836 resultados para The Age


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The scholarship on migration in Europe heavily focuses on the integration of economically vulnerable migrants. In the age of commercialization of education, however, the European Union attracts a rising number of highly skilled non-EU migrants that take up studies across the continent. Despite economic downturn, the EU universities experience a rapid growth in the number of Chinese students, many of whom settle in Europe upon graduation. Surprisingly, although the number of Chinese students in the EU increases, scholars largely ignore the labor paths that these highly skilled migrants take upon graduating from European universities. This study aims to fill this gap by exploring the variation in the Chinese graduates’ labor incorporation patterns and in their spatial mobility. In this project, I also examine macro-level hypotheses predicting that the EU and host states’ labor market institutions, changes in the EU policies on the highly skilled and the outburst of economic crisis matter for the Chinese highly skilled social and spatial mobility. Seizing on surveys, interviews and on the bodies of literature on stratification and social mobility, economic incorporation, social capital and human capital, I look at the Chinese students that graduated from universities in Great Britain and Spain. These states differ in the university tuition fees, migration policies towards the highly skilled workers and in the period of the Chinese students’ influx, thus providing an economically and socially diverse sample. My research will contribute to the literature on the relations between migrants’ social mobility, class and status background and spatial mobility, at the same time adding a transnational level perspective to the study of highly skilled Asian migration.


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BACKGROUND: Pancreatic stone protein (PSP) has been identified as a promising sepsis marker in adults, children and neonates. However, data on population-based reference values are lacking. This study aimed to establish age-specific reference values for PSP. METHODS: PSP was determined using a specific ELISA. PSP serum concentrations were determined in 372 healthy subjects including 217 neonates, 94 infants and children up to 16 years, and 61 adults. The adjacent categories method was used to determine which age categories had significantly different PSP concentrations. RESULTS: PSP circulating levels were not gender-dependent and ranged from 1.0 to 99.4 ng/ml with a median of 9.2 ng/ml. PSP increased significantly between the age categories, from a median of 2.6 ng/ml in very preterm newborns, to 6.3 ng/ml in term newborns, to 16.1 ng/ml in older children (p < 0.001). PSP levels were higher on postnatal day three compared to levels measured immediately post delivery (p < 0.001). Paired umbilical artery and umbilical vein samples were strongly correlated (p < 0.001). Simultaneously obtained capillary heel-prick versus venous samples showed a good level of agreement for PSP (Rho 0.89, bias 19 %). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides age-specific normal values that may be used to define cut-offs for future trials on PSP. We demonstrate an age-dependent increase of PSP from birth to childhood.


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The adult dentate gyrus produces new neurons that morphologically and functionally integrate into the hippocampal network. In the adult brain, most excitatory synapses are ensheathed by astrocytic perisynaptic processes that regulate synaptic structure and function. However, these processes are formed during embryonic or early postnatal development and it is unknown whether astrocytes can also ensheathe synapses of neurons born during adulthood and, if so, whether they play a role in their synaptic transmission. Here, we used a combination of serial-section immuno-electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, and electrophysiology to examine the formation of perisynaptic processes on adult-born neurons. We found that the afferent and efferent synapses of newborn neurons are ensheathed by astrocytic processes, irrespective of the age of the neurons or the size of their synapses. The quantification of gliogenesis and the distribution of astrocytic processes on synapses formed by adult-born neurons suggest that the majority of these processes are recruited from pre-existing astrocytes. Furthermore, the inhibition of astrocytic glutamate re-uptake significantly reduced postsynaptic currents and increased paired-pulse facilitation in adult-born neurons, suggesting that perisynaptic processes modulate synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, some processes were found intercalated between newly formed dendritic spines and potential presynaptic partners, suggesting that they may also play a structural role in the connectivity of new spines. Together, these results indicate that pre-existing astrocytes remodel their processes to ensheathe synapses of adult-born neurons and participate to the functional and structural integration of these cells into the hippocampal network.


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The Early Cretaceous has experienced the development of large shallow-water carbonate platform in tropical and subtropical regions, favoured by exceptionally warm climatic conditions, optimal trophic conditions and a suitable tectonic and paleogeographic context. This period was also characterized by shorter intervals, in which the widespread deposition of marine sediments enriched in organic matter occurred ("oceanic anoxic episodes": OAE). This study focuses on the Barremian- Aptian interval, during which the Urgonian platform developed throughout the northern Tethyan passive margin. Due to the Alpine orogeny, sediments belonging to this platform - named locally Schrattenkalk Formation, are presently outcropping in the Helvetic Alps. This study aims to reconstruct the paleogeographic evolution of the Helvetic platform, and to define the environmental and oceanographic factors, which influenced its development. Several key episodes in the life of this platform have been identified: - The installation of the platform, covering hemipelagic sediments of the Drusberg Member, near the limit between the early and late Barremian. - The temporary change of carbonate production type during the basal Aptian, with the deposition of the Rawil Member. - And finally the definitive interruption of photozoan carbonate platform sedimentation in the study area, during the early Aptian. The sedimentological, biostratigraphical and chemostratigraphic (8I3C) data lead to the sequential subdivision of eleven sections and one core, located throughout the different Helvetic nappes of Switzerland. The sequence stratigraphie framework, initially defined for the Urgonian carbonate platform of the Vercors area (SE France), is confirmed in the Helvetic nappes, where the same number of sequences was observed. Many similarities between these two areas are put forward in this work. The sequence stratigraphie framework helped to highlight the installation of a bioclastic body, included in the Schrattenkalk Formation, since the middle Early Barremian (sequence B2). The age of the installation of the rudist-rich limestone, which corresponds to the Urgonian facies sensu stricto, is attributed to the late Barremian (maximum flooding surface of the sequence B3). This age coincides with the one determined in other northern Tethyan areas for the installation of the Urgonian platform. The results of this study show a strong tectonic control of the platform architecture, with the presence of syn-sedimentary faults in a perpendicular position to the progradation direction of the platform. The presence of these faults was highlighted by the study of the evolution of the microfacies distribution and by thickness variations in different areas. Sea level fluctuations also played an important role in the various life phases of the platform. Three major falls in sea level have been identified. A significant emersion of the proximal domain has been observed, involving an important drop of the relative sea level, leading to the exposure of the Drusberg Member hemipelagic series. A second major drop in sea level is identified near the Barremian-Aptian boundary, and a third is registered on the top of the Upper Schrattenkalk Member on the whole platform; it is associated with a karst affecting the underlying limestones to a depth of over 20 meters. This observation sheds new light on the conditions linked to the demise of Urgonian platform, which was strongly influenced by this phase of emersion.


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Due to the rise of criminal, civil and administrative judicial situations involving people lacking valid identity documents, age estimation of living persons has become an important operational procedure for numerous forensic and medicolegal services worldwide. The chronological age of a given person is generally estimated from the observed degree of maturity of some selected physical attributes by means of statistical methods. However, their application in the forensic framework suffers from some conceptual and practical drawbacks, as recently claimed in the specialised literature. The aim of this paper is therefore to offer an alternative solution for overcoming these limits, by reiterating the utility of a probabilistic Bayesian approach for age estimation. This approach allows one to deal in a transparent way with the uncertainty surrounding the age estimation process and to produce all the relevant information in the form of posterior probability distribution about the chronological age of the person under investigation. Furthermore, this probability distribution can also be used for evaluating in a coherent way the possibility that the examined individual is younger or older than a given legal age threshold having a particular legal interest. The main novelty introduced by this work is the development of a probabilistic graphical model, i.e. a Bayesian network, for dealing with the problem at hand. The use of this kind of probabilistic tool can significantly facilitate the application of the proposed methodology: examples are presented based on data related to the ossification status of the medial clavicular epiphysis. The reliability and the advantages of this probabilistic tool are presented and discussed.


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Fitness can be profoundly influenced by the age at first reproduction (AFR), but to date the AFR-fitness relationship only has been investigated intraspecifically. Here, we investigated the relationship between AFR and average lifetime reproductive success (LRS) across 34 bird species. We assessed differences in the deviation of the Optimal AFR (i.e., the species-specific AFR associated with the highest LRS) from the age at sexual maturity, considering potential effects of life history as well as social and ecological factors. Most individuals adopted the species-specific Optimal AFR and both the mean and Optimal AFR of species correlated positively with life span. Interspecific deviations of the Optimal AFR were associated with indices reflecting a change in LRS or survival as a function of AFR: a delayed AFR was beneficial in species where early AFR was associated with a decrease in subsequent survival or reproductive output. Overall, our results suggest that a delayed onset of reproduction beyond maturity is an optimal strategy explained by a long life span and costs of early reproduction. By providing the first empirical confirmations of key predictions of life-history theory across species, this study contributes to a better understanding of life-history evolution.


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Hoitotyön laatu - lasten näkökulma Tämän kolmivaiheisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla lasten odotuksia ja arviointeja lasten hoitotyön laadusta sekä kehittää mittari kouluikäisille sairaalassa oleville lapsille laadun arviointiin. Perimmäisenä tavoitteena oli lasten hoitotyön laadun kehittäminen sairaalassa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa 20 alle kouluikäistä (4-6v) sekä 20 kouluikäistä (7-11v) lasta kuvailivat odotuksiaan lasten hoitotyön laadusta. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelulla ja lasten piirustusten avulla, sekä analysoitiin sisällön analyysilla. Lasten odotukset lasten hoitotyön laadusta kohdistuivat hoitajaan, hoitotyön toimintoihin ja ympäristöön, fyysinen ympäristö korostui piirustuksissa. Ensimmäisen vaiheen tulosten, aikaisemman kirjallisuuden sekä Leino-Kilven “HYVÄ HOITO” mittarin pohjalta kehitettiin “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS) mittari ja testattiin sen psykometrisiä ominaisuuksia tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa. Mittaria kehitettiin ja testattiin kolmen vaiheen kautta. Aluksi asiantuntijapaneeli (n=7) arvioi mittarin sisältöä. Seuraavaksi mittari esitestattiin kahdesti kouluikäisillä sairaalassa olevilla lapsilla (n=41 ja n=16), samassa vaiheessa myös viiden lastenosaston hoitajat (n=19) yhdessä arvioivat mittarin sisältöä sekä 8 lasta. Lopuksi mittaria testattiin kouluikäisillä lapsilla (n=388) sairaalassa sekä hoitajat (n=198) arvioivat mittarin sisällön validiteettia. Mittarin kehittämisen aikana päälaatuluokkien: hoitajan ominaisuudet, hoitotyön toiminnot ja hoitotyön ympäristö Cronbachin alfa kertoimet paranivat. Pääkomponentti analyysi tuki mittarin hoitotyön toimintojen ja ympäristön alaluokkien teoreettista rakennetta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS III, versio neljä) mittarilla kerättiin aineisto Suomen yliopistosairaaloiden lastenosastoilta kouluikäisiltä 7-11 -vuotiailta lapsilta (n=388). Mittarin lopussa lapsia pyydettiin lisäksi kuvailemaan kivointa ja ikävintä kokemustaan sairaalahoidon aikana lauseen täydennystehtävänä. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisesti sekä sisällön analyysilla. Lapset arvioivat fyysisen hoitoympäristön, hoitajien inhimillisyyden ja luotettavuuden sekä huolenpidon ja vuorovaikutustoiminnot kiitettäviksi. Lapset arvioivat hoitajien viihdyttämistoiminnot kaikkein alhaisimmiksi. Lapsen ikä ja sairaalantulotapa olivat yhteydessä lasten saamaan tiedon määrään. Lasten kivoimmat kokemukset liittyivät ihmisiin ja heidän ominaisuuksiinsa, toimintoihin, ympäristöön sekä lopputuloksiin. Ikävimmät kokemukset liittyivät potilaana oloon, tuntemuksiin sairauden oireista sekä erossaoloon, hoitotyön fyysisiin toimintoihin sekä ympäristöön. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat lasten olevan kykeneviä arvioimaan omaa hoitoaan ja heidän näkökulmansa tulisi nähdä osana koko laadun kehittämisprosessia parannettaessa laatua käytännössä todella lapsilähtöisemmällä lähestymistavalla. “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS) mittari on mahdollinen väline saada tietoa lasten arvioinneista lasten hoitotyön laadusta, mutta mittarin testaamista tulisi jatkaa tulevaisuudessa


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The European Cancer Registry-based project on hematologic malignancies (HAEMACARE), setup to improve the availability and standardization of data on hematologic malignancies in Europe, used the European Cancer Registry-based project on survival and care of cancer patients (EUROCARE-4) database to produce a new grouping of hematologic neoplasma(defined by the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition and the 2001/2008 World Health Organization classifications) for epidemiological and public healthpurposes. We analyzed survival for lymphoid neoplasms in Europe by disease group, comparing survival between different European regions by age and sex. Design and Methods Incident neoplasms recorded between 1995 to 2002 in 48 population-based cancer registries in 20 countries participating in EUROCARE-4 were analyzed. The period approach was used to estimate 5-year relative survival rates for patients diagnosed in 2000-2002, who did not have 5years of follow up. Results: The 5-year relative survival rate was 57% overall but varied markedly between the definedgroups. Variation in survival within the groups was relatively limited across European regions and less than in previous years. Survival differences between men and women were small. The relative survival for patients with all lymphoid neoplasms decreased substantially after the age of 50. The proportion of ‘not otherwise specified’ diagnoses increased with advancing age.Conclusions: This is the first study to analyze survival of patients with lymphoid neoplasms, divided into groups characterized by similar epidemiological and clinical characteristics, providing a benchmarkfor more detailed analyses. This Europe-wide study suggests that previously noted differences in survival between regions have tended to decrease. The survival of patients with all neoplasms decreased markedly with age, while the proportion of ‘not otherwise specified’ diagnoses increased with advancing age. Thus the quality of diagnostic work-up and care decreased with age, suggesting that older patients may not be receiving optimal treatment


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During the last part of the 1990s the chance of surviving breast cancer increased. Changes in survival functions reflect a mixture of effects. Both, the introduction of adjuvant treatments and early screening with mammography played a role in the decline in mortality. Evaluating the contribution of these interventions using mathematical models requires survival functions before and after their introduction. Furthermore, required survival functions may be different by age groups and are related to disease stage at diagnosis. Sometimes detailed information is not available, as was the case for the region of Catalonia (Spain). Then one may derive the functions using information from other geographical areas. This work presents the methodology used to estimate age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions from scarce Catalan survival data by adapting the age- and stage-specific US functions. Methods: Cubic splines were used to smooth data and obtain continuous hazard rate functions. After, we fitted a Poisson model to derive hazard ratios. The model included time as a covariate. Then the hazard ratios were applied to US survival functions detailed by age and stage to obtain Catalan estimations. Results: We started estimating the hazard ratios for Catalonia versus the USA before and after the introduction of screening. The hazard ratios were then multiplied by the age- and stage-specific breast cancer hazard rates from the USA to obtain the Catalan hazard rates. We also compared breast cancer survival in Catalonia and the USA in two time periods, before cancer control interventions (USA 1975–79, Catalonia 1980–89) and after (USA and Catalonia 1990–2001). Survival in Catalonia in the 1980–89 period was worse than in the USA during 1975–79, but the differences disappeared in 1990–2001. Conclusion: Our results suggest that access to better treatments and quality of care contributed to large improvements in survival in Catalonia. On the other hand, we obtained detailed breast cancer survival functions that will be used for modeling the effect of screening and adjuvant treatments in Catalonia


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) predominantly affects young women in their 20s. In 40 out of 250 (16%) patients with SLE seen in our hospital disease onset occurred after the age of 50. The interval between the time of onset and diagnosis was five years in this older group compared with three years in the younger group. Arthritis, as a first symptom, was less common in the older onset group. During the follow up a lower incidence of arthritis, malar rash, photosensitivity, and nephropathy was found in the older onset group. In contrast, this group showed an increased incidence of myositis. High titres of anti-dsDNA tended to occur less often and the incidence of anti-Ro antibodies was lower in the older onset group. These features seem to distinguish patients with older onset SLE as a particular subset.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the birth hospital and the time of birth on mortality and the long-term outcome of Finnish very low birth weight (VLBW) or very low gestational age (VLGA) infants. This study included all Finnish VLBW/VLGA infants born at <32 gestational weeks or with a birth weight of ≤1500g, and controls born full-term and healthy. In the first part of the study, the mortality of VLBW/VLGA infants born in 2000–2003 was studied. The second part of the study consisted of a five-year follow-up of VLBW/VLGA infants born in 2001–2002. The study was performed using data from parental questionnaires and several registers. The one-year mortality rate was 11% for live-born VLBW/VLGA infants, 22% for live-born and stillborn VLBW/VLGA infants, and 0% for the controls. In live-born and in all (including stillbirths) VLBW/VLGA infants, the adjusted mortality was lower among those born in level III hospitals compared with level II hospitals. Mortality rates of live-born VLBW/VLGA infants differed according to the university hospital district where the birth hospital was located, but there were no differences in mortality between the districts when stillborn infants were included. There was a trend towards lower mortality rates in VLBW/VLGA infants born during office hours compared with those born outside office hours (night time, weekends, and public holidays). When stillborn infants were included, this difference according to the time of birth was significant. Among five-year-old VLBW/VLGA children, morbidity, use of health care resources, and problems in behaviour and development were more common in comparison with the controls. The health-related quality of life of the surviving VLBW/VLGA children was good but, statistically, it was significantly lower than among the controls. The median and the mean number of quality-adjusted life-years were 4.6 and 3.6 out of a maximum five years for all VLBW/VLGA children. For the controls, the median was 4.8 and the mean was 4.9. Morbidity rates, the use of health care resources, and the mean quality-adjusted life-years differed for VLBW/VLGA children according to the university hospital district of birth. However, the time of birth, the birth hospital level or university hospital district were not associated with the health-related quality of life, nor with behavioural and developmental scores of the survivors at the age of five years. In conclusion, the decreased mortality in level III hospitals was not gained at the expense of long-term problems. The results indicate that VLBW/VLGA deliveries should be centralized to level III hospitals and the regional differences in the treatment practices should further be clarified. A long-term follow-up on the outcome of VLBW/VLGA infants is important in order to recognize the critical periods of care and to optimise the care. In the future, quality-adjusted life-years can be used as a uniform measure for comparing the effectiveness of care between VLBW/VLGA infants and different patient groups


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The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the structure and the deformation history of a NW-SE trending regional, crustal-scale shear structure in the Åland archipelago, SW Finland, called the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (SJSZ). Approaches involving e.g. structural geology, geochronology, geochemistry and metamorphic petrology were utilised in order to reconstruct the overall deformation history of the study area. The study therefore describes several features of the shear zone including structures, kinematics and lithologies within the study area, the ages of the different deformation phases (ductile to brittle) within the shear zone, as well as some geothermobarometric results. The results indicate that the SJSZ outlines a major crustal discontinuity between the extensively migmatized rocks NE of the shear zone and the unmigmatised, amphibolite facies rocks SW of the zone. The main SJSZ shows overall dextral lateral kinematics with a SW-side up vertical component and deformation partitioning into pure shear and simple shear dominated deformation styles that was intensified toward later stages of the deformation history. The deformation partitioning resulted in complex folding and refolding against the SW margin of the SJSZ, including conical and sheath folds, and in a formation of several minor strike-slip shear zones both parallel and conjugate to the main SJSZ in order to accommodate the regional transpressive stresses. Different deformation phases within the study area were dated by SIMS (zircon U-Pb), ID-TIMS (titanite U-Pb) and 40Ar/39Ar (pseudotachylyte wholerock) methods. The first deformation phase within the ca. 1.88 Ga rocks of the study area is dated at ca. 1.85 Ga, and the shear zone was reactivated twice within the ductile regime (at ca. 1.83 Ga and 1.79 Ga), during which the strain was successively increasingly partitioned into the main SJSZ and the minor shear zones. The age determinations suggest that the orogenic processes within the study area did not occur in a temporal continuum; instead, the metamorphic zircon rims and titanites show distinct, 10-20 Ma long breaks in deformation between phases of active deformation. The results of this study further imply slow cooling of the rocks through 600-700ºC so that at 1.79 Ga, 2 the temperature was still at least 600ºC. The highest recorded metamorphic pressures are 6.4-7.1 kbar. At the late stages or soon after the last ductile phase (ca. 1.79 Ga), relatively high-T mylonites and ultramylonites were formed, witnessing extreme deformation partitioning and high strain rates. After the rocks reached lower amphibolite facies to amphibolite-greenschist facies transitional conditions (ca. 500-550ºC), they cooled rapidly, probably due to crustal uplift and exhumation. The shear zone was reactivated at least once within the semi-brittle to brittle regime between ca. 1.79 Ga and 1.58 Ga, as evidenced by cataclasites and pseudotachylytes. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (and the South Finland shear zone) defines a major crustal discontinuity, and played a central role in accommodating the regional stresses during and after the Svecofennian orogeny.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the dynamics of the socio-technical system in the field of ageing. The study stems from the notion that the ageing of the population as a powerful megatrend has wide societal effects, and is not just a matter for the social and health sector. The central topic in the study is change: not only the age structures and structures of society are changing, but also at the same time there is constant development, for instance, in technologies, infrastructures and cultural perceptions. The changing concept of innovation has widened the understanding of innovations related to ageing from medical and assistive technological innovations to service and social innovations, as well as systemic innovations at different levels, which means the intertwined and co-evolutionary change in technologies, structures, services and thinking models. By the same token, the perceptions of older people and old age are becoming more multi-faceted: old age is no longer equated to illnesses and decline, but visions of active ageing and a third age have emerged, which are framed by choices, opportunities, resources and consumption in later life. The research task in this study is to open up the processes and mechanisms of change in the field of ageing, which are studied as a complex, multi-level and interrelated socio-technical system. The question is about co-effective elements consisting of macro-level landscape changes, the existing socio-technical regime (the rule system, practices and structures) and bottom-up niche-innovations. Societal transitions do not account for the things inside the regime alone, or for the long-term changes in the landscape, nor for the radical innovations, but for the interplay between all these levels. The research problem is studied through five research articles, which offer micro-level case studies to macro-level phenomenon. Each of the articles focus on different aspects related to ageing and change, and utilise various datasets. The framework of this study leans on the studies of socio-technical systems and multi-level perspective on transitions mainly developed by Frank Geels. Essential factors in transition from one socio-technological regime to another are the co-evolutionary processes between landscape changes, regime level and experimental niches. Landscape level changes, like the ageing of the population, destabilise the regime in the forms of coming pressures. This destabilization offers windows for opportunity to niche-innovations outside or at fringe of the regime, which, through their breakthrough, accelerate the transition process. However, the change is not easy because of various kinds of lock-ins and inertia, which tend to maintain the stability of the regime. In this dissertation, a constructionist approach of society is applied leaning mainly to the ideas of Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration, with the dual nature of structures. The change is taking place in the interplay between actors and structures: structures shape people’s practices, but at the same time these practices constitute and reproduce social systems. Technology and other material aspects, as part of socio-technical systems, and the use of them, also take part in the structuration process. The findings of the study point out that co-evolutionary and co-effective relationships between economic, cultural, technological and institutional fields, as well as relationships between landscape changes, changes in the local and regime-level practices and rule systems, are a very complex and multi-level dynamic socio-technical phenomenon. At the landscape level of ageing, which creates the pressures and triggers to the regime change, there are three remarkable megatrends: demographic change, changes in the global economy and the development of technologies. These exert pressures to the socio-technical regime, which as a rule system is experiencing changes in the form of new markets and consumer habits, new ways of perceiving ageing, new models of organising the health care and other services and as new ways of considering innovation and innovativeness. There are also inner dynamics in the relationships between these aspects within the regime. These are interrelated and coconstructed: the prevailing perceptions of ageing and innovation, for instance, reflect the ageing policies, innovation policies, societal structures, organising models, technology and scientific discussion, and vice versa. Technology is part of the inner dynamics of the sociotechnological regime. Physical properties of the artefacts set limitations and opportunities with regard to their functions and uses. The use of and discussion about technology, contributes producing and reproducing the perceptions of old age. For societal transition, micro-level changes are also needed, in form of niche-innovations, for instance new services, organisational models or new technologies, Regimes, as stabilitystriven systems, tend to generate incremental innovations, but radically new innovations are generated in experimental niches protected from ‘normal’ market selection. The windows of opportunity for radical novelties may be opened if the circumstances are favourable for instance by tensions in the socio-technical regime affected by landscape level changes. This dissertation indicates that a change is taking place, firstly, in the dynamic interactionbetween levels, as a result of purposive action and governance to some extent. Breaking the inertia and using the window of opportunity for change and innovation offered by dynamics between levels, presupposes the actors’ special capabilities and actions such as dynamic capabilities and distance management. Secondly, the change is taking place the socio-technological negotiations inside the regime: interaction between technological and social, which is embodied in the use of technology. The use of technology includes small-level contextual scripts that also participate in forming broader societal scripts (for instance defining old age at the society level), which in their turn affect the formation of policies for innovation and ageing. Thirdly, the change is taking place by the means of active formation of the multi-actor innovation networks, where the role of distance management is crucial to facilitate the communication between actors coming from different backgrounds as well as to help the niches born outside the regime to utilise the window of opportunity offered by regime destabilisation. This dissertation has both theoretical and practical contributions. This study participates in the discussion of action-oriented view on transition by opening up of the socio-technological, coevolutionary processes of the multi-faceted phenomenon of ageing, which has lacked systematic analyses. The focus of this study, however, is not on the large-scale coordination and governance, but rather on opening up the incremental elements and structuration processes, which contribute to the transition little by little, and which can be affected to. This increases the practical importance of this dissertation, by highlighting the importance of very tiny, everyday elements in the change processes in the long run.


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The proportion of elderly people over 65 years of age in Finland is expected to grow to over 25% by the 2025. It has been estimated that elderly people today consume nearly 40% of all drugs. Age brings about number of physiological changes that may affect the disposition, metabolism and excretion of drugs. The function of heart, lungs, liver and kidneys decreases even in healthy people, as they get older. The proportion of total body water decreases and the relative fat percentage increases. Also several other factors such as concurrent diseases, concomitant medication and nutritional factors have an effect on drug therapy in elderly. Age increases the risk of adverse drug reactions, which most often are dose-dependent. Despite all this there are not enough studies involving the elderly people and the elderly are most often excluded from clinical trials. Oxycodone is a strong opioid analgesic, which is used to treat moderate or severe pain. Paracetamol is a widely used nonopioid analgesic, which has become popular in the treatment of pain in many patient groups. In this series of studies the pharmacokinetics of oral and intravenous oxicodone as well as intravenous paracetamol in the elderly and young adult patients were investigated. Also a study investigating the interaction of oral antibiotic clarityhromycin, a known cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 inhibitor, with oxycodone pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in elderly and young healthy volunteers was carried out. The pharmacokinetics of oxycodone showed a clear age depency. Patients over 70 years had 50-80% higher mean exposure to oral oxycodone and a twofold greater plasma concentration than young adults 12 h after ingestion of the drug. Elderly patients had 40-80% greater exposure to intravenous oxycodone and patients over 80 years had over twofold greater plasma concentrations 8 h post dose than the young adults. The elderly patients had also greater exposure to intra venous paracetamol compared to young adults. Clarithromycin increased the exposure to oral oxycodone in both young and elderly volunteers. The elderly had marked interindividual variation in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics when clarithromycin was given concomitantly with oxycodone. Because the pharmacokinetics of oxycodone and intravenous paracetamol depend on the age of the subject, it is important to titrate the analgesic dose individually in the elderly.