970 resultados para Umbilical Cord
Objetivos: En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de la evidencia científica sobre las pautas de cuidado de la herida umbilical del recién nacido recomendadas en la actualidad con el objetivo de determinar cuál es el mejor cuidado posible. Metodología: En mayo de 2015 se realizó una revisión, siguiendo los criterios PRISMA, de la literatura científica que se completó con una revisión manual. La herramienta utilizada para la evaluación de los trabajos seleccionados fueron las "Fichas de Lectura Crítica" de OSTEBA del Servicio de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias del Gobierno Vasco. Resultados: Incluimos en la revisión 9 artículos, de los cuales 5 son revisiones previas y 4 ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y controlados. La mayoría de los trabajos comparan la utilización de un antiséptico para la cura del ombligo (generalmente clorhexidina) frente al cuidado seco de la herida. Conclusiones: De acuerdo a la evidencia científica resumida en esta revisión sobre las recomendaciones para la cura del ombligo del recién nacido el método a recomendar será diferente según el país en el que nos encontremos ya sea desarrollado o en vías de desarrollo.
Electrical neuromodulation of lumbar segments improves motor control after spinal cord injury in animal models and humans. However, the physiological principles underlying the effect of this intervention remain poorly understood, which has limited the therapeutic approach to continuous stimulation applied to restricted spinal cord locations. Here we developed stimulation protocols that reproduce the natural dynamics of motoneuron activation during locomotion. For this, we computed the spatiotemporal activation pattern of muscle synergies during locomotion in healthy rats. Computer simulations identified optimal electrode locations to target each synergy through the recruitment of proprioceptive feedback circuits. This framework steered the design of spatially selective spinal implants and real-time control software that modulate extensor and flexor synergies with precise temporal resolution. Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies improved gait quality, weight-bearing capacity, endurance and skilled locomotion in several rodent models of spinal cord injury. These new concepts are directly translatable to strategies to improve motor control in humans.
Ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors are infrequent and represent approximately 7% of all primary ovarian tumors. This histopathologic ovarian tumor group differs considerably from the more prevalent epithelial ovarian tumors. Although sex cord-stromal tumors present in a broad age group, the majority tend to present as a low-grade disease that usually follows a nonaggressive clinical course in younger patients. Furthermore, because the constituent cells of these tumors are engaged in ovarian steroid hormone production (e.g., androgens, estrogens, and corticoids), sex cord-stromal tumors are commonly associated with various hormone-mediated syndromes and exhibit a wide spectrum of clinical features ranging from hyperandrogenic virilizing states to hyperestrogenic manifestations. The World Health Organization sex cord-stromal tumor classification has recently been revised, and currently these tumors have been regrouped into the following clinicopathologic entities: pure stromal tumors, pure sex cord tumors, and mixed sex cord-stromal tumors. Moreover, some entities considered in the former classification (e.g., stromal luteoma, stromal tumor with minor sex cord elements, and gynandroblastoma) are no longer considered separate tumors in the current classification. Herein, we discuss and revise the ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of the different histopathologic types and clinicopathologic features of sex cord-stromal tumors to allow radiologists to narrow the differential diagnosis when facing ovarian tumors.
É durante o puerpério que o Enfermeiro ESMO cuida do RN de forma a promover o bem-estar e potenciar a sua saúde, incluindo os cuidados ao coto umbilical. Parece existirem diferentes práticas nos cuidados ao coto umbilical do RN, que se caraterizam pela não uniformização e nem sempre baseadas em evidência científica. Na prestação de cuidados surgem, às vezes, dúvidas. A primeira premissa para sanar estas questões, baseia-se no recurso à evidência, sendo a prática baseada na evidência a mais aceite e deverá ser praticada.
O Enfermeiro Especialista de Saúde Materna e 0bstetrícia é confrontado diariamente com a necessida de prestar cuidados ao coto umbilical do recém-nascido. Estes cuidados foram, ao longo dos anos, sofrendo alterações significativas devido ao impacto das infecções do colo umbilical na mortalidade neonatal. Parecem existir diferentes práticas nos cuidados ao coto umbilical do recém-nascido, que se caracterizam pela não uniformização nos cuidados e incidem sobretudo em técnicas enraizadas nas instituições, em vez de baseadas em evidência científica.
O Enfermeiro Especialista de Saúde Materna, Obstétrica e Ginecológica possui competências com responsabilidade em diversas áreas de atividade. É durante o puerpério que o Enfermeiro cuida do recém-nascido de forma a promover o bem-estar e potenciar a sua saúde, incluindo os cuidados ao coto umbilical. Estes cuidados foram, ao longo dos anos, sofrendo alterações significativas devido ao impacto das infeções do coto umbilical na mortalidade neonatal. Parece existirem diferentes práticas nos cuidados ao coto umbilical do recém-nascido, que se caraterizam pela não uniformização e nem sempre baseadas em evidência científica. Na prestação de cuidados surgem, às vezes, dúvidas e questões problemáticas. A primeira premissa para sanar estas questões, da forma mais eficaz e eticamente correta, baseia-se no recurso à evidência, sendo a prática baseada na evidência a mais amplamente aceite e deverá ser praticada.
Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014
Objetivo: El análisis del pH de sangre arterial de cordón umbilical sigue siendo un criterio objetivo usado para determinar el estado metabólico del recién nacido tras el parto, y por tanto del bienestar fetal. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los factores perinatales asociados con los valores de sangre arterial de cordón umbilical. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y analítico entre Enero de 2010 y Enero de 2013 en un hospital de tercer nivel en el sur de España, con mujeres atendidas por parto. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: embarazo sin complicaciones y parto vaginal único, a término, con presentación cefálica. Las variables independientes con gran significación tras un análisis univariante fueron: edad, paridad, edad gestacional, analgesia epidural, plan de parto, episiotomía, duración de la primera fase del parto, y uso de oxitocina. Como variable dependiente se consideró: los valores de pH de sangre arterial de cordón umbilical (< = 7.24; > 7.24). El número total de mujeres fue de 165. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: La analgesia epidural y la edad gestacional mayor o igual a 41 semanas influyeron negativamente en el pH de cordón umbilical neonatal, mientras que haber presentado un plan de parto tuvo una influencia protectora. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este estudio proporcionan a los profesionales más evidencias sobre los elementos que pueden influenciar en el bienestar neonatal, con el fin de actuar en consecuencia, anticipándose a las situaciones de riesgo y aplicando una atención más eficaz.
Background: Management of hyperbilirubinemia remains a challenge for neonatal medicine because of the risk of neurological complications related to the toxicity of severe hyperbilirubinemia. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of cord blood alkaline phosphatase level for predicting neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Patients and Methods: Between October and December 2013 a total of 102 healthy term infants born to healthy mothers were studied. Cord blood samples were collected for measurement of alkaline Phosphatase levels immediately after birth. Neonates were followed-up for the emergence of jaundice. Newborns with clinical jaundice were recalled and serum bilirubin levels measured. Appropriate treatment based on serum bilirubin level was performed. Alkaline phosphatase levels between the non-jaundiced and jaundiced treated neonates were compared. Results: The incidence of severe jaundice that required treatment among followed-up neonates was 9.8%. The mean alkaline phosphatase level was 309.09 ± 82.51 IU/L in the non-jaundiced group and 367.80 ± 73.82 IU/L in the severely jaundiced group (P = 0.040). The cutoff value of 314 IU/L was associated with sensitivity 80% and specificity 63% for predicting neonatal hyperbilirubinemia requiring treatment. Conclusions: The cord blood alkaline phosphatase level can be used as a predictor of severe neonatal jaundice.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of Dipsacus asperoides (Xue Duan), a traditional Chinese medicine, on rats with spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: In this study a total of 40 adult rats were used after inducing SCI where Xue Duan was applied on experimental group and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was administered in corresponding control groups. Intraperitoneal administration of both compounds for a period of four weeks (28 days) was carried out at a dose of 10 mg/kg/day. Bright field microscopy was performed on the tissues. Results: Bright Field microscopy of tissue sections showed significant reduction in cavity area that resulted from injury, that is from 0.19 ± 0.05 mm2 to 0.09 ± 0.03 mm2 (p < 0.01) in untreated and treated groups respectively. Similarly western blotting results showed a decrease in the expression of NF-kB p65 and I-kBα (p < 0.01). These two compounds are important in increasing secondary pathophysiology in SCI. The results for MPO activity also revealed significantly reduced infiltration of leukocytes to the injury site (p < 0.01). Conclusion: This study reveals the positive effect of the plant material in reducing inflammation in rats with traumatic SCI.
Purpose: To examine the protective effects of resveratrol (RESV) against spinal cord ischemic reperfusion (SCIR) injury. Methods: Forty-eight male rats were divided into six groups: sham-operated (control-I), SCIR-treated (SCIR-II), rats receiving 20 mg/kg of RESV with SCIR (RESV 20+SCIR-III), rats receiving 40 mg/kg of RESV with SCIR (RESV 40+SCIR-IV), rats receiving 60 mg/kg of RESV with SCIR (RESV 60+SCIR-V), and rats receiving 50 mg/kg of methylprednisolone (MP) with SCIR (MP + SCIR-VI), for 7 days prior to IR (pre-treatment) and 7 days after IR (post-treatment). Results: The levels of oxidative markers (TBARS, MPO) and inflammatory markers (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and NF-p65) were concomitantly suppressed in RESV-treated rats, which showed improved locomotor function. A pronounced increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT and GSH) was noted in the RESV group compared with the MP and SCIR groups. RESV and MP supplementation increased neuronal count with decreased nuclear degeneration. RESV (40 mg) exhibited greater protective effect than 20 mg and 60 mg of RESV and 50 mg of MP. Conclusion: The results show the neurotherapeutic potential of RESV (40 mg) to attenuate oxidative stress and the inflammatory response to SCIR injury.
Introducción: La hipotiroxinemia es una alteración transitoria frecuente en el prematuro que resuelve sin medicación, es importante conocer los factores que se asocian con esta alteración para disminuir el tratamiento inoportuno y el aumento de costos en atención en salud que puede implicar un diagnóstico errado de hipotiroidismo congénito. Por medio de este estudio se evaluó la asociación entre elevación transitoria de la TSH neonatal y algunas variables asociadas a parto pretérmino en pacientes atendidos en la Clínica Materno Infantil Colsubsidio nacidos entre Enero 2014 a Abril de 2015. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, analítico, retrospectivo. Los casos fueron prematuros con elevación de TSH sin hipotiroidismo congénito, los controles fueron prematuros con TSH normal, seleccionados de manera aleatoria 70 casos, 140 controles con una relación 1:2. Se realizaron asociaciones mediante prueba de chi cuadrado y análisis multivariado para controlar factores de confusión. Resultados: La edad gestacional promedio para casos fue 34.6±1.8, para controles 34.2±2.4. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. Los factores con resultados estadísticamente significativos fueron: Pielonefritis (p 0.04), hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (p 0.00), presencia de anemia (p 0.02) y embarazo múltiple (p0.03). Los resultados de regresión logística establecieron que la pielonefritis, hipertensión y anemia son factores de riesgo con resultados estadísticamente significativos. Discusión: Los resultados permitieron documentar que existen factores de riesgo para prematurez, como la pielonefritis, anemia materna e hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, que influyen en los valores de TSH de cordón umbilical que no necesariamente conllevan al desarrollo de hipotiroidismo congénito
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a devastating condition for human and animal health. In SCI particularly, neurons, oligodendrocytes precursor cells, and mature oligodendrocytes are highly vulnerable to the toxic microenvironment after the lesion and susceptible to the elevated levels of noxious stimuli. Thus the regenerative response of the organism in case of SCI is significantly reduced, and only little spontaneous amelioration is observed in lesioned patients during the early phases. This work mainly focuses on studying and characterizing the modification induced by the SCI in a preclinical animal model. We investigated the ECM composition in the spinal cord segments surrounding the primary lesion site at a gene expression level. We found Timp1 and CD44 as a crucial hub in the secondary cascade of SCI in both spinal cord segments surrounding the lesion site. Interestingly, a temporal and anatomical difference in gene expression, indicating a complex regulation of ECM genes after SCI that could be used as a tool for regenerative medicine. We also investigated the modification in synaptic plasticity-related gene expression in spinal and supraspinal areas involved in motor control. We confirmed the anatomical and temporal difference in gene expression in spinal cord tissue. This analysis suggests that a molecular mapping of the lesion-induced modification could be a useful tool for regenerative medicine. In the last part, we evaluated the efficacy of an implantable biopolymer loaded with an anti-inflammatory drug and a pro-myelinating agent on the acute phase of SCI in our preclinical model. We found a consistent reduction of the inflammatory state in the spinal lesion site and the cord's surrounding segments. Moreover, we found increased preservation of the spinal cord tissue with a related upregulation of neuronal and oligodendroglial markers after lesion. Our treatment showed effective ameliorating functional outcome and reducing the lesion extension in the chronic phase.
The aim of this study is to evaluate if spinal cord ischemia (SCI), especially its late presentation, and can be correlated to the results of intraoperative evoked potential monitoring (IOM). Methods. This study is a physician-initiated, retrospective, single-center, non-randomized study. Data from all patients undergoing a thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm surgical repair (TAAA SR) between January 2016 and March 2020 IOM was collected and analyzed. Results. During the study period, 261 patients underwent TAAA SR with MEP/SSEPs monitoring [190 males, 73%; median age 65 (57-71)]. Thirty-seven patients suffered from SCI, for an overall rate of 14% (permanent 9%). When stratifying patients according to the SCI onset, 18 patients presented with an early (11 permanent) and 19 with a late SCI (<24h) (11 permanent). Of 261 patients undergoing TAAA SR with IOM, 15 were excluded due to changes in the upper extremity motor evoked potentials. For the remaining 246, the association between SCI and IOM was investigated: only irreversible IOM loss without peripheral changes have been found to be a risk factor for late onset SCI (p=.006). Furthermore, given that no statistical differences were found between the two groups when no IOM changes were recorded (p=.679), this situation cannot reliably rule out any SCI in our cohort. Independent risk factors for late spinal cord ischemia onset found at multivariate analysis were smoking history (p=.008), BMI>28 (p=.048) and TAAA extent II (p=.009). The irreversible MEP change without peripheral showed a trend of significance (p=.052). Conclusions. Evoked potential intraoperative monitoring is an important adjunct during thoracoabdominal aortic open repair to predict and possibly prevent spinal cord ischemia. Irreversible IOM loss without peripheral changes was predictive of late SCI, therefore more attention should be paid to the postoperative management of this subgroup of patients.
Resposta sistematizada, com base em revisão bibliográfica, nas melhores evidências científicas e clínicas e no papel ordenador da Atenção Básica à Saúde, para pergunta sobre riscos para o bebê decorrentes de artéria umbilical única. Destaca a importância do acompanhamento pré-natal com manutenção de consultas e exames regulares.