964 resultados para Spontaneous Combustion


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The aim of this paper is to study the activities of ceria–zirconia and copper/ceria–zirconia catalysts, comparing with a commercial platinum/alumina catalyst, for soot combustion reaction under different gas atmospheres and loose contact mode (simulating diesel exhaust conditions), in order to analyse the kinetics and to deduce mechanistic implications. Activity tests were performed under isothermal and TPR conditions. The NO oxidation to NO2 was studied as well. It was checked that mass transfer limitations were not influencing the rate measurements. Global activation energies for the catalysed and non-catalysed soot combustion were calculated and properly discussed. The results reveal that ceria-based catalysts greatly enhance their activities under NOx/O2 between 425 °C and 450 °C, due to the “active oxygen”-assisted soot combustion. Remarkably, copper/ceria–zirconia shows a slightly higher soot combustion rate than the Pt-based catalyst (under NOx/O2, at 450 °C).


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Experiments were conducted at the GALCIT supersonic shear-layer facility to investigate aspects of reacting transverse jets in supersonic crossflow using chemiluminescence and schlieren image-correlation velocimetry. In particular, experiments were designed to examine mixing-delay length dependencies on jet-fluid molar mass, jet diameter, and jet inclination.

The experimental results show that mixing-delay length depends on jet Reynolds number, when appropriately normalized, up to a jet Reynolds number of 500,000. Jet inclination increases the mixing-delay length, but causes less disturbance to the crossflow when compared to normal jet injection. This can be explained, in part, in terms of a control-volume analysis that relates jet inclination to flow conditions downstream of injection.

In the second part of this thesis, a combustion-modeling framework is proposed and developed that is tailored to large-eddy simulations of turbulent combustion in high-speed flows. Scaling arguments place supersonic hydrocarbon combustion in a regime of autoignition-dominated distributed reaction zones (DRZ). The proposed evolution-variable manifold (EVM) framework incorporates an ignition-delay data-driven induction model with a post-ignition manifold that uses a Lagrangian convected 'balloon' reactor model for chemistry tabulation. A large-eddy simulation incorporating the EVM framework captures several important reacting-flow features of a transverse hydrogen jet in heated-air crossflow experiment.


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Background: Recurrent spontaneous abortion is one of the diseases that can lead to physical, psychological, and, economical problems for both individuals and society. Recently a few numbers of genetic polymorphisms in kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) gene are examined that can endanger the life of the fetus in pregnant women. Objective: The risk of KDR gene polymorphisms was investigated in Iranian women with idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA). Materials and Methods: A case controlled study was performed. One hundred idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion patients with at least two consecutive pregnancy losses before 20 weeks of gestational age with normal karyotypes were included in the study. Also, 100 healthy women with at least one natural pregnancy were studied as control group. Two functional SNPs located in KDR gene; rs1870377 (Q472H), and rs2305948 (V297I) as well as one tag SNP in the intron region (rs6838752) were genotyped by using PCR based restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. Haplotype frequency was determined for these three SNPs’ genotypes. Analysis of genetic STRUCTURE and K means clustering were performed to study genetic variation. Results: Functional SNP (rs1870377) was highly linked to tag SNP (rs6838752) (D´ value=0. 214; χ2 = 16.44, p<0. 001). K means clustering showed that k = 8 as the best fit for the optimal number of genetic subgroups in our studied materials. This result was in agreement with Neighbor Joining cluster analysis. Conclusion: In our study, the allele and genotype frequencies were not associated with RSA between patient and control individuals. Inconsistent results in different populations with different allele frequencies among RSA patients and controls may be due to ethnic variation and used sample size.


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Determination of combustion metrics for a diesel engine has the potential of providing feedback for closed-loop combustion phasing control to meet current and upcoming emission and fuel consumption regulations. This thesis focused on the estimation of combustion metrics including start of combustion (SOC), crank angle location of 50% cumulative heat release (CA50), peak pressure crank angle location (PPCL), and peak pressure amplitude (PPA), peak apparent heat release rate crank angle location (PACL), mean absolute pressure error (MAPE), and peak apparent heat release rate amplitude (PAA). In-cylinder pressure has been used in the laboratory as the primary mechanism for characterization of combustion rates and more recently in-cylinder pressure has been used in series production vehicles for feedback control. However, the intrusive measurement with the in-cylinder pressure sensor is expensive and requires special mounting process and engine structure modification. As an alternative method, this work investigated block mounted accelerometers to estimate combustion metrics in a 9L I6 diesel engine. So the transfer path between the accelerometer signal and the in-cylinder pressure signal needs to be modeled. Depending on the transfer path, the in-cylinder pressure signal and the combustion metrics can be accurately estimated - recovered from accelerometer signals. The method and applicability for determining the transfer path is critical in utilizing an accelerometer(s) for feedback. Single-input single-output (SISO) frequency response function (FRF) is the most common transfer path model; however, it is shown here to have low robustness for varying engine operating conditions. This thesis examines mechanisms to improve the robustness of FRF for combustion metrics estimation. First, an adaptation process based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm was developed and added to the single-input single-output model. Second, a multiple-input single-output (MISO) FRF model coupled with principal component analysis and an offset compensation process was investigated and applied. Improvement of the FRF robustness was achieved based on these two approaches. Furthermore a neural network as a nonlinear model of the transfer path between the accelerometer signal and the apparent heat release rate was also investigated. Transfer path between the acoustical emissions and the in-cylinder pressure signal was also investigated in this dissertation on a high pressure common rail (HPCR) 1.9L TDI diesel engine. The acoustical emissions are an important factor in the powertrain development process. In this part of the research a transfer path was developed between the two and then used to predict the engine noise level with the measured in-cylinder pressure as the input. Three methods for transfer path modeling were applied and the method based on the cepstral smoothing technique led to the most accurate results with averaged estimation errors of 2 dBA and a root mean square error of 1.5dBA. Finally, a linear model for engine noise level estimation was proposed with the in-cylinder pressure signal and the engine speed as components.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of spontaneous tinnitus in 11-year-old children. DESIGN: A prospective UK population-based study. STUDY SAMPLE: A total of 7092 children from the Avon longitudinal study of parents and children (ALSPAC) who attended the hearing session at age 11 years and answered questions about tinnitus. RESULTS: We estimated the prevalence of any spontaneous tinnitus as 28.1% (95% CI 27.1, 29.2%), and the prevalence of 'clinically significant' tinnitus as 3.1% (95% CI 2.7, 3.5%). Children were less likely to have clinically significant tinnitus if the tinnitus was 'soft' rather than 'loud' and if continuous rather than intermittent. Clinical significance was more likely if the tinnitus occurred more than once a week. Neither pitch nor length of history were important determinants of clinical significance. Small increases in mean hearing threshold (of up to 2.3 dB HL) were associated with clinically significant tinnitus. CONCLUSIONS: Although the prevalence of any tinnitus in 11-year-old children appears high, the small proportion in which this was found to be clinically significant implies that this does not necessarily indicate a large unmet clinical demand. We would expect approximately one child per class of 30 to have clinically significant tinnitus which is, by definition, problematic.


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Despite elevated incidence and recurrence rates for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (PSP), little is known about its etiology, and the genetics of idiopathic PSP remains unexplored. To identify genetic variants contributing to sporadic PSP risk, we conducted the first PSP genome-wide association study. Two replicate pools of 92 Portuguese PSP cases and of 129 age- and sex-matched controls were allelotyped in triplicate on the Affymetrix Human SNP Array 6.0 arrays. Markers passing quality control were ranked by relative allele score difference between cases and controls (|RASdiff|), by a novel cluster method and by a combined Z-test. 101 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected using these three approaches for technical validation by individual genotyping in the discovery dataset. 87 out of 94 successfully tested SNPs were nominally associated in the discovery dataset. Replication of the 87 technically validated SNPs was then carried out in an independent replication dataset of 100 Portuguese cases and 425 controls. The intergenic rs4733649 SNP in chromosome 8 (between LINC00824 and LINC00977) was associated with PSP in the discovery (P = 4.07E-03, ORC[95% CI] = 1.88[1.22–2.89]), replication (P = 1.50E-02, ORC[95% CI] = 1.50[1.08–2.09]) and combined datasets (P = 8.61E-05, ORC[95% CI] = 1.65[1.29–2.13]). This study identified for the first time one genetic risk factor for sporadic PSP, but future studies are warranted to further confirm this finding in other populations and uncover its functional role in PSP pathogenesis.


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This manuscript reports the overall development of a Ph.D. research project during the “Mechanics and advanced engineering sciences” course at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna. The project is focused on the development of a combustion control system for an innovative Spark Ignited engine layout. In details, the controller is oriented to manage a prototypal engine equipped with a Port Water Injection system. The water injection technology allows an increment of combustion efficiency due to the knock mitigation effect that permits to keep the combustion phasing closer to the optimal position with respect to the traditional layout. At the beginning of the project, the effects and the possible benefits achievable by water injection have been investigated by a focused experimental campaign. Then the data obtained by combustion analysis have been processed to design a control-oriented combustion model. The model identifies the correlation between Spark Advance, combustion phasing and injected water mass, and two different strategies are presented, both based on an analytic and semi-empirical approach and therefore compatible with a real-time application. The model has been implemented in a combustion controller that manages water injection to reach the best achievable combustion efficiency while keeping knock levels under a pre-established threshold. Three different versions of the algorithm are described in detail. This controller has been designed and pre-calibrated in a software-in-the-loop environment and later an experimental validation has been performed with a rapid control prototyping approach to highlight the performance of the system on real set-up. To further make the strategy implementable on an onboard application, an estimation algorithm of combustion phasing, necessary for the controller, has been developed during the last phase of the PhD Course, based on accelerometric signals.


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The thesis work deals with topics that led to the development of innovative control-oriented models and control algorithms for modern gasoline engines. Knock in boosted spark ignition engines is the widest topic discussed in this document because it remains one of the most limiting factors for maximizing combustion efficiency in this kind of engine. First chapter is thus focused on knock and a wide literature review is proposed to summarize the preliminary knowledge that even represents the background and the reference for discussed activities. Most relevant results achieved during PhD course in the field of knock modelling and control are then presented, describing every control-oriented model that led to the development of an adaptive model-based combustion control system. The complete controller has been developed in the context of the collaboration with Ferrari GT and it allowed to completely redefine the knock intensity evaluation as well as the combustion phase control. The second chapter is focused on the activity related to a prototyping Port Water Injection system that has been developed and tested on a turbocharged spark ignition engine, within the collaboration with Magneti Marelli. Such system and the effects of injected water on the combustion process were then modeled in a 1-D simulation environment (GT Power). Third chapter shows the development and validation of a control-oriented model for the real-time calculation of exhaust gas temperature that represents another important limitation to the performance increase in modern boosted engines. Indeed, modelling of exhaust gas temperature and thermocouple behavior are themes that play a key role in the optimization of combustion and catalyst efficiency.


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This work resumes a wide variety of research activities carried out with the main objective of increasing the efficiency and reducing the fuel consumption of Gasoline Direct Injection engines, especially under high loads. For this purpose, two main innovative technologies have been studied, Water Injection and Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation, which help to reduce the temperature of the gases inside the combustion chamber and thus mitigate knock, being this one of the main limiting factors for the efficiency of modern downsized engines that operate at high specific power. A prototypal Port Water Injection system was developed and extensive experimental work has been carried out, initially to identify the benefits and limitations of this technology. This led to the subsequent development and testing of a combustion controller, which has been implemented on a Rapid Control Prototyping environment, capable of managing water injection to achieve knock mitigation and a more efficient combustion phase. Regarding Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation, a commercial engine that was already equipped with this technology was used to carry out experimental work in a similar fashion to that of water injection. Another prototypal water injection system has been mounted to this second engine, to be able to test both technologies, at first separately to compare them on equal conditions, and secondly together in the search of a possible synergy. Additionally, based on experimental data from several engines that have been tested during this study, including both GDI and GCI engines, a real-time model (or virtual sensor) for the estimation of the maximum in-cylinder pressure has been developed and validated. This parameter is of vital importance to determine the speed at which damage occurs on the engine components, and therefore to extract the maximum performance without inducing permanent damages.


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La presente tesi si pone come obiettivo lo studio di meccanismi in grado di generare figure luminose nello spazio. Il metodo proposto è quello di riuscire a illuminare un piccolo punto nello spazio e di muoverlo ad una velocità tale da dare l'illusione di osservare un immagine fissa. Tale punto si assume che possa essere replicato più volte, in modo tale da costruire immagini più complesse grazie alla combinazione degli effetti. Il principio fisico a supporto dell'idea è stato trovato nei fenomeni di emissione spontanea, quindi in quei processi che vedono un atomo passare spontaneamente da uno stato elettronico eccitato a uno ad energia minore, liberando fotoni. Si sceglie di utilizzare uno schema di transizioni a quattro livelli energetici e di studiare la dinamica delle popolazioni di ciascun livello in funzione del tempo; la scelta di uno schema a quattro livelli è suggerita dalla possibilità di ottenere un emissione di fotoni "visibili", quindi con frequenza appartenente allo spettro visibile, a seguito di un eccitazione da parte di due laser "non visibili", in particolare infrarossi. Questa configurazione è particolarmente efficace se si considerano atomi con un unico elettrone di valenza. Inoltre, si vuole ricercare un elemento chimico che rispetti esattamente le condizioni richieste per eseguire le transizioni specificate; tra i vari elementi possibili è stato scelto il rubidio in stato gassoso, con i relativi livelli energetici da utilizzare.


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Besides increasing the share of electric and hybrid vehicles, in order to comply with more stringent environmental protection limitations, in the mid-term the auto industry must improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the well to wheel efficiency of the employed fuel. To achieve this target, a deeper knowledge of the phenomena that influence the mixture formation and the chemical reactions involving new synthetic fuel components is mandatory, but complex and time intensive to perform purely by experimentation. Therefore, numerical simulations play an important role in this development process, but their use can be effective only if they can be considered accurate enough to capture these variations. The most relevant models necessary for the simulation of the reacting mixture formation and successive chemical reactions have been investigated in the present work, with a critical approach, in order to provide instruments to define the most suitable approaches also in the industrial context, which is limited by time constraints and budget evaluations. To overcome these limitations, new methodologies have been developed to conjugate detailed and simplified modelling techniques for the phenomena involving chemical reactions and mixture formation in non-traditional conditions (e.g. water injection, biofuels etc.). Thanks to the large use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, several applications have been revised or implemented, with the target of reducing the computing time of some traditional tasks by orders of magnitude. Finally, a complete workflow leveraging these new models has been defined and used for evaluating the effects of different surrogate formulations of the same experimental fuel on a proof-of-concept GDI engine model.


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The objective of the PhD thesis was to research technologies and strategies to reduce fuel consumption and pollutants emission produced by internal combustion engines. In order to meet this objective my activity was focused on the research of advanced controls based on cylinder pressure feedback. These types of control strategies were studied because they present promising results in terms of engine efficiency enhancement. In the PhD dissertation two study cases are presented. The first case is relative to a control strategy to be used at the test bench for the optimisation of the spark advance calibration of motorcycle Engine. The second case is relative to a control strategy to be used directly on board of mining engines with the objective or reducing the engine consumption and correct ageing effects. In both cases the strategies proved to be effective but their implementation required the use of specific toolchains for the measure of the cylinder pressure feedback that for a matter of cost makes feasible the strategy use only for applications: • At test bench • In small-markets like large off-road engines The major bottleneck that prevents the implementation of these strategies on mass production is the cost of cylinder pressure sensor. In order to tackle this issue, during the PhD research, the development of a low-cost sensor for the estimation of cylinder pressure was studied. The prototype was a piezo-electric washer designed to replace the standard spark-plug washer or high-pressure fuel injectors gasket. From the data analysis emerged the possibility to use the piezo-electric prototype signal to evaluate with accuracy several combustion metrics compatible for the implementation of advanced control strategies in on-board applications. Overall, the research shows that advanced combustion controls are feasible and beneficial, not only at the test bench or on stationary engines, but also in mass-produced engines.


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Zero-carbon powertrains development has become one of the main challenges for automotive industries around the world. Following this guideline, several approaches such as powertrain electrification, advanced combustions, and hydrogen internal combustion engines have been aimed to achieve the goal. Low Temperature Combustions, characterized by a simultaneous reduction of fuel consumption and emissions, represent one of the most studied solutions moving towards a sustainable mobility. Previous research demonstrate that Gasoline partially premixed Compression Ignition combustion is one of the most promising LTC. Mainly characterized by the high-pressure direct-injection of gasoline and the spontaneous ignition of the premixed air-fuel mixture, GCI combustion has shown a good potential to achieve the high thermal efficiency and low pollutants in compression ignited engines required by future emission regulations. Despite its potential, GCI combustion might suffer from low combustion controllability and stability, because gasoline spontaneous ignition is significantly affected by slight variations of the local in-cylinder thermal conditions. Therefore, to properly control GCI combustion assuring the maximum performance, a deep knowledge of the combustion process, i.e., gasoline auto-ignition and the effect of the control parameters on the combustion and pollutants, is mandatory. This PhD dissertation focuses on the study of GCI combustion in a light-duty compression ignited engine. Starting from a standard 1.3L diesel engine, this work describes the activities made moving toward the full conversion of the engine. A preliminary study of the GCI combustion was conducted in a “Single-Cylinder” engine configuration highlighting combustion characteristics and dependencies on the control parameters. Then, the full engine conversion was performed, and a wide experimental campaign allowed to confirm the benefits of this advanced combustion methodologies in terms of pollutants and thermal efficiency. The analysis of the in-cylinder pressure signal allowed to study in depth the GCI combustion and develop control-oriented models aimed to improve the combustion stability.


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This work deals with the development of calibration procedures and control systems to improve the performance and efficiency of modern spark ignition turbocharged engines. The algorithms developed are used to optimize and manage the spark advance and the air-to-fuel ratio to control the knock and the exhaust gas temperature at the turbine inlet. The described work falls within the activity that the research group started in the previous years with the industrial partner Ferrari S.p.a. . The first chapter deals with the development of a control-oriented engine simulator based on a neural network approach, with which the main combustion indexes can be simulated. The second chapter deals with the development of a procedure to calibrate offline the spark advance and the air-to-fuel ratio to run the engine under knock-limited conditions and with the maximum admissible exhaust gas temperature at the turbine inlet. This procedure is then converted into a model-based control system and validated with a Software in the Loop approach using the engine simulator developed in the first chapter. Finally, it is implemented in a rapid control prototyping hardware to manage the combustion in steady-state and transient operating conditions at the test bench. The third chapter deals with the study of an innovative and cheap sensor for the in-cylinder pressure measurement, which is a piezoelectric washer that can be installed between the spark plug and the engine head. The signal generated by this kind of sensor is studied, developing a specific algorithm to adjust the value of the knock index in real-time. Finally, with the engine simulator developed in the first chapter, it is demonstrated that the innovative sensor can be coupled with the control system described in the second chapter and that the performance obtained could be the same reachable with the standard in-cylinder pressure sensors.


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The current environmental crisis is forcing the automotive industry to face tough challenges for the Internal Combustion Engines development in order to reduce the emissions of pollutants and Greenhouse gases. In this context, in the last decades, the main technological solutions adopted by the manufacturers have been the direct injection and the engine downsizing, which led to the rising of new concerns related to the fuel-cylinder walls physical interaction. The fuel spray possibly impacts the cylinder liner wall, which is wetted by the lubricant oil thus causing the derating of the lubricant properties, increasing the oil consumption, and contaminating the lubricant oil in the crankcase. Also, concerning hydrogen fuelled internal combustion engines, it is likely that the high near-wall temperature, which is typical of the hydrogen flame, results in the evaporation of a portion of the lubricant oil, increasing its consumption. With regards on the innovative combustion systems and their control strategies, optical accessible engines are fundamental tools for experimental investigations on such combustion systems. Though, due to the optical measurement line, optical engines suffer from a high level of blow-by, which must be accounted for. In light of the above, this thesis work aims to develop numerical methodologies with the aim to build useful tools for supporting the design of modern engines. In particular, a one-dimensional modelling of the lubricant oil-fuel dilution and oil evaporation has been performed and coupled with an optimization algorithm to achieve a lubricant oil surrogate. Then, a quasi-dimensional blow-by model has been developed and validated against experimental data. Such model, has been coupled with CFD 3D simulations and directly implemented in CFD 3D. Finally, CFD 3D simulations coupled with the VOF method have been performed in order to validate a methodology for studying the impact of a liquid droplet on a solid surface.