814 resultados para Vigilantes do peso
This study aims to evaluate the weight gain of premature newborns fed with breast milk from their mothers' from those that are fed with breast milk from the milk bank. The research is the quantitative, descriptive and observational kind. It was conducted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Housing from the Maternity Hospital Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC), that is a reference for high risk pregnancy and birth in Rio Grande do Norte. The premature newborns included were following these parameters: gestational age from 26 to 37 weeks, initially hospitalized at UTIN, with oral diet, by means by gavage, cup and/or suction. Studies with premature newborns with a zero diet longer than seven days or complications that interfered in the evaluation of weight gain were excluded from this study. The sample was selected for convenience and had data of all newborns hospitalized at UTIN from the May to June of 2014 time period, followed to their discharge, ended by August of 2014 and had the inclusion parameters of the study. From the period of the data collection, 60 premature newborns entered the maternity and 39 of those were the sample of research. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee from UFRN, under CAAE nº 0699.0.000.294-11. The data was analyzed by means of descriptive and deduced statistics. The results indicated that the involved in the study, were born from mother with average age of 25,36 years, with less than nine years education 21 (53,8%), had the family income less than a minimum wage 24 (61,5%). Among the newborn, the female gender predominated 20 (51,3%), had cesarean delivery 25 (64,1%), had moderate prematurity 29 (74,5%), more of 1.500g 22 (556,4%). The birth weight average was 1.608,49g. The total of diets were 9.994, and an average of 256 for each newborn, in a 32,12 days of hospitalization time period. Most of the diet supplies were from the breast milk bank (50,34%), however 56,4% of the newborns had most of the diet from their mothers' milked breast milk. It was detected that 38,5% of the newborns had, in some given moment, artificial milk. The daily weight gain average of all newborns was 2,59g, but 35% of them had an average above 10g per day. From the newborn's group (n=25) that had medium weight gain, only 9 of them (36,0%) received mainly their own mothers' milked breast milk. It's been conclusive that most of the premature newborns gained weight predominantly from diets from the breast milk of the Milk Bank, showing the need of a bigger incentive to exclusive breast feeding.
The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is considered the most common endocrine disorder in reproductive age women, with a prevalence ranging from 15 to 20%. In addition to hormonal and reproductive changes, it is common in PCOS the presence of risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance (IR), visceral obesity, chronic low-grade inflammation and dyslipidemia. Due to the high frequency of obesity associated with PCOS, weight loss is considered as the first-line treatment for the syndrome by improving metabolic and normalizes serum androgens, restoring reproductive function of these patients. Objectives: To evaluate the inflammatory markers and IR in women with PCOS and healthy ovulatory with different nutritional status and how these parameters are displayed after weight loss through caloric restriction in with Down syndrome. Methods: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were assessed in serum samples from 40 women of childbearing age. The volunteers were divided into four groups: Group I (not eutrophic with PCOS, n = 12); Group II (not eutrophic without PCOS, n = 10), Group III (eutrophic with PCOS, n = 08) and Group IV (eutrophic without PCOS, n = 10). The categorization of groups was performed by body mass index (BMI), according to the World Health Organization (WHO) does not eutrophic, overweight and obesity (BMI> 25 kg / m²) and normal weight (BMI <24.9 kg / m²). IR was determined by HOMA-IR index. In the second phase of the study a controlled dietary intervention was performed and inflammatory parameters were evaluated in 21 overweight and obese women with PCOS, before and after weight loss. All patients received a low-calorie diet with reduction of 500 kcal / day of regular consumption with standard concentrations of macronutrients. Results: Phase 1: PCOS patients showed increased levels of CRP (p <0.01) and HOMAIR (p <0.01). When divided by BMI, both not eutrophic group with PCOS (I) as eutrophic with PCOS (III) showed increased levels of CRP (I = 2.35 ± 0,55mg / L and 2.63 ± III = 0,65mg / L; p <0.01) and HOMA-IR (I = 2.16 ± 2.54 and III = 1.07 ± 0.55; p <0.01). There were no differences in TNF-α and IL-6 between groups. Step 2: After the weight loss of 5% of the initial weight was reduced in all of the components of serum assessed inflammatory profile, PCR (154.75 ± 19:33) vs (78.06 ± 8.9) TNF α (10.89 ± 5.09) vs (6:39 ± 1:41) and IL6 (154.75 ± 19:33) vs (78.06 ± 08.09) (p <0:00) in association with improvement some hormonal parameters evaluated. Conclusion: PCOS contributed to the development of chronic inflammation and changes in glucose metabolism by increasing CRP, insulin and HOMA-IR, independent of nutritional status. The weight loss, caloric restriction has improved the inflammatory condition and hormonal status of the evaluated patients.
The caatinga is considered the only exclusively Brazilian biome, with a total area of 735.000km². It is estimated that about 59% of this area has already been removed and only 2% are protected in conservations units. The region is characteristic by strong seasonality and heterogeneity in their environments. This paper sets generate information on morphological and population patterns Lanio pilatus in two areas of caatinga of Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC – Seridó), Serra Negra do Norte - RN. Data collection was performed in six phases between July 2012 and December 2014, covering the end of the dry and rainy seasons in the region. The captures were performed with nets and individuals captured were marked with metal rings and measured (weight, wing length, tail, tarsus, culmen and tip of the bill to nostril). Through these measures, we observed that only males of open area range in weight during the dry and rainy season, youngs were significantly lower for all parameters measured, and males were larger than females in three characteristics (weight, wing length and tail) in open area and only one (wing length) in the closed area. The population parameters were generated from the mark-capture-recapture technique by program MARK, using the techniques of robust design and CJS. The survival probability of detection and population estimates varied with time. Only individuals of open area fluctuated in their estimates during the study. Overall, the environment was a great mediator of results which increases the need for more studies on the life history of the species in the region.
This work concerns a refinement of a suboptimal dual controller for discrete time systems with stochastic parameters. The dual property means that the control signal is chosen so that estimation of the model parameters and regulation of the output signals are optimally balanced. The control signal is computed in such a way so as to minimize the variance of output around a reference value one step further, with the addition of terms in the loss function. The idea is add simple terms depending on the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates two steps ahead. An algorithm is used for the adaptive adjustment of the adjustable parameter lambda, for each step of the way. The actual performance of the proposed controller is evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulations method.
Low birth weight (LBW) is a risk factor for neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality. In Brazil the highest percentages of low birth weight occur in regions of higher socio-economic status. The scope of this article is to ascertain the spatial distribution of low birth weight rates and the correlation with social and service indicators. The scale is ecological taking all the Brazilian states as units of analysis. The spatial analysis technique is the methodology used together with data from SINASC, IPEA and IBGE for 2009. Higher rates of low birth weight are found in the south/southeastern states (Global Moran: 0.267, p = 0.02). Clusters of the high-high type in the Southeast and of the low-low variety in states in the Amazon region are detected. The spatial inequality of low birth weight reflects the socio-economic conditions of the states. More developed regions have higher rates of low birth weight, therefore, the presence of the service and its use decrease infant mortality and increase LBW.
El control de peso es uno de los temas que mayor interés sanitario y estético tiene para la población y las autoridades sanitarias. Es muy elevado el porcentaje de individuos que intentan perder peso de manera habitual, o esporádica, pensando en una mejora de su salud y de su aspecto físico. La demanda de información trasciende a la Oficina de Farmacia, donde se pueden dispensar productos dietéticos que tienen como objetivo el perder peso o evitar su incremento, junto con otros beneficios asociados en muchas ocasiones. También en Parafarmacia se venden dietéticos y productos encaminados a lograr una reducción I control del peso corporal. El farmacéutico tiene que conocer las ventajas y riesgos asociados a la utilización de estos productos, para aconsejar y controlar su utilización en un contexto de eficacia y seguridad. Sería deseable que en Parafarmacia también hubiera profesionales con la formación adecuada para aconsejar ó desaconsejar productos en función de la problemática de cada individuo. Por todo lo anterior, el objeto del presente estudio, es profundizar en el conocimiento de la composición, efectos de los componentes, beneficios, riesgos y posible utilidad de diversos dietéticos que se pueden adquirir en la Oficina de Farmacia y en Parafarmacias...
Preterm birth is a public health problem worldwide. It holds growing global incidence rates, high mortality rates and a risk of the long-term sequelae in the newborn. It is also poses burden on the family and society. Mothers of very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants may develop psychological disorders, and impaired quality of life (QoL). Factors related to mothers and children in the postpartum period may be negatively associated with the QoL of these mothers. The aim of this study was to assess factors possibly associated with the QoL of mothers of VLBW preterm newborns during the first three years after birth. Mothers of VLBW preterm answered the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in five time points up to 36 months postpartum, totalizing 260 observations. The WHOQOL–bref scores were compared and correlated with sociodemographic and clinical variables of mothers and children at discharge (T0) and at six (T1), twelve (T2), 24 (T3) and 36 (T4) months after the delivery. We used the Kruskal Wallis test to compared scores across different time points and correlated WHOQOL-bref scores with the sociodemographic and clinical variables of mothers and preterm infants. Multiple linear regression models were used to evaluate the contribution of these variables for the QoL of mothers. The WHOQOL–bref scores at T1 and T2 were higher when compared to scores in T0 in the physical health dimension (p = 0.013). BDI scores were also higher at T1 and T2 than those at T0 (p = 0.027). Among the maternal variables that contributed most to the QoL of mothers, there were: at T0, stable marital union (b= 13.60; p= 0.000) on the social relationships dimension, gestational age (b= 2.38; p= 0.010) in the physical health dimension; post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (b= -10.05; p= 0.010; b= -12.18; p= 0.013, respectively) in the psychological dimension; at T1 and T2, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (b= -7.41; p= 0.005) and female sex (b= 8,094; p= 0.011) in the physical health dimension and environment, respectively. At T3, family income (b= -12.75’ p= 0.001) in the environment dimension, the SNAPPE neonatal severity score (b= -0.23; p= 0.027) on the social relationships dimension; at the T4, evangelical religion (b= 8.11; p= 0.019) and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (b: -18.84 p: 0.001) on the social relationships dimension. The BDI scores were negatively associated with WHOQOL scores in all dimensions and at all times points: (-1.42 ≤ b ≤ -0.36; T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4). We conclude that mothers of preterm infants VLBW tend to have a transient improvement in the physical well-being during the first postpartum year. Their quality of life seems to return to levels at discharge between two and three years after delivery. The presence of maternal depressive symptoms and diagnosis of post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus or BDP are factors negatively associated with the QoL of mothers. Social, religious and economic variables are positively associated with the QoL of mothers of VLBW preterm.
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología, Medicina del Deporte, Cuidado de heridas (Interdepartamental) (Bienio 2008/2010)
Dissertacao (Mestrado)
Las respuestas de los componentes del rendimiento y de la calidad del aceite a la temperatura aún no han sido estudiadas en olivo ni en otras oleaginosas que acumulan aceite principalmente en mesocarpo (cerca de 95 por ciento del total en el caso de olivo). La información disponible en olivo se basa en correlaciones ligadas a variaciones en ubicación geográfica, altitud y años en los que pudieron covariar con la temperatura otros factores (radiación, disponibilidad hídrica, nutrición, etc). El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el rol de la temperatura durante el crecimiento de frutos de olivo sobre el peso seco de los mismos, su contenido y concentración de aceite y las proporciones de ácidos grasos del aceite. Se realizaron experimentos manipulativos aplicados a ramas fructíferas creciendo a campo, utilizando cámaras transparentes con control y registro de temperatura. Los rangos de temperaturas medias alcanzados (entre 15-32 ºC) fueron mucho mayores a los rangos de 1 y 4 ºC logrados en estudios correlativos y permitieron generar relaciones funcionales para el peso seco del fruto, su concentración de aceite, y la proporción de ácidos grasos en el aceite. El contraste entre aplicaciones de temperaturas mayores o menores al ambiente durante períodos largos (114 días) y cortos (30 días) demostraron que tanto la proporción de aceite del fruto como la de ácido oleico en el aceite de fruto entero (mesocarpo + semilla) disminuye al aumentar la temperatura. Si bien en ambas estructuras del fruto la temperatura tuvo un efecto negativo sobre la concentración de aceite, las respuestas a la temperatura de la proporción de ácidos grasos de la semilla y el mesocarpo, medidos en forma separada, difirieron entre sí. Los patrones de respuesta de las proporciones de ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla mostraron similitudes con las conocidas para especies oleaginosas de semilla como girasol. Por contraste, en el aceite de mesocarpo de olivo la proporción de ácido oleico disminuyó con el aumento de la temperatura, patrón opuesto a lo manifestado en semillas de olivo y en las de oleaginosas anuales. En esta tesis también se evaluó el efecto de la temperatura mínima nocturna sobre el crecimiento de los frutos y la calidad del aceite. Los resultados sugieren que la temperatura mínima nocturna y la amplitud térmica diarias son las dimensiones del régimen térmico diario con los que mejor se asociaron los cambios en el peso seco del fruto, la proporción de aceite y las proporciones de ácidos grasos en el mismo. Los resultados de esta tesis sirven para guiar la selección de sitios de plantación de nuevos olivares basados en los registros térmicos zonales, y para explicar los desajustes de la proporción de ácidos grasos del aceite de oliva producido en el NOA y la normativa del Consejo Oleícola Internacional (COI). Las relaciones funcionales entre las variables respuesta y la temperatura definidas podrán incorporarse en modelos de simulación del rendimiento y calidad que se desarrollen en el futuro. Tomados en conjunto con la tendencia al aumento de la temperatura, producto del calentamiento global, los resultados permitirán estimar la magnitud de los impactos negativos que podrían afectar el rendimiento del cultivo y la calidad del aceite.
Introducción: El aumento de peso después del trasplante es relativamente común, además suele ser multifactorial y suele estar influenciado por glucocorticoides y los medicamentos inmunosupresores, pudiendo retrasar la función del injerto y provocar complicaciones graves de salud. Objetivos: Evaluar los cambios en el peso, grado de obesidad e índice de masa corporal asi como el efecto que el tratamiento inmunosupresor produce sobre estos 5 años postrasplante renal sobre estos. Métodos: La muestra estuvo formada por 119 pacientes trasplantados renales, 70 hombres y 49 mujeres, trasplantados renales, que asistieron durante cinco años a la consulta postrasplante. A todos los pacientes se realizaron mediciones pretrasplante y postrasplante (desde el 1º año hasta el 5º año) de peso, altura e índice de masa corporal calculado mediante la fórmula peso/talla2 relacionándolo con el tratamiento inmunosupresor que tomaban. Resultados: Existe un aumento considerable del índice de masa corporal, peso y grado de obesidad en el primer año tras el trasplante aumentando mas lentamente en los siguientes cuatro años. El tipo de tratamiento inmunosupresor influencia el peso y grado de obesidad que se produce en este periodo de tiempo. Conclusiones: Hay una elevada prevalencia sobrepeso y obesidad tras el trasplante especialmente durante el primer año. Al año los pacientes ganan una media de 6,6 kg de peso y una media de 2,5 kg/m² en su IMC. Durante el tratamiento se debe minimizar las dosis de esteroides e incluir tratamiento dietético y ejercicio físico adecuado.
El bajo peso al nacer se ha definido como un peso menor de 2.500 gr. en el momento del nacimiento. El objetivo fue conocer los factores de riesgo maternos asociados con bajo peso al nacer por lo que se hizo un estudio de casos y controles precesado en EPI INFO 2002 con una muestra calculdada de 100 pacientes con Power de 80y IC 95que cincluyó edad materna, estado civil, talla materna menos de 141 cm, peso materno, antecedentes de abortos previos, antecedentes de muerte fetal, hipertensión crónica, diabetes, enfermedad cardíaca, renal, epilepsia, primiparidad, intervalo intergenésico menor que 2 años, si han cursado en el embarazo actual con amenaza de aborto, preclampsia/eclampsia. ITU, placenta previa, anomalías congénitas fetales, niños pequeños a su cargo, controles prenatales, sexo fetal, trabajo materno, consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas. Los factores de riesgo que se encontró fueron edad materna menor de 19 años (OR 4.57), abortos previos (OR 3.92), antecedentes de muerte fetal (OR 3.13), primiparidad (OR 1.38), intervalo intergenésico menor que 2 años (OR 1.84), amenaza de aborto durante el embarazo actual (OR 3.91), Preclampsia/eclampsia (OR 6.77), menos de 6 controles prenatales (OR 2.24), los otros factores de riesgo estudiados no tuvieron una representación estadísticamente significativa
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia