983 resultados para Statements
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo demonstrar a importância da normalização contabilística para a análise da informação financeira, tendo em conta o meio envolvente em que, hoje, as empresas encontram-se inseridas. As mudanças que ocorreram na economia global levou a que as empresas passassem a adoptar novas formas de elaborar o reporte financeiro como forma de acompanhar essa evolução. A harmonização contabilística, surge neste contexto, como forma de reduzir as diferenças existentes no relato financeiro dos vários países. Nesse sentido o trabalho abordará as várias iniciativas que tem sido feitas em favor da harmonização/normalização contabilística e a sua relevância no contexto internacional e nacional bem como o caso de Cabo Verde, que recentemente aderiu ao processo da normalização. O caso prático baseia-se na transposição das demonstrações financeiras para o novo normativo em vigor e também na análise destas. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho baseia-se na revisão bibliográfica em livros, revistas, pela consulta de sites na Internet e legislação. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of the accounting standard for the analysis of financial information, taking into account the environment in which, today, the companies are incorporated. The changes that occurred in the global economy have led companies to introduce new ways of preparing the financial reporting as a way to monitor these developments. The accounting harmonization, it is in this context as a way of reducing the differences existing in the financial reporting of the several countries. In this sense the work will address a variety of initiatives that have been made in favor of harmonization / normalization accounting and its relevance in the international and national context as well as the case of Cape Verde, who recently joined the process of standardization. The practical case is based in on the translation of financial statements for the new rules enforced and also in their analysis. The follows methodology used in the process is based on the literature review in books, magazines, by consulting Web sites and legislation
AbstractOBJECTIVEDescribing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death.METHODAn ecological study conducted in the city of Maceió/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood.RESULTSThe homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods.CONCLUSIONThe map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.
In accordance with Iowa Code Section 8A.502(8) we are pleased to submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Iowa for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006. As required by State statute, this report has been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for governments as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The report is presented in three sections as follows: • The Introductory Section includes this transmittal letter, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for the fiscal year 2005 CAFR, an organizational chart of State government, and a list of principal State officials. • The Financial Section contains the independent auditor’s report on the Basic Financial Statements, Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), the Basic Financial Statements, and Notes to the Financial Statements. The Financial Section also contains Required Supplementary Information (RSI), other than the MD&A, and supplementary information in the form of combining financial statements and schedules. • The Statistical Section includes financial trend information, revenue capacity information, debt capacity information, demographic and economic information, and operating information. The Department of Administrative Services is responsible for both the accuracy of the presented data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation. We believe the information presented is accurate in all material respects and the necessary disclosures have been made which enable the reader to obtain an understanding of the State’s financial activity.
In accordance with Iowa Code Section 8A.502(8) we are pleased to submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Iowa for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005. The report is presented in three sections as follows: • The Introductory Section includes this transmittal letter, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for the fiscal year 2004 CAFR, an organizational chart of State government, and a list of principal State officials. • The Financial Section contains the independent auditor’s report on the Basic Financial Statements, Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), the Basic Financial Statements, and Notes to the Financial Statements. The Financial Section also contains Required Supplementary Information (RSI), other than the MD&A, and supplementary information in the form of combining financial statements and schedules. This letter is intended to be read in conjunction with the MD&A. • The Statistical Section highlights selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi-year basis. The Department of Administrative Services is responsible for both the accuracy of the presented data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation. We believe the information presented is accurate in all material respects and the necessary disclosures have been made which enable the reader to obtain an understanding of the State’s financial activity. This report has been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for governments as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). As a part of the statewide accounting system upgrade during fiscal year 2005, the implementation team performed a comprehensive review of the adequacy of internal controls and budgetary controls of the system. The team determined that internal controls continue to be in place to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against unauthorized use or disposition, and that financial records from all appropriate sources are reliable for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes the cost of internal controls should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived from their use. To monitor the adequacy of internal controls, the Auditor of State reviews internal control procedures as an integral part of departmental audits.
A mudança do normativo contabilístico ocorrido em 2009, alterou o paradigma de reconhecimento e mensuração de activos. Embora a natureza das operações contínua presente no processo contabilístico, muitas coisas foram alteradas tendo em conta a substância da informação e a sua realidade económica. O caso dos contratos de concessão é disto um bom exemplo. Há casos em que no normativo anterior eram reconhecidos como activos fixos tangíveis e actualmente são reconhecidos como intangíveis. O estudo em causa tem como objetivo principal analisar o conceito dos contratos de concessão, bem como os procedimentos para o reconhecimento, mensuração e divulgação nas demonstrações financeiras. Considerados activos intangíveis (de facto a entidade acaba por ter um “Direito” de explorar um determinado activo), o processo contabilístico é feito a luz do disposto na Norma de Relato Financeiro nº6 – Activos Intangíveis. Os contractos de concessão apresentam especificidades próprias e por esta razão o IASB emitiu uma IFRIC (nº 12) com o objectivo de clarificar o tratamento contabilístico desta problemática. Não existindo no normativo nacional tal norma interpretativa as empresas nacionais que convivem com esta realidade vêem-se na contingência de, supletivamente, recorrer às normas internacionais de contabilidade para resolver o assunto. É o caso da ELECTRA para os activos afectos a distribuição. Neste sentido, o estudo debruça sobre esta problemática, apresenta um enquadramento teórico, analisar os principais aspectos de reconhecimento a luz dos dois normativos contabilísticos nacionais (o antigo Plano Nacional de Contabilidade e o actual Sistema de Normalização Contabilística e de Relato Financeiro) e termina utilizando as informações da ELECTRA, SARL para ilustrar este processo de reconhecimento contabilístico. The change of a the accounting regulatory occurred in 2009, changed the paradigm for recognizing and measuring assets. Although the continuous nature of the operations in this accounting process, many things have changed in view of the substance of information and its economic reality. The case of concession contracts, it is a good example. There are cases where the former were recognized as legal and tangible fixed assets are currently recognized as intangible assets. The study is aimed to analyzing the concept of concession contracts, as well as procedures for the recognition, measurement and disclosure in the financial statements. Considered intangible assets (in fact the entity turns out to have a “right” to exploit a particular asset) the accounting process is done in light of the provisions of Financial Reporting Standard No. 6 – Intangible Assets. The concession contracts have specific characteristics and for this reason the IASB issued IFRIC one (Ner. 12 ) in order to clarify the accounting treatment of this problem. In the absence of such a standard national regulatory interpretative national companies that live with this reality find themselves in contingency, additionally, make use of international accounting standards to resolve the matter. ELECTRA is the case of the assets connected to the distribution. In this sense, the study focuses on this issue, presents a theoretical framework to analyze the main aspects of recognition light of both national accounting standards (formerly the National Accounting Standards and the current system of accounting and financial reporting) and ends up using the information the Electra SARL to illustrate this process of accounting recognition.
The paper deals with a bilateral accident situation in which victims haveheterogeneous costs of care. With perfect information,efficient care bythe injurer raises with the victim's cost. When the injurer cannot observeat all the victim's type, and this fact can be verified by Courts, first-bestcannot be implemented with the use of a negligence rule based on thefirst-best levels of care. Second-best leads the injurer to intermediate care,and the two types of victims to choose the best response to it. This second-bestsolution can be easily implemented by a negligence rule with second-best as duecare. We explore imperfect observation of the victim's type, characterizing theoptimal solution and examining the different legal alternatives when Courts cannotverify the injurers' statements. Counterintuitively, we show that there is nodifference at all between the use by Courts of a rule of complete trust and arule of complete distrust towards the injurers' statements. We then relate thefindings of the model to existing rules and doctrines in Common Law and Civil Lawlegal systems.
A nível da contabilidade tem-se assistido, nos últimos tempos, esforços no sentido de uma “ Harmonização Global” como forma de acompanhar o fenómeno da globalização, não obstante, existem temas, como o dos Impostos diferidos, que não reúnem consenso entre autores. Os impostos diferidos aparecem como o elo de ligação entre a contabilidade e a fiscalidade, no que se refere as divergências de tratamento destas duas áreas em relação a certas operações, sendo uma delas a revalorização de activos. A revalorização dos activos, na medida em que aumenta a base contabilística dos activos, dá origem a impostos diferidos caso a base fiscal não for ajustada. Assim sendo, há que contabilizar o efeito fiscal decorrente dessa revalorização, em consonância com contabilização do excedente de revalorização. A questão dos impostos diferidos aparece na medida em que o imposto sobre o rendimento passa a ser contabilizado através do método dos efeitos fiscais, em detrimento do método tradicional, o método do imposto a pagar. O método dos efeitos fiscais, assim como o tradicional, apresenta desvantagem, mas é o que melhor permite a apresentação de uma imagem mais verdadeira e apropriada sobre as operações das empresas. A revalorização dos activos fixos tangíveis é uma das operações que tem um tratamento mais adequado utilizado o método dos efeitos fiscais. Em Cabo verde, a revalorização de activos fixos tangíveis é aceite para finalidade de tributação, se for pedida a devida autorização para a sua realização às Finanças. Partindo de um estudo de caso onde não foi efectuado a autorização pelas finanças para efectuar a revalorização dos activos fixos tangíveis, demonstramos que existem impactos significativos nas demonstrações financeiras da empresa em estudo, na sua posição financeira e no seu desempenho, por via da contabilização do imposto diferidoIn level of accounting we have witnessed, in recent times, efforts in the sense of "Global Harmonization" as a means of keep up with the phenomenon of globalization, nevertheless there are themes such as the deferred taxes, which do not congregate consensus among authors. Deferred taxes appear as the link between accounting and taxation, in respect a differences of treatment of these two areas to certain transactions, one of this is the revaluation tangible fixed assets. The revaluation of the tangible fixed assets increases the accounting base of assets and originates a deferred tax if the tax base is not adjusted. Therefore, we must account for the tax effect arising from this revaluation, in line with the accounting revaluation surplus. The issue of deferred taxes appears in consequences of accounting for income tax is accounted by the method of tax effects, over the traditional method, the method of tax payable. The method of tax effects, as well as the traditional method presents disadvantage, but it is the better in allows the presentation of true and fair view of the company's operations. The revaluation of tangible fixed assets is one of the operations that utilized the tax effects, have appropriate treatment. In Cape Verde, the revaluation of tangible fixed assets is accepted for tax purposes, if requested permission for its accomplishment to Finance. Based on a case study which has not been authorized by the finance to effect the revaluation of tangible fixed assets, we demonstrate that there are significant impacts on the financial statements of the company under study in its financial position and performance, through accounting deferred tax.
A contabilização dos impostos diferidos surge do facto da legislação fiscal e das normas contabilísticas poderem ser diferentes no que respeita ao reconhecimento e mensuração de activos, passivos, gastos e rendimentos. Para eliminar o efeito das diferenças de carácter temporal, das demonstrações financeiras, foram criadas normas contabilísticas que disciplinam a contabilização do imposto sobre o rendimento, através do reconhecimento de activos e passivos por impostos diferidos. Seguindo esta tendência, Cabo Verde introduziu, através do SNCRF - Sistema de Normalização contabilística e de relato financeiro, a NRF 22Imposto sobre o rendimento, que exige a contabilização de impostos diferidos nas diferenças temporárias entre a contabilidade e a fiscalidade. No entanto esta norma não está sendo observada, devido, na opinião de vários profissionais da área, a complexidade do assunto “imposto diferido”. Por esta razão, traçamos como objectivos deste trabalho, explicar a problemática dos impostos diferidos, evidenciando a importância do seu reconhecimento nas demonstrações financeiras. Concluímos que, a não contabilização de impostos diferidos pode pôr em causa a informação contida nas demonstrações financeiras e, consequentemente, as decisões que se toma com base nelas.The accounting of deferred taxes arises from the fact that tax legislation and accounting standards may differ regarding to the recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, expenses and income. To eliminate the effect of the temporary differences in the financial statements, accounting standards have been established to regulate the accounting of income tax trough the recognition of assets and liabilities by deferred taxes. Following this trend, Cape Verde has introduced through the SNCRF - Standardization System of Accounting and Financial Reporting, the standard NRF 22 - Income Tax, which demands the recognition of deferred taxes in the temporary differences between accounting and taxation. However according to the opinion of some professors, this standard is not being observed due to the complexity of the subject "deferred tax". For this reason, we defined the following objectives for this work: explain the issue of deferred taxes, evidencing the importance of its recognition in the financial statements. We have concluded that, the not accounting of deferred taxes may jeopardize the information contained in the financial statements and consequently, the decisions made based on them.
Na actualidade, tem-se cada vez mais a consciência da necessidade e da importância de ter uma informação financeira credível e em tempo oportuno. A informação financeira passou a ser a base para avaliação do desempenho dos gestores, assim como para análise da situação económico-financeira das Organizações. A informação só é útil para tomada de decisão se tiverem as seguintes características qualitativas: Compreensibilidade, Relevância, Fiabilidade e Comparabilidade. No ambiente concorrencial em que as Organizações estão inseridas, a Contabilidade tem um papel fulcral como instrumento de tomada de decisão. As Organizações que têm como objectivos acções sociais, actuam nas áreas como: culturais e recreativas, solidariedade social, promoção do desenvolvimento comunitário, educacionais, de protecção ao ambiente, Saúde e da promoção da higiene, entre outros. Como essas Organizações não têm com objectivo o lucro, é necessário ter uma boa gestão e para que isso seja possível, é preciso ter-se instrumentos capazes para que isso seja possível e é neste âmbito que a Contabilidade entra como um auxílio para a gestão, como ferramenta capaz de mensurar e controlar processos, resultados e impactos nos projectos executados, a fim de que seus objectivos sociais sejam alcançados de uma forma consistente com o planeado. A sustentabilidade, a necessidade de demonstração e de aplicação dos recursos obtidos é um forte desafio que as Organizações do terceiro sector têm de ultrapassar e, neste âmbito, a Contabilidade pode constituir um meio importante para atingir esses objectivos, através da demonstração dos resultados alcançados. Nesta base, o contributo da Contabilidade na gestão das OSFL tem-se acentuado cada vez mais, demonstrando transparência na apresentação das suas contas, facilitando na captação de recursos e na fidelização dos seus parceiros e financiadores. Nowadays it has become increasingly aware of the need and importance of having credible and timely financial information. The financial information started to be the base for evaluation of the managers acting, as well as for analysis of the economicfinancial situation of the company. The information is only useful for socket of decision if they have the following qualitative characteristics: Comprehensive, Relevance, Reliable and Comparability. In the atmosphere concurrencies in that the Organizations are inserted the accounting has a crucial paper as instrument of socket of decision in the Organizations. The Organizations that have as purpose social action as for instance: cultural and recreational, social solidarity, promotion of the development community, education, of protection to the atmosphere, health and of the promotion of the hygiene, among others. As those Organizations don't have with objective the profit, it is necessary to have a good administration and for that to be possible, it is necessary to have capable instruments for that to be possible and it is in this extent that the accounting enters as an aid for the administration, as tool capable to measure and to control processes, results and impacts in the executed projects, so that their social objectives are reached in a solid way with the planed. Sustainability, the demonstration of the achieved results and the application of resources collected are strong challenges that the Organizations of the third sector have to overcome. To that extent, Accounting can contribute as an important way to reach those objectives through the demonstration of resources collected. In this base, the contribution of the Accounting has been accentuating more and more in the administration of the nonprofit organizations, demonstrating transparency in the presentation of their finance statements, facilitating the fundraising of Organizations and loyal partners and funders.
In this paper we perform a mathematical analyse of profits and losses indirect and full costing. They are compared in different situations, mainlythe utilisation of productive capacity and the existence of beginninginventories. Direct costing was conceived as a system of cost accountingwhich would show profits as a function of sales. In full costing profitsdepend on available combinations of sales, production, costs of beginninginventories, etc., and information displayed in financial statements displayappears incongruent. Differences in profits with full and direct costingincrease when full costing allocates fixed costs according to normalproduction, in some cases differences, and financial statements would showmore incongruent performance. It is concluded about the importance thatprofit and loss statement expresses profits in both costing systems.
Background: The wish to die has mainly been studied in terminally- ill young adults. In elderly persons, factors associated with the wish to die are likely to differ from those observed in younger people. Since the most frequently used scale -"The Schedule ofAttitudes Toward Hastened Death" (SAHD, Rosenfeld et al., 2000)- was previously used in terminally ill cancer or AIDS patients, its use in elderly people suffering from multiple comorbidities is problematic. The objectives of this study were 1) to adapt the SAHD for use in elderly people, 2) to develop a new instrument to assess patients' attitudes towards death 3) to test the relevance/acceptability of these instruments. Methods:An adapted version of the SAHD to the elderly population (SAHD-OLD) was obtained by analyzing all items of the instrument instrument in an interdisciplinary group of experts in geriatric care. Items were modified according to their relevance in elderly population. An instrument to assess patients' attitudes towards death was built on previous qualitative work performed by Schroepfer. These 2 instruments were subjected to cognitive testing in a convenience sample of 11 community-dwelling people (median age = 82 years; range 76-91). Results: The SAHD-OLD was obtained by modifying those items addressing palliative care issues (eg. irreversible consequences of stopping treatment) and systematically replacing "illness/disease" by "health problems". We expressed in statements the 6 categories identified by Schroepfer, and created instructions asking respondents to describe their current attitude towards death (Adapted Schroepfer). During cognitive testing, our sample assessed the SAHD-OLD and the Adapted Schroepfer as relevant for elderly people. Respondents judged these 2 instruments acceptable and appreciated the direct manner in which they addressed end of life issues. The opportunity to speak openly on this topic was welcomed. Conclusions: The SAHD-OLD and the Adapted Schroepfer seem promising instruments to assess the wish to die in elderly people suffering from multiple comorbidities. Preliminary results show good comprehension, high relevance and acceptability. Psychometric properties of the SAHD-OLD are currently being tested in a large sample of patients.
O desmantelamento das barreiras ao comércio mundial traduziu-se no aumento das operações comerciais e financeiras, na crescente necessidade de capitais, na utilização de novos instrumentos financeiros e no consequente desenvolvimento dos mercados de capitais com empresas cotadas em diversos mercados. Este fenómeno contribuiu ainda para a globalização da informação financeira que, para suprir as exigências de um mercado abrangente, teve de encontrar novas formas de difusão, sem contudo descurar as suas qualidades, nomeadamente a compreensibilidade, a comparabilidade e a fiabilidade. O interesse do desenvolvimento deste tema ressalta-se pela importância que a contabilidade nas organizações, recomenda-se ser organizada de forma a possibilitar o conhecimento claro e inequívoco dos elementos necessários ao cálculo do imposto, bem como a permitir o seu controlo, comportando todos os dados necessários ao preenchimento das declarações periódicas dos impostos. A parte prática do trabalho, em resumo, demonstra que, o ponto de partida para o apuramento do lucro tributável é o resultado contabilístico determinado com base nas suas regras próprias. Em Cabo Verde, a lei fiscal, apesar de desactualizada com o SNCRF, estabelece algumas regras próprias para ajustar o resultado contabilístico ao resultado fiscal. Em conclusão, a aplicação do novo normativo contabilístico cabo-verdiano (SNCRF) na correcção e determinação da matéria colectável em sede do IUR veio dar e construir uma base contabilística comum como ponto de partida para o estabelecimento de uma matéria colectável comum, e se concluir neste TFC, que tem todo o sentido. Sendo as demonstrações financeiras elaboradas com base nas NRF e subsidiariamente às NIC´s constituem o ponto de partida neutro para qualquer discussão sobre uma matéria colectável comum. The dismantling of barriers to world trade has resulted in increased commercial and financial transactions, the growing need for capital, and the use of new financial instruments and the consequent development of capital markets with listed companies in various markets. This phenomenon has also contributed for the globalization of financial information to meet the requirements of a comprehensive market had to find new ways of making, without neglecting their qualities, namely understandability, comparability and reliability. The interest of the development of this theme it emphasizes the importance of accounting in organizations, it is recommended to be organized in order to enable the clear and unambiguous understanding of the elements necessary for calculating the tax, as well as to allow its control, behaving all data needed to fill in of the periodic declarations of taxes. The practical part of the work, in short, shows that the starting point to determining taxable income is the accounting income determined based on its own rules. In Cape Verde, the tax law, although outdated with SNCRF establishes some rules themselves to adjust accounting income to taxable income. In conclusion, the application of new accounting standards Cape Verde (SNCRF) in the correction and determination of the tax base in the headquarters of the IUR to come and build a common basis of accounting as a starting point for the establishment of a common tax base, and conclude TFC this, which makes sense. Being the financial statements prepared in accordance with NRF 'and secondarily to NIC's are the neutral starting points for any discussion about a common tax base.
As companies and shareholders begin to note the potential repercussions of intangible assets uponbusiness results, the inability of the traditional financial statement model to reflect these new waysof creating business value has become evident. Companies have widely adopted newmanagement tools, covering in this way the inability of the traditional financial statement model toreflect these new ways of creating business value.However, there are few prior studies measuring on a quantifiable manner the level of productivityunexplained in the financial statements. In this study, we measure the effect of intangible assets onproductivity using data from Spanish firms selected randomly by size and sector over a ten-yearperiod, from 1995 to 2004. Through a sample of more than 10,000 Spanish firms we analyse towhat extent labour productivity can be explained by physical capital deepening, by quantifiedintangible capital deepening and by firm s economic efficiency (or total factor productivity PTF).Our results confirm the hypothesis that PTF weigh has increased during the period studied,especially on those firms that have experienced a significant raise in quantified intangible capital,evidencing that there are some important complementary effects between capital investment andintangible resources in the explanation of productivity growth. These results have significantdifferences considering economic sector and firm s dimension.
De successifs Gouvernements du Portugal, Organisations du Gouvernement Portugais et ses représentants légitimes, non mal de fois, s’affolent à associer la Langue Portugaise non seulement à l’identité Nationale mais aussi comme un moyen de reconnaissance internationale du pays, liée à une vision plus élargie reliée au concept géolinguistique et géopolitique de Lusophonie. Un concept particulièrement important et opératif qu’il est assimilé à l’image d’autres langues de présence globale ou, du moins, comme des langues de communication international intercontinental – comme les pays Anglophones, Spanophones et Francophones -. Le but, est celui de promouvoir l’usage international de la langue portugaise aussi que le développement économique et social des huit pays rassemblés à la Communauté des Pays de Langue Portugaise (CPLP). Cette étude, essaye de trouver les relations entre le discours officiel diffusé et les programmes de chaque Gouvernement depuis 1974. Une recherche sur la promotion, diffusion et/ou défense de la langue portugaise soit en temps que PLE (Portugais Langue Étrangère), soit en temps que dans le domaine de l’usage de la Langue Portugaise dans les différents Forums Internationaux dont le Portugal et les autres pays de langue portugaise font partie. Les discours et les documents officiels nous présentent toujours la promotion et diffusion de la langue comme une priorité, un impératif national, il est donc aussi impératif de confronter tous ces mots, dits et écrits, avec la réalité de l’action politique, voir, la politique de la langue effectivement mise en place, par les successifs gouvernements.
Gazelle companies are relevant because they generate much more employment than other companies and deliver high returns to their shareholders. This paper analyzes their behavior in the years of high growth and their evolution in the following years. The main factors that explain their success are competitive advantages based on human resources, innovation, internationalization, the excellence in processes and a conservative financial policy. Nevertheless, as time goes by they can be divided in two groups: a group which continues having growth, but most of them with lower growth rates; and the rest which face great problems or even disappear. The present study identifies several key factors that explain this different evolution.