817 resultados para To take care and to educate


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Objective. To determine out-of-pocket expenditures related to osteoarthritis (OA) and to explore whether demographic details, health status scores (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form [SF-36] and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index [WOMAC]), or perception of social effect were expenditure determinants. Methods. A prospective cohort study of community-dwelling subjects with OA completed 4 consecutive 3-month cost diaries. In addition, subjects completed the SF-36 and WOMAC at baseline and at 12 months. Social impact at baseline was collected. Four groups categorized by age and sex were compared. Patients undergoing joint replacement were excluded. Results. Differences in health status were defined more by age than by sex, especially for physical function. The costs to the patients were high, particularly for women, who spent more on medications and special equipment. Women also reported receiving more assistance from family and friends. Higher disease-related expenditures were associated with greater pain levels, poorer social function and mental health, and longer duration of disease. Significant independent predictors of total patient expenditures related to OA were being female and having joint stiffness. Conclusion. Despite having heavily subsidized health care and access to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, out-of-pocket costs for patients with OA in Australia are considerable. Higher expenditures for patients with OA are related to more advanced disease, especially for women.


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The diagnosis and subsequent treatment of prostate cancer is followed by a range of significant disease specific and iatrogenic sequelae. However, the supportive care needs of men with prostate cancer are not well described in the literature. The present study assesses the supportive care needs of men with prostate cancer who are members of prostate cancer self-help groups in Queensland, Australia. In all, 206 men aged between 48 and 85 years (mean = 68) completed the Supportive Care Needs Survey (SCNS) (62% response). The SCNS is a validated measure assessing perceived need in the domains of psychological needs, health system and information needs, physical and daily living needs, patient care and support, and sexuality. Items assessing need for access to services and resources were also included. One third of the sample reported a moderate to high need for help for multiple items in the sexuality, psychological and health system and information domains. Younger men reported greater need in the sexuality domain; living in major urban centres was predictive of greater psychological need; being closer to the time of diagnosis was related to greater need for help in the physical and daily living domain; having prostate cancer that is not in remission, having received radiation therapy, and lower levels of education were predictive of greater need for help in patient care and support. Of the total sample, 55% of men had used alternative cancer treatments in the past 12 months, with younger and more educated men more likely to use alternative therapies. Interventions in sexuality, psychological concerns and informational support are priorities for men with prostate cancer. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The development of cropping systems simulation capabilities world-wide combined with easy access to powerful computing has resulted in a plethora of agricultural models and consequently, model applications. Nonetheless, the scientific credibility of such applications and their relevance to farming practice is still being questioned. Our objective in this paper is to highlight some of the model applications from which benefits for farmers were or could be obtained via changed agricultural practice or policy. Changed on-farm practice due to the direct contribution of modelling, while keenly sought after, may in some cases be less achievable than a contribution via agricultural policies. This paper is intended to give some guidance for future model applications. It is not a comprehensive review of model applications, nor is it intended to discuss modelling in the context of social science or extension policy. Rather, we take snapshots around the globe to 'take stock' and to demonstrate that well-defined financial and environmental benefits can be obtained on-farm from the use of models. We highlight the importance of 'relevance' and hence the importance of true partnerships between all stakeholders (farmer, scientists, advisers) for the successful development and adoption of simulation approaches. Specifically, we address some key points that are essential for successful model applications such as: (1) issues to be addressed must be neither trivial nor obvious; (2) a modelling approach must reduce complexity rather than proliferate choices in order to aid the decision-making process (3) the cropping systems must be sufficiently flexible to allow management interventions based on insights gained from models. The pro and cons of normative approaches (e.g. decision support software that can reach a wide audience quickly but are often poorly contextualized for any individual client) versus model applications within the context of an individual client's situation will also be discussed. We suggest that a tandem approach is necessary whereby the latter is used in the early stages of model application for confidence building amongst client groups. This paper focuses on five specific regions that differ fundamentally in terms of environment and socio-economic structure and hence in their requirements for successful model applications. Specifically, we will give examples from Australia and South America (high climatic variability, large areas, low input, technologically advanced); Africa (high climatic variability, small areas, low input, subsistence agriculture); India (high climatic variability, small areas, medium level inputs, technologically progressing; and Europe (relatively low climatic variability, small areas, high input, technologically advanced). The contrast between Australia and Europe will further demonstrate how successful model applications are strongly influenced by the policy framework within which producers operate. We suggest that this might eventually lead to better adoption of fully integrated systems approaches and result in the development of resilient farming systems that are in tune with current climatic conditions and are adaptable to biophysical and socioeconomic variability and change. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this pilot study was to determine whether residential respite care is used because of disruptive behaviour displayed by older people. The specific objectives were to 1) characterise older people being admitted for residential respite care, 2) obtain a preliminary estimate of the proportion of older people in residential respite care because of disruptive behaviour, and, 3) examine the relationship between residential respite care and disruptive behaviour. A quantitative approach using a cross-sectional survey was employed. The respite recipients were 35 older people with a mean age of 81.5 years (range 67-96 years). The respite recipients had been admitted for residential respite care to aged care hostels and nursing homes in a provincial city and its surrounding rural area. Nurses rated disruptive behaviour using the Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale (DBDS). Additional reliability data for the DBDS are provided. The study found that the largest specific group of residential respite care users were widows (31.4%) who lived alone in their own home. The reason for over half (51.4%) of the residential respite admissions was to give a carer a 'break' from the older person. Although a large proportion (80%) of respite recipients were rated as having disruptive behaviour, the proportion of admissions because of disruptive behaviour was much less (28.6%). People with dementia (37.1%) scored significantly higher than people without dementia on the DBDS [F (1,33)=15.57, p


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Objective To study student and staff views of the role and use of handouts, note-taking and overhead transparencies in veterinary science lectures at the University of Queensland Methods The Nominal Group Technique was used to help develop a questionnaire, which was completed by 351 students (a response rate of 84%) and 35 staff (76%) from the 5 years of the veterinary course. The data were analysed using the SAS statistical computer package. Results Staff and students held different views as to the frequency with which handouts should be used, their educational value, and whether they should be complete or partial. Fewer students than staff agreed that handouts discourage further reading in a subject. Almost all staff and students saw the central functions of note-taking to be provision of notes for subsequent revision and encoding information given by the lecturer. More students than staff however, considered that note-taking in lectures interferes with understanding. Staff and students held similar views as to the uses of overheads in lectures. Interestingly however, more staff than students agreed that overheads often contain too much information. Conclusion Both students and staff saw the central role of note-taking as providing a set of good notes for revision. Generally students preferred that this information be provided in the form of partial or complete handouts, while staff preferred students to take notes and to read outside lectures. Surprisingly, more staff than students felt that overhead transparencies often contained too much information. Note-taking, handouts and overhead transparencies need to be linked in a coherent educational strategy to promote effective learning.


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Background Paid employment is increasingly undertaken by mothers as their children age, with the majority of women being in employment by the time their offspring are adult. Opportunities to engage in employment appear to be reduced for mothers of children with disabilities; however, little is known about the employment of mothers or fathers of adults with disabilities. Method Data were collected regarding the employment decisions of parents of a young adult with multiple disabilities and contrasted with those of parents whose children were all developing normally. Twenty-five mothers and 12 fathers of a young adult with multiple disabilities were interviewed, as were 25 comparison mothers and 19 comparison fathers. Data collected included hours of work, reasons for employment status, attitudes towards work and child care, and psychological well-being. Results Clear differences were found between the two groups. Mothers and fathers of a child with multiple disabilities showed different engagement patterns with the paid workforce from comparison parents. Hours of work for fathers of a young adult with multiple disabilities showed a bi-modal distribution, with some fathers working fewer hours than usual and others working very long hours. For mothers in both groups, the number of hours in paid employment was negatively associated with reports of psychological problems. Conclusions Increased attention needs to be given to the employment opportunities of parents of children with disabilities since employment appears to play a protective role for mothers, in particular. Services provided to adults with disabilities will need to change if parents are to have the same life chances as parents without adult offspring with a disability.


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O ato de brincar tem sido considerado como vital à saúde mental, emocional, física e intelectual do ser humano. Todos esses elementos são vividos no brincar de modo indissociado. A brinquedoteca Hospitalar possibilita melhores condições para a recuperação da criança internada, minimizando situações traumatizantes e tornando a sua estadia no hospital mais alegre. Este trabalho propõe um estudo de inspiração fenomenológico existencial OBJETIVANDO: desvelar - o sentido de ser educadora nas brinquedotecas do Hospital Infantil de Vitória/ ES, focando as experiências delas narradas e cuidadosamente vividas (e ou experienciadas) nos modos subjetivos delas serem no mundo objetivo, vivências que serão narradas por elas nesse espaço-tempo de ludicidade que se presta à Pedagogia Hospitalar nas suas vertentes de atendimentos escolares (Educação Especial numa perspectiva inclusiva) e não-escolares donde a Pedagogia hospitalar compõe um ramo da Pedagogia Social, oferecendo assim atendimentos às crianças e jovens especialmente, mas não só (podendo abarcar adultos e idosos). MARCO TEÓRICO: o termo teórico central do nosso marco teórico é Cuidado (SORGE), como em BOFF (2012) e WALDOW(1993; 1998; 2006) e Experiência em PINEL (2004;2006) de ser (ter sido) de alguma forma criadora desse espaço-tempo de brincar ( e de estudar) no hospital, confabulando tanto uma Educação Não Escolar (Pedagogia Social) e Escolar (Pedagogia Escolar). A angústia de ser educadora das brinquedotecas pareceu-nos que se constituirá em uma característica imprescindível para a compreensão da sua existência do ser no ofício, bem como sua interação consigo mesmo, com o outro e com o mundo das Brinquedotecas Hospitalares. Entendemos os sentidos da alegria, calma e alegria, coragem e profissionalismo, transform(ação), direito e escolaridade e humanização e dor como elementos que compuseram o complexo mosaico de Cuidado (Sorge) – próprios daquele que se propõe cuidar de si, do outro e das coisas do mundo pelo viés de cuidar.


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O Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde consiste nos bens materiais e imateriais que expressam o processo da saúde individual e coletiva nas suas dimensões científica, histórica e cultural. Com a inserção do Brasil, através da COC-Fiocruz e do Ministério da Saúde, na Rede Latino-americana de Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde, iniciou-se o incentivo ao estudo da história da medicina e da arquitetura hospitalar, buscando também a proteção e a salvaguarda da memória das edificações hospitalares históricas. O século XIX foi marcado pela construção de várias edificações voltadas para o controle e reclusão dos pobres, essas instituições eram: a Casa de Correção, a Santa Casa da Misericórdia, o Hospício de Pedro II, o Asilo da Mendicidade e as Instituições de acolhimento de Menores. Dessas edificações destacam-se a Santa Casa da Misericórdia, o Hospício de Pedro II e o Asilo da Mendicidade que formam o Patrimônio Arquitetônico da Saúde tombado em nível federal. O Hospital da Santa Casa da Misericórdia foi construído em 1840-1852 sob os modernos preceitos da medicina do século XIX. A edificação até hoje mantém o uso hospitalar e apresenta um estado de conservação bom em seu exterior. Porém as condições internas foram consideradas ruins devido à falta de salubridade e higiene nos ambientes. O Hospital da Santa Casa é um Hospital de Referência, realiza atendimentos ambulatoriais, cirúrgicos e de internação. O Hospício de Pedro II foi criado para atender exclusivamente os alienados do Império. O estilo neoclássico e a monumentalidade da edificação o fizeram ser reconhecido como Palácio dos Loucos. O hospício funcionou até 1944 e quatro anos depois a edificação foi cedida à Universidade do Brasil, que adaptou sua arquitetura ao uso educacional. A edificação apresenta estado de conservação regular, com exceção da área central composta pela Capela que está ruim, devido ao incêndio de 2011. O Palácio dos Loucos tornou-se Palácio Universitário, modificando sua identidade através das mudanças que foram feitas em sua arquitetura. O Asilo da Mendicidade foi criado em 1876 para fechar o pentágono asilar. A edificação panóptica buscava a efetiva observação e controle dos internos. A edificação funcionou como Asilo para mendigos até 1920, quando transformou-se em Hospital de São Francisco de Assis. Posteriormente o hospital seria transferido para a Universidade do Brasil, que funcionou como hospital escola até 1978. O Hospital foi desativado e ficou sem uso por dez anos, quando enfim voltou a funcionar como um estabelecimento destinado aos mais pobres. O conjunto da edificação é o que apresenta o pior estado de conservação, considerado de ruim a péssimo. Comprovou-se com essa pesquisa que o mais importante para a preservação das características arquitetônicas e artísticas do bem é a manutenção do uso, seja ele qual for. Os novos usos devem ser adequados também às características e à capacidade da arquitetura em questão. Através de reformas e planos adequados, os hospitais oitocentistas, que hoje se apresentam como Patrimônio Arquitetônico da Saúde, podem manter um uso similar para o qual foi construído, como uma edificação voltada à promoção da saúde da população.


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RESUMO:O desenvolvimento entendido como um processo político, económico e social, visando uma melhoria constante do bem-estar de toda a população, requer a alocação e utilização de recursos para benefício social e económico da sociedade. Porém, em Moçambique, neste processo, o crescimento e progressão dos grupos sociais ainda é desigual, ocorrendo uma certa marginalização e menor participação nos processos de tomada de decisão, das mulheres e dos grupos desfavorecidos. O presente estudo, subordinado ao tema: “A Questão do Género em Moçambique: Contributo para uma análise da sua problemática”, procurou compreender a importância e o contributo das mulheres moçambicanas inseridas em diferentes áreas de desenvolvimento e o seu empoderamento. O estudo foi centrado nas diversas formas de luta e de intervenção contra a pobreza e a exclusão social. A metodologia do presente trabalho consistiu numa pesquisa empírica através da observação participante, onde foram feitas entrevistas, utilizando guiões pré-elaborados que permitiram recolher os perfis sociológicos das ONGs que trabalham directamente com as questões de género. Foram entrevistadas mulheres que ocupam lugares-chave nas instituições governamentais e algumas parlamentares. Foi igualmente consultada a documentação oficial bem como os dados estatísticos que abordam questões ligadas ao género. As observações feitas indicam-nos que a mulher em Moçambique busca gradualmente o seu espaço no desenvolvimento da sociedade, não se esgotando a sua participação apenas nos processos decisórios a nível governamental e das ONGs, antes estendendo-se ao associativismo nos mais diversos campos sociais. A mulher moçambicana participa hoje, individualmente ou organizada em grupo, em lutas e reivindicações colectivas, tendo crescido positivamente ao conseguir ultrapassar diversos obstáculos. A título de conclusão recomenda-se a inclusão de profissionais da área social nos programas de desenvolvimento. Seria uma forma de fortalecer os avanços já alcançados. A presença de assistentes sociais nos órgãos públicos e noutros sectores mais sensíveis, iria por certo permitir reduzir as preocupações dos que buscam estes serviços. ABSTRACT: The present study on the subject: “The Question of Gender in Mozambique: Development and Issues”, demand to understand the importance and contribution that non-governmental organizations provides on the effort of Mozambican woman in having in the society the space that on right belongs to her. The development understood as the economic, social, cultural and political process that aimed a continuous improvement of the population welfare, require the allocation and use of resources for social and economic benefit of society. However in many countries, as is the case of Mozambique, this process is the advancement of certain groups accompanied by the marginalization, exclusion and subordination of others, especially women. Despite improvement in education and combating poverty, access to education for women remains an unusual reality and poverty persists to affect much of Mozambican women, thus causing its social exclusion. On the other hand, although the law recognizes gender equality, women are still oppressed and often the only career that is destined is to be married, take care of the field and having children. However, several exceptions have occurred in which women have to take political positions and functions exclusively reserved to men before. Women's organizations and women leaders participating in favour of the defence of other women have been contributing to its success. UFUPISHO:Maendeleo, yanayosikiwa kama utaratibu wa jamii, ambao unalinga hali njema ya mustarehe wa watu wote wa nchi, yanahitaji toleo na utumizi wa vifaa kwa fadhili ya jamii na ya kiuchumi ya watu jamii. Walakini katika Mozambiki, mwendeleo unaotukia utaratibuni huu hauko sawa. Funzo hili la kuhusu jambo: “ Swali la jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike Mozambiki: Maendeleo na Tatizo “, lilitafuta kufahamu muhimu na msaada wa wanawake wa Mozambiki katika maeneo mbalimbali ya maendeleo na ongezo la uwezo wao. Funzo lilifanywa juu ya namna nyingi za mapigano na uamuzi kwa kupingana na umaskini na ondoleo katika jamii. Taratibu ya funzo hili ilikuwa uchunguzi jarabati katika onyo la kushirika,ambamo yalifanywa mahojiano, yakitumia maongozi yaliyofanywa mbele ambayo yaliruhusu kujua tabia za elimujamii za “ONGs” ambazo zinafanya kazi juu ya maswali ya jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike. Walihojiwa wanawake ambao wanamiliki kazi muhimu katika mashirika ya serikali na wanawake wa bunge. Zilichunguwa pia hati rasmi na takwimu zinazohusu maswali ya jinsi ya kuwa kiume au kike. Maonyo yaliyofanywa yanatuonyesha ya kwamba mwanamke katika Mozambika anatafuta kidogo kidogo nafasi yake maendeleoni ya watu jamii, asipojichosha tu kwa kushirika katika taratibu za kubezwa za serikali za “ONGs” na ushirikiano, ukijitanda kwa maeneo ya jamii makubwa zaidi. Mwanamke wa Mozambiki anashirika peke au kwa kundi, akiunganika mapiganoni na madaini ya pamoja, akigua na akiweza kupita vizuizi vingi. Inashauriwa kwamba kama namna ya kuimarisha maendeleo na kwa sababu mwanamke yuko katika sehemu nyingi za jamii, anaingia ndani ya sekta mbalimbali za ufundi kama kwa mfano msaidizi wa jamii. Kuwapo kwa msaidizi wa jamii katika mashirika ya umma na katika sekta nyingine mbalimbali kutaruhusu kumaliza shughuliko ya wale ambao wanatafuta kazi hizi.


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Portugal is a culture grounded in strong traditions and family. Yet, social changes like women returning to the workforce and a decreas ed national birth rate are impacting the traditional family structure and care giving environments of children. Female employment has been increasing steadily in P ortugal over the last three decades (Galego & Pereira, 2006) and the total fert ility rate decreasing from 4.1 to 2.8 (INE, 2006). Furthermore, extended family me mbers, like grandparents, no longer reside close by to their children and grandc hildren as in the past, because of a changing labor market. Many of the younger gen eration are leaving their rural communities to flock to urban areas because o f job opportunities, leaving behind older relatives who would have otherwise par ticipated in the daily care of children. Given these social and economic changes, children are spending more time in out-of-home care with non-familial caregive rs. Yet, government regulations and guidelines in early care and educat ion (ECCE) and early intervention (EI) are only just emerging; it contin ues to be a work in progress.


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Multiple-Choice items are used in many different kinds of tests in several areas of knowledge. They can be considered an interesting tool to the self-assessing or as an alternative or complementary instrument to the traditional methods for assessing knowledge. The objectivity and accuracy of the multiple-choice tests is an important reason to think about. They are especially useful when the number of students to evaluate is too large. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an Open Source course management system centered around learners' needs and designed to support collaborative approaches to teaching and learning. Moodle offers to the users a rich interface, context-specific help buttons, and a wide variety of tools such as discussion forums, wikis, chat, surveys, quizzes, glossaries, journals, grade books and more, that allow them to learn and collaborate in a truly interactive space. Come together the interactivity of the Moodle platform and the objectivity of this kind of tests one can easily build manifold random tests. The proposal of this paper is to relate our journey in the construction of these tests and share our experience in the use of the Moodle platform to create, take advantage and improve the multiple-choices tests in the Mathematic area.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated to poor glycemic control among diabetic patients seen at primary health care centers. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 372 diabetic patients attending 32 primary health care centers in southern Brazil. Data on three hierarchical levels of health unit infrastructure, medical care and patient characteristics were collected. RESULTS: The frequency of poor glycemic control was 50.5%. Multivariate analysis (multilevel method) showed that patients with body mass indexes below 27 kg/m², patients on oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin, and patients diagnosed as diabetic over five years prior to the interview were more likely to present poor glycemic control when compared to their counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: Given the hierarchical data structuring, all associations found suggest that factors associated to hyperglycemia are related to patient-level characteristics.


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OBJECTIVE: Pharmaceutical assistance is essential in health care and a right of citizens according to Brazilian law and drug policies. The study purpose was to evaluate aspects of pharmaceutical assistance in public primary health care. METHODS: A cross-sectional study using WHO drug indicators was carried out in Brasília in 2001. From a random sample of 15 out of 62 centers thirty exiting patients per center were interviewed. RESULTS: Only 18.7% of the patients fully understood the prescription, 56.3% could read it, 61.2% of the prescribed drugs were actually dispensed, and mean duration of pharmaceutical dispensing was 53.2 seconds. Each visit lasted on average 9.4 minutes. Of prescribed and non-dispensed drugs, 85.3% and 60.6% were on the local essential drug list (EDL) respectively. On average 83.2% of 40 essential drugs were in stock, and only two centers had a pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy. The mean number of drugs per prescription was 2.3, 85.3% of prescribed drugs were on the EDL, 73.2% were prescribed using the generic denomination, 26.4% included antibiotics and 7.5% were injectables. The most prescribed groups were: cardiovascular drugs (26.8%), anti-infective drugs (13.1%), analgesics (8.9%), anti-asthmatic drugs (5.8%), anti-diabetic drugs (5.3%), psychoactive drugs (3.7%), and combination drugs (2.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Essential drugs were only moderately available almost 30 years after the first Brazilian EDL was formulated. While physician use of essential drugs and generic names was fairly high, efficiency was impaired by the poor quality of pharmaceutical care, resulting in very low patient understanding and insufficient guarantee of supply, particularly for chronic diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the direct costs of schizophrenia for the public sector. METHODS: A study was carried out in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, during 1998. Data from the medical literature and governmental research bodies were gathered for estimating the total number of schizophrenia patients covered by the Brazilian Unified Health System. A decision tree was built based on an estimated distribution of patients under different types of psychiatric care. Medical charts from public hospitals and outpatient services were used to estimate the resources used over a one-year period. Direct costs were calculated by attributing monetary values for each resource used. RESULTS: Of all patients, 81.5% were covered by the public sector and distributed as follows: 6.0% in psychiatric hospital admissions, 23.0% in outpatient care, and 71.0% without regular treatment. The total direct cost of schizophrenia was US$191,781,327 (2.2% of the total health care expenditure in the state). Of this total, 11.0% was spent on outpatient care and 79.2% went for inpatient care. CONCLUSIONS: Most schizophrenia patients in the state of São Paulo receive no regular treatment. The study findings point out to the importance of investing in research aimed at improving the resource allocation for the treatment of mental disorders in Brazil.


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Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 26 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).