987 resultados para Total Maximum Daily Load Program (Ill.)
Attitudes towards mentally ill in professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital in Rwanda
ABSTRACT: This quantitative study investigated the attitudes toward the mentally ill in professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital. The research questions explored were centered on the attitudes of directly involved and supportive professionals toward mentally ill clients and also on the difference between the attitudes of directly involved and supportive professionals toward mentally ill clients and demographic variables. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in attitude between direct care providers and supportive professionals toward the mentally ill clients. The Community Attitudes towards Mentally Ill (CAMI) scale (Dear & Taylor, 1982; Taylor, Dear & Hall, 1979; Taylor & Dear, 1981) was used. A total of 72 members of the staff, including 55 directly involved staff and 17 supportive staff members, participated in the survey. A summary interpretation of the main findings in this thesis reinforces the assumption that negative attitudes towards people with mental illness received in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital are in existence, even though the majority have favorable attitudes towards the mentally ill. This suggests that persons with mental illness may encounter stigmatizing attitudes from mental health professionals. This study represents one of the first to explore professionals’ attitudes towards the mentally ill. It is hoped that this work will highlight the need to explore the influence of attitudes in the delivery of high quality healthcare. The provider–patient relationship is at the heart of effective treatment and the detrimental impact of prejudicial judgments on this relationship should not be ignored. This study also demonstrates that professionals with different roles report different attitudes and this suggest that they would behave differently towards patients with mental illness. The directly involved professionals have been found to have more positive attitudes than the supportive professional and this seems to show that as individuals improve their ability to interact with persons with mental illness, they become more tolerant. The present study demonstrates that the sociodemographic variables tested have no impact on the attitudes of the professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital. The extent of mental health training (as part of general health training) and duration of experience of working in mental health settings did not influence attitudes. Finally, this study demonstrates that there is no correlation between the attitudes towards mentally ill patients and their inclusion in the process of decision-making.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Lógica Computacional
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
SUMMARY Regarding public health in Brazil, a new scenario emerged with the establishment of universal rotavirus (RV) vaccination programs. Herein, the data from the five years of surveillance (2007-2012) of G- and P-type RV strains isolated from individuals with acute gastroenteritis in Brazil are reported. A total of 6,196 fecal specimens were investigated by ELISA and RT-PCR. RVs were detected in 19.1% (1,181/6,196). The peak of RV incidence moved from June-August to September. RV was detected less frequently (19.5%) among children ≤ 5 years than in older children and adolescents (6-18 years) (40.6%). Genotype distribution showed a different profile for each year: G2P[4] strains were most prevalent during 2007-2010, G9P[8] in 2011, and G12P[8] in 2012. Mixed infections (G1+G2P[4], G2+G3P[4]+P[8], G2+G12P[8]), unusual combinations (G1P[4], G2P[6]), and rare strains (G3P[3]) were also identified throughout the study period. Widespread vaccination may alter the RV seasonal pattern. The finding of RV disease affecting older children and adolescents after vaccine implementation has been reported worldwide. G2P[4] emergence most likely follows a global trend seemingly unrelated to vaccination, and G12, apparently, is emerging in the Brazilian population. The rapidly changing RV genotype patterns detected during this study illustrate a dynamic population of co-circulating wildtype RVs in Brazil.
Neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) is a common clinical entity resulting from an excessive reflex autonomic response, particularly during orthostatism. Treatment options are controversial and of limited effectiveness. Tilt training (TT) is a promising option to treat these patients. However, its mechanism of action and clinical impact remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To characterize hemodynamic and autonomic responses during a TT program in patients with NCS refractory to conventional measures. METHODS: We studied 28 patients (50% male, mean age 41±14 years) without structural heart disease, with NCS documented by tilt testing. The TT program included 9 tilt sessions (3 times a week, 30 min) (60° - 6 sessions, 70° - 3 sessions), under ECG and blood pressure monitoring combined with home orthostatic self-training and 10° head-up during sleep. Systolic volume, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, baroreflex sensitivity and heart-rate variability were computed. Patients were reassessed at 1 month and every 6 months for a maximum of 36 months (24±12 months). RESULTS: Over the course of the TT program there was a significant increase in total peripheral resistance (1485±225 vs. 1591±187 dyn·s·cm(-5), p<0.05), with a decrease in standard deviation (206±60 vs. 150±42, p<0.05). During follow-up, syncope recurred in five patients (19%), with a significant reduction in the number of episodes (4.0±3.2/patient in the 12 months before TT vs. 1.4±0.8/patient post-TT, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: In refractory NCS, TT may be an effective therapeutic option, with long-term benefits. These results appear to be due to an increase in vasoconstrictor reserve combined with a reduction in its variance.
RESUMO: Esta dissertação pretende apresentar uma proposta para um programa de Controlo de Qualidade interno das hormonas tiroideias, segundo as boas práticas da qualidade. Para que se comprove o rigor e fiabilidade dos seus resultados analíticos, condição indispensável para que estes possam servir de base às mais diversas tomadas de decisão, toda a filosofia que envolve a qualidade assume um papel preponderante. Neste contexto a elaboração de um programa de controlo de qualidade adequado é muito importante e imprescindível. A realização do controlo de qualidade permite monitorizar o desempenho de todos os materiais, equipamentos, instrumentos e métodos analíticos bem como criar sinais de alerta para prevenir a emissão de resultados não-conformes e indicar a necessidade de ações corretivas. Permite também indicar a necessidade de melhorias em processos e em atividades ligadas aos operadores e consciencializar o pessoal de que o controlo da qualidade é um dever para com o cliente e tem a função de gerar confiança nos resultados obtidos. O controlo de qualidade interno abrange todos os procedimentos assumidos por um laboratório para avaliação contínua do seu trabalho. A sua finalidade é assegurar a consistência dos resultados diários e a sua conformidade com critérios definidos, avaliando a precisão dos ensaios e dando indicação do momento para se promoverem ações corretivas quando surge uma não conformidade. Segundo as melhores práticas da qualidade, serão calculados os valores do controlo de qualidade interno para as hormonas tiroideias, os seus limites e critérios (regras) de aceitabilidade, com base na relação entre o desempenho analítico e o Erro Máximo Admissível. Pretende-se assim, otimizar o desempenho do Controlo de Qualidade Interno, aperfeiçoando a capacidade de identificação do erro.-------- ABSTRACT: This paper intends to submit a proposal for a thyroid hormones internal quality Control program, according to the best quality practices. The whole philosophy involving quality plays a central role in order to prove the accuracy and reliability of the analytical results, a basic prerequisite for decision making. In this context the elaboration of an appropriate quality control program is essential and very important. Quality control allows the motorization of the performance of all materials, equipment, instruments and analytical methods, as well as the creation of warning signals indicating the need for corrective actions, to prevent the release of non-compliant results. It also indicates the need for improvements in the processes and operating activities as well as making the staff aware that quality control is a duty to the client and promotes confidence in the results. The internal quality control covers all procedures undertaken by a laboratory for a continuous evaluation of its performance. Its purpose is to ensure the consistency of the daily results and compliance with defined criteria, assessing the accuracy of the tests and indicating the moment to promote corrective actions when nonconformity appears. According to the best quality practices, the values of the internal quality control for the thyroid hormones, their limits and criteria (rules) of acceptability will be calculated, based on the relationship between analytical performance and the maximum allowable error. Thus, the aim is to optimize the performance of the Internal Quality Control, improving the ability for error detection and identification.
RESUMO: De acordo com o estado da arte, existem intervenções psicofarmacológicas, psicológicas e psicossocias, com evidência científica dos seus resultados, no tratamento de pessoas com esquizofrenia e perturbação esquizoafectiva. No entanto, muitos destes doentes, não procuram ajuda dos serviços de saúde mental, não recebem os referidos cuidados ou não são detectados nem seguidos por estes. Esta realidade levou ao desenvolvimento de programas integrados, intervenções e estudos mais específicos, nomeadamente para tentar ultrapassar os obstáculos na acessibilidade aos cuidados de saúde e na continuidade de seguimento destes doentes. No conjunto das dificuldades apuradas, as questões da exequibilidade (feasibility) e da implementação, têm tido particular relevo na literatura científica recente, bem como a melhor forma de vencer as respectivas barreiras e adaptar essas intervenções às varias realidades, culturas e recursos. Objectivos: Objectivos gerais:1) Avaliar a exequibilidade e a implementação inicial de um programa de cuidados integrados, para pessoas com esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, no contexto clínico das equipas de saúde mental comunitárias de um departamento de psiquiatria do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, em Portugal, com os recursos materiais e humanos existentes; 2) Avaliar o impacto deste programa, nestes doentes e na respectiva prestação de cuidados de saúde mental. Metodologia. Elaborámos um programa de cuidados integrados (Programa Integrar) com base no modelo clínico de case management, com seguimento mantido e integrado. Cada doente passou a ter um terapeuta de referência, um plano individual de cuidados e manteve o seguimento com o seu psiquiatra assistente. Foram seleccionadas intervenções, nomeadamente, psicoeducativas, familiares, estratégias para lidar com os sintomas e a doença, prevenção de recaídas e intervenções para melhorar o funcionamento social e ocupacional. A estas intervenções foi sempre associado o tratamento psicofarmacológico. O estudo delineado incluiu dois componentes: avaliação da exequibilidade e implementação inicial do programa de cuidados integrados (componente A) e avaliação do impacto deste programa (componente B), através de um estudo de intervenção, prospectivo, naturalista, não aleatorizado e não ontrolado. A amostra do estudo resultou das sucessivas referenciações, para o Programa Integrar, de pessoas com os diagnósticos de esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, seguidas nas cinco equipas de saúde mental comunitárias do Departamento de Psiquiatria do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, com uma área assistencial correspondente a uma população de, aproximadamente, 400 000 pessoas. Definimos etapas, estratégias, parâmetros e indicadores para o estudo da exequibilidade do programa. Efectuámos a monitorização e a avaliação de tarefas, procedimentos e intervenções recomendadas aos terapeutas de referência. Realizámos duas avaliações, uma no início do programa e outra após um ano de intervenção. Foram avaliadas as seguintes dimensões (com indicação do acrónimo do instrumento de avaliação utilizado entre parêntesis): psicopatologia (BPRS), depressão (MADRS), necessidades (CAN), incapacidade (DAS), actividade social e ocupacional (SOFAS), atitude em relação à medicação (DAI), insight (SAI), qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-S) e satisfação (POCS). Resultados: Dos 146 doentes que foram incluídos no estudo, 97 (66%) eram do sexo masculino e 49 (34%) do sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 36 anos. Destes oentes,116 (79,4%)tinham o diagnóstico (ICD10) de esquizofrenia e 30 (20,6%) de perturbação esquizoafectiva. Os restantes dados sociodemográficos eram típicos de populações afins em serviços de saúde mental nacionais. Do total de doentes (146) que iniciaram o estudo, 26 (18%) abandonaram o seguimento neste programa. Para o componente A da investigação (estudo de exequibilidade) salientamos: exerceram funções a totalidade (15) dos terapeutas de referência que receberam formação, 76 % efectuaram o número mínimo recomendado de sessões / ano por doente (≥18), 44,9 fizeram o número mínimo de sessões familiares pretendido (≥ 3). Nas intervenções mais específicas foram atingidos os objectivos em mais de 75% dos doentes, à excepção das intervenções domiciliárias (19,4%), prevenção do abuso de substâncias (45,4%) e do risco de suicídio (34,3%). O plano individual de cuidados foi realizado em 98 % dos doentes e em 38,9 % dos casos ocorreu a participação da família. Neste plano, a média de objectivos definidos foi de 5 e a média de objectivos atingidos correspondeu a 3 (p= 0,001). Na primeira avaliação, estavam a frequentar estruturas de reabilitação psicossocial 42 doentes (28,8%) e,12 meses após, esse número passou para 80 (74,1%).Também aumentou o número de doentes com actividade profissional a tempo completo, de 8 (7,4%) para 18 (16,7%). No componente B do estudo (avaliação do impacto do programa), em termos de psicopatologia, e para as pontuações médias globais do BPRS, ocorreu uma diminuição entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação (p=0,001), tal como nas subescalas: sintomas positivos (p=0,003), sintomas negativos (p=0,002), sintomas de mania (p=0,002) e sintomas de depressão/ansiedade (p=0,001). Na avaliação da depressão (p= 0,001) e da incapacidade (p=0,003), as diferenças foram significativas e favoráveis. O mesmo não sucedeu na atitude em relação à medicação (p=0,690) nem na escala de avaliação do insight (p=0,079). Em relação ao funcionamento social e ocupacional, qualidade de vida e satisfação dos doentes, ocorreu uma melhoria significativa da primeira para a segunda avaliação As necessidades sem resposta mais frequentes, na primeira avaliação, corresponderam aos itens: actividades diárias, contactos sociais, relações íntimas, relacionamento sexual, benefícios sociais, sintomas psicóticos, sofrimento psicológico, informação sobre a doença / tratamento e gestão/problemas de dinheiro. Para todos estes últimos nove itens, verificou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação, com diminuição destas necessidades, excepto nas relações íntimas, relacionamento sexual e nos problemas de dinheiro. Na distribuição dos três estados de necessidades, para todos os itens, diminuíram as necessidades sem resposta e as necessidades com resposta parcial e aumentaram as situações em que deixaram de se verificar necessidades relevantes. Dos resultados obtidos para outros indicadores clínicos e de utilização dos cuidados, será importante referir que na comparação do ano anterior com o ano em que decorreu o programa, o número de doentes da amostra internados diminuiu 64,1%, bem como a média do número de internamentos (p=0,001). Em relação à duração dos internamentos, no ano anterior ao programa, os 39 doentes internados, tiveram um total de dias de internamento de 1522, sendo que, no ano do programa, para os 14 doentes internados, o total foi de 523 dias. Em termos absolutos, ocorreu uma redução de 999 dias (menos 65,6% dias). Também se verificou uma diminuição de 45,6 % de recaídas (p=0,001).Discussão e conclusões A exequibilidade do programa de cuidados integrados permitiu a aplicação do modelo clínico de case management, com seguimento mantido e integrado, através do qual cada doente passou a ter um terapeuta de referência assim como, em 98% casos, um plano individual de cuidados. As famílias continuaram a ser o principal suporte para os doentes, mas surgiram dificuldades quando se pretendeu uma participação mais activa destas no tratamento.A diminuição do número e da duração dos internamentos constituíram importantes resultados com implicações não só em termos clínicos mas também económicos. Os valores obtidos, para as diferentes variáveis, também sugerem o impacto favorável do Programa Integrar a nível da psicopatologia, das necessidades, da incapacidade, do funcionamento social e ocupacional, da qualidade de vida e da satisfação dos doentes. O mesmo não sucedeu para o insight e para a mudança de atitudes dos doentes em relação à medicação, resultados que devem ser igualmente considerados em futuros reajustamentos deste programa ou no desenvolvimento de novos programas. Como principais conclusões podemos referir que: 1) Foi possível a exequibilidade de um programa de cuidados integrados inovador e a implementação inicial desse programa, para doentes com esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, com os recursos humanos e materiais existentes, no contexto clínico das equipas de saúde mental comunitárias, de um departamento de psiquiatria e saúde mental, em Portugal; 2) Na avaliação do impacto do programa, os resultados obtidos indiciam potencialidades de aplicação, deste programa de cuidados integrados, com vista à melhoria clínica e psicossocial destes doentes. Devem ser realizados estudos de replicação, ou complementares à presente investigação, no entanto, os dados obtidos são encorajadores para o desenvolvimento de programas similares, a nível nacional e internacional, que possam beneficiar um grupo mais alargado de doentes.------------ABSTRACT: Although there are psychological and psychosocial interventions well supported by scientific evidence, which show benefit when combined with psychopharmacological treatments, we know that a significant number of people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders, do not seek help from mental health services, do not receive the care mentioned and are not detected or followed-up by them. This reality led to the development of integrated programs, interventions and more specific studies, to try to overcome the obstacles in the accessibility to the health services and on the follow-up of these patients. Amongst the barriers identified, feasibility and implementation of those programs have been of special relevance in recent scientific literature, as well as the best way to overcome such difficulties and adapt the interventions to the various realities, cultures and resources. Objectives: General objectives were defined: 1) Assessment of the feasibility and initial implementation of an integrated care program, for people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, in the clinical setting of community mental health teams, in a psychiatric department from the national health service in Portugal; 2) Impact evaluation of the integrated care program, for these patients and their mental health care delivery. Methods: We drew up an integrated care program (Program Integrar) based on the clinical case management model, with continuous and integrated follow-up. Each patient got one case manager, an individual care plan and kept the same psychiatrist. Were selected the appropriated interventions, namely: psycho-educative, family-based interventions, strategies for dealing with the symptoms and the disorder, relapse prevention and interventions to improve social and occupational functioning. These interventions were always associated with psychopharmacological treatment. The investigation was outline with two parts: assessment of the feasibility and initial implementation of the Program Integrar (part A of the study) and impact evaluation of the program (part B of the study). We designed a naturalistic, prospective, intervention study, non-randomized and without control group. Our chosen sample was made with successive referrals of patients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, followedup in one of the five community mental health teams of the Psychiatric Department of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, with a catchment area for a population of about 400 000 people. Different stages, strategies, criteria and indicators for studying the feasibility of the program and its implementation were set and the tasks, procedures and recommended interventions of the case managers were monitored and evaluated. We did two assessments with an interval of one year and we evaluated the following dimensions (the acronym of the assessment instrument used in brackets): psychopathology (BPRS), depression (MADRS), needs (CAN), disability (DAS), social and occupational functioning (SOFAS), attitude toward medication (DAI), insight (SAI), quality of life (WHOQOL-S) and satisfaction (POCS). Results: Of the 146 patients who started the study, 97 (66%) were male and 49 (34%) females with a mean age of 36 years. Of these, 116 (79,4%) were diagnosed (ICD10) with schizophrenia and 30 (20,6%) with schizoaffective disorder. The other socio-demographic data were typical of populations within Portuguese mental health services. Of all patients (146), who started the program, 26 (18%) of patients left the program (program dropout rate). Of the regarding part A of the study, which focused on feasibility, the following is of note: all professionals who had been trained for this purpose (15) acted as case manager, 76% did the recommended minimum number of sessions / year per patient (≥18) and 44,9% did the minimum number of family sessions desired (≥ 3). For the more specific interventions the parameters set out were met for more than 75% of patients, with the exception of domiciliar interventions (19.4%), prevention of substance abuse (45.4%) and suicide risk prevention(34.3%). The individual care plan was done for 98% of patients and in 38,9% of cases this involved family participation. For this plan the mean objectives defined were 5 and in average was achieved 3 (p=0,001). On the first assessment, 42 patients (28.8%) were attending psychosocial rehabilitation structures and 12 months later that number rose up to 80 (74,1%). Regarding their employment status, in the first assessment 8 (7,4%) were in full time employment and in the second evaluation the number rise to 18 (16,7%). For part B of the study (impact program evaluation), in terms of psychopathology, global mean scores for the BPRS, decreased (p=0,001), as did the four sub scales: positive symptoms (p=0,003); negative symptoms (p=0,002); manic symptoms (p=0,002) and symptoms of depression/anxiety (p=0,001). Both in the evaluation of depression (p=0,001), as in the assessment of disability (p=0,003), the differences were significant. However, this was not the case with attitudes towards medication (p=0,690) and with insight evaluation (p=0,079). In relation to social and occupational functioning, quality of life and patient satisfaction there was a statistically significant improvement from the first to the second assessment. The most commonly unmet needs in the first assessment were daily activities, social contacts, intimate relationships, sexual relations, social benefits, psychotic symptoms,psychological distress, information about the disorder / treatment and money problems money management. Of these, in the second assessment, all of those nine unmet needs showed significant improvement, excepted intimate relationships, sexual relations and Money problems / money management. In the distribution of the three states of needs for all items, it happened a decreased in unmet needs and partially met needs and increased in the situations where relevant needs were no longer found. For other clinical indicators it is important to note, when we compared the year prior to this program and the year after, there were fewer hospitalizations (reduction of 64,1% of admissions) and in the mean number of admissions (p=0,001). Regarding the length of hospitalization in the year prior to the program, the 39 patients admitted had a total of 1522 hospital days, and in the year of the program for the 14 hospitalized patients, the total was 523 days. In absolute terms, there was a reduction of 999 days (65,6%). There was also a 45,6% reduction of relapses (p = 0,001). Discussion and Conclusions: The feasibility of the integrated care program allowed the application of the clinical case management model, with continuous follow-up. Each patient got a case manager and in 98% of the cases they also got an individual plan of care. Families continued to be the main support for patients but, difficulties occurred when it was claimed a more active participation. The decrease in the number and duration of admissions were important findings with implications not only in clinical terms but also in economic field. The achieved results for the different variables can also indicate the favorable impact of this program, at the level of psychopathology, needs, disability, social and occupationa functioning, quality of life and patient satisfaction. The same did not happen for the evaluation of insight and in the changes of attitudes towards medication. These data should also be considered for future readjustments of this program and for the developing of new programs.Finally, the two-overview conclusions are: 1) It was possible the feasibility of an integrated care program and initial implementation of this innovative program, for patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, with the human and material resources available in the clinical context of the community mental health teams, in a psychiatry and mental health department of the national health service in Portugal; 2) In assessing the impact of the program, the results suggest potential application of this integrated care program, to improve clinical state and psychosocial variables for these patients. There should be done studies to replicate these results, however the results obtained are promising for the development of similar programs at nationally and internationally level, that could benefit a wider group of patients.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
INTRODUCTION: Reductions in the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and carriage, decreases in liver cancer incidence, and changes in patterns of liver dysfunctions are described after hepatitis B vaccination. METHODS: We conducted a population-based seroprevalence study aimed at estimating the HBV prevalence and risk of infection in the rural area of Lábrea following nineteen years of HBV vaccination. RESULTS: Half of the subjects showed total anti-HBc of 52.1% (95% CI 49.6-54.7). The HBsAg prevalence was 6.2% (95% CI 5.1-7.6). Multivariate analysis showed an inverse association between HBV infection and vaccination (OR 0.62; 95% CI 0.44-0.87). HBsAg remained independently associated with past hepatitis (OR 2.44; 95% CI 1.52-3.89) and inversely to vaccination (OR 0.43; 95% CI 0.27-0.69). The prevalence of HBeAg among HBsAg-positive individuals was 20.4% (95% CI 12.8-30.1), with the positive subjects having a median age of 11 years (1-46) p=0.0003. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that HBV infection is still an important public health issue and that HBV vaccination could have had better impact on HBV epidemiology. If we extrapolate these findings to other rural areas in the Brazilian Amazon, we can predict that the sources of chronic infected patients remain a challenge. Future studies are needed regarding clinical aspects, molecular epidemiology, surveillance of acute cases, and risk groups.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological and operational characteristics of the Leprosy Program before and after its integration into the Primary healthcare Services of the municipality of Aracaju-Sergipe, Brazil. METHODS: Data were drawn from the national database. The study periods were divided into preintegration (1996-2000) and postintegration (2001-2007). Annual rates of epidemiological detection were calculated. Frequency data on clinico-epidemiological variables of cases detected and treated for the two periods were compared using the Chi-squared (χ2) test adopting a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: Rates of detection overall, and in subjects younger than 15 years, were greater for the postintegration period and were higher than rates recorded for Brazil as a whole during the same periods. A total of 780 and 1,469 cases were registered during the preintegration and postintegration periods, respectively. Observations for the postintegration period were as follows: I) a higher proportion of cases with disability grade assessed at diagnosis, with increase of 60.9% to 78.8% (p < 0.001), and at end of treatment, from 41.4% to 44.4% (p < 0.023); II) an increase in proportion of cases detected by contact examination, from 2.1% to 4.1% (p < 0.001); and III) a lower level of treatment default with a decrease from 5.64 to 3.35 (p < 0.008). Only 34% of cases registered from 2001 to 2007 were examined. CONCLUSIONS: The shift observed in rates of detection overall, and in subjects younger than 15 years, during the postintegration period indicate an increased level of health care access. The fall in number of patients abandoning treatment indicates greater adherence to treatment. However, previous shortcomings in key actions, pivotal to attaining the outcomes and impact envisaged for the program, persisted in the postintegration period.
INTRODUCTION: Despite all efforts to restrict its transmission, Chagas' disease remains a severe public health problem in Latin America, affecting 8-12 million individuals. Chronic Chagas' heart disease, the chief factor in the high mortality rate associated with the illness, affects more than half a million Brazilians. Its evolution may result in severe heart failure associated with loss of functional capacity and quality of life, with important social and medical/labor consequences. Many studies have shown the beneficial effect of regular exercise on cardiac patients, but few of them have focused on chronic Chagas' heart disease. METHODS: This study evaluated the effects of an exercise program on the functional capacity of patients with chronic Chagas' disease who were treated in outpatient clinics at the Evandro Chagas Institute of Clinical Research and the National Institute of Cardiology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The exercises were performed 3 times a week for 1 h (30 min of aerobic activity and 30 min of resistance exercises and extension) over 6 months in 2010. Functional capacity was evaluated by comparing the direct measurement of the O2 uptake volume (VO2) obtained by a cardiopulmonary exercise test before and after the program (p < 0.05). RESULTS: Eighteen patients (13 females) were followed, with minimum and maximum ages of 30 and 72 years, respectively. We observed an average increase of VO2peak > 10% (p = 0.01949). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest a statistically significant improvement in functional capacity with regular exercise of the right intensity.
RESUMO: Objectivo: O objectivo geral do estudo é analisar a relação entre intensidade da actividade física (AF) realizada pela população idosa com 75 anos ou mais, com a respectiva sensação subjectiva de esforço (SSE). Introdução: Em Portugal, e de acordo o Instituto Nacional de Estatística, em 2011 cerca de 19% da população tem mais de 65 anos. Em 2050, as estimativas apontam que esta percentagem seja de 25%, ou seja, um quarto do país. O envelhecimento propicía um declínio físico e funcional, e para o retardar estão recomendados 150 minutos por semana de AF moderada. A forma como tem sido avaliada a AF tem por base um pressuposto de comparação com valores de gasto energético de uma população com uma média de 40 anos. É fundamental a realização de estudos que analisem a associação entre o nível de intensidade de AF com a SSE, para aferir se esta comparação é transponível para esta faixa etária. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo observacional analítico transversal, com uma amostra constituída por 39 participantes, com uma mediana 77,0 anos de idade (percentil 25: 76,0; percentil 75: 80,0), sendo a mínima 75 e a máxima 86 anos. As variáveis são a SSE e a intensidade de cada actividade realizada. O protocolo de avaliação foi constituído pelo questionário de caracterização sóciodemográfica, Diário de AF e a Escala de Borg RPE 6-20. Resultados: Existe uma associação negativa significativa entre a idade e o gasto energético total (rs = -0,365, p=0,022) e uma associação negativa, moderada e significativa entre a idade e a SSE reportada média (rs = -0,521, p=0,001) e máxima (rs = -0,465, p=0,003). Observou-se uma associação positiva e significativa entre a SSE máxima diária e o tempo total dedicado a actividades físicas (r=0,367 e p=0,022) e o gasto energético total (r=0,569, p<0,001). Verificou-se igualmente que quanto maior o gasto energético total diário, maior a média da SSE (r=0,411; p=0,009). Existe uma concordância moderada e significativa (Kappa=0,475; p<0,001) entre a sensação reportada pelo participante e a classificação atribuída em cada actividade pelo Compêndio de Actividades Físicas (Ainsworth et al, 1993). No entanto, com uma tendência para a subestimação dos MET’s atribuídos a cada actividade Conclusão: Os resultados do estudo sugerem que existe uma associação positiva e significativa entre intensidade da AF realizada e a SSE, aquando da realização da mesma actividade. Apesar desta associação ser moderada, este estudo sugere que a classificação que o Compêndio utiliza não é directamente aplicável à população idosa com 75 anos ou mais.-------------ABSTRACT: Purpose: The overall objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between intensity of physical activity performed by the elderly population with 75 years or more with their subjective feeling of effort. Background: In Portugal, according with data from Instituto Português de Estatística, in 2011 aproximately 19% of the population has more than 65 years old. In 2050, estimates suggest that this percentage will be 25%, which means a quarter of the country. The way in which physical activity has been evaluated is based on a comparing assumption with values of energy expenditure in a population with an average of 40 years. It is critical to conduct studies to examine the association between the level of intensity of physical activity with the subjective feeling of effort, to assess whether this comparison is applied to this age group. Methods: This is a cross sectional observational study with a sample of 39 participants, with a median age of 77.0 years (25th percentile: 76.0; 75th percentile: 80.0), with the minimum age 75 years and maximum age 86 years. The variables are the subjective feeling of physical effort and intensity of each activity. It was applied one protocol evaluation consisting of a questionnaire of sociodemographic characteristics, A journal of physical activities and Borg RPE 6-20 scale. Results: There is a significant negative association between age and total energy expenditure (rs = -0.365, p = 0.022) and a negative, moderate and significant association between age and average (rs = -0.521, p = 0.001) and maximum subjective feeling of exertion reported (rs = -0.465, p = 0.003). There was a significant positive association between the subjective feeling of daily maximum effort and total time spent on physical activity (r = 0.367 and p = 0.022) and total energy expenditure (r = 0.569, p <0.001). It was also found that the higher the total daily energy expenditure, the higher the average of the subjective sense of effort (r = 0.411, p = 0.009). There is a moderate and significant correlation (kappa = 0.475, p <0.001) between the sensation reported by the participant and the rank assigned to each activity by Compendium of Physical Activities (Ainsworth et al, 1993). However, there is a tendency to over-estimate the subjective feeling of effort, or underestimation of METs assigned to each activity Conclusion: Study results suggest a positive and significant association between the level of intensity of physical activity and the subjective feeling of exertion, within the same activity. Even though this association is moderated, this study suggests that the Compendium of Physical Activities rating doesn’t suit for individuals with 75 years old or more.
Introduction Although the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is accompanied by an attenuation of viral load, metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and lipodystrophy are often observed in patients under this treatment. Certain foods, such as oat bran, soy protein, and flaxseed, have been shown to improve a patient's lipid profile despite possible increases in uricemia. Thus, a bioactive compound was formulated using these foods to help patients with HIV/AIDS control metabolic disorders resulting from HAART. Methods An uncontrolled before and after study was performed. The total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid before and after 3 months of consuming the formulation were compared in patients. The compound was formulated such that 40g (the recommended daily intake) contained approximately 10g of flaxseed, 20g of oat bran, and 10g of textured soy protein. Results The study population consisted of 139 patients, 31 of whom were included in the final analysis. There were no significant variations between the laboratory results obtained before and after consumption of the compound. Conclusions The regular consumption of the formulation together with individualized dietary guidance did not reduce lipid levels and did not contribute to an increase in uricemia in the study group. However, new studies with higher doses of the foods that compose the formulation should be encouraged to investigate whether these foods can positively influence the lipid profiles of these patients.
RESUMO: Em 2011, a Associação Psiquiátrica Mundial lançou um programa de bolsas de investigação para psiquiatras em início de carreira a partir de países de renda baixa ou média-baixa, no âmbito deste programa, o autor foi selecionado para uma bolsa de pesquisa no Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre da Universidade de Melbourne. Orygen, é a principal organização de pesquisa e tradução do conhecimento do mundo com foco em problemas de saúde mental em pessoas jovens. O estágio foi baseado em Prevenção e Intervenção Precoce Psychosis Centre (EPPIC), que faz parte do Orygen. EPPIC fornece programa de tratamento abrangente e integrada, baseada na comunidade para o primeiro episódio de psicose. Esta dissertação descreve o modelo EPPIC, e seus componentes essenciais e fatores que são necessários para uma implementação de serviço direito. Além disso, uma proposta de criação de um programa-piloto de intervenção psicose precoce é discutido. Este programa inclui um programa de extensão inovadora que combina princípios comerciais sólidos, com metas sociais, a fim de combater especificamente a maior barreira para o tratamento da psicose precoce na Bolívia: o estigma da doença mental. Ao utilizar uma equipe de tratamento móvel, multidisciplinar, que enfatiza os papéis dos gerentes do caso treinados focada em fornecer indivíduo intensiva e apoio familiar no lar, este programa irá prestar cuidados culturalmente apropriados que irá alavancar contribuições de um suprimento limitado de psiquiatras e mudar longe da dependência um sistema médico fragmentado. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: In 2011, the World Psychiatric Association launched a programme of research fellowships for early-career psychiatrists from low- or lower-middle income countries, within this programme, the author was selected to a research fellowship at the Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre at University of Melbourne. Orygen, is the world’s leading research and knowledge translation organization focusing on mental ill-health in young people. The traineeship was based on Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC), which is part of Orygen. EPPIC provides comprehensive, integrated, community-based treatment program for first-episode psychosis. This dissertation describes the EPPIC model, and its core components and factors which are necessary to a right service implementation. Additionally, a proposal to establish a pilot early psychosis intervention programme is discussed. This programme includes an innovative outreach programme that combines sound business principals with social goals in order to specifically target the largest barrier to early psychosis treatment in Bolivia: the stigma of mental illness. By utilizing a mobile, multidisciplinary treatment team that emphasizes the roles of trained case managers focused on providing intensive individual and family support in the home, this programme will provide culturally appropriate care that will leverage contributions from a limited supply of psychiatrists and shift dependence away from a fragmented medical system.
Introduction In addition to the common alterations and diseases inherent in the aging process, elderly persons with a history of leprosy are particularly vulnerable to dependence because of disease-related impairments. Objective determine whether physical impairment from leprosy is associated with dependence among the elderly. Methods An analytical cross-sectional study of elderly individuals with a history of leprosy and no signs of cognitive impairment was conducted using a database from a former leprosy colony-hospital. The patients were evaluated for dependence in the basic activities of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), respectively) and subjected to standard leprosy physical disability grading. Subsequently, descriptive and univariate analyses were conducted, the latter using Pearson's chi-squared test. Results A total of 186 elderly persons were included in the study. Of these individuals, 53.8% were women, 49.5% were older than 75 years of age, 93% had four or less years of formal education, 24.2% lived in an institution for the long-term care of the elderly (ILTC), and 18.3% had lower limb amputations. Among those evaluated, 79.8% had visible physical impairments from leprosy (grade 2), 83.3% were independent in BADL, and 10.2% were independent in IADL. There was a higher impairment grade among those patients who were IADL dependent (p=0.038). Conclusion s: The leprosy physical impairment grade is associated with dependence for IADL, creating the need for greater social support and systematic monitoring by a multidisciplinary team. The results highlight the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of leprosy to prevent physical impairment and dependence in later years.