998 resultados para Trabalhadores rurais - Parana
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A small and poorly diversified bivalve fauna from Taciba Formation, Itarare Group, Parana Basin (State of Santa Catarina, Mafra Municipality), is described in this paper for the first time, based on new findings. The fauna is recorded in a 30 cm thick interval of fine sandstone locally at the top of Taciba Formation, in the Butia quarry. The studied fossil-bearing sand-stone bed is a marine intercalation recording a brief eustatic rise in sea-level, probably following glacier retreat and climate amelioration at the end of a broad glacial scenario. The fauna is mainly dominated by productid brachiopods, which are not described here, and rare mollusk shells (bivalves and gastropods). Two bivalve species were identified: Myonia argentinensis (Harrington, 1955), and Aviculopecten multiscalptus (Thomas, 1928). The presence of Myonia argentinensis is note-worthy since this species is also present in the Baitaca assemblage found in marine siltstones (Baitaca assemblage) of the Rio do Sul Formation, cropping out at the Teixeira Soares region, Parana State. This species is also recorded in the bivalve fauna from the Bonete Formation, Pillahinco Group, Sauce Grande Basin, Buenos Aires Province, in Argentina. Hence, the marine bivalves of the Taciba Formation are associated with the transgressive event that characterizes the Eurydesma fauna, indicating a Late Asselian-Sakmarian age for the bivalve fauna. Presence of the Myonia argentinensis megadesmid species reinforces the Gondwanic nature of the studied fauna.
Microstratigraphic, sedimentological, and taphonomic features of the Ferraz Shell Bed, from the Upper Permian (Kazanian-Tatarian?) Corumbatai Formation of Rio Claro Region (the Parana Basin, Brazil), indicate that the bed consists of four distinct microstratigraphic units. They include, from bottom to top, a lag concentration (Unit 1), a partly reworked storm deposit (Unit 2), a rapidly deposited sandstone unit with three thin horizons recording episodes of reworking (Unit 3), and a shell-rich horizon generated by reworking/winnowing that was subsequently buried by storm-induced obrution deposit (Unit 4). The bioclasts of the Ferraz Shell Bed represent exclusively bivalve mollusks. Pinzonella illusa and Terraia aequilateralis are the dominant species. Taphonomic analysis indicates that mollusks are heavily time-averaged (except for some parts of Unit 3). Moreover, different species are time-averaged to a different degree (disharmonious time-averaging). The units differ statistically from one another in their taxonomic and ecological composition, in their taphonomic pattern, and in the size-frequency distributions of the two most common species. Other Permian shell beds of the Parana Basin are similar to the Ferraz Shell Bed in their faunal composition (they typically contain similar sets of 5 to 10 bivalve species) and in their taphonomic, sedimentologic, and microstratigraphic characteristics. However, rare shell beds that include 2-3 species only and are dominated by articulated shells preserved in life position also occur. Diversity levels in the Permian benthic associations of the Parana Basin were very low, with the point diversity of 2-3 species and with the within-habitat and basin-wide (alpha and gamma) diversities of 10 species, at most. The Parana Basin benthic communities may have thus been analogous to low-diversity bivalve-dominated associations of the present-day Baltic Sea. The 'Ferraz-type' shell beds of the Parana Basin represent genetically complex and highly heterogeneous sources of paleontological data. They are cumulative records of spectra of benthic ecosystems time-averaged over long periods of time (10(2)-10(4) years judging from actualistic research). Detailed biostratinomic reconstructions of shell beds can not only offer useful insights into their depositional histories, but may also allow paleoecologists to optimize their sampling designs, and consequently, refine paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations.
The aim of this study was to verify associations between occupational severities and leisure time physical inactivity level in workers. Two-hundred workers of Rio Claro County participated in this study. The leisure time physical activity (active or inactive) and some occupational severities were evaluated. The statistic analyses showed that working day, overtime work and occupational intensity had not been associated with leisure time physical inactivity in workers. Only the willingness at the end of the working day had been associated to the leisure time physical inactivity; showing that workers who leave their work with some willingness have more possibilities to be active in leisure time.
Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever a prevalência de hipertensão arterial (HA) e verificar os efeitos que a idade e indicadores de obesidade provocam na pressão arterial (PA) de trabalhadores de uma indústria de balas e gomas. Para tanto a PA sistólica (PAS), PA diastólica (PAD), as medidas de massa corporal (MC), estatura e circunferência de cintura (CC) foram obtidas de 348 trabalhadores voluntários (243 homens e 105 mulheres). A prevalência de HA na amostra foi 8,9% (31 casos) e mais comum nos homens do que nas mulheres (7,2% vs 1,7%). Entre os hipertensos a idade (PAS r=0,43) e a MC (PAD r=0,39) demonstraram correlação (r) positiva e significativa, apesar de baixa. Por sua vez entre os normotensos (317) e o grupo total (348), a idade e todos os indicadores de obesidade (MC, IMC, CC) apresentaram correlação baixa, porém significativa e positiva com os valores de PAS, PAD e PA média (PAM) (r=0,23 a r=0,47). Adicionalmente a análise estatística revelou que homens e mulheres com HA são mais velhos e obesos do que seus pares normotensos. Exceto para a idade e o sexo, que são fatores de risco não modificáveis, os indicadores de obesidade possuem forte associação com hábitos e comportamentos de risco e, portanto, passíveis de prevenção.
Two new species of brachycephalid frogs are described from Pico Marumbi, municipality of Morretes, and Pico da Igreja, municipality of Guaratuba, Parana State, southern Brazil. The new species share the following attributes: body bufoniform; skin on top of the head, and central part of the back body smooth with no dermal co-ossification; outer metatarsal tubercle distinct; dermal roofing bones of skull unornamented; all paired cranial bones distinct and not fused; quadratojugals, and maxillary odontoids present. The new species from Pico Marumbi is characterized by male SVL = 11.6-12.5 and female SVL = 13.0-14.5 turn; and general color orange with dorsal reddish-brown irregular markings, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish spots and small dots. The new species from Pico da Igreja is characterized by male SVL = 12.6-13.9 and female SVL = 14.6-15.3 mm; and general color orange, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish coalescent spots and small dots. Comparisons with other brachycephalid species and osteological data are provided.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The ichthyofauna of 24 stretches of streams, all of 100 m length and of fifth or lower order and most of second and third order, were sampled along four left bank tributaries (Rio do Peixe, Rio Aguapei, Rio Sao Jose dos Dourados, lower Rio Tiete of the main channel of the Rio Parana in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Sampling of the fish fauna at each of the six sites in the four basins incorporated a standardized fish collecting methodology and a standardized documentation of environmental data serving as the basis for a comparative analysis of the collecting locations. The 8,189 fish specimens collected represented six orders, 18 families, 42 genera, and 56 species, with a total biomass of 28.8 kg. Approximately 52% of the collected species were characiforms, 28% siluriforms, 9% gymnotiforms, 5% cyprinodontiforms, 4% perciforms, and 2% synbranchiforms. The most abundant of the species were the characiforms Astyanax altiparanae (15% of total) and Knodus moenkhausii (12% of total). The two species with the largest overall biomasses were A. altiparanae (34% of total biomass) and the siluriform Hypostomus sp. (8% of total biomass). Analysis of the trophic structure of the studied ichthyofauna indicated that the 10 numerically dominant species across the 24 sampled streams can be grouped into five guilds that are in decreasing order of numerical importance: omnivores, insectivores, insectivores/invertivores, periphytivores, and algivores. Species richness in the sampled stream stretches varied from six to 20 species with an average richness of 14. The species richness estimated by extrapolation for all 24 sampled stream stretches was 67 species. The Characidae are predominant among the collected specimens with approximately 50% of both individuals and biomass, a fact hypothesized to be a function of several attributes typical of the family. Six of the 56 collected species were new to science and six other species are of indefinite taxonomic status and require further analysis in order to determine their identity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Neoplecostomus paranensis was the only Neoplecostomus species known from the upper Rio Parana basin, and it was diagnosed from its congeners mainly by the absence or reduction of the adipose fin. In this study we describe three new Neoplecostomus species. All of them are promptly differentiated from N. paranensis by having a well-developed adipose fin. Furthermore, the new species are differentiated from congeners by morphometric and meristic traits, in addition to color pattern. Neoplecostomus paranensis is redescribed. We also provide an identification key to all Neoplecostomus species.
Hemigrammus parana is described from the upper rio Parana system, in the area of influence of the Ilha Solteira reservoir in states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The new species differs from all congeners by the combination of the following characters: absence of humeral spot; presence of a roughly triangular or rectangular conspicuous black caudal spot, extending from base to tip of middle caudal-fin rays, its greatest depth at base of caudal-fin rays; and anal-fin rays iii-iv, 18-23.
Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância da metodologia sistêmica em pesquisas nas Ciências Humanas, em especial na Geografia Agrária, através da avaliação das alterações socioeconômicas e territoriais dos assentamentos rurais. O artigo foi divido em partes, primeiro foi realizado um estudo teórico da metodologia sistêmica e em seguida, a aplicação dessa metodologia para avaliar os impactos da territorialização dos assentamentos rurais, na organização espacial de Candiota no estado do Rio Grande do Sul.
The Late Carboniferous-Early Permian Itarare Group is a thick glacial unit of the Parana Basin. Five unconformity-bounded sequences have been defined in the eastern outcrop belt and recognized in well logs along 400 km across the central portion of the basin. Deglaciation sequences are present in the whole succession and represent the bulk of the stratigraphic record. The fining-upward vertical facies succession is characteristic of a retrogradational stacking pattern and corresponds to the stratigraphic record of major ice-retreat phases. Laterally discontinuous subglacial tillites and boulder beds occur at the base of the sequences. When these subglacial facies are absent, deglaciation sequences lie directly on the basal disconformities. Commonly present in the lowermost portions of the deglaciation sequences, polymictic conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones are generated in subaqueous proximal outwash fans in front of retreating glaciers. The overlying assemblage of diamictites, parallel-bedded and rippled sandstones, and Bouma-like facies sequences are interpreted as deposits of distal outwash fan lobes. The tops of the deglaciation sequences are positioned in clay-rich marine horizons that show little (fine-laminated facies with dropstones) or no evidence of glacial influence on the deposition and likely represent periods of maximum ice retreat. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
in the city of Limeira, southeastern Brazil, an important exposure of Permian sediments of the Parana basin was revealed by an open pit mine that exploits limestone for production of soil correction compounds and raw materials for the ceramic industry. The radioactivity of these sediments was investigated in some detail and the results provided a general view of the vertical distributions of uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations and of the element ratios U/K, U/Th and Th/K. In general, the concentrations of the main natural radioactive elements are low, with uranium being enriched in some limestone and shale levels. In addition the results showed that the U-238 series is in radioactive disequilibrium in many of the analyzed samples. Although the origin of the observed disequilibrium has not been investigated, the results suggest that it is due to weathering processes and water interaction with the rock matrix. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)