895 resultados para VALLBONA, RIMA DE, 1931-
模式植物金鱼草的花对称性分子发育及遗传学研究揭示了花对称性的相关调控基因在花发育过程种的表达模式和功能以及它们的相互作用机制。然而,被子植物的花对称性丰富多样,远非模式植物的模式所能概括。根据目前的研究我们选择苦苣苔科马铃苣苔属作为研究对象,选取其中具有代表性的种大叶石上莲开展控制花对称性的几个关键基因的进化发育生物学研究,初步探讨这些基因的表达模式和功能以及它们与花对称性进化的联系。 RT-PCR实验结果显示,在大叶石上莲中花对称性基因ObCYC, ObRAD, ObDIV与它们的同源基因CYC, RAD, DIV在金鱼草中的表达模式有着明显的差异,这也意味着这些基因的功能及相互作用也有所不同。首先,大叶石上莲的ObCYC1C基因的表达与金鱼草的CYC基因相似,结合花形态比较认为ObCYC1C基因在花器官近轴区域的表达抑制了背部花器官的发育,在构建大叶石上莲微弱的两侧对称花过程中起到了主导的作用; 其它的几个ObCYC基因有着完全不同于CYC的表达模式,ObCYC1D的表达延伸到了花腹部区域而ObCYC2A在花发育中期和晚期没有表达,这意味着它们可能具有除控制花对称性之外的功能; 另一个特殊的现象是ObCYC2B因为在可读框架中一个终止子的提前出现而失去了功能。其次,ObRAD, ObDIV的表达与RAD, DIV的表达差异也极为明显,通过系统树和氨基酸序列比对分析发现ObRAD, ObDIV与RAD, DIV的保守功能区序列存在明显的不同,而ObRAD, ObDIV与BlRAD, BlDIV的保守区很相似,这与它们的花对称性以及基因的表达模式相对映,同时也说明了保守功能区具有极重要的作用。本研究显示了大叶石上莲中的花对称性基因的表达模式和功能与模式植物金鱼草存在显著的差异,在此基础上开展更深入的进化发育生物学研究将有助于揭示花对称性基因的分子进化及其与花对称性表型进化的关系。
1. 裸子植物次生韧皮部中晶体的分布类型及其意义 应用偏光镜检术和扫描电境一一能谱分析等手段对1 1科30种裸子植物次生韧皮部中晶体的形状、大小、分布类型和化学成分进行了系统研究。结果发现,所有的观察种类都具有晶体,钙是晶体的主要成分。在苏铁科、银杏科和松科,晶体存在于韧皮薄壁组织细胞的胞腔中:在其他各科,晶体则主要存在于韧皮细胞的胞壁上;通常胞腔中的晶体通常比胞壁上的大.苏铁科、银杏科和松科的晶体形状分别足棱形晶体、晶簇和柱状晶体或方形晶体.其他各科的晶体形状均为沙晶,但分布的部位各不相同。在杉科、柏科、和罗汉松科的韧皮部中,品体主要嵌埋在各类细胞的径向壁上:在三尖杉科的韧皮部,晶体主要存在于部分薄壁组织细胞的弦向壁上:在红豆杉科(澳洲红豆杉属除外),晶体嵌埋在韧皮纤维的外侧壁上;在麻黄科、买麻藤科,晶体主要存在于薄壁细胞间的胞间隙中,偶尔也在薄壁组织细胞的内侧,但在裸子植物的韧皮部,未见典型的针晶。根据晶体的上述变化,将晶体分布类型分成棱形晶体在薄壁组织细胞腔内、簇晶在溥壁组织细胞腔内、柱形晶体在薄壁组织细胞腔内、沙品在韧皮细胞壁上、沙品在韧皮纤维壁上和沙晶在韧皮薄壁组织细胞间的胞间隙内等六大类型,并依此讨论了它们在裸予植物各类群中的分类意义. 在红豆杉科中,晶体仪存在于厚壁组织细胞类的韧皮纤维上。根据该五属韧皮纤维.L晶体的比较观察,发现红豆杉属、白豆杉属的韧皮纤维具六角形和方形两种晶体,穗花杉属和榧树属仅具方形一种晶体,澳洲红豆杉属不具晶体.从晶体的有无和晶体的类型,讨论了它们在红豆杉科各属间的分类意义. 2. 长苞铁杉的结构及其系统发育的研究 长苞铁杉足我国特有的珍稀濒危植物。自发现以来,其分类位置曾几度变迁.1931年,郑万钧将其归属于铁杉属。1948年,Gaussen &van Campo-Duplan认为它是云南油杉和铁杉的杂交种,主张建立铁油杉属(Ts uga -Keteleeria). 1951年,胡先驌认为长苞铁杉与其他铁杉区别明显,提出建立新属- Nothotsuga. 1957年,喻诚鸿根据木材解剖的结果,认为长苞铁杉木质部缺乏正常树脂道,与铁杉属没有本质上的区别,建议将它归人铁杉属.<<中国植物志>>第七卷设长苞铁杉组(Sect. Heopeuce),与铁杉组(Sect. Tsuga)平行,同归于铁杉属。 本课题对长苞铁杉营养器官的结构做了研究,发现长苞铁杉成熟部位的次生木质部具正常树脂道,创伤树脂道除切向连续分布外还有单个独生的现象,早晚材过渡不明显,射线管胞不发达,交叉场纹孔以杉木型为主,韧皮部中具树脂腔(Resin caviLy)。叶片气孔雨面生,维管束鞘明显,细胞大小均匀,树脂道1个边生。 上述特征都与铁杉属存在明显区别,因而作者支持胡先驌(1951)、Frankis(1989)、Faljon(1990)等关于建立长苞铁杉属的主张。 3. 白皮松的结构及其系统发育的研究 按<<中国植物志>>第七卷的分类系统,白皮松隶属单维管束亚属白皮松组,但其对分类位置曾有不同看法. 本课题通过白皮松营养体结构的研究,发现它在许多方面与单维管束亚属的其他种类有显著差异,白皮松针叶的气孔分布于背腹雨面,气孔间连结细胞的雨侧具石细胞,副卫细胞为近四方形且数目比较恒定,角质层内表面具深波浪状的胞间凸缘:次生木质部的射线管胞内壁具微锯齿状突起,交叉场纹孔松木型,管胞内表面及纹孔部分具明显的瘤层结构;树皮薄,其最外侧仅保留一层周皮,无内皮外皮之分,外侧的韧皮薄壁组织细胞与射线有明显的扩展与弯曲现象,韧皮薄壁组织细胞中的晶体有长柱形和短柱形雨种类型.依据上述结构特征结合前人从染色体、心边材抽提物化学成分析的研究结果,作者支持将白皮松从单维管束亚属中独立出来,成立白皮松亚属的主张。 4. C02浓度升高对植物生长的影响 大气中C02浓度的升高以及所引起的温室效应已成为了人们普遍关注的焦点。预计到21世纪下半叶,C02浓度将增加一倍(Gates,1983).由于C02是植物光合作用的重要原料, 它的变化将直接影响植物的生长和发育,进而引起生物圈乃至整个生态系统的变化。 本项目通过在人工气候室内增加C02浓度,观察大豆与黄麻的生长及其内部结构的影响。结果表明:在短期内,C02浓度升高对两种植物的生长有促进作用,对植物内部结构也有较明显的影响。其中包括种子的发芽率提高,幼苗生长加快,植株明显增高,叶面积增大,叶片加厚(栅栏组织层数增加),根系数量增多,气孔数量减少,茎干增粗、生长轮加宽,韧皮纤维和木纤维增长、大豆结实率增高。但C02浓度升高对两种植物的长期作用仍有待于进一步研究。 本项目还在进行之中。
Numerous integrated time series have been assembled that suggest global temperature has been increasing steadily over the last century. ... However, superimposed on the long-term warming trends of these series are decadal-scale fluctuations, periods of slightly increasing and even decreasing temperature followed by rapid increases in temperature. ... In this pilot study, data for 1931-1990 from eight [western North America] coastal stations are examined to test the utility of a state-space statistical model (developed by Dr. Roy Mendelssohn, PFEG) in separating and describing seasonal patterns and long-term trends.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The effects of gradual climate change (ie, multi-decadal) on biological communities are not well understood for most natural systems, owing principally to the lack of quantitative observations in early studies. ... We resurveyed invertebrate species on an intertidal transect in central California, first established and surveyed in 1931, to assess shifts in community structure.
采用水平式淀粉凝胶电泳技术,对云南盐津乌鸡34只个体共计34个基因座位的血液蛋白及同工酶多态性进行研究,发现LAP、AKP-1、AKP-2、CKs-1、PEP-B 5个座位具有多态性,多态座位百分比和平均杂合度分别为P=0.1470,H=0.0586。对多态座位基因频率进行计算发现盐津乌鸡LAP~(B)、aKP-1、AKP-2、CEs-1~(A)、PEP-B~(A)频率较高。结果表明,云南盐津乌鸡遗传多样性程度较常见的外国鸡种高,且具有独特基因型,属选育程度低,选择潜力大的地方品种,具有较高的保种价值。
In this research reared white western shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei ,Boone, 1931) with five diet with five different protein level contain 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% and three salinity level contain 15-17 ppt, 27-30 ppt,and 40-45 ppt researched protein percent effect and water salinity on growth, survival, feed conversion ratio, hemolymph osmolatity, hemolymph protein and corpse protein contain. In this research was 15 sorrow with 3 repeat and used from 45 tanks with 300 liters capacity. Shrimps first weight average was about 2 grams and after 60 days culture cropped down results: Shrimps biomass growth in 15-17 ppt salinity was higher than anther salinities who had meaning different with growth in 40-45 ppt salinity ( p< 0.05). But hadn’t meaning different with growth 27-30 ppt salinity. survival rate in 15-17 ppt salinity was 97.03 who was lower than another salinities. survival percent in 24-30 ppt salinity and 40-45 ppt salinity was 99.33% Highest biomass growth in different diets was in diet number 5 with 40 percent protein that it had meaning different with another diets (p<0.05) . although with informed to product expense in different diets. One kilogram shrimp product expense in different diets hadn’t meaning different (P<0.05) Survival rate in different diets hadn’t meaning different lowest feed conversion ratio was 1.67 in 15-14 salinity that hadn’t meaning different with another salinities also corpse protein quantity in different salinities and different diets hadn’t meaning different. Hemolymph Osmolality in 15-17 ppt salinity was 573.88 mOsm/kg had meaning different with hemolymph osmolality in 27-30 ppt salinity that was 650. 380 mOsm/kg and in 40-45 ppt salinity was 630.38 mOsm/kg. Hemolymph protein in 15-17 ppt salinity was 124.72 mg/ml had meaning different with hemlymph protein in 27-30 ppt salinity that was 136.52 mg/ml but hadn’t meaning different with hemolymph protein in 40-45 ppt salinity that was 128.84 mg/ml. Hemolymph protein in different diets hadn’t meaning different (p<0.05). Keywords: shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, protein , salinity, growth, survival rate, FCR, hemolymph osmolality, hemolymph protein.
Invertebrates constitute a major link in energy flow culminating into fish production in aquatic ecosystems. In tropical water bodies relatively little research has been done on invertebrate ecology especially their role in fishery production. European scientists through periodic expeditions to Africa in the last quarter of the 20th century carried out the earliest research on zooplankton. Rzoska (1957) listed these early workers including Stuhlmann (1888), Weltner (1897) and Mrazek (1897-1898). Daday (1907), Verestchagin (1915) and Delachaux (1917) undertook further work during the early twentieth century. These earlyworks provide a useful basis for tracking community changes by comparison with modem investigations. Worthington (1931) provided the first quantitative account of the zooplankton of Lake Victoria along with information on diurnal vertical migrations, compared to a temperate lake. The establishment of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO) at Jinja in 1947 enabled investigations on the fisheries, algae, invertebrates and water quality aspects of the lake (EAFFRO Annual Reports 1947-1977) to be regularly carried out. Macdonald (1956) made the first detailed observations on the biology of chaoborids and chironomids (IakefJies) in relation to the feeding of the elephant snout fish, Mormyrus kannume. A detailed study of the biology of the mayfly, Povilla adusta Navas with special reference to the diurnal rhythms of activity was carried out by Hartland-Rowe (1957). The search to unravel the ecological role of aquatic invertebrates in the production dynamics of the lake has taken invertebrate research to greater heights through recent investigations including Okedi (1990), Mavut
The performance of a semiconducting carbon nanotube (CNT) is assessed and tabulated for parameters against those of a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Both CNT and MOSFET models considered agree well with the trends in the available experimental data. The results obtained show that nanotubes can significantly reduce the drain-induced barrier lowering effect and subthreshold swing in silicon channel replacement while sustaining smaller channel area at higher current density. Performance metrics of both devices such as current drive strength, current on-off ratio (Ion/Ioff), energy-delay product, and power-delay product for logic gates, namely NAND and NOR, are presented. Design rules used for carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs) are compatible with the 45-nm MOSFET technology. The parasitics associated with interconnects are also incorporated in the model. Interconnects can affect the propagation delay in a CNTFET. Smaller length interconnects result in higher cutoff frequency. © 2012 Tan et al.
This book presents physics-based models of bipolar power semiconductor devices and their implementation in MATLAB and Simulink. The devices are subdivided into different regions, and the operation in each region, along with the interactions at the interfaces which are analyzed using basic semiconductor physics equations that govern their behavior. The Fourier series solution is used to solve the ambipolar diffusion equation in the lightly doped drift region of the devices. In addition to the external electrical characteristics, internal physical and electrical information, such as the junction voltages and the carrier distribution in different regions of the device, can be obtained using the models. Table of Contents: Introduction to Power Semiconductor Device Modeling/Physics of Power Semiconductor Devices/Modeling of a Power Diode and IGBT/IGBT Under an Inductive Load-Switching Condition in Simulink/Parameter Extraction. © 2013 by Morgan & Claypool.
GaAs was radially deposited on InAs nanowires by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and resultant nanowire heterostructures were characterized by detailed electron microscopy investigations. The GaAs shells have been grown in wurtzite structure, epitaxially on the wurtzite structured InAs nanowire cores. The fundamental reason of structural evolution in terms of material nucleation and interfacial structure is given.
<正> 于湖北渔业资源调查中,发现我国尚未报道过的3种枝角类,现予记述。1 具毛尖额溞Alona setigera Brehm,1931中国新纪录雌体体长0.48—0.59毫米。透明,淡棕色。体侧扁。侧面观背缘略穹弯,向前斜倾,后背缘较高,后背角浑圆,后缘稍直,后腹角宽圆,腹缘平直。壳面有很微淡的花纹:前半部呈多角形,后半部呈砌砖状,但皆不甚规则,且常不易看清。
<正> 在孟氏藻属(Mougeotia)中的一些种类,它们是完全以静孢子营生殖的。以往的藻类学家对于此种孢子的形成过程有不同的意见:如 Hassall(1845)、Wittrock(1878)、W.及G.S.West(1902)和 Czurda(1931)等氏认为此种孢子在形成过程中,孢子母细胞的内含物要发生分裂,接着又进行接合。
Photoluminescence (PL) and photo induced current transient spectroscopy (PICTS) have been used to study deep levels in semi-insulating (SI) InP prepared by annealing undoped InP in pure phosphorus (PP) and iron phosphide (IP) ambient. Defects are much fewer in IP SI-InP than in PP SI-InP. Deep-level-related PL emission could only be detected in IP SI-InP. The results indicate that Fe diffusion inhibits the thermal formation of a number of defects in annealed InP. A complex defect has been formed in the annealing process in the presence of Fe.