994 resultados para Veronese, 1528-1588.


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Oenococcus oeni ist ein heterofermentatives Milchsäurebakterium, das Hexosen über den Phosphoketolaseweg zu Lactat, Acetyl-P und CO2 umsetzt. In Anhängigkeit von der C-Quelle werden Ethanol, Acetat, Mannit und geringe Mengen an Erythrit gebildet. Im Genom von O. oeni PSU-1 wurden neun Gene für sekundäre Carrier identifiziert, die aufgrund ihrer Sequenz und Lage im Genom als Kandidaten für Hexosecarrier in Frage kommen. In Stamm O. oeni B1 wurde die Expression der Gene OEOE_0819 und OEOE_1574 stark durch Glucose induziert. Die Gene konnten jedoch Hexosetransport-Defektmutanten von E. coli nicht komplementieren. Die deutliche Induktion der Gene deutet auf ihre Funktion im Hexosetransport hin. Bei den Carriern 819 und 1574 handelt es sich vermutlich um früher identifizierte Δp-getriebene sekundäre Hexosetransporter. Die Expression der Kandidaten zeigte teilweise Unterschiede bei verschiedenen O. oeni Stämmen. Auch die Funktion von Phosphotransferasesystemen bei der Aufnahme von Hexosen wurde durch Expressionsmessungen untersucht. Einige Systeme weisen Ähnlichkeit zu Glucose- und Fructose-transportierenden Systemen auf und kommen als Aufnahmesysteme für Hexosen in Frage. Das Phosphotransferasesystem OEOE_0464-0466 wird besonders durch Fructose induziert. O. oeni bildet in Abhängigkeit von der C-Quelle unterschiedliche Wege zur Reoxidation des im zentralen Phosphoketolaseweg entstandenen NAD(P)H aus. Die Regulation des Zentralstoffwechsels und des peripheren Stoffwechsels wurde durch Bestimmung der relativen Genexpression und durch Proteomanalysen untersucht. Die Anwesenheit von Citrat und Pyruvat ändert die Expression der Gene deutlich. Bei Zucht mit Ribose, Glucose oder Fructose jedoch bleibt die der meisten Gene konstant. Am stärksten wird der Ethanolweg reguliert, der hauptsächlich nach Zucht mit Glucose zur Reoxidation des NAD(P)H genutzt wird. Die Expression des adhE-Gens der Acetaldehyd- und Alkohol-Dehydrogenase nimmt bei Zucht auf anderen C-Quellen stark ab. Pyruvat ist ein zentrales Intermediat des Energiestoffwechsels und Ausgangsprodukt für Reaktionen des Bausstoffwechsels. Die Expression einiger Pyruvat-liefernder und Pyruvat-verbrauchender Reaktionen wurde bestimmt, um so die Entstehung und den Verbrauch des Pyruvats abhängig von der Stoffwechselsituation beurteilen zu können.


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Con le "Imagini degli dei degli antichi", pubblicate a Venezia nel 1556 e poi in più edizioni arricchite e illustrate, l’impegnato gentiluomo estense Vincenzo Cartari realizza il primo, fortunatissimo manuale mitografico italiano in lingua volgare, diffuso e tradotto in tutta l’Europa moderna. Cartari rimodula, secondo accenti divulgativi ma fedeli, fonti latine tradizionali: come le ricche "Genealogie deorum gentilium" di Giovanni Boccaccio, l’appena precedente "De deis gentium varia et multiplex historia" di Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, i curiosi "Fasti" ovidiani, da lui stesso commentati e tradotti. Soprattutto, però, introduce il patrimonio millenario di favole ed esegesi classiche, di aperture egiziane, mediorientali, sassoni, a una chiave di lettura inedita, agile e vitalissima: l’ecfrasi. Le divinità e i loro cortei di creature minori, aneddoti leggendari e attributi identificativi si susseguono secondo un taglio iconico e selettivo. Sfilano, in trionfi intrisi di raffinato petrarchismo neoplatonico e di emblematica picta poesis rinascimentale, soltanto gli aspetti figurabili e distintivi dei personaggi mitici: perché siano «raccontate interamente» tutte le cose attinenti alle figure antiche, «con le imagini quasi di tutti i dei, e le ragioni perché fossero così dipinti». Così, le "Imagini" incontrano il favore di lettori colti e cortigiani eleganti, di pittori e ceramisti, di poeti e artigiani. Allestiscono una sorta di «manuale d’uso» pronto all’inchiostro del poeta o al pennello dell’artista, una suggestiva raccolta di «libretti figurativi» ripresi tanto dalla maniera di Paolo Veronese o di Giorgio Vasari, quanto dal classicismo dei Carracci e di Nicolas Poussin. Si rivelano, infine, summa erudita capace di attirare appunti e revisioni: l’antiquario padovano Lorenzo Pignoria, nel 1615 e di nuovo nel 1626, vi aggiunge appendici archeologiche e comparatistiche, interessate al remoto regno dei faraoni quanto agli esotici idoli orientali e dei Nuovi Mondi.


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In questo lavoro vengono analizzate due sottovarietà notevoli di P^5 legate allo studio delle ipersuperfici quadriche: la quadrica di Klein e la superficie di Veronese. La quadrica di Klein è una ipersuperficie di grado 2 di P^5 in corrispondenza biunivoca con l'insieme delle rette di P^3. Riguardando P^5 come lo spazio delle coniche di P^2, la superficie di Veronese corrisponde alle coniche di rango 1, cioè alle rette doppie.


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PURPOSE: Assessment of language dominance with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuropsychological evaluation is often used prior to epilepsy surgery. This study explores whether language lateralization and cognitive performance are systematically related in young patients with focal epilepsy. METHODS: Language fMRI and neuropsychological data (language, visuospatial functions, and memory) of 40 patients (7-18 years of age) with unilateral, refractory focal epilepsy in temporal and/or frontal areas of the left (n = 23) or right hemisphere (n = 17) were analyzed. fMRI data of 18 healthy controls (7-18 years) served as a normative sample. A laterality index was computed to determine the lateralization of activation in three regions of interest (frontal, parietal, and temporal). RESULTS: Atypical language lateralization was demonstrated in 12 (30%) of 40 patients. A correlation between language lateralization and verbal memory performance occurred in patients with left-sided epilepsy over all three regions of interest, with bilateral or right-sided language lateralization being correlated with better verbal memory performance (Word Pairs Recall: frontal r = -0.4, p = 0.016; parietal r = -0.4, p = 0.043; temporal r = -0.4, p = 0.041). Verbal memory performance made the largest contribution to language lateralization, whereas handedness and side of seizures did not contribute to the variance in language lateralization. DISCUSSION: This finding reflects the association between neocortical language and hippocampal memory regions in patients with left-sided epilepsy. Atypical language lateralization is advantageous for verbal memory performance, presumably a result of transfer of verbal memory function. In children with focal epilepsy, verbal memory performance provides a better idea of language lateralization than handedness and side of epilepsy and lesion.


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The purpose of our study was to determine whether abnormalities of increased or decreased fundus autofluorescence (FAF) are associated with local changes in macular pigment (MP) optical density in patients with age-related maculopathy (ARM) and macular degeneration (ARMD).


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A consequence in patients with d-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) and tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) and right ventricular failure. Myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) permits the determination of the myocardial microvascular density reflected by the relative myocardial blood volume (rBV; ml/ml). This study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between RVH and myocardial microvascular changes by quantitative MCE in patients with d-TGA and TOF.


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Epileptic seizures typically reveal a high degree of stereotypy, that is, for an individual patient they are characterized by an ordered and predictable sequence of symptoms and signs with typically little variability. Stereotypy implies that ictal neuronal dynamics might have deterministic characteristics, presumably most pronounced in the ictogenic parts of the brain, which may provide diagnostically and therapeutically important information. Therefore the goal of our study was to search for indications of determinism in periictal intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) studies recorded from patients with pharmacoresistent epilepsy.


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Epilepsies have a highly heterogeneous background with a strong genetic contribution. The variety of unspecific and overlapping syndromic and nonsyndromic phenotypes often hampers a clear clinical diagnosis and prevents straightforward genetic testing. Knowing the genetic basis of a patient's epilepsy can be valuable not only for diagnosis but also for guiding treatment and estimating recurrence risks.


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Epileptic seizures are associated with a dysregulation of electrical brain activity on many different spatial scales. To better understand the dynamics of epileptic seizures, that is, how the seizures initiate, propagate, and terminate, it is important to consider changes of electrical brain activity on different spatial scales. Herein we set out to analyze periictal electrical brain activity on comparatively small and large spatial scales by assessing changes in single intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) signals and of averaged interdependences of pairs of EEG signals.