979 resultados para Streptococcus pyogenes


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As infecções bacterianas do trato urinário (ITUs) são causa comum de doença em cães, gatos e humanos. Embora bactérias Gram positivas como Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. e Enterococcus spp., possam ocasionar ITUs, as bactérias Gram negativas (Escherichia coli, Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp. e Enterobacter spp.) respondem por 75% dos casos. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a frequência de diferentes gêneros de bactérias em ITUs em cães e gatos, bem como a sua sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos utilizados na rotina clínica. Portanto, amostras de urina de 100 cães e gatos com sinais de ITU foram coletadas assepticamente, sofrendo avaliação microbiológica por meio de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, além de urinálise. Todos os isolados foram submetidos a testes de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos. ITU foi confirmada em 74% dos animais, não havendo predominância quanto ao sexo. No que diz respeito à idade, 85% dos cães e 87% dos gatos tinham idades superiores a seis anos. Noventa e cinco cepas bacterianas foram isoladas, com maior frequência de Escherichia coli (55% do total) dos sorogrupos O6 e O2. Constatou-se níveis elevados de resistência a antimicrobianos nas cepas isoladas. Para as cepas Gram positivas, tetraciclina (46,1%), enrofloxacina, cotrimazol e estreptomicina (42,3% cada) foram as drogas com os maiores índices de resistência. Para as Gram negativas, amoxacilina e tetraciclina apresentaram percentuais acima de 50%. Multiresistência foi verificada em mais de 50% dos principais gêneros isolados. Considerando-se que as cepas de E. coli apresentam potencial zoonótico e forte participação na disseminação de resistência aos antimicrobianos, ressalta-se a importância do papel do médico veterinário na prevenção e controle das ITUs animais e sua contribuição para a saúde pública.


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O sistema silvipastoril caracteriza-se por aumentar a produção de leite, com maior número de vacas por hectare devido ao maior aporte de proteína na dieta. Neste sistema as vacas são alimentadas, além do pasto, de pequenas árvores e arbustos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os principais indicadores de qualidade do leite e agentes causais de mastite em vacas criadas em sistema silvipastoril. Foram avaliadas a composição (teor de gordura, proteína total, lactose, extrato seco, extrato seco desengordurado e nitrogênio uréico), contagem de células somáticas (CCS), contagem bacteriana total (CBT), ocorrência de mastite clínica e subclínica, isolamento microbiológico, perfil de sensibilidade bacteriana "in vitro" e detecção de resíduos antimicrobianos no leite produzido por 100 vacas, bem como do tanque de expansão e latões em propriedades do Vale do Cauca, Colômbia. Os teores médios dos principais constituintes do leite foram 3,24% de gordura, 3,27% de proteína total, 4,40% de lactose, 10,62% de extrato seco, 8,57% de extrato seco desengordurado e 15,82mg/dL de nitrogênio uréico, enquanto do tanque de expansão e latões foi 3,51% de gordura, 3,20% de proteína total, 4,34% de lactose, 11,72% de extrato seco, 8,47% de extrato seco desengordurado e 14,57mg/dL de nitrogênio uréico. A celularidade média dos quartos mamários e do tanque de expansão foi 141.252,75 CS/mL e 363.078,05 CS/mL respectivamente. A CBT média dos quartos mamários e do tanque de expansão foi 4.466,84 UFC/mL e 24.547,01 UFC/mL. Os principais micro-organismos isolados dos quartos mamários foram Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus dysgalatiae, enquanto do tanque de expansão foram identificados Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alveii, Streptococcus hemolítico e Streptococcus spp., com maior frequência. A presença de resíduos de antimicrobianos em leite de vacas e do tanque ou latão foi detectada em 30% e 86% das amostras, respectivamente. O sistema silvipastoril mostrou ser uma boa alternativa para produção de leite em vacas. No entanto, são necessários cuidados no tratamento mamário para evitar resíduos no leite e a análise de todos os parâmetros de qualidade para garantir um produto diferenciado.


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In addition to listeriosis which is relatively common in ruminants, there are three other uncommon suppurative intracranial processes (SIP) identifiable in adult ungulates as brain abscess, basilar empyema and suppurative meningitis. The present paper reports the epidemiological, clinical, laboratorial, pathological and microbiological findings of 15 domestic ruminants with SIP. A total of 15 animals were selected (eight sheep, four cattle and three goats); with the definitive diagnoses of basilar empyema (n=3), brain abscess (n=1), listeriosis (n=5) and suppurative meningitis (n=6). Hematology revealed leukocytosis with inversion of the lymphocyte/ neutrophil ratio in 4 cases. In the majority of animals, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) presented light yellow coloration and cloudy aspect due to neutrophilic pleocytosis (15 - 997 leukocytes/µL). Microbiological culture of CSF or central nervous system (CNS) fragments resulted on isolation of Trueperella (Arcanobacterium) pyogenes,Listeria monocytogenes,Escherichia coli and Stenotrophomonas sp. In a goat with thalamic abscess, microbiological assay was not performed, but Gram positive bacilli type bacteria were observed in histology. The diagnosis of these outbreaks was based on the association of epidemiological, clinical, pathological and bacteriological findings; reiterating that the infectious component remains an important cause of CNS disease in domestic ruminants and also shows the need for dissemination of information about the most effective preventive measures for the ranchers.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar a frequência de lesões macroscópicas e microscópicas e dos agentes bacterianos envolvidos em pericardites em suínos no abate no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As amostras foram coletadas em frigoríficos de suínos com Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF) entre fevereiro a outubro de 2010 e a condenação por pericardite dos animais acompanhados foi de 3,9% (299/7.571). No total foram investigados 91 casos de pericardites, 89% deles foram classificados como crônicos por histopatologia e pleurite crônica foi observada em 47% dos pulmões correspondentes, todavia não houve associação significativa entre as duas lesões. Os agentes bacterianos isolados a partir dos corações foram Streptococcus spp., Pasteurella multocida, Haemophilus parasuis e Streptococcus suis. DNA bacterianos mais detectados pela PCR foram de Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae e Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. Houve associação significativa entre isolamento de P. multocida e Streptococcus sp. nos corações e pulmões correspondentes. Esses resultados sugerem que a infecção no pulmão possa ter servido de porta de entrada para a colonização do pericárdio adjacente. Apesar de M. hyopneumoniae ter sido o agente detectado com maior frequência pela PCR em corações e pulmões correspondentes, não houve associação significativa da detecção dos agentes nos órgãos. Isto sugere que as infecções foram eventos independentes. Os demais agentes investigados não apresentaram associação significativa entre isolamento ou detecção de DNA em coração e pulmão correspondente. Outro achado importante foi a presença de coinfecções bacterianas em 2% dos corações e por PCR foi detectado DNA bacteriano de dois ou mais agentes em 16,5% dos corações. Esses resultados sugerem que as coinfecções em pericardites precisam ser melhor estudadas.


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Resumo: A mastite é a principal afecção do gado destinado à produção leiteira, que impacta significativamente a cadeia produtiva do leite, com reflexos ainda para a saúde pública. Estudou-se aspectos relacionados à etiologia, celularidade e de contagem bacteriana em 10 propriedades leiteiras, localizadas no Estado de São Paulo. Foram examinadas 1148 vacas em lactação, totalizando 4584 glândulas mamárias. Foram considerados os casos, em que houve isolamento de estafilococos coagulase positiva (SCP) e estafilococos coagulase negativa (SCN). Os resultados revelaram microbiota com vários patógenos e diferentes espécies de SCN (128 casos) e SCP (45), Staphylococcus aureus(90), Streptococcus agalactiae(70), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (69), Streptococcus uberis(29), Corynebacteriumspp. (230), Klebsiella pneumoniae(28), Klebsiella oxytoca(2), Escherichia coli(15), Enterobactersp. (3). Os resultados de contagem de células somáticas (CCS) relacionados aos SCP e SCN não mostraram diferenças entre as propriedades avaliadas, entretanto com diferenças significantes ao se avaliar a CCS entre os dois grupos de estafilococos, como pode ser evidenciado ao comparar SCN Discreto e SCP exuberante (P<0,01), SCP Discreto e SCP exuberante (P<0,001) e SCN moderado e SCP exuberante (P<0,01). A avaliação da CCS relacionada à intensidade da infecção, considerando-se como crescimento discreto o isolamento de até nove colônias, moderado de dez a 29 colônias e exuberante, com 30 ou mais colônias, revelou para ambos os grupos de estafilococos que quanto maior o número de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC), a CCS é mais elevada, sendo sempre maior nos casos de SCP. Conclui-se que quando há maior número de UFC, há concomitantemente maior CCS/mL de leite, no caso dos SCP e SCN, o que mostra relação direta da intensidade do processo infeccioso com a resposta da celularidade do leite, bem como pela relevância desses na etiologia das mastites e dos aspectos negativos tanto para a produção, quanto na qualidade do leite produzido nas propriedades.


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Resumo: Otite externa (OE) é o termo utilizado para definir a inflamação do conduto auditivo externo; esta doença possui diversas etiologias, ocorre em várias espécies e é particularmente frequente em cães. Os microrganismos da microbiota residente comumente estão envolvidos na etiopatogenia da OE, sendo apontados como agentes perpetuadores da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o perfil microbiológico de cães com conduto auditivo saudável e com otite na região metropolitana do Recife. Com o auxílio de suabes estéreis foram coletadas amostras das orelhas direita e esquerda de 41 cães, sendo 11 com OE e 30 sem OE. Foi realizado o isolamento bacteriano e fúngico das amostras cultivadas; observou-se positividade em 80% dos cães com orelhas saudáveis e presença de mais de um microrganismo em 38 amostras (63,3%); já nos cães com OE, a positividade foi 95,3%, com infecção polimicrobiana em 77,3% das amostras. No que se refere aos gêneros bacterianos, o perfil de isolamento microbiológico foi idêntico entre os cães otopatas e sadios. Os microrganismos isolados foram Staphylococcus sp., Micrococcus, Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp. e Malassezia sp.


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We cloned the streptokinase (STK) gene of Streptococcus equisimilis in an expression vector of Escherichia coli to overexpress the profibrinolytic protein under the control of a tac promoter. Almost all the recombinant STK was exported to the periplasmic space and recovered after gentle lysozyme digestion of induced cells. The periplasmic fraction was chromatographed on DEAE Sepharose followed by chromatography on phenyl-agarose. Active proteins eluted between 4.5 and 0% ammonium sulfate, when a linear gradient was applied. Three major STK derivatives of 47.5 kDa, 45 kDa and 32 kDa were detected by Western blot analysis with a polyclonal antibody. The 32-kDa protein formed a complex with human plasminogen but did not exhibit Glu-plasminogen activator activity, as revealed by a zymographic assay, whereas the 45-kDa protein showed a Km = 0.70 µM and kcat = 0.82 s-1, when assayed with a chromogen-coupled substrate. These results suggest that these proteins are putative fragments of STK, possibly derived from partial degradation during the export pathway or the purification steps. The 47.5-kDa band corresponded to the native STK, as revealed by peptide sequencing


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Resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae is a worldwide, growing problem. Studies of factors associated with resistance to penicillin have not been conducted in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to evaluate factors associated with infection by S. pneumoniae not susceptible to penicillin. A prevalence study was conducted including all patients with a positive culture for S. pneumoniae in a hospital from July 1991 to December 1992 and the year 1994. Of 165 patients identified, 139 were considered to have clinically relevant infections and 88% of them had invasive infections. All infections were community acquired and consisted of pneumonia (44%) and of central nervous system (19%), pelvic or abdominal (12%), upper airway or ocular (12%), primary bloodstream (9%) and skin and soft tissue (5%) infections. Mortality was 25%. Susceptibility to penicillin was present in 77.6% of the isolates; 21.8% were relatively resistant, and one isolate was resistant (minimal inhibitory concentration = 4 µg/ml). Multivariate analysis showed that age below 4 years (odds ratio (OR): 3.53, 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.39-8.96) and renal failure (OR: 5.50, 95%CI: 1.07-28.36) were associated with lack of susceptibility to penicillin. Bacteremia occurred significantly less frequently in penicillin-nonsusceptible infections (OR: 0.34, 95%CI: 0.14-0.84), possibly suggesting that lack of penicillin susceptibility is associated with lower virulence in S. pneumoniae.


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Nasopharyngeal bacteria can asymptomatically colonize the nasopharynx of infants and young children but are also associated with the development of respiratory infections and diseases. Such nasopharyngeal bacteria include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus. The host defense against invading pathogens is largely relies germline-encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRR), which are expressed on the cells of innate immunity, and different cytokines. These include toll-like receptors (TLR), mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and different cytokines such as IL-17A. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in these receptors and cytokines have been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate genetic polymorphisms in the genes for TLR2, 3 and 4, MBL as well as for IL-17A and their associations with nasopharyngeal pathogenic bacterial colonization during a two-year follow-up. The study revealed that polymorphisms in TLRs, MBL2 and IL17A are associated with the nasopharyngeal bacterial colonization in young children. Healthy young (2.6 months of age) children with variant types of MBL2, TLR2 R753Q or TLR4 D299G had an increased risk to be colonized by S. pneumonia, S. aureus or M. catarrhalis, respectively. Moreover, variant types of MBL2 in healthy children with might facilitate human rhinovirus (HRV)-induced S. pneumoniae colonization at 2.6 months of age. The polymorphism of TLR4 D299G was shown to be associated with M. catarrhalis colonization throughout the whole two-year follow-up (2.6, 13 and 24 months of age) and also with the bacterial load of this pathogen. Also, the polymorphism of IL17A G152A was shown to be associated with increased risk to be colonized by S. pneumoniae at 13 and 24 months of age. Furthermore, the results suggest that IL17A G152A has an effect on production of serum IL-17A already at young age. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that polymorphisms in the key PRRs and IL17A seem to play an important role to colonization of S. pneumoniae, M. catarrhalis, and S. aureus in healthy young Finnish children. The nasopharyngeal colonization by these pathogenic bacteria may further promote the development of respiratory infections and may be related to development of asthma and allergy in the later life of children. These findings offer a possible explanation why some children have more respiratory infections than other children and provide a rational basis for future studies in this field.


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Serum antibodies specific for the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae provide protection against invasive pneumococcal infection. In Brazil, this vaccine has been used for people over 65 years with clinical risk to develop pneumococcal infection since 1999. We evaluated the immune response of 102 elderly subjects (75.5% females and 24.5% males) with a mean age of 71 years, and 19 young healthy adults (63.2% females and 36.8% males) with a mean age of 27 years. The elderly study group consisted of outpatients who received follow-up care in the Geriatric Department of General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. None had acute illness at the time of vaccination. Both groups were immunized with one intra-deltoid injection with 0.5 ml of a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. The total IgG specific antibody concentrations to capsular polysaccharides 1, 3, 5, 6B, 8, and 14 were determined against pre- and 1-month post-vaccination sera. All samples were analyzed according to the second-generation pneumococcal polysaccharide ELISA protocol. We observed that the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine evoked consistent antibody increase for serotypes 1, 5, 6B, 8, and 14 (geometric mean concentration increase of 2.46 in the elderly and 2.84 in the young adults). Otherwise, we observed no increase in antibody concentration for serotype 3 in both groups.


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The majority of children with Down syndrome (DS) tend to have frequent bacterial infections including recurrent respiratory infections. Our objective was to evaluate the production of antibodies to pneumococcal polysaccharide antigens after active immunization in DS subjects. IgG antibodies to pneumococcal serotypes (1, 3, 6B, 9V, and 14) were measured before and 6 weeks after immunization with a 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumo23®, Pasteur-Merrieux) in 6- to 13-year-old DS children (N = 17) and in aged-matched normal controls (N = 30). An adequate response was defined as a 4-fold increase over baseline or a post-immunization level of specific pneumococcal serotype antibody > or = 1.3 µg/mL. After immunization, all DS children had an increase in post-immunization levels against all serotypes analyzed. A 4-fold or more increase was observed in all DS children concerning serotypes 1 and 14, in 90% of subjects for serotypes 3 and 9V, and in 65% for serotype 6B. Regarding this increase, 8 of the 17 DS children had an adequate response to all serotypes analyzed, 8/17 patients to 4 serotypes and 1/17 to 3 serotypes. However, when we compared post-immunization levels between DS children and controls, we observed lower levels in the former group (P < 0.05) for all serotypes except serotype 3. We conclude that pneumococcal polysaccharide immunization could be beneficial for these DS children.


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Dental caries and periodontal disease are associated with oral pathogens. Several plant derivatives have been evaluated with respect to their antimicrobial effects against such pathogenic microorganisms. Lippia sidoides Cham (Verbenaceae), popularly known as "Alecrim-pimenta" is a typical shrub commonly found in the Northeast of Brazil. Many plant species belonging to the genus Lippia yield very fragrant essential oils of potential economic value which are used by the industry for the commercial production of perfumes, creams, lotions, and deodorants. Since the leaves of L. sidoides are also extensively used in popular medicine for the treatment of skin wounds and cuts, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the composition and antimicrobial activity of L. sidoides essential oil. The essential oil was obtained by hydro-distillation and analyzed by GC-MS. Twelve compounds were characterized, having as major constituents thymol (56.7%) and carvacrol (16.7%). The antimicrobial activity of the oil and the major components was tested against cariogenic bacterial species of the genus Streptococcus as well as Candida albicans using the broth dilution and disk diffusion assays. The essential oil and its major components thymol and carvacrol exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against the organisms tested with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 0.625 to 10.0 mg/mL. The most sensitive microorganisms were C. albicans and Streptococcus mutans. The essential oil of L. sidoides and its major components exert promising antimicrobial effects against oral pathogens and suggest its likely usefulness to combat oral microbial growth.


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Water geochemistry is a very important tool for studying the water quality in a given area. Geology and climate are the major natural factors controlling the chemistry of most natural waters. Anthropogenic impacts are the secondary sources of contamination in natural waters. This study presents the first integrative approach to the geochemistry and water quality of surface waters and Lake Qarun in the Fayoum catchment, Egypt. Moreover, geochemical modeling of Lake Qarun was firstly presented. The Nile River is the main source of water to the Fayoum watershed. To investigate the quality and geochemistry of this water, water samples from irrigation canals, drains and Lake Qarun were collected during the period 2010‒2013 from the whole Fayoum drainage basin to address the major processes and factors governing the evolution of water chemistry in the investigation area. About 34 physicochemical quality parameters, including major ions, oxygen isotopes, trace elements, nutrients and microbiological parameters were investigated in the water samples. Multivariable statistical analysis was used to interpret the interrelationship between the different studied parameters. Geochemical modeling of Lake Qarun was carried out using Hardie and Eugster’s evolutionary model and a model simulated by PHREEQC software. The crystallization sequence during evaporation of Lake Qarun brine was also studied using a Jänecke phase diagram involving the system Na‒K‒Mg‒ Cl‒SO4‒H2O. The results show that the chemistry of surface water in the Fayoum catchment evolves from Ca- Mg-HCO3 at the head waters to Ca‒Mg‒Cl‒SO4 and eventually to Na‒Cl downstream and at Lake Qarun. The main processes behind the high levels of Na, SO4 and Cl in downstream waters and in Lake Qarun are dissolution of evaporites from Fayoum soils followed by evapoconcentration. This was confirmed by binary plots between the different ions, Piper plot, Gibb’s plot and δ18O results. The modeled data proved that Lake Qarun brine evolves from drainage waters via an evaporation‒crystallization process. Through the precipitation of calcite and gypsum, the solution should reach the final composition "Na–Mg–SO4–Cl". As simulated by PHREEQC, further evaporation of lake brine can drive halite to precipitate in the final stages of evaporation. Significantly, the crystallization sequence during evaporation of the lake brine at the concentration ponds of the Egyptian Salts and Minerals Company (EMISAL) reflected the findings from both Hardie and Eugster’s evolutionary model and the PHREEQC simulated model. After crystallization of halite at the EMISAL ponds, the crystallization sequence during evaporation of the residual brine (bittern) was investigated using a Jänecke phase diagram at 35 °C. This diagram was more useful than PHREEQC for predicting the evaporation path especially in the case of this highly concentrated brine (bittern). The predicted crystallization path using a Jänecke phase diagram at 35 °C showed that halite, hexahydrite, kainite and kieserite should appear during bittern evaporation. Yet the actual crystallized mineral salts were only halite and hexahydrite. The absence of kainite was due to its metastability while the absence of kieserite was due to opposed relative humidity. The presence of a specific MgSO4.nH2O phase in ancient evaporite deposits can be used as a paleoclimatic indicator. Evaluation of surface water quality for agricultural purposes shows that some irrigation waters and all drainage waters have high salinities and therefore cannot be used for irrigation. Waters from irrigation canals used as a drinking water supply show higher concentrations of Al and suffer from high levels of total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococcus (FS). These waters cannot be used for drinking or agricultural purposes without treatment, because of their high health risk. Therefore it is crucial that environmental protection agencies and the media increase public awareness of this issue, especially in rural areas.


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Considerando a crescente importância que o iogurte vem assumindo no mercado nacional, inúmeras pesquisas têm sido executadas para melhoria da sua qualidade e outros produtos fermentados. A presença de contaminantes constitui, hoje, um dos grandes problemas para a indústria, causando a perda do produto em função das alterações de sabor, cor e também estufamento de embalagens nas prateleiras refrigeradas de comercialização. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar levantamento das características microbiológicas dos iogurtes, por meio da enumeração de fungos e leveduras encontrados, relacionando-os com a vida-de-prateleira do iogurte de diferentes marcas. Setenta e duas amostras de iogurtes comercializados foram submetidos à análise microbiológica da população de Lactobacillus/Streptococcus, contagem de leveduras e fungos e análises químicas (pH, % ácido láctico). Os iogurtes foram produzidos por 4 produtores diferentes e comercializados de Lavras - MG, Brasil. Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus e Streptococcus thermophilus foram encontrados na proporção de 1:2, respectivamente, em 80% das amostras analisadas. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa no valor de pH e na concentração de ácido láctico nas amostras. Em 28% das amostras foi encontrada população de leveduras acima de 100 UFC/g, enquanto em 7% foram obtidas contagens de leveduras maiores que 1000 UFC/g. Os resultados indicam que, apesar de todas as inovações técnicas e cuidados durante e depois da fabricação do iogurte, o produto ainda pode estar sujeito à contaminação microbiana, quando não atendidas às condições de higiene e sanidade.


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A atividade antimicrobiana dos ácidos anacárdicos do óleo da casca da castanha de caju (CNSL) Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae) foi estudada sobre os microrganismos da cavidade bucal Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 12598, Candida albicans ATCC 10231 e Candida utilis. Os ácidos anacárdicos obtidos dos extratos etílicos do CNSL apresentaram atividade antibacteriana contra os microganismos citados, porém a maior atividade inibitória ocorreu sobre a bactéria Gram positiva Streptococcus mutans, considerada predominante na cárie dentária. As cáries dentárias são uma das mais freqüentes doenças infecciosas nos países em desenvolvimento. Os elementos que influenciam na cárie dentária incluem o estado nutricional, a ingestão de açúcar e a presença da microbiota cariogênica.