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Introduction: The seroprevalence of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is very high among Brazilians (,1:200). HTLV-1 associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) is the most common neurological complication of HTLV-1 infection. HAM/TSP can present with an acute/subacute form of longitudinally extensive myelitis, which can be confused with lesions seen in aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-Ab) positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) on MRI. Moreover, clinical attacks in patients with NMOSD have been shown to be preceded by viral infections in around 30% of cases. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of AQP4-Ab in patients with HAM/TSP. To evaluate the frequency of HTLV-1 infection in patients with NMOSD. Patients and Methods: 23 Brazilian patients with HAM/TSP, 20 asymptomatic HTLV-1+ serostatus patients, and 34 with NMOSD were tested for AQP4-Ab using a standardized recombinant cell based assay. In addition, all patients were tested for HTLV-1 by ELISA and Western blotting. Results: 20/34 NMOSD patients were positive for AQP4-Ab but none of the HAM/TSP patients and none of the asymptomatic HTLV-1 infected individuals. Conversely, all AQP4-Ab-positive NMOSD patients were negative for HTLV-1 antibodies. One patient with HAM/TSP developed optic neuritis in addition to subacute LETM; this patient was AQP4-Ab negative as well. Patients were found to be predominantly female and of African descent both in the NMOSD and in the HAM/TSP group; Osame scale and expanded disability status scale scores did not differ significantly between the two groups. Conclusions: Our results argue both against a role of antibodies to AQP4 in the pathogenesis of HAM/TSP and against an association between HTLV-1 infection and the development of AQP4-Ab. Moreover, the absence of HTLV-1 in all patients with NMOSD suggests that HTLV-1 is not a common trigger of acute attacks in patients with AQP4-Ab positive NMOSD in populations with high HTLV-1 seroprevalence.
A migração de jovens do nordeste brasileiro em busca de emprego na região Sudeste é historicamente recorrente. Este estudo objetivou compreender como jovens trabalhadores foram atraídos para o corte de cana-de-açúcar na região de Ribeirão Preto (SP) e conhecer como percebiam suas condições de trabalho e suas repercussões em sua saúde. Na pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, foram entrevistados 14 trabalhadores migrantes do Maranhão, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 18 e 24 anos, entre julho de 2008 e maio de 2009. Os relatos obtidos indicaram que a migração dos jovens trabalhadores em busca de trabalho não foi uma opção, mas a única alternativa frente à realidade na região de origem. Revelaram sentimento de frustração quando perceberam que o trabalho real era bem diferente do imaginado. Os jovens apresentaram desesperança quanto às suas perspectivas de futuro e demonstraram preocupação com as possíveis consequências para sua saúde. Apesar de explicitar desapontamento com a realidade, manifestaram intenção de retorno para as lavouras da cana em outras safras, mostrando conformismo com sua realidade social. O estudo possibilitou aprofundar conhecimentos acerca da exploração da força de trabalho empregada na cultura da cana-de-açúcar na maior região produtora do país, mostrando que os trabalhadores percebem como precárias e desgastantes as condições a que são submetidos.
We describe a new species of pimelodid catfish of the genus Iheringichthys from the upper Paraná basin, Brazil. Iheringichthys syi n. sp. is distinguished by the comparatively fine serration along the anterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine, an adpressed dorsal-fin remote from the adipose-fin origin, a large eye (23.2-31.2% of head length), narrow interorbital (16.2-23.0% of head length), long snout (42.0-51.0% of head length), long postorbital length (30.6-34.0% of head length), low adipose fin (4.8-7.8% of standard length), eye diameter 97.0-140.0% of interorbital length, and body with numerous, small dots irregularly scattered on flanks, especially marked on anterior half of flank.
Steindachneridion parahybae is a freshwater catfish endemic to the Paraíba do Sul River and is classified as an endangered Neotropical species. An increasing number of conservation biologists are incorporating morphological and physiological research data to help conservation managers in rescue these endangered species. This study investigated the embryonic and larval development of S. parahybae in captivity, with emphasis in major events during the ontogeny of S. parahybae. Broodstocks were artificially induced to reproduce, and the extrusion occurred 200-255 degree-hours after hormonal induction at 24°C. Larval ontogeny was evaluated every 10 minutes under microscopic/stereomicroscopic using fresh eggs samples. The main embryogenic development stages were identified: zygote, cleavage, including the morula, blastula, gastrula phase, organogenesis, and hatching. The extruded oocytes showed an average diameter of 1.10 ± 0.10 mm, and after fertilization and hydration of eggs, the average diameter of eggs increased to about 1.90 ± 0.60 mm, characterized by a large perivitelline space that persisted up to embryo development, the double chorion, and the poles (animal and vegetative). Cell division started about 2 minutes after fertilization (AF), resulting in 2, 4, 8 (4 x 2 arrangement of cells), 16 (4 x 4), 32 (4 x 8) and 64 (2 x 4 x 8) cells. Furthermore, the blastula and gastrula stages followed after these cells divisions. The closed blastopore occurred at 11 h 20 min AF; following the development, the organogenetic stages were identified and subdivided respectively in: early segmentation phase and late segmentation phase. In the early segmentation phase, there was the establishment of the embryonic axis, and it was possible to distinguish between the cephalic and caudal regions; somites, and the optic vesicles developed about 20 h AF. Total hatching occurred at 54 h AF, and the larvae average length was 4.30 ± 0.70 mm. Gradual yolk sac reduction was observed during the first two days of larval development. The first feeding occurred at the end of the second day. During the larval phase, cannibalism, heterogeneous larval growth and photophobia were also observed. This information will be important in improving the artificial reproduction protocols of S. parahybae in controlled breeding programs.
The freshwater copepod Odontodiaptomus thomseni (Brehm, 1933) (Calanoida: Diaptomidae) is a rare species that has been reported only once - in its original description (BREHM 1933). The lack of subsequent records led to its inclusion in the Red List of threatened species (IUCN). Here we present a new record for O.thomseni. It was discovered in Salto Grande reservoir, which is located in the lower stretches of the Uruguay River, between Uruguay and Argentina, at the River Plate basin. In January 2010, three specimens (two males and one female) were found, and these were studied in detail using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We only had material of Odontodiaptomus paulistanus (Wright, 1936) for comparison, but the position of the lateral spine in right P5 of the male, and the shape and size of lateral wings of the female are especially distinctive. Odontodiaptomus thomseni remains a rare species and we recommend keeping it on the IUCN Red List.
This study investigates the species richness and abundance of Drosophila Fallén, 1823 attracted to dung and carrion baited pitfall traps in natural areas with heterogeneous habitats at the Sierra de Minas, Eastern Serranías, southeastern Uruguay. Collecting was carried out on a monthly basis (May 2002 through April 2003). Drosophilids accounted for 0.84% (n = 131) and 3.61% (n = 158) of the Diptera collected from dung (n = 15,630) and carrion (n = 4,382) pitfall traps, respectively. A total of 12 species were identified, 11 of which belong to the subgenus Drosophila (the richest) and one to the subgenus Sophophora Sturtevant, 1939. Over 90% of the Drosophila specimens collected belong to five species of the subgenus Drosophila, namely D. gaucha Jaeger & Salzano, 1953, D. immigrans Sturtevant, 1921, D. mediovittata Frota-Pessoa, 1954, D. aff. nappae Vilela, Valente & Basso-da-Silva, 2004, and D. ornatifrons Duda, 1927. Drosophila cardini Sturtevant, 1916 is recorded for the first time from Uruguay. Drosophila abundance and species richness in the four habitats sampled in the Uruguayan Eastern Serranías, namely woodlands sierra, riparian forest, pine plantation and grazing grassland, were considered to be a function of habitat conservation. Diversity indices were low in all habitats. Different habitats supported particular coprophilous and necrophilous Drosophila species. The woodland sierra represents the most preserved habitat, and contributed with the highest species richness observed. Drosophila ornatifrons was the dominant species, with a restricted habitat distribution. On the other hand, grazed grassland, an environment modified by livestock management, had the lowest species richness: only a few specimens of D. repleta Wollaston, 1858. Regarding species composition, significant differences were found in some pairwise comparisons of groups of Drosophila species that included D. ornatifrons. Fly attraction to dung can be exploited as an alternative and/or complementary collecting method in ecological studies of Drosophila assemblages in natural areas.
In this work, the effect of blend composition and previous photodegradation on the biodegradation of polypropylene/ poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PP/PHB) blends was studied. The individual polymers and blends with or without the addition of poly(ethylene-co-methyl acrylate- co-glycidyl methacrylate) [P(E-MA-GMA)] as a compatibilizer (in the case of 80/20 blend) were exposed to UV light for 4 weeks and their biodegradation was evaluated. The biodegradation of PHB phase within the blends was hindered as PHB was the dispersed phase and PP fibrous particles were observed at the surface of the blend samples after biodegradation. Previous photodegradation lessened PHB biodegradation but enhanced the biodegradation of PP and the blends within the biodegradation time studied. Photodegradation resulted in cracks at the surface of PP and the blends, which probably facilitated the biotic reactions due to an easier access of the enzymes to deeper polymer layers. It also resulted in a decrease of molecular weight of PP phase and formation of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups which were consumed during biodegradation. Size exclusion chromatography analysis revealed that only the short chains of PP were consumed during biodegradation.
We studied the energy and frequency dependence of the Fourier time lags and intrinsic coherence of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in the neutron-star lowmass X-ray binaries 4U 1608−52 and 4U 1636−53, using a large data set obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We confirmed that, in both sources, the time lags of the lower kHz QPO are soft and their magnitude increases with energy. We also found that: (i) In 4U 1636−53, the soft lags of the lower kHz QPO remain constant at∼30 μs in the QPO frequency range 500–850 Hz, and decrease to ∼10 μs when the QPO frequency increases further. In 4U 1608−52, the soft lags of the lower kHz QPO remain constant at 40 μs up to 800 Hz, the highest frequency reached by this QPO in our data. (ii) In both sources, the time lags of the upper kHz QPO are hard, independent of energy or frequency and inconsistent with the soft lags of the lower kHz QPO. (iii) In both sources the intrinsic coherence of the lower kHz QPO remains constant at ∼0.6 between 5 and 12 keV, and drops to zero above that energy. The intrinsic coherence of the upper kHz QPO is consistent with being zero across the full energy range. (iv) In 4U 1636−53, the intrinsic coherence of the lower kHz QPO increases from ∼0 at ∼600 Hz to ∼1, and it decreases to ∼0.5 at 920 Hz; in 4U 1608−52, the intrinsic coherence is consistent with the same trend. (v) In both sources the intrinsic coherence of the upper kHz QPO is consistent with zero over the full frequency range of the QPO, except in 4U 1636−53 between 700 and 900 Hz where the intrinsic coherence marginally increases. We discuss our results in the context of scenarios in which the soft lags are either due to reflection off the accretion disc or up-/down-scattering in a hot medium close to the neutron star. We finally explore the connection between, on one hand the time lags and the intrinsic coherence of the kHz QPOs, and on the other the QPOs’ amplitude and quality factor in these two sources.
Brazil is considered one of the largest producers and consumers of tropical fruits. Green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) stands out not only for its production and consumption, but also for the high amount of waste produced by coconut water industry and in natura consumption. Therefore, there is a need for utilization of this by-product. This study aims to study the adsorption isotherms of green coconut pulp and determine its isosteric heat of sorption. The adsorption isotherms at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C were analyzed, and they exhibit type III behavior, typical of sugar rich foods. The experimental results of equilibrium moisture content were correlated by models present in the literature. The Guggenheim, Anderson and De Boer (GAB) model proved particularly good overall agreement with the experimental data. The heat of sorption determined from the adsorption isotherms increased with the decrease in moisture content. The heat of sorption is considered as indicative of intermolecular attractive forces between the sorption sites and water vapor, which is an important factor to predict the shelf life of dried products.
The boundary layer over concave surfaces can be unstable due to centrifugal forces, giving rise to Goertler vortices. These vortices create two regions in the spanwise direction—the upwash and downwash regions. The downwash region is responsible for compressing the boundary layer toward the wall, increasing the heat transfer rate. The upwash region does the opposite. In the nonlinear development of the Goertler vortices, it can be observed that the upwash region becomes narrow and the spanwise–average heat transfer rate is higher than that for a Blasius boundary layer. This paper analyzes the influence of the spanwise wavelength of the Goertler the heat transfer. The equation is written in vorticity-velocity formulation. The time integration is done via a classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The spatial derivatives are calculated using high-order compact finite difference and spectral methods. Three different wavelengths are analyzed. The results show that steady Goertler flow can increase the heat transfer rates to values close to the values of turbulence, without the existence of a secondary instability. The geometry (and computation domain) are presented
Ribonucleotides have shown many promising applications in food and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of the present study was to produce ribonucleotides (RNA) by Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 8,554 utilizing cheese whey, a dairy industry waste, as a main substrate under batch fermentation conditions. The effects of temperature, pH, aeration rate, agitation and initial cellular concentration were studied simultaneously through factorial design for RNA, biomass production and lactose consumption. The maximum RNA production (28.66 mg/g of dry biomass) was observed at temperature 30°C, pH 5.0 and 1 g/l of initial cellular concentration after 2 h of fermentation. Agitation and aeration rate did not influence on RNA concentration (p >0.05). Maximum lactose consumption (98.7%) and biomass production (6.0 g/l) was observed after 12 h of incubation. This study proves that cheese whey can be used as an adequate medium for RNA production by K. marxianus under the optimized conditions at industrial scale.
Abstract Background Current evidence implicates aberrant microRNA expression patterns in human malignancies; measurement of microRNA expression may have diagnostic and prognostic applications. Roles for microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) are largely unknown. HNSCC, a smoking-related cancer, is one of the most common malignancies worldwide but reliable diagnostic and prognostic markers have not been discovered so far. Some studies have evaluated the potential use of microRNA as biomarkers with clinical application in HNSCC. Methods MicroRNA expression profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma samples was determined by means of DNA microarrays. We also performed gain-of-function assays for two differentially expressed microRNA using two squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and normal oral keratinocytes. The effect of the over-expression of these molecules was evaluated by means of global gene expression profiling and cell proliferation assessment. Results Altered microRNA expression was detected for a total of 72 microRNAs. Among these we found well studied molecules, such as the miR-17-92 cluster, comprising potent oncogenic microRNA, and miR-34, recently found to interact with p53. HOX-cluster embedded miR-196a/b and miR-10b were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in tumor samples. Since validated HOX gene targets for these microRNAs are not consistently deregulated in HNSCC, we performed gain-of-function experiments, in an attempt to outline their possible role. Our results suggest that both molecules interfere in cell proliferation through distinct processes, possibly targeting a small set of genes involved in cell cycle progression. Conclusions Functional data on miRNAs in HNSCC is still scarce. Our data corroborate current literature and brings new insights into the role of microRNAs in HNSCC. We also show that miR-196a and miR-10b, not previously associated with HNSCC, may play an oncogenic role in this disease through the deregulation of cell proliferation. The study of microRNA alterations in HNSCC is an essential step to the mechanistic understanding of tumor formation and could lead to the discovery of clinically relevant biomarkers.
Abstract Background There is an imperative necessity for alternative sources of energy able to reduce the world dependence of fossil oil. One of the most successful options is ethanol obtained mainly from sugarcane and corn fermentation. The foremost residue from sugarcane industry is the bagasse, a rich lignocellulosic raw material uses for the production of ethanol second generation (2G). New cellulolytic and hemicellulytic enzymes are needed, in order to optimize the degradation of bagasse and production of ethanol 2G. Results The ability to produce hemicellulases and related enzymes, suitable for lignocellulosic biomass deconstruction, was explored using 110 endophytic fungi and 9 fungi isolated from spoiled books in Brazil. Two initial selections were performed, one employing the esculin gel diffusion assay, and the other by culturing on agar plate media with beechwood xylan and liquor from the hydrothermal pretreatment of sugar cane bagasse. A total of 56 isolates were then grown at 29°C on steam-exploded delignified sugar cane bagasse (DEB) plus soybean bran (SB) (3:1), with measurement of the xylanase, pectinase, β-glucosidase, CMCase, and FPase activities. Twelve strains were selected, and their enzyme extracts were assessed using different substrates. Finally, the best six strains were grown under xylan and pectin, and several glycohydrolases activities were also assessed. These strains were identified morphologically and by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the partial β-tubulin gene (BT2). The best six strains were identified as Aspergillus niger DR02, Trichoderma atroviride DR17 and DR19, Alternaria sp. DR45, Annulohypoxylon stigyum DR47 and Talaromyces wortmannii DR49. These strains produced glycohydrolases with different profiles, and production was highly influenced by the carbon sources in the media. Conclusions The selected endophytic fungi Aspergillus niger DR02, Trichoderma atroviride DR17 and DR19, Alternaria sp. DR45, Annulohypoxylon stigyum DR47 and Talaromyces wortmannii DR49 are excellent producers of hydrolytic enzymes to be used as part of blends to decompose sugarcane biomass at industrial level.
Abstract Background To determine the possible genotoxic effect of exposure to the smoke generated by biomass burning on workers involved in manual sugar cane harvesting. Methods The frequency of micronuclei in exfoliated buccal cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes was determined in sugarcane workers in the Barretos region of Brazil, during the harvest season and compared to a control population, comprised of administrative employees of Barretos Cancer Hospital. Results The frequency of micronuclei was higher in the sugar cane workers. The mean frequency in blood lymphocytes (micronuclei/1000 cells) in the test group was 8.22 versus 1.27 in the control group. The same effect was observed when exfoliated buccal cells were considered (22.75 and 9.70 micronuclei/1000 cells for sugar cane workers and controls, respectively). Conclusion Exposure to emissions produced by the burning of sugar cane during harvesting induces genomic instability in workers, indicating the necessity of adopting more advanced techniques of harvesting sugar cane to preserve human health.
Abstract: Background: Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is essential for the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a non-conventional neurotransmitter with an important role in synaptic plasticity underlying processes of hippocampus-dependent memory and in the regulation of biological clocks and circadian rhythms. Many studies have shown that both the NOS cytosolic protein content and its enzymatic activity present a circadian variation in different regions of the rodent brain, including the hippocampus. The present study investigated the daily variation of NOS enzymatic activity and the cytosolic content of nNOS in the hippocampus of pigeons. Results: Adult pigeons kept under a skeleton photoperiod were assigned to six different groups. Homogenates of the hippocampus obtained at six different times-of-day were used for NOS analyses. Both iNOS activity and nNOS cytosolic protein concentrations were highest during the subjective light phase and lowest in the subjective dark phase of the circadian period. ANOVA showed significant time differences for iNOS enzymatic activity (p < 0.05) and for nNOS protein content (p < 0.05) in the hippocampus. A significant daily rhythm for both iNOS and nNOS was confirmed by analysis with the Cosinor method (p < 0.05). The present findings indicate that the enzymatic activity of iNOS and content of nNOS protein in the hippocampus of pigeons exhibit a daily rhythm, with acrophase values occurring during the behavioral activity phase. Conclusions: The data corroborate the reports on circadian variation of NOS in the mammalian hippocampus and can be considered indicative of a dynamic interaction between hippocampus-dependent processes and circadian clock mechanisms.