961 resultados para The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition. 4
BACKGROUND: The increased use of meta-analysis in systematic reviews of healthcare interventions has highlighted several types of bias that can arise during the completion of a randomised controlled trial. Study publication bias and outcome reporting bias have been recognised as a potential threat to the validity of meta-analysis and can make the readily available evidence unreliable for decision making. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this update, we review and summarise the evidence from cohort studies that have assessed study publication bias or outcome reporting bias in randomised controlled trials. Twenty studies were eligible of which four were newly identified in this update. Only two followed the cohort all the way through from protocol approval to information regarding publication of outcomes. Fifteen of the studies investigated study publication bias and five investigated outcome reporting bias. Three studies have found that statistically significant outcomes had a higher odds of being fully reported compared to non-significant outcomes (range of odds ratios: 2.2 to 4.7). In comparing trial publications to protocols, we found that 40-62% of studies had at least one primary outcome that was changed, introduced, or omitted. We decided not to undertake meta-analysis due to the differences between studies. CONCLUSIONS: This update does not change the conclusions of the review in which 16 studies were included. Direct empirical evidence for the existence of study publication bias and outcome reporting bias is shown. There is strong evidence of an association between significant results and publication; studies that report positive or significant results are more likely to be published and outcomes that are statistically significant have higher odds of being fully reported. Publications have been found to be inconsistent with their protocols. Researchers need to be aware of the problems of both types of bias and efforts should be concentrated on improving the reporting of trials.
Introduction : L'équipe mobile de soins palliatifs intra hospitalière (EMSP) du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) a été mise en place en 1996. Il s'agit d'une des premières équipes interdisciplinaire de consultants mise à disposition d'un hôpital tertiaire. Le CHUV est l'hôpital de proximité de la ville de Lausanne (850 lits) mais aussi un hôpital de référence pour le reste du canton. En 2007, il y a eu 38'359 patients hospitalisés au CHUV. Les facteurs d'évaluation du taux d'utilisation d'une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs consultantes sont variés et complexes. Plusieurs méthodes sont décrites dans la littérature pour tenter de répondre à cette problématique. Avant de pouvoir évaluer l'utilisation de notre équipe mobile consultante de soins palliatifs intra hospitalière, il nous est apparu nécessaire de mieux décrire et définir la population qui meurt dans notre institution. McNamara et collègues ont proposé des critères qui classifient une population palliative comme « minimale », « intermédiaire » ou « maximale ». L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer le taux de patients décédés au CHUV sur une période de 4 mois (Γ1 février au 31 mai 2007) suivie par notre EMSP en utilisant la méthode de classification «minimal » et « maximal ». Méthode : les archives médicales du CHUV ont été analysées pour chaque patient adulte décédé pendant la période sélectionnée. Les populations « maximal » et « minimal » de ces patients ont été ensuite déterminées selon des critères basés sur les codes diagnostiques figurants sur les certificats de décès. De ces deux populations, nous avons identifié à partir de notre base de données, les patients qui ont été suivie par notre EMSP. Le CHUV utilise les mêmes codes diagnostiques (International Classification of Disease, ICD) que ceux utilisés dans la classification de McNamara. Une recherche pilote effectuée dans les archives médicales du CHUV manuellement en analysant en profondeur l'ensemble du dossier médical a révélé que la classification de la population « minimal » pouvait être biaisée notamment en raison d'une confusion entre la cause directe du décès (complication d'une maladie) et la maladie de base. Nous avons estimé le pourcentage d'erreur de codification en analysé un échantillon randomisé de patients qui remplissait les critères « minimal ». Résultats : sur un total de 294 décès, 263 (89%) remplissaient initialement les critères « maximal » et 83 (28%) les critères «minimal», l'analyse de l'échantillon randomisé de 56 dossiers de patients sur les 180 qui ne remplissaient pas les critères « minimal » ont révélé que 21 (38%) auraient dus être inclus dans la population « minimal ». L'EMSP a vu 67/263 (25.5%) de la population palliative « maximal » et 56/151 (37.1%) de la population palliative « minimal ». Conclusion : cette étude souligne l'utilité de la méthode proposée par McNamara pour déterminer la population de patients palliatifs. Cependant, notre travail illustre aussi une limite importante de l'estimation de la population « minima » en lien avec l'imprécision des causes de décès figurant sur les certificats de décès de notre institution. Nos résultats mettent aussi en lumière que l'EMSP de notre institution est clairement sous- utilisée. Nous prévoyons une étude prospective de plus large envergure utilisant la même méthodologie afin d'approfondir les résultats de cette étude pilote.
Goals: Adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in breast cancer are increasing based on the pathologist's assessment of the proliferation fraction in the tumor. Yet, how good and how reproducible are we pathologists at providing reliable Ki-67 readings on breast carcinomas. Exactly how to count and in which areas to count within a tumor remains inadequately standardized. The Swiss Working Group of Gyneco- and Breast Pathologists has tried to appreciate this dilemma and to propose ways to obtain more reproducible results.Methods: In a first phase, 5 pathologists evaluated Ki67 counts in 10 breast cancers by exact counting (500 cells) and by eyeballing. Pathologists were free to select the region in which Ki67 was evaluated. In a second phase 16 pathologists evaluated Ki-67 counts in 3 breast cancers also by exact counting and eyeballing, but in predefined fields of interest. In both phases, Ki67 was assessed in centrally immunostained slides (ZH) and on slides immunostained in the 11 participating laboratories. In a third phase, these same 16 pathologists were once again asked to read the 3 cases from phase 2, plus three new cases, and this time exact guidelines were provided as to what exactly is considered a Ki-67 positive nucleus.Results: Discordance of Ki67 assessment was due to each of the following 4 factors: (i) pathologists' divergent definitions of what counts as a positive nucleus (ii) the mode of assessment (counting vs. eyeballing), (iii) immunostaining technique/protocol/antibody, and (iv) the selection of the area in which to count.Conclusion: Providing guidelines as to where to count (representative field in the tumor periphery and omitting hot spots) and what nuclei to count (even faintly immunostained nuclei count as positive) reduces the discordance rates of Ki67 readings between pathologists. Laboratory technique is only of minor importance (even over a large antibody dilution range), and counting nuclei does not improve accuracy, but rather aggravates deviations from the group mean values.Disclosure of Interest: None Declared
PURPOSE: To evaluate the role of postoperative radiotherapy (RT) in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). METHODS AND MATERIALS: A retrospective multicenter study was performed in 180 patients with MCC treated between February 1988 and September 2009. Patients who had had surgery alone were compared with patients who received surgery and postoperative RT or radical RT. Local relapse-free survival (LRFS), regional relapse-free survival (RRFS), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) rates were assessed together with disease-free survival (DFS), cancer-specific survival (CSS), and overall survival (OS) rates. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients were male and 101 patients were female, and the median age was 73 years old (range, 38-93 years). The majority of patients had localized disease (n = 146), and the remaining patients had regional lymph node metastasis (n = 34). Forty-nine patients underwent surgery for the primary tumor without postoperative RT to the primary site; the other 131 patients received surgery for the primary tumor, followed by postoperative RT (n = 118) or a biopsy of the primary tumor followed by radical RT (n = 13). Median follow-up was 5 years (range, 0.2-16.5 years). Patients in the RT group had improved LRFS (93% vs. 64%; p < 0.001), RRFS (76% vs. 27%; p < 0.001), DMFS (70% vs. 42%; p = 0.01), DFS (59% vs. 4%; p < 0.001), and CSS (65% vs. 49%; p = 0.03) rates compared to patients who underwent surgery for the primary tumor alone; LRFS, RRFS, DMFS, and DFS rates remained significant with multivariable Cox regression analysis. However OS was not significantly improved by postoperative RT (56% vs. 46%; p = 0.2). CONCLUSIONS: After multivariable analysis, postoperative RT was associated with improved outcome and seems to be an important component in the multimodality treatment of MCC.
Objective.- The Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation is a specific questionnaire for the wrist [1]. It consists of 15 questions with a total score of 100. It was recently translated into French [2]. However, its validity has not been tested in this language. The Disabilities Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH), with well-established psychometric properties, is considered as the reference questionnaire for the evaluation of upper extremities. The objective of this study is to measure the construct validity of the PRWE-F with the DASH-F in patients with wrist pathology.Patients and methods.- Fifty-one patients (40 m, 11 w, mean age 42 years), 25 fractures of the radius and 26 lesions of the carpus.Questionnaires PRWE-F and DASH-F at entry and at discharge (0 to 100). Calculation of the construct validity of the PRWE-F comparing with the DASH-F with Pearson correlation coefficients (r) at entry and at discharge. Level of significance (alpha) was set at 5%.Results.- Correlation DASH/PRWE at entry: r = 0.799 (95% CI 0.671 to 0.881), P < 0.0001. Correlation DASH/PRWE at discharge: r = 0.847 (95% CI: 0.745 to 0.910), P < 0.0001.Discussion.- The construct validity of the two instruments indicates that they measure the same concept. Our correlation between DASH-F and PRWE-F, going from 0.799 to 0.847, are comparable to those published in different languages (0.71 to 0.84) [3,4]. The questionnaires PRWE-F can thus be used in rehabilitation patients presenting with wrist pathologies; it is comparable to the DASH but described by MacDermid [1] to be more specific. Compared to the DASH it has the advantage of consisting of two dimensions. Its construct validity is excellent. This questionnaire should be evaluated in other populations, and it should be compared with hand questionnaires more specific than the DASH.
Background. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmitted drug resistance (TDR) can compromise antiretroviral therapy (ART) and thus represents an important public health concern. Typically, sources of TDR remain unknown, but they can be characterized with molecular epidemiologic approaches. We used the highly representative Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) and linked drug resistance database (SHCS-DRDB) to analyze sources of TDR. Methods. ART-naive men who have sex with men with infection date estimates between 1996 and 2009 were chosen for surveillance of TDR in HIV-1 subtype B (N = 1674), as the SHCS-DRDB contains pre-ART genotypic resistance tests for >69% of this surveillance population. A phylogeny was inferred using pol sequences from surveillance patients and all subtype B sequences from the SHCS-DRDB (6934 additional patients). Potential sources of TDR were identified based on phylogenetic clustering, shared resistance mutations, genetic distance, and estimated infection dates. Results. One hundred forty of 1674 (8.4%) surveillance patients carried virus with TDR; 86 of 140 (61.4%) were assigned to clusters. Potential sources of TDR were found for 50 of 86 (58.1%) of these patients. ART-naive patients constitute 56 of 66 (84.8%) potential sources and were significantly overrepresented among sources (odds ratio, 6.43 [95% confidence interval, 3.22-12.82]; P < .001). Particularly large transmission clusters were observed for the L90M mutation, and the spread of L90M continued even after the near cessation of antiretroviral use selecting for that mutation. Three clusters showed evidence of reversion of K103N or T215Y/F. Conclusions. Many individuals harboring viral TDR belonged to transmission clusters with other Swiss patients, indicating substantial domestic transmission of TDR in Switzerland. Most TDR in clusters could be linked to sources, indicating good surveillance of TDR in the SHCS-DRDB. Most TDR sources were ART naive. This, and the presence of long TDR transmission chains, suggests that resistance mutations are frequently transmitted among untreated individuals, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
OBJECTIVES: We examined the social distribution of a comprehensive range of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in a Swiss population and assessed whether socioeconomic differences varied by age and gender. METHODS: Participants were 2960 men and 3343 women aged 35-75 years from a population-based survey conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland (CoLaus study). Educational level was the indicator of socioeconomic status used in this study. Analyses were stratified by gender and age group (35-54 years; 55-75 years). RESULTS: There were large educational differences in the prevalence of CVRF such as current smoking (Δ = absolute difference in prevalence between highest and lowest educational group:15.1%/12.6% in men/women aged 35-54 years), physical inactivity (Δ = 25.3%/22.7% in men/women aged 35-54 years), overweight and obesity (Δ = 14.6%/14.8% in men/women aged 55-75 years for obesity), hypertension (Δ = 16.7%/11.4% in men/women aged 55-75 years), dyslipidemia (Δ = 2.8%/6.2% in men/women aged 35-54 years for high LDL-cholesterol) and diabetes (Δ = 6.0%/2.6% in men/women aged 55-75 years). Educational inequalities in the distribution of CVRF were larger in women than in men for alcohol consumption, obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia (p<0.05). Relative educational inequalities in CVRF tended to be greater among the younger (35-54 years) than among the older age group (55-75 years), particularly for behavioral CVRF and abdominal obesity among men and for physiological CVRF among women (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Large absolute differences in the prevalence of CVRF according to education categories were observed in this Swiss population. The socioeconomic gradient in CVRF tended to be larger in women and in younger persons.
RésuméEn agriculture d'énormes pertes sont causées par des champignons telluriques pathogènes tels que Thielaviopsis, Fusarium, Gaeumannomyces et Rhizoctonia ou encore l'oomycète Pythium. Certaines bactéries dites bénéfiques, comme Pseudomonas fluorescens, ont la capacité de protéger les plantes de ces pathogènes par la colonisation de leur racines, par la production de métabolites secondaires possédants des propriétés antifongiques et par l'induction des mécanismes de défenses de la plante colonisée. P. fluorescens CHAO, une bactérie biocontrôle isolée d'un champ de tabac à Payerne, a la faculté de produire un large spectre de métabolites antifongiques, en particulier le 2,4- diacétylphloroglucinol (DAPG), la pyolutéorine (PLT), le cyanure d'hydrogène (HCN), la pyrrolnitrine (PRN) ainsi que des chélateurs de fer.La plante, par sécrétion racinaire, produit des rhizodéposites, source de carbone et d'azote, qui profitent aux populations bactériennes vivant dans la rhizosphere. De plus, certains stresses biotiques et abiotiques modifient cette sécrétion racinaire, en terme quantitatif et qualitatif. De leur côté, les bactéries bénéfiques, améliorent, de façon direct et/ou indirect, la croissance de la plante hôte. De nombreux facteurs biotiques et abiotiques sont connus pour réguler la production de métabolites secondaires chez les bactéries. Des études récentes ont démontré l'importance de la communication entre la plante et les bactéries bénéfiques afin que s'établisse une interaction profitant à chacun des deux partis. Il est ainsi vraisemblable que les populations bactériennes associées aux racines soient capables d'intégrer ces signaux et d'adapter spécifiquement leur comportement en conséquence.La première partie de ce travail de thèse a été la mise au point d'outils basés sur la cytométrie permettant de mesurer l'activité antifongique de cellules bactériennes individuelles dans un environnent naturel, les racines des plantes. Nous avons démontré, grâce à un double marquage aux protéines autofluorescentes GFP et mCherry, que les niveaux d'expression des gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse des substances antifongiques DAPG, PLT, PRN et HCN ne sont pas les mêmes dans des milieux de cultures liquides que sur les racines de céréales. Par exemple, l'expression de pltA (impliqué dans la biosynthèse du PLT) est quasiment abolie sur les racines de blé mais atteint un niveau relativement haut in vitro. De plus cette étude a mis en avant l'influence du génotype céréalien sur l'expression du gène phlA qui est impliqué dans la biosynthèse du DAPG.Une seconde étude a révélé la communication existant entre une céréale (orge) infectée par le pathogène tellurique Pythium ultimum et P. fluorescens CHAO. Un système de partage des racines nous a permis de séparer physiquement le pathogène et la bactérie bénéfique sur la plante. Cette méthode a donné la possibilité d'évaluer l'effet systémique, causé par l'attaque du pathogène, de la plante sur la bactérie biocontrôle. En effet, l'infection par le phytopathogène modifie la concentration de certains composés phénoliques dans les exsudats racinaires stimulant ainsi l'expression de phi A chez P.fluorescens CHAO.Une troisième partie de ce travail focalise sur l'effet des amibes qui sont des micro-prédateurs présents dans la rhizosphere. Leur présence diminue l'expression des gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse du DAPG, PLT, PRN et HCN chez P.fluorescens CHAO, ceci en culture liquide et sur des racines d'orge. De plus, des molécules provenant du surnageant d'amibes, influencent l'expression des gènes requis pour la biosynthèse de ces antifongiques. Ces résultats illustrent que les amibes et les bactéries de la rhizosphere ont développé des stratégies pour se reconnaître et adapter leur comportement.La dernière section de ce travail est consacrée à l'acide indole-acétique (LA.A), une phytohormone connue pour son effet stimulateur sur phlA. Une étude moléculaire détaillée nous a démontré que cet effet de l'IAA est notamment modulé par une pompe à efflux (FusPl) et de son régulateur transcriptionnel (MarRl). De plus, les gènes fusPl et marRl sont régulés par d'autres composés phénoliques tels que le salicylate (un signal végétal) et l'acide fusarique (une phytotoxine du pathogène Fusarium).En résumé, ce travail de thèse illustre la complexité des interactions entre les eucaryotes et procaryotes de la rhizosphère. La reconnaissance mutuelle et l'instauration d'un dialogue moléculaire entre une plante hôte et ses bactéries bénéfiques associées? sont indispensables à la survie des deux protagonistes et semblent être hautement spécifiques.SummaryIn agriculture important crop losses result from the attack of soil-borne phytopathogenic fungi, including Thielaviopsis, Fusarium, Gaeumannomyces and Rhizoctonia, as well as from the oomycete Pythium. Certain beneficial microorganisms of the rhizosphere, in particular Pseudomonas fluorescens, have the ability to protect plants against phytopathogens by the intense colonisation of roots, by the production of antifungal exoproducts, and by induction of plant host defences. P. fluorescens strain CHAO, isolated from a tobacco field near Payerne, produces a large array of antifungal exoproducts, including 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyoluteorin (PLT), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), pyrrolnitrin (PRN) and iron chelators. Plants produce rhizodeposites via root secretion and these represent a relevant source of carbon and nitrogen for rhizosphere microorganisms. Various biotic and abiotic stresses influence the quantity and the quality of released exudates. One the other hand, beneficial bacteria directly or indirectly promote plant growth. Biotic and abiotic factors regulate exoproduct production in biocontrol microorganisms. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of communication in establishing a fine-tuned mutualist interaction between plants and their associated beneficial bacteria. Bacteria may be able to integrate rhizosphere signals and adapt subsequently their behaviour.In a first part of the thesis, we developed a new method to monitor directly antifungal activity of individual bacterial cells in a natural environment, i.e. on roots of crop plants. We were able to demonstrate, via a dual-labelling system involving green and red fluorescent proteins (GFP, mCherry) and FACS-based flow cytometry, that expression levels of biosynthetic genes for the antifungal compounds DAPG, PLT, PRN, and HCN are highly different in liquid culture and on roots of cereals. For instance, expression of pltA (involved in PLT biosynthesis) was nearly abolished on wheat roots whereas it attained a relatively high level under in vitro conditions. In addition, we established the importance of the cereal genotype in the expression of phi A (involved in DAPG biosynthesis) in P. fluorescens CHAO.A second part of this work highlighted the systemic communication that exists between biocontrol pseudomonads and plants following attack by a root pathogen. A split-root system, allowing physical separation between the soil-borne oomycete pathogen Phytium ultimum and P. fluorescens CHAO on barley roots, was set up. Root infection by the pathogen triggered a modification of the concentration of certain phenolic root exudates in the healthy root part, resulting in an induction ofphlA expression in P. fluorescens CHAO.Amoebas are micro-predators of the rhizosphere that feed notably on bacteria. In the third part of the thesis, co-habitation of Acanthamoeba castellanii with P. fluorescens CHAO in culture media and on barley roots was found to significantly reduce bacterial expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of DAPG, PLT, HCN and PRN. Interestingly, molecular cues present in supernatant of A. castelanii induced the expression of these antifungal genes. These findings illustrate the strategies of mutual recognition developed by amoeba and rhizosphere bacteria triggering responses that allow specific adaptations of their behaviour.The last section of the work focuses on indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a phytohormone that stimulates the expression of phi A. A detailed molecular study revealed that the IAA-mediated effect on phi A is notably modulated by an efflux pump (FusPl) and its transcriptional regulator (MarRl). Remarkably, transcription of fusPl and marRl was strongly upregulated in presence of other phenolic compounds such as salicylate (a plant signal) and fusaric acid (a phytotoxin of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium).To sum up, this work illustrates the great complexity of interactions between eukaryotes and prokaryotes taking place in the rhizosphere niche. The mutual recognition and the establishment of a molecular cross-talk between the host plant and its associated beneficial bacteria are essential for the survival of the two partners and these interactions appear to be highly specific.
The CIAO Study is a multicenter observational study currently underway in 66 European medical institutions over the course of a six-month study period (January-June 2012).This preliminary report overviews the findings of the first half of the study, which includes all data from the first three months of the six-month study period.Patients with either community-acquired or healthcare-associated complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) were included in the study.912 patients with a mean age of 54.4 years (range 4-98) were enrolled in the study during the first three-month period. 47.7% of the patients were women and 52.3% were men. Among these patients, 83.3% were affected by community-acquired IAIs while the remaining 16.7% presented with healthcare-associated infections. Intraperitoneal specimens were collected from 64.2% of the enrolled patients, and from these samples, 825 microorganisms were collectively identified.The overall mortality rate was 6.4% (58/912). According to univariate statistical analysis of the data, critical clinical condition of the patient upon hospital admission (defined by severe sepsis and septic shock) as well as healthcare-associated infections, non-appendicular origin, generalized peritonitis, and serious comorbidities such as malignancy and severe cardiovascular disease were all significant risk factors for patient mortality.White Blood Cell counts (WBCs) greater than 12,000 or less than 4,000 and core body temperatures exceeding 38°C or less than 36°C by the third post-operative day were statistically significant indicators of patient mortality.
1. The environment of parasites is determined largely by their hosts. Variation in host quality, abundance and spatial distribution affects the balance between selection within hosts and gene flow between hosts, and this should determine the evolution of a parasite's host-range and its propensity to locally adapt and speciate. 2. We investigated the relationship between host spatial distribution and (1) parasite host range, (2) parasite mobility and (3) parasite geographical range, in a comparative study of a major group of avian ectoparasites, the birds fleas belonging to the Ceratophyllidae (Siphonaptera). 3. Flea species parasitizing colonial birds had narrower host ranges than those infesting territorial nesters or birds with an intermediate level of nest aggregation. 4. The potential mobility and geographical ranges of fleas decreased with increasing level of aggregation of their hosts and increased with the fleas' host ranges. 5. Birds with aggregated nest distribution harboured more flea species mainly due to a larger number of specialists than solitarily nesting hosts. 6. These results emphasize the importance of host spatial distribution for the evolution of specialization, and for local adaptation and speciation in Ceratophyllid bird fleas.
Preclinical studies implicate a role for 45;₁-noradrenergic receptors in the effects of psychostimulants, including 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy"). The present study evaluated the effects of the 45;₁-noradrenergic receptor antagonist doxazosin on the acute pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic response to MDMA in 16 healthy subjects. Doxazosin (8 mg/d) or placebo was administered for 3 days before MDMA (125 mg) or placebo using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4-session, crossover design. Doxazosin reduced MDMA-induced elevations in blood pressure, body temperature, and moderately attenuated positive mood but enhanced tachycardia associated with MDMA. The results indicate that 45;₁-adrenergic receptors contribute to the acute cardiostimulant and to a minor extent possibly also to the thermogenic and euphoric effects of MDMA in humans.
A Study of the Relationship between Elite Athletes' Educational Development and Sporting Performance
The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.