939 resultados para Tensile strengh
É crescente o interesse nos materiais cerâmicos, devido as suas características como baixa massa específica e maior resistência a ambientes agressivos do que a maioria das ligas metálicas. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de produzir a partir de material descartado, cerâmicas em diferentes temperaturas de sinterização e avaliar a sua tensão de ruptura em ensaio de flexão de três pontos e a confiança desta medida. Devido ao custo de produzir pó de vidro, tanto pelo alto gasto de energia para fundir a matéria-prima como pelo consumo de minerais industriais, foi proposto utilizar vidro de para-brisa obsoleto reduzindo despesas operacionais e definindo um destino econômico e ambiental viável para estes rejeitos. A metodologia consistiu-se na obtenção do pó de vidro com características adequadas para ser conformado e sinterizado. Foram usadas duas composições e quatro tratamentos térmicos para obter oito materiais. Uma composição com apenas o pó oriundo da moagem de para-brisa e outra com este pó mais 4% de óxido de nióbio. A resistência à flexão dos produtos obtidos foi avaliada. Utilizou-se a estatística de Weibull para caracterizar estes resultados. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o material de composição pó de vidro e temperatura final de sinterização de 650C obteve a maior resistência mecânica entre os materiais sintetizados. A adição do óxido de nióbio provoca um decréscimo na resistência mecânica se comparada com o material sem a adição deste óxido. Entretanto, comparando as duas composições na mesma temperatura final de sinterização, a adição de óxido de nióbio provocou um aumento no módulo de Weibull, excetuando-se dois de oito materiais obtidos. As diferentes composições e temperaturas de sinterização afetaram as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais obtidos.
Tensões residuais são uma das principais causas de falhas em componentes mecânicos submetidos a processos de fabricação. O objetivo do trabalho foi medir as tensões residuais presentes em um tubo quadrado soldado por resistência elétrica de alta frequência e caracterizar microestruturalmente o seu material. Para a caracterização, foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise química quantitativa. Para a medição das tensões residuais, foi utilizado o método do furo cego, baseado na norma ASTM E837-08, onde rosetas (strain-gages) são coladas à peça para medir as deformações geradas devido à usinagem de um pequeno furo no local de medição. As deformações foram associadas às tensões residuais através de equações baseadas na Lei de Hooke. A caracterização revelou uma microestrutura composta basicamente de ferrita e perlita, típica de aços com baixo teor de carbono, corroborando com a especificação fornecida pelo fabricante. As tensões residuais encontradas foram trativas e mostraram-se elevadas, com alguns valores acima do limite de escoamento do material.
Após centenas de anos de exploração dos recursos naturais, a Terra começa a mostrar as consequências de seu uso descontrolado. Nas últimas quatro décadas o homem tem voltado seus olhos para a causa ambiental de forma mais intensa e conciliadora. Como resultado dessa nova maneira de pensar, a sociedade e a indústria, que se veem obrigadas a se adaptar às novas tendências de mercado e novas formas de produção. Produzindo melhor e consumindo menos, fecha-se uma cadeia de produção estruturada. Mas, por mais que se invista em tecnologia, um problema sempre existirá: o resíduo, incluindo-se nesta categoria, também os rejeitos produzidos pelas atividades humanas. O tratamento de resíduos é uma questão de difícil solução mesmo à longo prazo. As cooperativas de reciclagem se apresentam como uma nova forma de empreendimento, inserido em moldes mais modernos, baseados nos princípios da Economia Solidária, existente em países da Europa e América Latina, com destaque para o Brasil. É nesse cenário que se encontra o objeto de estudo da pesquisa: a mulher catadora/recicladora. Estatísticas apontam que em muitos estados do país elas chegam a 65% dos trabalhadores. Muitas dessas cooperativas são administradas por mulheres, quando não, frequentadas majoritariamente por elas. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é analisar como se configuram as relações de gênero e divisão sexual do trabalho, partindo da visão das dirigentes das cooperativas. Questões semiestruturadas, com abordagem qualitativa foram elaboradas e aplicadas à nove líderes de associação de catadores da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro e do Vale do Paraíba Fluminense (Resende). As entrevistas foram filmadas para a elaboração de um documentário acadêmico, também produto desta pesquisa. Foram encontradas na pesquisa, convergências em relação à divisão sexual do trabalho, partindo de princípios sexistas onde os homens deveriam se encarregar do trabalho mais pesado e as mulheres do trabalho mais fino, como a triagem. No entanto, a realidade apontada pelas entrevistadas nos remete à naturalização do trabalho multitarefa, onde elas se incubem de realizar todos os procedimentos, estando ou não na presença de homens na cooperativa.
Atualmente grande parte dos resíduos descartados rotineiramente no Brasil é composta por material plástico como, por exemplo, o polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD), o qual é muito comum no lixo doméstico. Nesta Dissertação, embalagens de PEAD pós-consumo foram coletadas e moídas. Após processamento em extrusora, o material definido como PEAD reciclado (mistura de embalagens brancas, marfins e incolores) foi injetado e as propriedades mecânicas foram avaliadas e comparadas com uma amostra de PEAD comercial (HD7600U). A análise térmica através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), em conjunto com a análise estatística dos resultados experimentais, também foi conduzida. Em relação à resistência à tração, a diferença entre as amostras de PEAD reciclado e PEAD comercial foram tão pouco expressivas que, dentro das condições experimentais adotadas, se pode afirmar que o material reciclado é equivalente ao comercial.Por sua vez, os modelos cinéticos aplicados na análise térmica revelaram quea amostra de PEAD comercial demonstra um processo de nucleação e crescimento dos cristais mais homogêneo e simples, embora a energia de ativação seja consideravelmente maior do que o das demais amostras de PEAD.
Amyloid nanofibers derived from hen egg white lysozyme were processed into macroscopic fibers in a wet-spinning process based on interfacial polyion complexation using a polyanionic polysaccharide as cross-linker. As a result of their amyloid nanostructure, the hierarchically self-assembled protein fibers have a stiffness of up to 14 GPa and a tensile strength of up to 326 MPa. Fine-tuning of the polyelectrolytic interactions via pH allows to trigger the release of small molecules, as demonstrated with riboflavin-5'-phophate. The amyloid fibrils, highly oriented within the gellan gum matrix, were mineralized with calcium phosphate, mimicking the fibrolamellar structure of bone. The formed mineral crystals are highly oriented along the nanofibers, thus resulting in a 9-fold increase in fiber stiffness.
The mechanisms of material removal were studied during the erosion of two unfilled elastomers (natural rubber and epoxidised natural rubber). The effects of impact velocity and of lubrication by silicone oil were investigated. The development of surface features due to single impacts and during the early stages of erosion was followed by scanning electron microscopy. The basic material removal mechanism at impact angles of both 30° and 90° involves the formation and growth of fine fatigue cracks under the tensile surface stresses caused by impact. No damage was observed after single impacts; it was found that many successive impacts are necessary for material removal. It was found that the erosion rate has a very strong dependance on impact velocity above about 50 ms-1.
Metal based thermal microactuators normally have lower operation temperatures than those of Si-based ones; hence they have great potential for applications. However, metal-based thermal actuators easily suffer from degradation such as plastic deformation. In this study, planar thermal actuators were made by a single mask process using electroplated nickel as the active material, and their thermal degradation has been studied. Electrical tests show that the Ni-based thermal actuators deliver a maximum displacement of ∼20μm at an average temperature of ∼420°C, much lower than that of Si-based microactuators. However, the displacement strongly depends on the frequency and peak voltage of the pulse applied. Back bending was clearly observed at a maximum temperature as low as 240°C. Both forward and backward displacements increase with increasing the temperature up to ∼450°C, and then decreases with power. Scanning electron microscopy observation clearly showed that Ni structure deforms and reflows at power above 50mW. The compressive stress is believed to be responsible for Ni piling-up (creep), while the tensile stress upon removing the pulse current is responsible for necking at the hottest section of the device. Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction analysis revealed severe oxidation of the Ni-structure induced by Joule-heating of the current.
Humans perform fascinating science experiments at home on a daily basis when they undertake the modification of natural and naturally-derived materials by a cooking process prior to consumption. The material properties of such foods are of interest to food scientists (texture is often fundamental to food acceptability), oral biologists (foods modulate feeding behavior), anthropologists (cooking is probably as old as the genus Homo and distinguishes us from all other creatures) and dentists (foods interact with tooth and tooth replacement materials). Materials scientists may be interested in the drastic changes in food properties observed over relatively short cooking times. In the current study, the mechanical properties of one of the most common (and oldest at 4,000+ years) foods on earth, the noodle, were examined as a function of cooking time. Two types of noodles were studied, each made from natural materials (wheat flour, salt, alkali and water) by kneading dough and passing them through a pasta-making machine. These were boiled for between 2-14 min and tested at regular intervals from raw to an overcooked state. Cyclic tensile tests at small strain levels were used to examine energy dissipation characteristics. Energy dissipation was >50% per cycle in uncooked noodles, but decreased by an order of magnitude with cooking. Fractional dissipation values remained approximately constant at cooking times greater than 7 min. Overall, a greater effect of cooking was on viscoplastic dissipation characteristics rather than on fracture resistance. The results of the current study plot the evolution of a viscoplastic mixture into an essentially elastic material in the space of 7 minutes and have broad implications for understanding what cooking does to food materials. In particular, they suggest that textural assessment by consumers of the optimally cooked state of food has a definite physical definition. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
The software package Dymola, which implements the new, vendor-independent standard modelling language Modelica, exemplifies the emerging generation of object-oriented modelling and simulation tools. This paper shows how, in addition to its simulation capabilities, it may be used as an embodiment design tool, to size automatically a design assembled from a library of generic parametric components. The example used is a miniature model aircraft diesel engine. To this end, the component classes contain extra algebraic equations calculating the overload factor (or its reciprocal, the safety factor) for all the different modes of failure, such as buckling or tensile yield. Thus the simulation results contain the maximum overload or minimum safety factor for each failure mode along with the critical instant and the device state at which it occurs. The Dymola "Initial Conditions Calculation" function, controlled by a simple software script, may then be used to perform automatic component sizing. Each component is minimised in mass, subject to a chosen safety factor against failure, over a given operating cycle. Whilst the example is in the realm of mechanical design, it must be emphasised that the approach is equally applicable to the electrical or mechatronic domains, indeed to any design problem requiring numerical constraint satisfaction.
Thermal barrier coatings with a columnar microstructure are prone to erosion damage by a mechanism of surface cracking upon impact by small foreign particles. In order to explore this erosion mechanism, the elastic indentation and the elastic-plastic indentation responses of a columnar thermal barrier coating to a spherical indenter were determined by the finite element method and by analytical models. It was shown that the indentation response is intermediate between that of a homogeneous half-space and that given by an elastic-plastic mattress model (with the columns behaving as independent non-linear springs). The sensitivity of the indentation behaviour to geometry and to the material parameters was explored: the diameter of the columns, the gap width between columns, the coefficient of Coulomb friction between columns and the layer height of the thermal barrier coating. The calculations revealed that the level of induced tensile stress is sufficient to lead to cracking of the columns at a depth of about the column radius. It was also demonstrated that the underlying soft bond coat can undergo plastic indentation when the coating comprises parallel columns, but this is less likely for the more realistic case of a random arrangement of tapered columns. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.
The influence of mechanical constraint imposed by device geometry upon the switching response of a ferroelectric thin film memory capacitor is investigated. The memory capacitor was represented by two-dimensional ferroelectric islands of different aspect ratio, mechanically constrained by surrounding materials. Its ferroelectric non-linear behaviour was modeled by a crystal plasticity constitutive law and calculated using the finite element method. The switching response of the device, in terms of remnant charge storage, was determined as a function of geometry and constraint. The switching response under applied in-plane tensile stress and hydrostatic pressure was also studied experimentally. Our results showed that (1) the capacitor's aspect ratio could significantly affect the clamping behaviour and thus the remnant polarization, (2) it was possible to maximise the switching charge through the optimisation of the device geometry, and (3) it is possible to find a critical switching stress at zero electric field and a critical coercive field at zero residual stress. © 2009 Materials Research Society.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are known to exhibit extraordinary mechanical properties such as high tensile strength, the highest Young modulus etc. These, combining with their large aspect ratio, make CNTs an excellent additive candidate to complement or substitute traditional carbon black or glass fiber fillers for the development of nano-reinforced composites. CNTs have thus far been used as additives in polymers, ceramics and metals to be pursued on practical applications of their composites. © 2010 IEEE.
Carbon fibres are a significant volume fraction of modern structural airframes. Embedded into polymer matrices, they provide significant strength and stiffness gains by unit weight compared with competing structural materials. Here we use the Raman G peak to assess the response of carbon fibres to the application of strain, with reference to the response of graphene itself. Our data highlight the predominance of the in-plane graphene properties in all graphitic structures examined. A universal master plot relating the G peak strain sensitivity to tensile modulus of all types of carbon fibres, as well as graphene, is presented. We derive a universal value of - average - phonon shift rate with axial stress of around -5ω0 -1 (cm -1 Mpa-1), where ω0 is the G peak position at zero stress for both graphene and carbon fibre with annular morphology. The use of this for stress measurements in a variety of applications is discussed. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
The quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and two LLDPE nanocomposites were studied. Nanocomposites consisting of LLDPE filled with 1% carbon black and 0.5% nanoclay fillers, by weight, were considered. Under quasi-static tensile loading, an improvement in the energy absorbing capability was achieved by adding 1% carbon black fillers. However, during quasi-static puncture and dynamic impact loading, the advantage provided by the fillers was lost. Thermal softening due to adiabatic heating under high strain rate deformation and difference s in the state of stress are considered as reasons for this reduction. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered stainless steel powder, of composition AISI 420, have been measured. Ball-milled powder comprising nanoscale grains was sintered to bulk specimens by two alternative routes: hot-pressing and microlaser sintering. The laser-sintered alloy has a porosity of 6% and comprises a mixture of delta ferrite and tempered martensite, and the relative volume fraction varies along the axis of the specimen due to a thermal cycle that evolves with progressive deposition. In contrast, the hot-pressed alloy has a porosity of 0.7% and exhibits a martensitic lath structure with carbide particles at the boundaries of the prior austenite grains. These differences in microstructure lead to significant differences in mechanical properties. For example, the uniaxial tensile strength of the hot-pressed material is one-half of its compressive strength, due to void initiation at the carbide particles at the prior austenite grain boundaries. Nanoindentation measurements reveal a size effect in hardness and also reveal the sensitivity of hardness to the presence of mechanical polishing and electropolishing. © 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.