledge.
We sought to determine the extent to which colour (and luminance) signals contribute towards the visuomotor localization of targets. To do so we exploited the movement-related illusory displacement a small stationary window undergoes when it has a continuously moving carrier grating behind it. We used drifting (1.0-4.2 Hz) red/green-modulated isoluminant gratings or yellow/black luminance-modulated gratings as carriers, each curtailed in space by a stationary, two-dimensional window. After each trial, the perceived location of the window was recorded with reference to an on-screen ruler (perceptual task) or the on-screen touch of a ballistic pointing movement made without visual feedback (visuomotor task). Our results showed that the perceptual displacement measures were similar for each stimulus type and weakly dependent on stimulus drift rate. However, while the visuomotor displacement measures were similar for each stimulus type at low drift rates (<4 Hz), they were significantly larger for luminance than colour stimuli at high drift rates (>4 Hz). We show that the latter cannot be attributed to differences in perceived speed between stimulus types. We assume, therefore, that our visuomotor localization judgements were more susceptible to the (carrier) motion of luminance patterns than colour patterns. We suggest that, far from being detrimental, this susceptibility may indicate the operation of mechanisms designed to counter the temporal asynchrony between perceptual experiences and the physical changes in the environment that give rise to them. We propose that perceptual localisation is equally supported by both colour and luminance signals but that visuomotor localisation is predominantly supported by luminance signals. We discuss the neural pathways that may be involved with visuomotor localization. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.
Aim: To investigate the correlation between tests of visual function and perceived visual ability recorded with a quality of life questionnaire for patients with uveitis. Methods: 132 patients with various types of uveitis were studied. High (monocular and binocular) and low (binocular) contrast logMAR letter acuities were recorded using a Bailey-Lovie chart. Contrast sensitivity (binocular) was determined using a Pelli-Robson chart. Vision related quality of life was assessed using the Vision Specific Quality of Life (VQOL) questionnaire. Results: VQOL declined with reduced performance on the following tests: binocular high contrast visual acuity (p = 0.0011), high contrast visual acuity of the better eye (p = 0.0012), contrast sensitivity (p = 0.005), binocular low contrast visual acuity (p = 0.0065), and high contrast visual acuity of the worse eye (p = 0.015). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed binocular high contrast visual acuity (p <0.01) to be the only visual function adequate to predict VQOL. The age of the patient was also significantly associated with perceived visual ability (p <0.001). Conclusions: Binocular high contrast visual acuity is a good measure of how uveitis patients perform in real life situations. Vision quality of life is worst in younger patients with poor binocular visual acuity.
Purpose: To investigate the effects of light filters on reading speed in normal and low vision due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods: Reading speed was determined for 12 subjects with normal vision and 12 subjects with non-exudative AMD using stationary lowercase nonsensical print in Times Roman font and four light filters; a yellow Corning Photochromic Filter (CPF) 450, a grey neural density (ND) filter, an individual filter obtained using the Intuitive Colorimeter® and a clear filter. Results: There was no statistically significant light filter effect on reading speed for the normal subjects. The AMD group demonstrated a statistically significant 5% average improvement in reading speed with the CPF450 compared with the other filters although some AMD subjects had improvements of 10-15%. Conclusions: Light filters obtained using the Intuitive Colorimeter® performed poorly when compared with the CPF450, ND and clear filters for both the study groups. For the AMD group, average reading speed was statistically greater with the CPF450 than the other filters, however it is questionable whether the improvement (5%) would be clinically significant. As some of the subjects with AMD had greater improvements with the CPF450 we advocate clinical assessment of light filters using existing protocols on an individual basis. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
This is a review of studies that have investigated the proposed rehabilitative benefit of tinted lenses and filters for people with low vision. Currently, eye care practitioners have to rely on marketing literature and anecdotal reports from users when making recommendations for tinted lens or filter use in low vision. Our main aim was to locate a prescribing protocol that was scientifically based and could assist low vision specialists with tinted lens prescribing decisions. We also wanted to determine if previous work had found any tinted lens/task or tinted lens/ocular condition relationships, i.e. were certain tints or filters of use for specific tasks or for specific eye conditions. Another aim was to provide a review of previous research in order to stimulate new work using modern experimental designs. Past studies of tinted lenses and low vision have assessed effects on visual acuity (VA), grating acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), visual field, adaptation time, glare, photophobia and TV viewing. Objective and subjective outcome measures have been used. However, very little objective evidence has been provided to support anecdotal reports of improvements in visual performance. Many studies are flawed in that they lack controls for investigator bias, and placebo, learning and fatigue effects. Therefore, the use of tinted lenses in low vision remains controversial and eye care practitioners will have to continue to rely on anecdotal evidence to assist them in their prescribing decisions. Suggestions for future research, avoiding some of these experimental shortcomings, are made. © 2002 The College of Optometrists.
In stereo vision, regions with ambiguous or unspecified disparity can acquire perceived depth from unambiguous regions. This has been called stereo capture, depth interpolation or surface completion. We studied some striking induced depth effects suggesting that depth interpolation and surface completion are distinct stages of visual processing. An inducing texture (2-D Gaussian noise) had sinusoidal modulation of disparity, creating a smooth horizontal corrugation. The central region of this surface was replaced by various test patterns whose perceived corrugation was measured. When the test image was horizontal 1-D noise, shown to one eye or to both eyes without disparity, it appeared corrugated in much the same way as the disparity-modulated (DM) flanking regions. But when the test image was 2-D noise, or vertical 1-D noise, little or no depth was induced. This suggests that horizontal orientation was a key factor. For a horizontal sine-wave luminance grating, strong depth was induced, but for a square-wave grating, depth was induced only when its edges were aligned with the peaks and troughs of the DM flanking surface. These and related results suggest that disparity (or local depth) propagates along horizontal 1-D features, and then a 3-D surface is constructed from the depth samples acquired. The shape of the constructed surface can be different from the inducer, and so surface construction appears to operate on the results of a more local depth propagation process.
To make vision possible, the visual nervous system must represent the most informative features in the light pattern captured by the eye. Here we use Gaussian scale-space theory to derive a multiscale model for edge analysis and we test it in perceptual experiments. At all scales there are two stages of spatial filtering. An odd-symmetric, Gaussian first derivative filter provides the input to a Gaussian second derivative filter. Crucially, the output at each stage is half-wave rectified before feeding forward to the next. This creates nonlinear channels selectively responsive to one edge polarity while suppressing spurious or "phantom" edges. The two stages have properties analogous to simple and complex cells in the visual cortex. Edges are found as peaks in a scale-space response map that is the output of the second stage. The position and scale of the peak response identify the location and blur of the edge. The model predicts remarkably accurately our results on human perception of edge location and blur for a wide range of luminance profiles, including the surprising finding that blurred edges look sharper when their length is made shorter. The model enhances our understanding of early vision by integrating computational, physiological, and psychophysical approaches. © ARVO.
Edge detection is crucial in visual processing. Previous computational and psychophysical models have often used peaks in the gradient or zero-crossings in the 2nd derivative to signal edges. We tested these approaches using a stimulus that has no such features. Its luminance profile was a triangle wave, blurred by a rectangular function. Subjects marked the position and polarity of perceived edges. For all blur widths tested, observers marked edges at or near 3rd derivative maxima, even though these were not 1st derivative maxima or 2nd derivative zero-crossings, at any scale. These results are predicted by a new nonlinear model based on 3rd derivative filtering. As a critical test, we added a ramp of variable slope to the blurred triangle-wave luminance profile. The ramp has no effect on the (linear) 2nd or higher derivatives, but the nonlinear model predicts a shift from seeing two edges to seeing one edge as the ramp gradient increases. Results of two experiments confirmed such a shift, thus supporting the new model. [Supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council].
Motion discontinuities can signal object boundaries where few or no other cues, such as luminance, colour, or texture, are available. Hence, motion-defined contours are an ecologically important counterpart to luminance contours. We developed a novel motion-defined Gabor stimulus to investigate the nature of neural operators analysing visual motion fields in order to draw parallels with known luminance operators. Luminance-defined Gabors have been successfully used to discern the spatial-extent and spatial-frequency specificity of possible visual contour detectors. We now extend these studies into the motion domain. We define a stimulus using limited-lifetime moving dots whose velocity is described over 2-D space by a Gabor pattern surrounded by randomly moving dots. Participants were asked to determine whether the orientation of the Gabor pattern (and hence of the motion contours) was vertical or horizontal in a 2AFC task, and the proportion of correct responses was recorded. We found that with practice participants became highly proficient at this task, able in certain cases to reach 90% accuracy with only 12 limited-lifetime dots. However, for both practised and novice participants we found that the ability to detect a single boundary saturates with the size of the Gaussian envelope of the Gabor at approximately 5 deg full-width at half-height. At this optimal size we then varied spatial frequency and found the optimum was at the lowest measured spatial frequency (0.1 cycle deg-1 ) and then steadily decreased with higher spatial frequencies, suggesting that motion contour detectors may be specifically tuned to a single, isolated edge.
Edges are key points of information in visual scenes. One important class of models supposes that edges correspond to the steepest parts of the luminance profile, implying that they can be found as peaks and troughs in the response of a gradient (first-derivative) filter, or as zero-crossings (ZCs) in the second-derivative. A variety of multi-scale models are based on this idea. We tested this approach by devising a stimulus that has no local peaks of gradient and no ZCs, at any scale. Our stimulus profile is analogous to the classic Mach-band stimulus, but it is the local luminance gradient (not the absolute luminance) that increases as a linear ramp between two plateaux. The luminance profile is a smoothed triangle wave and is obtained by integrating the gradient profile. Subjects used a cursor to mark the position and polarity of perceived edges. For all the ramp-widths tested, observers marked edges at or close to the corner points in the gradient profile, even though these were not gradient maxima. These new Mach edges correspond to peaks and troughs in the third-derivative. They are analogous to Mach bands - light and dark bars are seen where there are no luminance peaks but there are peaks in the second derivative. Here, peaks in the third derivative were seen as light-to-dark edges, troughs as dark-to-light edges. Thus Mach edges are inconsistent with many standard edge detectors, but are nicely predicted by a new model that uses a (nonlinear) third-derivative operator to find edge points.
Our understanding of early spatial vision owes much to contrast masking and summation paradigms. In particular, the deep region of facilitation at low mask contrasts is thought to indicate a rapidly accelerating contrast transducer (eg a square-law or greater). In experiment 1, we tapped an early stage of this process by measuring monocular and binocular thresholds for patches of 1 cycle deg-1 sine-wave grating. Threshold ratios were around 1.7, implying a nearly linear transducer with an exponent around 1.3. With this form of transducer, two previous models (Legge, 1984 Vision Research 24 385 - 394; Meese et al, 2004 Perception 33 Supplement, 41) failed to fit the monocular, binocular, and dichoptic masking functions measured in experiment 2. However, a new model with two-stages of divisive gain control fits the data very well. Stage 1 incorporates nearly linear monocular transducers (to account for the high level of binocular summation and slight dichoptic facilitation), and monocular and interocular suppression (to fit the profound 42 Oral presentations: Spatial vision Thursday dichoptic masking). Stage 2 incorporates steeply accelerating transduction (to fit the deep regions of monocular and binocular facilitation), and binocular summation and suppression (to fit the monocular and binocular masking). With all model parameters fixed from the discrimination thresholds, we examined the slopes of the psychometric functions. The monocular and binocular slopes were steep (Weibull ߘ3-4) at very low mask contrasts and shallow (ߘ1.2) at all higher contrasts, as predicted by all three models. The dichoptic slopes were steep (ߘ3-4) at very low contrasts, and very steep (ß>5.5) at high contrasts (confirming Meese et al, loco cit.). A crucial new result was that intermediate dichoptic mask contrasts produced shallow slopes (ߘ2). Only the two-stage model predicted the observed pattern of slope variation, so providing good empirical support for a two-stage process of binocular contrast transduction. [Supported by EPSRC GR/S74515/01]
There have been two main approaches to feature detection in human and computer vision - luminance-based and energy-based. Bars and edges might arise from peaks of luminance and luminance gradient respectively, or bars and edges might be found at peaks of local energy, where local phases are aligned across spatial frequency. This basic issue of definition is important because it guides more detailed models and interpretations of early vision. Which approach better describes the perceived positions of elements in a 3-element contour-alignment task? We used the class of 1-D images defined by Morrone and Burr in which the amplitude spectrum is that of a (partially blurred) square wave and Fourier components in a given image have a common phase. Observers judged whether the centre element (eg ±458 phase) was to the left or right of the flanking pair (eg 0º phase). Lateral offset of the centre element was varied to find the point of subjective alignment from the fitted psychometric function. This point shifted systematically to the left or right according to the sign of the centre phase, increasing with the degree of blur. These shifts were well predicted by the location of luminance peaks and other derivative-based features, but not by energy peaks which (by design) predicted no shift at all. These results on contour alignment agree well with earlier ones from a more explicit feature-marking task, and strongly suggest that human vision does not use local energy peaks to locate basic first-order features. [Supported by the Wellcome Trust (ref: 056093)]