983 resultados para Variational explanation


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball consisteix en la creació d'una pàgina web de difusió científica sobre la malària i la tasca d'investigació del doctor Pedro Alonso. Es tracta de la continuació de la participació dels autors en el projecte Investiga la Investigació (www.investigalainvestigacio.cat), organitzat des de l'Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF2008) i que consistia en treballar conjuntament amb altres instituts de Catalunya per fer un reportatge al voltant d'un científic de renom, utilitzant les noves tecnologies digitals. La pàgina web creada -www.sobremalaria.co.cc- està estructurada en 3 apartats: en primer lloc, la presentació del projecte i l'explicació de la metodologia de treball, després el recull de la documentació del treball (informació sobre la malària, entrevistes...) i per últim un vídeo divulgatiu sobre la malària, producte del projecte Investiga la Investigació.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball de recerca es basa en l'experimentació i, posteriorment, l'obtenció i anàlisi de resultats de l'experiment creador d'anells de Liesegang. Aquest experiment, consistent en la precipitació d'un compost en una base gelificada formant anells distanciats logarítmicament els uns dels altres, ha estat durant més d'un segle objecte d'investigació de moltíssims científics, els quals no han sabut mai treure'n una explicació lògica i raonable d'aquest rar comportament. L'autor ha pretès recrear els curiosos anells intentant formar-los amb diferents inhibidors i compostos als trobats en la bibliografia. Després de realitzar més d'una trentena d'experiments, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi exhaustiva dels resultats. Aquest apartat ha estat un dels més enriquidors, ja que s'han dut a terme en ell comparacions sorprenents i troballes molt curioses, com per exemple la similitud entre els anells de Liesegang i les estructures de Turing, la qual intenta explicar les formes presents en els ocels dels éssers vius; i l'aparició d'anells de Liesegang segons l’òptica visual, efecte inexistent en l’àmplia bibliografia consultada. A més a més, també s'han efectuat una sèrie d'estudis: un en què es confirmen les distàncies logarítmiques entre els anells i on es realitza una comparació entre les dades empíriques i el patró matemàtic; i un altre en què s'estudia el comportament dels anells al variar els factors que regulen la velocitat de reacció.


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Aquest projecte té com a propòsit crear una ràdio musical participativa amb difusió online i FM on a partir d’una interfície web l’usuari pugui participar-hi activament votant les cançons que hi sonaran. A més a més els usuaris registrats gaudiran d’una xarxa social on podran fer amistats i deixa’ls-hi comentaris. Primer de tot faig una ràpida introducció a l’estat de l’art de les ràdios actuals, a continuació analitzo els requeriments, especifico el comportament desitjat del sistema, explico detalladament el disseny i l’ implementació i, per últim, faig un seguit de proves de les quals n’extrec les conclusions.


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El problema de controlar les emissions de televisió digital a tota Europa pel desenvolupament de receptors robustos i fiables és cada vegada més significant, per això, sorgeix la necessitat d’automatitzar el procés d’anàlisi i control d’aquests senyals. Aquest projecte presenta el desenvolupament software d’una aplicació que vol solucionar una part d’aquest problema. L’aplicació s’encarrega d’analitzar, gestionar i capturar senyals de televisió digital. Aquest document fa una introducció a la matèria central que és la televisió digital i la informació que porten els senyals de televisió, concretament, la que es refereix a l’estàndard "Digital Video Broadcasting". A continuació d’aquesta part, l’escrit es concentra en l’explicació i descripció de les funcionalitats que necessita cobrir l'aplicació, així com introduir i explicar cada etapa d’un procés de desenvolupament software. Finalment, es resumeixen els avantatges de la creació d’aquest programa per l’automatització de l’anàlisi de senyal digital partint d’una optimització de recursos.


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This thesis argues that insofar as we want to account for the normative dimension of social life, we must be careful to avoid construing that normative dimension in such a way as to exclude that which the second-person perspective reveals is important to social life and our ability to participate in it.¦The second-person perspective reveals that social life ought to be understood as a mix or balance of the regular and the irregular, where, in addition, those one interacts with are always to some extent experienced as other in a way that is neither immediately, nor perhaps ultimately, understandable. For persons to be able to participate in social life, conceived of in this way, they must have abilities that allow them to be, to some extent, hesitant and tentative in their relations with others, and thus tolerant of ambiguity, uncertainty and unpredictability, and responsive to and capable of learning from the otherness of others in the course of interacting with them.¦Incorporating the second-person perspective means we have to make some changes to the way we think about the normative in general, and the normative dimension of social life in particular. It does not mean giving up on the distinction between the normative and the regular - that continues to be fundamentally important but it does mean not excluding, as part of social life and as worthy of explanation, all that which is irregular. A radical way of putting it would be to say that there must be a sense in which the irregular is part of the normative. A less radical way, and the way adopted by this thesis, is to say that any account of the normative dimension of social life must not be such as to exclude the importance of irregularity from social life. This will mean 1) not characterising conventions, norms and rules as determinants of appropriateness and inappropriateness; 2) not thinking of them as necessary; 3) not thinking of them as necessarily governing minds; and 4) not thinking of them as necessarily shared.¦-¦L'argument principal de la thèse est que, pour rendre compte de la dimension normative de la vie sociale, il faut veiller à ne pas exclure la perspective de la deuxième personne - une perspective importante pour comprendre la vie sociale et la capacité requise pour y participer.¦Cette perspective nous permet d'imaginer la vie sociale comme un mélange ou un équilibre entre le régulier et l'irrégulier, l'interaction entre des individus pouvant être appréhendée comme l'expérience de chaque personne avec «l'autre» d'une manière qui n'est pas immédiatement compréhensible, et qui ne peut pas, peut-être, être ultimement comprise. Pour participer à la vie sociale, l'on doit avoir la capacité de rester hésitant et «réactif» dans ses relations avec les autres, de rester ouvert à leur altérité et de tolérer l'ambiguïté, l'incertitude et l'imprévisibilité des interactions sociales.¦Adopter une perspective «à la deuxième personne» conduit à une autre manière de penser la normativité en général, et la dimension normative de la vie sociale en particulier. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il faut abandonner la distinction entre le normatif et le régulier - une distinction qui garde une importance fondamentale - mais qu'il faut reconnaître l'irrégulier comme faisant partie de la vie sociale et comme étant digne, en tant que tel, d'être expliqué. Une conception radicale pourrait même concevoir l'irrégulier comme faisant partie intégrante de la normativité. Une approche moins radicale, qui est celle adoptée dans cette thèse, est de dire que tout compte-rendu de la dimension normative de la vie sociale doit prendre en considération l'importance de l'irrégularité dans la vie sociale. Une telle approche implique que les conventions, normes et règles (1) ne déterminent pas ce qui est approprié ou inapproprié; (2) ne sont pas toujours nécessaires ; (3) ne gouvernent pas le fonctionnement de l'esprit ; et (4) ne sont pas nécessairement partagées.


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So-called online Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) have become very popular all over Europe. Millions of voters are using them as an assistance to make up their minds for which party they should vote. Despite this popularity there are only very few studies about the impact of these tools on individual electoral choice. On the basis of the Swiss VAA smartvote we present some first findings about the question whether VAAs do have a direct impact on the actual vote of their users. In deed, we find strong evidence that Swiss voters were affected by smartvote. However, our findings are somewhat contrary to the results of previous studies from other countries. Furthermore, the quality of available data for such studies needs to be improved. Future studies should pay attention to both: the improvement of the available data, as well as the explanation of the large variance of findings between the specific European countries.


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Altruism is a malleable notion that is understood differently in various disciplines. The common denominator of most definitions of altruism is the idea of unidirectional helping behaviour. However, a closer examination reveals that the term altruism sometimes refers to the outcomes of a helping behaviour for the agent and its neighbours - i.e. reproductive altruism - and sometimes to what motivates the agent to help others - i.e. psychological altruism. Since these perspectives on altruism are crucially different, it is important to use a clear terminology to avoid confusion. In particular, we show that the notion of altruism used by biologists profoundly differs from the ones used by philosophers, psychologists and economists in cross-disciplinary debates about human altruism.


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Minimal models for the explanation of decision-making in computational neuroscience are based on the analysis of the evolution for the average firing rates of two interacting neuron populations. While these models typically lead to multi-stable scenario for the basic derived dynamical systems, noise is an important feature of the model taking into account finite-size effects and robustness of the decisions. These stochastic dynamical systems can be analyzed by studying carefully their associated Fokker-Planck partial differential equation. In particular, we discuss the existence, positivity and uniqueness for the solution of the stationary equation, as well as for the time evolving problem. Moreover, we prove convergence of the solution to the the stationary state representing the probability distribution of finding the neuron families in each of the decision states characterized by their average firing rates. Finally, we propose a numerical scheme allowing for simulations performed on the Fokker-Planck equation which are in agreement with those obtained recently by a moment method applied to the stochastic differential system. Our approach leads to a more detailed analytical and numerical study of this decision-making model in computational neuroscience.


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The paper seeks to shed light on inflation dynamics of four new EU member states: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. To this end, the New Keynesian Phillips curve augmented for open economies is estimated and additional statistical tests applied. We find the following. (1) The claim of New Keynesians that the real marginal cost is the main inflation-forcing variable is fragile. (2) Inflation seems to be driven by external factors. (3) Although inflation holds a forward-looking component, the backward-looking component is substantial. An intuitive explanation for higher inflation persistence may be rather adaptive than rational price setting of local firms.


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PURPOSE: To highlight meningoencephalitis as a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) mimic and suggest clinical clues for differential diagnosis. METHODS: This was an observational study of consecutively admitted patients over a 9.75-year period presenting as TIAs at a stroke unit. RESULTS: A total of 790 patients with TIAs and seven with TIA-like symptoms but a final diagnosis of viral meningoencephalitis were recognised. The most frequent presentations of meningoencephalitis patients were acute sensory hemisyndrome (6) and cognitive deficits (5). Signs of meningeal irritation were minor or absent on presentation. Predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis, hyperproteinorachia and a normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)/serum glucose index (in 5 out of 6 documented patients) were present. Meningeal thickening on a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan was the only abnormal imaging finding. Six patients received initial vascular treatment; one thrombolysed. Finally, six patients were treated with antivirals and/or antibiotics. Although neither bacterial nor viral agents were identified on extensive testing, viral meningoencephalitis was the best explanation for all clinical and laboratory findings. CONCLUSIONS: Aseptic meningoencephalitis should be part of the differential diagnosis in patients presenting as TIA. The threshold for a lumbar puncture in such patients should be set individually and take into account the presence of mild meningeal symptoms, age and other risk factors for vascular disease, the results of brain imaging and the basic diagnostic work-up for a stroke source.


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We examine the interactions between individual behavior, sentiments and the social contract in a model of rational voting over redistribution. Agents have moral "work values". Individuals' self-esteem and social consideration of others are endogenously determined comparing behaviors to moral standards. Attitudes toward redistribution depend on self-interest and social preferences. We characterize the politico-economic equilibria in which sentiments, labor supply and redistribution are determined simultaneously. The equilibria feature different degrees of "social cohesion" and redistribution depending on pre-tax income inequality. In clustered equilibria the poor are held partly responsible for their low income since they work less than the moral standard and hence redistribution is low. The paper proposes a novel explanation for the emergence of different sentiments and social contracts across countries. The predictions appear broadly in line with well-documented differences between the United States and Europe.


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Several recent studies have explored various aspects of animal personality and their ecological consequences. However, the processes responsible for the maintenance of personality variability within a population are still largely unknown. We have recently demonstrated that social personality traits exist in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) and that the variation in sociability provides an explanation for variable dispersal responses within a given species. However, we need to know the fitness consequences of variation in sociability across environmental contexts in order to better understand the maintenance of such variation. In order to achieve this, we investigated the relationship between sociability and survival, body growth and fecundity, in one-year-old individuals in semi-natural populations with varying density. 'Asocial' and 'social' lizards displayed different fitness outcomes in populations of different densities. Asocial lizards survived better in low-density populations, while social females reproduced better. Spatiotemporal variation in environmental conditions might thus be the process underlying the maintenance of these personality traits within a population. Finally, we also discuss the position of sociability in a more general individual behavioural pattern including boldness, exploration and aggressiveness.


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Creative industries tend to concentrate mainly around large- and medium-sized cities, forming creative local production systems. The text analyses the forces behind clustering of creative industries to provide the first empirical explanation of the determinants of creative employment clustering following a multidisciplinary approach based on cultural and creative economics, evolutionary geography and urban economics. A comparative analysis has been performed for Italy and Spain. The results show different patterns of creative employment clustering in both countries. The small role of historical and cultural endowments, the size of the place, the average size of creative industries, the productive diversity and the concentration of human capital and creative class have been found as common factors of clustering in both countries.


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Viral infections can be a major thread for the central nervous system (CNS), therefore, the immune system must be able to mount a highly proportionate immune response, not too weak, which would allow the virus to proliferate, but not too strong either, to avoid collateral damages. Here, we aim at reviewing the immunological mechanisms involved in the host defense in viral CNS infections. First, we review the specificities of the innate as well as the adaptive immune responses in the CNS, using several examples of various viral encephalitis. Then, we focus on three different modes of interactions between viruses and immune responses, namely human Herpes virus-1 encephalitis with the defect in innate immune response which favors this disease; JC virus-caused progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and the crucial role of adaptive immune response in this example; and finally, HIV infection with the accompanying low grade chronic inflammation in the CNS in some patients, which may be an explanation for the presence of cognitive disorders, even in some well-treated HIV-infected patients. We also emphasize that, although the immune response is generally associated with viral replication control and limited cellular death, an exaggerated inflammatory reaction can lead to tissue damage and can be detrimental for the host, a feature of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). We will briefly address the indication of steroids in this situation.


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En este trabajo se analiza la política petrolera mexicana durante el período 1938-2000 y su aportación al crecimiento económico mexicano. La orientación de la producción petrolera permite distinguir dos modelos de gestión de la industria petrolera. El primero de ellos; entre 1938-1976 tuvo por finalidad el aprovisionamiento energético del mercado interior a bajos precios. El segundo a partir de 1976 orientado hacia la exportación y la captura de la renta petrolera internacional. Esta ruptura en la política petrolera asociada constituye un caso interesante en sí mismo porque permite comparar los efectos de dos políticas totalmente opuestas sobre el crecimiento económico y sobre el desempeño de la propia industria petrolera en un país donde el Estado tiene derechos de propiedad exclusivos sobre el sector petrolero. Por ello, se aborda el tema como una problemática institucional que toma en cuenta tanto las características internas de México como la dinámica del mercado petrolero internacional. Se incide en el hecho de que el Estado mexicano ha utilizado a la industria petrolera y; concretamente los recursos que ésta genera no sólo como un instrumento para favorecer el crecimiento económico del país sino también para mantener el control del poder político frente a la élite económica. Así el inmovilismo institucional; la falta de ingresos e inversiones propias y el comportamiento rentista del Estado parecen haber condenado al sector petrolero mexicano al atraso y la ineficiencia. De este modo; se focaliza en las interrelaciones entre las instituciones económicas y políticas como elemento explicativo del por qué la industria petrolera no ha logrado convertirse en un elemento dinamizador del crecimiento económico mexicano en el largo plazo.