971 resultados para Understanding Annual Reports Of Hospitality Firms
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1918
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1920
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1922
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1923
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1926
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1929
This publication is the Board of Commissioners' annual report on the Charleston Orphan House regarding schools, expenses, and budget for 1930
Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina, 1 January 1910, discusses fish and game laws, bird species found in the state of South Carolina, the effects of insects on local crops, and membership information. Report also includes a color illustration of a mockingbird on the inside of the front cover.
Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina for 1915 discusses educational work performed across the state by the organization in the previous year, including exhibits, symposiums, and lectures. Report also includes membership information.
Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina, 1 January 1911, discusses hunting licensing, fish and game laws, educational bird work performed by the Charleston Museum, and membership information.
Governor Moses calls on South Carolinians to endeavor to become a respected member of the United States following the U.S. Civil War. His message addresses the status of the national debt, South Carolina public education, the South Carolina Orphan Asylum, the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, the state penitentiary, the state’s quarantine of small pox, the revenue-generating phosphate deposits in the state, immigration to the state, the state’s flagship university, current state legislation, and the state militia.
This document contains a catalogue of the articles on exhibition at the 1850 annual fair of the South Carolina Institute. It includes 337 items exhibited at the fair in Charleston at the Military Hall.
This document initially describes the rampant disregard for game laws in the state, which caused people to write to the Audubon Society to get involved. The responded by printing and distributing pamphlets with South Carolina’s game laws to educate citizens who were possibly violating the laws out of ignorance. The society appointed new wardens to enforce the gaming laws and a list of the new wardens is included in the document. There is a description of the work the wardens are supposed to do as well as their duty and pay. The society enlisted the government to help put a stop to the disregard for the games laws and the president wrote his opinion of their reactions to the problem. The document then includes a treasurer’s report and a list of members of the society. The document ends with the secretary’s report.
This document initially contains a directory of the society’s officers and directors. There is then a report of the society’s objects and present condition following the first annual report. They describe their legislature campaign as well as its shortfalls. The document describes the current hunting and resident licenses in the state. A description of the fish and game commissioner is included as well as a description as to why such a position needed to be created. This document includes a description of the Society’s work since the last meeting as well as the overall attitude of the society. There is a description of various different types of birds in order to have an official description to describe the bird that correlates to the laws protecting it. There is a description of the work of the wardens as well as a report and a list of wardens who have not given a report to the society. There is a list of each county and how many non-resident licenses each county has issued along with how much income those sales generated. There are then several bills proposed by the society followed by the secretary’s report. The document then includes the treasurer’s report and a list of members.
This speech was delivered to by the Governor to give the general assembly information of the condition of the state and give them recommendations to consider measures that the Governor deems necessary or expedient. He provides the information regarding the state debt, taxes, and bonded debt. He describes the financial agent of the state as well as the expenditures of the state government.