994 resultados para Telles, Lygia Fagundes, 1923- Personagens


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"Selected bibliography": p.194-196. Bibliographical "Notes": p.197-229.


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"First edition."


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Esta pesquisa tem como escopo analisar o processo de passagem de um romance da literatura portuguesa ao meio televisivo brasileiro, no formato de minissérie. Com este fim, selecionamos Os Maias, escrito por Eça de Queirós em 1888 e sua adaptação para a televisão em 2001 pela TV Globo. A fim de discutir as relações entre literatura e televisão, o estudo enfoca a análise quantitativa da menção aos temas erotismo, maternidade e submissão feminina aos homens em relação às personagens femininas da trama, por meio de uma análise comparativa das duas obras, como forma de revelar diferentes motivações do escritor no século XIX e dos adaptadores no século XXI. O subsídio teórico apóia-se nos estudos franceses sobre história social da leitura, ligados à Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études de Paris e a técnica empregada foi a análise de conteúdo.(AU)


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Este estudo enfoca a transposição da obra literária Estação Carandiru, de Drauzio Varella, para o cinema, no que tange à construção de suas personagens. Para tanto, fez-se um levantamento das personagens e de suas características, de ambas as obras. O objetivo maior é compreender as escolhas feitas durante este diálogo entre mídias, que originou o filme Carandiru, de Hector Babenco, visto que houve uma grande redução no número de personagens. Para esta análise, adotou-se a pesquisa descritiva como procedimento metodológico. Constatou-se que a maior parte das origens das personagens cinematográficas vem de fusões de personagens literárias. Mas também foram encontradas personagens literárias que foram desmembradas e algumas que foram eliminadas. Não se encontrou nenhuma personagem acrescentada.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa tem como foco o varejo de produtos alimentícios que estão em amplo crescimento comercial com o uso de imagens de personagens de cinema infantil na propaganda para potencializar as marcas no mercado. O objetivo é conhecer e interpretar de forma científica, como o uso de imagens de personagens de cinema infantil na publicidade pode resultar no desejo de consumo pelo pequeno consumidor. A metodologia por experimento com crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade serviu como base para que a questão da pesquisa fosse respondida a partir da aplicação de uma simulação de um ponto direto de venda (PDV). Biscoitos recheados com aplicação nas embalagens de personagens de cinema infantil assim como personagens de publicidade ficaram à disposição de compra do pequeno consumidor. Na conclusão do experimento, observa-se que a questão da pesquisa foi respondida, ressaltando que a publicidade de produtos alimentícios infantis com aplicação de personagens publicitários mantém condições de venda mais favoráveis do que publicidade de produtos alimentícios infantis com aplicação de personagens de cinema infantil, o que cria uma aversão ao discurso do senso comum.(AU)


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O objeto de estudo deste projeto de mestrado centra-se na análise e desenvolvimento de personagens na animação, mais especificamente, nas problemáticas associadas à união entre o desenho bidimensional e objectos tridimensionais. Esta união entre a animação 2D e 3D surge de um contexto um tanto recente, como forma de tentar facilitar e melhorar as animações, procurando, em simultâneo, ultrapassar os conhecimentos técnicos da animação para inovar o cinema em live action e em animação. O objetivo desta investigação, em paralelo com a construção de uma curta-metragem e da sua análise, é compreender a harmonização e as dificuldades associadas à união de personagens 2D e 3D. Este trabalho procura tambem analisar os estudos já elaborados nesta materia de aprioximação do 3D ao desenho, contribuindo para o seu desenvolvimento, e compreender de forma mais aprofundada a construção de personagens numa animação.


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Board of Curators Meeting Minutes for Lincoln Institute (later Lincoln University) from August 4, 1921 to August 10, 1923.


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This thesis presented is to research the actor's work in the construction of physical actions, according to the methodology developed by Constantin Stanislavski in his analysis of dramatic action, called "method of physical action", applied to questions of scenic representation of the Brazilian marginal, according to the look "cruel" and realistic / naturalistic Plinio Marcos playwright. Based on the circumstances given by Pliniano universe, the intention is to contribute to the reflection on the actor's work on the scene with the marginal characters in "Razor in the Flesh", highlighting some important aspects, to assist in the construction of this fictional world. You want to create conditions for the formation of an actor that leverages the scene the contradictions and conflicts of this work. The research aims from the theoretical and practical study as a methodological hypothesis, producing critical reflection from the creative process of the agent with the realization of a scenic experiment focused on psychophysical technique of this Russian pedagogue. Thus, we intend to have a look at the method of physical actions focusing on his last great contribution to the work, especially the procedure of active analysis by doing a reading from "Razor in the Flesh" through this creative scenic exercise, extending the studies concerning the actor's art. This research is a general explanation about the trajectory of Stanislavski to his encounter with the physical action, while, highlights the inconsistencies of understanding of his work around the world. Stanislavski initially developed the "method" having as a backdrop, the realist aesthetic - a dialogue relationship between reality and the scene - through a style which creates a theatrical reality, and consequently, artistic, not literally naturalistic way through an integral mimicry. That is, the representation of work in realistic theater aesthetics should be developed in order to create a theatrical reality. Stanislavski believes that theater is convention, since the actor's work on himself should encourage this second nature, scenic.


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This work aims to analyze the short stories “Prelude”, “At the Bay” and “The Doll’s House”, by Katherine Mansfield under the prism of the gender studies (mainly on the works of Joan Scott and Elisabeth Badinter). To reach such objective, and based on the feminist criticism works (especially those of Elaine Showalter and Toril Moi), we analyzed the three stories, which are from the writer’s so-called “family phase”. The present work contains a bibliographical contextualization of Mansfield’s modernist work under three main aspects: modernism, the short story and women’s writing/writings on women. From the analysis of the three short stories, we observed that questions of gender, representation and identity were depicted by means of the preponderance of female characters from all ages, marital statuses and classes. At the end it was possible to verify how Mansfield works contributed to a reflection about places and roles occupied by women in turn of the XIX and XX Centuries, whereas how this author was also in search for her own identity as a woman and as a writer, exactly in a context when women writers and women’s writings started to become more visible face to a predominantly masculine literary canon.


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This research has as a central point of discussion the relationship between the action and the stage lighting, directed to scenes in which, from the exchange between actor and professional lighting, you can develop comic situations. The particularity of these scenes is the involvement of lighting as presentification feature a character in the scene, made possible by game created with the actor. In order to develop this discussion, the author divides the text into three chapters, the first being a memorial of his artistic career and his creative processes, enabling the reader to situate the paths taken by the author for the study. Then discusses possible relationship between performance and lighting, pointing situations where the two are directly related. Finally, an analysis and comparison of two comic scenes in which the actor play with the lighting suggests a character through presentification lighting on the scene. Leads the discussion to the conclusion, proposing the term light-character to set the lighting feature, suggesting characters in the scene.


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The newly released Irish Military Service Pensions Collection offers the most comprehensive opportunity to examine the role of women in the Irish revolution (1916-1923) or in any comparable nationalist revolution. It is also an extremely useful source of evidence for an emerging historiographical trend of tracing the post-revolutionary lives of female veterans by examining the award of service pensions to them by that state. This article will examine the role played by gender in the award of such pensions, the economic and financial significance of them in a state that had under-developed welfare provision and the importance of them as a symbolic recognition of women’s roles in helping to achieve Irish independence. It also compares the post-conflict experience of Irish female revolutionary veterans with women who were involved in comparable international military conflicts.