962 resultados para Sweet potato weevil


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In partnership with the VEC WTID has delivered Nutrition Level 5 FETAC to a group of 24 learners, 4 being members of the Travelling community.  This module was also delivered to 5 Childcare staff at WTIDs pre-school service. Staff of the Harmony Afterschool Service undertakes baking activities each week with the children. Group work has been facilitated with 16 men who were on a BTEI on salt, sugar, caffeine and fibre, as well as with a young girls group on food tasting of various fruits, cheeses and how to make healthy potato wedges and other healthy snacks. WTID as part of the local Traveller Interagency Group are writing a well-being manual to be used with community groups working with Travellers- Healthy Eating is a module of this manual. Plans are in place to run a First Instincts Men's Health programme which will run over an 8 week period with workshops, weigh ins and provision of a healthy breakfast on each morning. HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Initiative Type Community Food Centres Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Galway Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Men Older people People with mental health difficulties Travellers Unemployed Women Funding HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Partner Agencies Equal Ireland FÁS Galway County Council GCCCC GRD HSE Involve RAPID VEC Adult Education Service


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A peptide (SmB2LJ; r175-194) that belongs to a conserved domain from Schistosoma mansoni SmATPDase 2 and is shared with potato apyrase, as predicted by in silico analysis as antigenic, was synthesised and its immunostimulatory property was analysed. When inoculated in BALB/c mice, this peptide induced high levels of SmB2LJ-specific IgG1 and IgG2a subtypes, as detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, dot blots were found to be positive for immune sera against potato apyrase and SmB2LJ. These results suggest that the conserved domain r175-194 from the S. mansoni SmATPDase 2 is antigenic. Western blots were performed and the anti-SmB2LJ antibody recognised in adult worm (soluble worm antigen preparation) or soluble egg antigen antigenic preparations two bands of approximately 63 and 55 kDa, molecular masses similar to those predicted for adult worm SmATPDase 2. This finding strongly suggests the expression of this same isoform in S. mansoni eggs. To assess localisation of SmATPDase 2, confocal fluorescence microscopy was performed using cryostat sections of infected mouse liver and polyclonal antiserum against SmB2LJ. Positive reactions were identified on the external surface from the miracidium in von Lichtenberg's envelope and, in the outer side of the egg-shell, showing that this soluble isoform is secreted from the S. mansoni eggs.


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Distinct patterns of glomerular lesions, including membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, are associated with infection by Schistosoma mansoni or Schistosoma japonicum. Evidence suggests that immune complex deposition is the main mechanism underlying the different forms of schistosomal glomerulonephritis and that immune complex deposition may be intensified by portal hypertension. The relationship between focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and schistosomiasis remains poorly understood. A clinicopathologic classification of schistosomal glomerulopathies was proposed in 1992 by the African Association of Nephrology. In Brazil, mass treatment with oral medications has led to a decrease in the occurrence of schistosomal glomerulopathy. In a survey of renal biopsies performed in Salvador, Brazil, from 2003-2009, only 24 (4%) patients were identified as positive for S. mansoni infection. Among these patients, only one had the hepatosplenic form of the disease. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis was found in seven patients and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis was found in four patients. Although retrospective studies on the prevalence of renal diseases based on kidney biopsies may be influenced by many patient selection biases, a change in the distribution of glomerulopathies associated with nephrotic syndrome was observed along with a decline in the occurrence of severe forms of schistosomiasis.


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Broad-spectrum inhibitors of HDACs are therapeutic in many inflammatory disease models but exacerbated disease in a mouse model of atherosclerosis. HDAC inhibitors have anti- and proinflammatory effects on macrophages in vitro. We report here that several broad-spectrum HDAC inhibitors, including TSA and SAHA, suppressed the LPS-induced mRNA expression of the proinflammatory mediators Edn-1, Ccl-7/MCP-3, and Il-12p40 but amplified the expression of the proatherogenic factors Cox-2 and Pai-1/serpine1 in primary mouse BMM. Similar effects were also apparent in LPS-stimulated TEPM and HMDM. The pro- and anti-inflammatory effects of TSA were separable over a concentration range, implying that individual HDACs have differential effects on macrophage inflammatory responses. The HDAC1-selective inhibitor, MS-275, retained proinflammatory effects (amplification of LPS-induced expression of Cox-2 and Pai-1 in BMM) but suppressed only some inflammatory responses. In contrast, 17a (a reportedly HDAC6-selective inhibitor) retained anti-inflammatory but not proinflammatory properties. Despite this, HDAC6(-/-) macrophages showed normal LPS-induced expression of HDAC-dependent inflammatory genes, arguing that the anti-inflammatory effects of 17a are not a result of inhibition of HDAC6 alone. Thus, 17a provides a tool to identify individual HDACs with proinflammatory properties.


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Fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides are responsible for paracoccidioidomycosis. The occurrence of drug toxicity and relapse in this disease justify the development of new antifungal agents. Compounds extracted from fungal extract have showing antifungal activity. Extracts of 78 fungi isolated from rocks of the Atacama Desert were tested in a microdilution assay against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18. Approximately 18% (5) of the extracts showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values≤ 125.0 µg/mL. Among these, extract from the fungus UFMGCB 8030 demonstrated the best results, with an MIC of 15.6 µg/mL. This isolate was identified as Aspergillus felis (by macro and micromorphologies, and internal transcribed spacer, β-tubulin, and ribosomal polymerase II gene analyses) and was grown in five different culture media and extracted with various solvents to optimise its antifungal activity. Potato dextrose agar culture and dichloromethane extraction resulted in an MIC of 1.9 µg/mL against P. brasiliensis and did not show cytotoxicity at the concentrations tested in normal mammalian cell (Vero). This extract was subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation using analytical C18RP-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and an antifungal assay using P. brasiliensis. Analysis of the active fractions by HPLC-high resolution mass spectrometry allowed us to identify the antifungal agents present in the A. felis extracts cytochalasins. These results reveal the potential of A. felis as a producer of bioactive compounds with antifungal activity.


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El morrut de les palmeres, R. ferrugineus, està actualment considerat com la plaga més perjudicial de les palmeres ja que la seva infestació produeix, de forma comuna, la seva mort. Des de la seva instal·lació en els països de la conca mediterrània, en els últims anys, són milers les palmeres que han mort degut a la plaga. La ràpida dispersió que s’ha produït de l’insecte així com la difícil detecció en els períodes primerencs de les infestacions fa que el R. ferrugineus posi en perill ecosistemes naturals de palmeres així com hàbitats rurals i urbans amb un ús ornamental d’aquestes plantes. És necessari desenvolupar estudis que permetin un millor coneixement del comportament d’aquest insecte així com, aquelles característiques intrínseques de la palmeres i variables externes que afavoreixen la instauració del coleòpter i, per tant, noves metodologies pel seu control.


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El morrut de les palmeres, R. ferrugineus, està actualment considerat com la plaga més perjudicial de les palmeres ja que la seva infestació produeix, de forma comuna, la seva mort. Des de la seva instal·lació en els països de la conca mediterrània, en els últims anys, són milers les palmeres que han mort degut a la plaga. La ràpida dispersió que s’ha produït de l’insecte així com la difícil detecció en els períodes primerencs de les infestacions fa que el R. ferrugineus posi en perill ecosistemes naturals de palmeres així com hàbitats rurals i urbans amb un ús ornamental d’aquestes plantes. És necessari desenvolupar estudis que permetin un millor coneixement del comportament d’aquest insecte així com, aquelles característiques intrínseques de la palmeres i variables externes que afavoreixen la instauració del coleòpter i, per tant, noves metodologies pel seu control.


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The macrophage NLRC4 inflammasome drives potent innate immune responses against Salmonella by eliciting caspase-1-dependent proinflammatory cytokine production (e.g., interleukin-1β [IL-1β]) and pyroptotic cell death. However, the potential contribution of other cell types to inflammasome-mediated host defense against Salmonella was unclear. Here, we demonstrate that neutrophils, typically viewed as cellular targets of IL-1β, themselves activate the NLRC4 inflammasome during acute Salmonella infection and are a major cell compartment for IL-1β production during acute peritoneal challenge in vivo. Importantly, unlike macrophages, neutrophils do not undergo pyroptosis upon NLRC4 inflammasome activation. The resistance of neutrophils to pyroptotic death is unique among inflammasome-signaling cells so far described and allows neutrophils to sustain IL-1β production at a site of infection without compromising the crucial inflammasome-independent antimicrobial effector functions that would be lost if neutrophils rapidly lysed upon caspase-1 activation. Inflammasome pathway modification in neutrophils thus maximizes host proinflammatory and antimicrobial responses during pathogen challenge.


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A considerable public concern about cancer risk from acrylamide-rich foods followed the announcement that high concentrations of acrylamide are found in fried potatoes and potato chips and, more generally, in starch-containing foods cooked at high temperatures. From a series of hospital-based case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2000, we have analyzed the relation between intake of fried/baked potatoes and cancer risk. The cancer sites considered were oral cavity and pharynx (749 cases, 1772 controls), esophagus (395 cases, 1066 controls), larynx (527 cases, 1297 controls), large bowel (1225 colon and 728 rectum cases, 4154 controls), breast (2569 cases, 2588 controls) and ovary (1031 cases, 2411 controls). All cancer cases were incident and histologically confirmed. Controls were subjects admitted to the same network of hospitals of cases for acute, non-neoplastic conditions. All the odds ratios (OR) for the highest vs. the lowest tertile of intake ranged between 0.8-1.1. We found no evidence of interaction with age, gender, alcohol and tobacco use. Our data provide reassuring evidence for the lack of an important association between consumption of fried/baked potatoes and cancer risk.


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Salt taste in mammals can trigger two divergent behavioural responses. In general, concentrated saline solutions elicit robust behavioural aversion, whereas low concentrations of NaCl are typically attractive, particularly after sodium depletion. Notably, the attractive salt pathway is selectively responsive to sodium and inhibited by amiloride, whereas the aversive one functions as a non-selective detector for a wide range of salts. Because amiloride is a potent inhibitor of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), ENaC has been proposed to function as a component of the salt-taste-receptor system. Previously, we showed that four of the five basic taste qualities-sweet, sour, bitter and umami-are mediated by separate taste-receptor cells (TRCs) each tuned to a single taste modality, and wired to elicit stereotypical behavioural responses. Here we show that sodium sensing is also mediated by a dedicated population of TRCs. These taste cells express the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, and mediate behavioural attraction to NaCl. We genetically engineered mice lacking ENaCalpha in TRCs, and produced animals exhibiting a complete loss of salt attraction and sodium taste responses. Together, these studies substantiate independent cellular substrates for all five basic taste qualities, and validate the essential role of ENaC for sodium taste in mice.


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Abstract The plasmid pME6863, carrying the aiiA gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus sp. A24 that encodes a lactonase enzyme able to degrade N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs), was introduced into the rhizosphere isolate Pseudomonas fluorescens P3. This strain is not an effective biological control agent against plant pathogens. The transformant P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 acquired the ability to degrade AHLs. In planta, P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 significantly reduced potato soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora and crown gall of tomato caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens to a similar level as Bacillus sp. A24. Little or no disease reduction was observed for the wild-type strain P3 carrying the vector plasmid without aiiA. Suppression of potato soft rot was observed even when the AHL-degrading P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 was applied to tubers 2 days after the pathogen, indicating that biocontrol was not only preventive but also curative. When antagonists were applied individually with the bacterial plant pathogens, biocontrol activity of the AHL degraders was greater than that observed with several Pseudomonas 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol-producing strains and with Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391, which relies on production of phenazine antibiotic for disease suppression. Phenazine production by this well characterized biological control strain P. chlororaphis PCL1391 is regulated by AHL-mediated quorum sensing. When P. chlororaphis PCL1391 was co-inoculated with P. fluorescens P3/pME6863 in a strain mixture, the AHL degrader interfered with the normally excellent ability of the antibiotic producer to suppress tomato vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Our results demonstrate AHL degradation as a novel biocontrol mechanism, but also demonstrate the potential for non-target interactions that can interfere with the biocontrol efficacy of other strains.


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 Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010.Objectius del projecte: Determinar les característiques físiques de cada varietat de cirera, mesurant la fermesa i els graus brix (sucre). Avaluar el comportament dels fruits (cireres) en les seves característiques físiques i sensorials als dies 0 i 7 de l'inici de la collita. Avaluar l'efecte de la inducció de pitting a cada varietat per determinar quina és millor per al mercat d'exportació. Determinar la vida útil de la cirera varietat Sweet Heart i Sweet Late. Passos seguits: collir dels fruits i una posterior tria d'aquests. Aquests fruits van ser sotmesos a un tractament d'inducció de pitting per una part i a un anàlisi sensorial per l'altra. Aquests tractaments es van realitzar a fi de poder determinar quina de les dos varietats escollides era la millor per al mercat internacional. A l'anàlisi sensorial es van poder determinar els paràmetres de textura, maduració, sabor... En les dos varietats, la CSS és més alta amb (M2); Ja que a mesura que augmenta el grau de maduració dels fruits, la CSS també augmenta. La fermesa disminueix a mesura que augmenta la maduració. En les dues varietats, el majors percentatges d'acceptació van ser per (M2). No obstant, Sweet Late va resultar la varietat amb major grau de rebuig. La varietat Sweet Heart, amb M2, va reflexar una menor aparició de pitting. La que va tenir el millor comportament al tractament d'inducció va ser la varietat Sweet Heart, que va obtenir una menor diferència entre els diferents estats de maduració.


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Evaluation of insect-pest infestation associated to potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and the accumulated amount of free aminoacids in Achat and Monalisa cultivars. The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurence of insect-pests on potato plants influenced by dosages of nitrogen and potassium accumulated in plant organs. A total of 169 plants of the Achat and Monalisa cultivars were evaluated to determine the presence-absence of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 and Agrotis ipsilon Hüfnagel, 1767. The experiment was carried out and executed at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, and the delineation was complete randomized block design, with four replication and nine treatments, using three fertilization level (0; 75 and 150 Kg/ha) with N-urea + KCl. The aminoacid levels were adjusted by the Leucine standard-curve (µg/l), using the Ninhydrin method, at 570 nm. The results showed that the tubercles of Monalisa accumulated high free aminoacid levels with 7,95% in the treatment N1K2 and 7,75% in the N2K1.These treatments, induced the infestation by D. speciosa larvae in 27,03%, when the aminoacid level was 2,01 ± 0,58% (X ± EP), with probability of 0,0196


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Mature larvae of Mauritinus seferi Bondar, 1960 were collected in the mesocarp of murity palm (Mauritia flexuosa Linnaeus), in the State of Pará, Brazil. Larvae were reared to pupa and adults in the laboratory. Mature larva and pupa are described and adult redescribed. Adult and immature are illustrated for the first time. Observations about bionomy are included and discussed.


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This experiment was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of Sitophilus zeamais on physical, physiological and sanitary quality of stored corn. Samples of 500 g of the hybrid OC-705, in three replicates, were conditioned in glasses covered with a screened lid, and kept in chamber at 25±2ºC, 70±5% RH and 12 h of photophase, for 150 days. The infestation levels were 0, 5, 15 and 50 adults/replicate, for the storage periods of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days. The moisture content, classification, weight loss, germination and internal infestation were evaluated monthly. Significant inverse correlations were verified between the number of insects and both the germination and the weight loss; also between the internal infestation and the germination and the standard type. The presence of S. zeamais showed a positive correlation with the weight loss, what means that the internal and external infestations contribute to the reduction of physiological and physical quality of corn seeds. The mean dry matter loss was 0,36%/day, corresponding to a consumption of 0,0001%/insect/month. As the result of those damages, the product suffered reduction of the commercial grade in 30 days, with significant loss in all quality factors.