940 resultados para User experience based approaches


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This study found that user experience and perceived ease of use are the most important factors in considering the user acceptance of e-Services and that there is no significant relationship between user acceptance and continued use of e-Services. The Electronic Services Acceptance Model (E-SAM) explains user adoption of e-Services.


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Small mammals displayed contrasting patterns of occurence in forest fragments. Population studies revealed that key processes responsible for survival in habitat patches include demographic flexibility and the movement of individuals between patches. Combining pattern- and process-based approaches provides a more complete understanding of fauna in modified landscapes.


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The expansion of private forestry and the partnership between government and private sector timber growers and processors highlights the issues associated with a functionally based rather than a place based approaches to changing patterns of land use in rural areas. Rural development through blue gum forestry was promoted as a means of revitalising rural communities, providing both economic and social gains to regional areas. The purpose of this study is to examine the economic consequences of policies designed to promote plantation forestry at a local level. It concludes that while plantation forestry may bring benefits to the national economy, these benefits may not be apparent at a local level especially if the industry operates in competition with a viable alternative.


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This paper examines current rehabilitation approaches to Forensic Mental Health Care. On this basis the authors identified three broad approaches to forensic mental health assessment and treatment: (1) Risk/Needs/Responsivity; (2) therapeutic models targeting individual psychopathologies; and (3) strength based models. Following a review of each model the authors conclude that strength based approaches such as the Good Lives Model has theoretical and practical advantages over the other two rehabilitation frameworks.


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The topic of sex offender rehabilitation frequently evokes fierce reactions, ranging from strident demands for harsher sentences contrasted with calls for more imaginative and compassionate sentencing options. There seems to be a polarization of positions centred on the question of offenders' moral standing: are they moral strangers or fellow travellers? This fundamental disagreement about offenders' moral status is at the core of a number of independent, although related current practice and research issues confronting the field, namely: (1) risk management versus strength-based treatment approaches; (2) the utility of utilizing individually tailored versus manual-based programmes for offenders; (3) focusing on the technical aspects or therapy as opposed to relationship and therapist factors (what has been called process issues); and (4) the conflict between protecting the community versus promoting the interests of offenders. In this paper I suggest that an approach to sex offender treatment based on a combination of human rights theory (an ethical resource) and strengths-based approaches can help us navigate our way through the above dilemmas in a way that addressees both the needs of offenders and those of the community.


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Obesity is a significant problem among adolescents in Pacific populations. This paper reports on the outcomes of a 3-year obesity prevention study, Healthy Youth Healthy Communities, which was part of the Pacific Obesity Prevention in Communities project, undertaken with Fijian adolescents. The intervention was developed with schools and comprised social marketing, nutrition and physical activity initiatives and capacity building designed to reduce unhealthy weight, and the individual exposure period was just over 2-year duration. The evaluation incorporated a quasi-experimental, longitudinal design in seven intervention secondary schools near Suva (n = 874) and a matched sample of 11 comparison secondary schools from western Viti Levu (n = 2,062). There were significant differences between groups at baseline; the intervention group was shorter, weighed less, had a higher proportion of underweight and lower proportion of overweight, and better quality of life (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory only). At follow-up, the intervention group had lower percentage body fat (-1.17) but also a lower increase in quality of life (Assessment of Quality of Life instrument: -0.02; Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory: -1.94) than the comparison group. There were no other differences in anthropometry, and behaviours’ changes showed a mixed pattern. In conclusion, this school-based health promotion programme lowered percentage body fat but did not reduce unhealthy weight gain or influence most obesity-promoting behaviours among Fijian adolescents. Despite growing evidence supporting the efficacy of community-based approaches to reduce obesity among children of European descent, findings from this study failed to demonstrate the efficacy of a community capacity-building approach among an adolescent sample drawn from a different sociocultural, economic and geographical context. Additional ‘top–down’ or other innovative approaches may be needed to reduce adolescent obesity in the Pacific.


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In this paper, we present a document clustering framework incorporating instance-level knowledge in the form of pairwise constraints and attribute-level knowledge in the form of keyphrases. Firstly, we initialize weights based on metric learning with pairwise constraints, then simultaneously learn two kinds of knowledge by combining the distance-based and the constraint-based approaches, finally evaluate and select clustering result based on the degree of users’ satisfaction. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed method.


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Service-oriented content adaptation scheme has emerged to address content adaptation problem. In this scheme, content adaptation functions are provided as services by multiple providers, located across wide area network. To benefit from these services, clients must be able to locate them in the network. This makes service discovery as an important component. In this paper, we propose a service discovery protocol that takes into account searching space, searching time, QoS and physical location of the potential providers. The performance of the proposed protocol is studied in term of discoverability under various conditions and shown to be substantially better than the keyword-based and QoS-based approaches.


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Issue addressed: The transition from youth to adulthood is associated with significant decreases in leisure time physical activity. University campuses are settings in which young adults' physical activity may be influenced.

Methods: Following a survey of students at two urban university campuses, a physical activity program was implemented at one campus over 8 weeks. A follow up survey was then conducted at both campuses. Physical activity was assessed by deriving leisure time participation categories from self reported activity in the last 2 weeks.

Results: Following the campus based programs, students at the intervention campus were significantly more likely to be sufficiently active for long term health benefits than were those at the comparison campus (P<0.001) due to an increase in the proportion of vigorously active students.

Conclusions: Providing programs and opportunities to be physically active in university campuses may help to promote physical activity in young adults.

So what?: Settings based approaches to promoting physical activity in young adults may be pursued at university campuses where facilities and infrastructure exist to support such strategies.


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Traditional practical classes in many countries are being rationalised to reduce costs. The challenge for university educators is to provide students with the opportunity to reinforce theoretical concepts by running something other than a traditional practical program. One alternative is to replace wet labs with comparable computer simulations. These virtual experiments involve no harm to animals and require little ongoing expenditure. This study documents second-year physiology students' perceptions of and attitudes to simulations by incorporating several computer simulations into the practical program. Computer simulations met the conceptual and, to some extent, the motivational goals of university practical programs. While students enjoyed both wet labs and computer-simulated exercises, overwhelmingly the wet lab provided the more memorable and stimulating learning experience. Based on this study, students suggested that computer simulations could be effectively used to complement rather than replace practical classes where students gain laboratory skills.


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The usability of applications designed and developed for mobile devices integral user experience, particularly for current touch-screen mobile devices. This conceptual paper provides a profile of the ways in which mobile device usability evaluation methods are being adapted to better reflect technological. With an increasing capacity for greater user interactivity through a range of tasks and in a variety of contexts, the importance and impact of mobile device context-of-use components is of particular interest to researchers. This requires a need for a shift in evaluation method paradigms with a particular focus on methods involving the user, as part of the overall development process. Having a better understanding of the context-of-use may contribute to improvements in mobile device usability and the overall user experience.


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Computer haptics has so far been performed on a personal computer (PC). Off the shelf haptic devices provide only PC interfaces and software drivers for control and communication. The new wave of high capable tablet PCs and high end smart phones introduced new platforms for haptic applications. The major problem was to communicate wirelessly to provide user convenience and support mobility which is an essential feature for these platforms. In this paper we provide a wireless layered communication protocol and a hardware setup that enables off the shelf haptic devices to communicate wirelessly with a mobile device. The layers in the protocol enable the change of any hardware components without affecting the data flow. However, the adoption of the wireless interface instead of the wired one comes with the price of speed. Haptic refresh loops require a relatively high refresh rate of 1000 Hz compared to graphics loop which require between 30 and 60 only. An interpolation algorithm was demonstrated to compensate the latency and secure a stable user experience. The introduced setup was tested against portable environments and the users could perform similar functionalities to what are available on a wired setup to a PC.


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Biogeographic barriers potentially restrict gene flow but variation in dispersal or vagility can influence the effectiveness of these barriers among different species and produce characteristic patterns of population genetic structure. The objective of this study was to investigate interspecific and intraspecific genetic structure in two closely related species that differ in several life-history characteristics. The grey teal Anas gracilis is geographically widespread throughout Australia with a distribution that crosses several recognized biogeographic barriers. This species has high vagility as its extensive movements track broad-scale patterns in rainfall. In contrast, the closely related chestnut teal A. castanea is endemic to the mesic southeastern and southwestern regions of Australia and is more sedentary. We hypothesized that these differences in life-history characteristics would result in more pronounced population structuring in the chestnut teal. We sequenced five nuclear loci (nuDNA) for 49 grey teal and 23 chestnut teal and compared results to published mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. We used analysis of molecular variance to examine population structure, and applied coalescent based approaches to estimate demographic parameters. As predicted, chestnut teal were more strongly structured at both mtDNA and nuDNA (ΦST= 0.163 and 0.054, respectively) than were grey teal (ΦST < 0.0001 for both sets of loci). Surprisingly, a greater proportion of the total genetic variation was partitioned among populations within species (ΦSC= 0.014 and 0.047 for nuDNA and mtDNA, respectively) than between the two species (ΦCT < 0.0001 for both loci). The ‘Isolation with Migration’ coalescent model suggested a late Pleistocene divergence between the taxa, but remarkably, a deeper divergence between the southeastern and southwestern populations of chestnut teal. We conclude that dispersal potential played a prominent role in the structuring of populations within these species and that divergent selection associated with ecology and life history traits likely contributed to rapid and recent speciation in this pair.


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Current similarity-based approaches of predicting protein functions from protein-protein interaction (PPI) data usually make use of available information in the PPI network to predict functions of un-annotated proteins, and the prediction is a one-off procedure. However the interactions between proteins are more likely to be mutual rather than static and mono-directed. In other words, the un-annotated proteins, once their functions are predicted, will in turn affect the similarities between proteins. In this paper, we propose an innovative iteration algorithm that incorporates this dynamic feature of protein interaction into the protein function prediction, aiming to achieve higher prediction accuracies and get more reasonable results. With our algorithm, instead of one-off function predictions, functions are assigned to an unannotated protein iteratively until the functional similarities between proteins achieve a stable state. The experimental results show that our iterative method can provide better prediction results than one-off prediction methods with higher prediction accuracies, and is stable for large protein datasets.


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This paper analyzes the problem of learning the structure of a Bayes net (BN) in the theoretical framework of Gold’s learning paradigm. Bayes nets are one of the most prominent formalisms for knowledge representation and probabilistic and causal reasoning. We follow constraint-based approaches to learning Bayes net structure, where learning is based on observed conditional dependencies between variables of interest (e.g., “X is dependent on Y given any assignment to variable Z”). Applying learning criteria in this model leads to the following results. (1) The mind change complexity of identifying a Bayes net graph over variables V from dependency data is |V| 2 , the maximum number of edges. (2) There is a unique fastest mind-change optimal Bayes net learner; convergence speed is evaluated using Gold’s dominance notion of “uniformly faster convergence”. This learner conjectures a graph if it is the unique Bayes net pattern that satisfies the observed dependencies with a minimum number of edges, and outputs “no guess” otherwise. Therefore we are using standard learning criteria to define a natural and novel Bayes net learning algorithm. We investigate the complexity of computing the output of the fastest mind-change optimal learner, and show that this problem is NP-hard (assuming P = RP). To our knowledge this is the first NP-hardness result concerning the existence of a uniquely optimal Bayes net structure.