974 resultados para Spermatic cord
Traumatic origin of disc herniation, remains as a relevant Medico-Legal problem. The present paper makes a disc protrusion/ herniation revision, mainly about mechanic and traumatic factors involved in their origin. A multifactorial (genetic, bio-antropometric, environnement, metabolic, etc.) causation is concluded to explain etiology of disc herniation. Pure disc herniation (occurring in a healthy non degenerated disc) is considered an exceptional phenomenon. Clinical and radiological spine degeneration sings are revised, along with others that can point to a traumatic origin. Dealing with a disc herniation after an accident, Medical Expert has always to consider the possibility of a precedent disc damage status, assessing the role of a worsening of such antecedent condition in each case. A classification of degree of causation accident-herniation, and antecedent disc damage decompensation are proposed.
The neurogenic shock is a common complication of spinal cord injury, especially when localized at the cervical level. Characterized by a vasoplegia (hypotension) and bradycardia, the neurogenic shock is secondary to the damage of the sympathetic nervous system. The clinical presentation often includes tetraplegia, with or without respiratory failure. Early treatment aims to minimize the occurrence of secondary spinal cord lesions resulting from systemic ischemic injuries. Medical management consists in a standardized ABCDE approach, in order to stabilize vital functions and immobilize the spine. The hospital care includes performing imaging, further measures of neuro-resuscitation, and coordinated surgical assessment and treatment of any other injury.
Spinal cord compression due to cervical exostoses is a rare but recognized complication of hereditary multiple exostosis (HME), an autosomal dominant disorder. This disease, also called multiple osteochondromatosis, is characterised by osteocartilaginous exostoses, typically involving the juxtaepiphyseal regions of long bones. Complications such as transformation to sarcoma (1 to 5%) or neurological compression (of the spinal cord, 1 to 9%) can arise during the course of the disease. We report the case of a 64-year-old man with progressive difficulties in walking over many years, ascribed to congenital rachitism. A diagnosis of HME was not made until late in the disease course. Investigations revealed cervical myelopathy due to vertebral exostosis as well as multiple exostoses in other sites. His gait was not improved after surgical decompression. A better knowledge of this disease could have prevented this neurological complication.
Schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) is a form of schistosomiasis that is not linked with a high worm burden but rather is found in patients who have been sporadically exposed to Schistosoma mansoni. This paper aims to determine the occurrence of SMR in a low-endemic area with urban transmission in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. A retrospective study was performed, identifying confirmed cases in the two largest public hospitals on the region. Patients were diagnosed with SMR using standardised criteria, common clinical parameters, evidence of schistosomal infection and exclusion of other causes of myelopathy. A total of 27 patients were identified; 19 (85.2%) were men and four (14.8%) were women, ranging from 13-57 years of age (mean = 31.2; standard deviation = 12.8). Patients were classified as autochthonous (n = 14; 51.9%) or allochthonous (n = 11; 40.7%) and epidemiological data could not be obtained for two patients (7.4%). The clinical parameters of these patients were not different from previous studies. The sensitivity of serum immune reactions, cerebrospinal fluid immune reactions and parasitological stool examinations in identifying infected individuals was 87.5%, 93.8% and 40%, respectively. The epidemiological importance of these findings and their relationship with the control policies of schistosomiasis are discussed.
This was a retrospective descriptive study on a series of cases of schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) and the aim was to investigate the incidence of this disease and its clinical and epidemiological characteristics in cases diagnosed at three healthcare units in Pernambuco, Brazil between 1994-2006. The data were collected by reviewing the medical records from both the neurological and paediatric outpatient clinics and wards of the Hospital Clinics, Hospital of the Restoration and Pernambuco Mother and Child Institute. To gather the data, a spinal cord schistosomiasis evaluation protocol was used. The diagnoses were based on positive epidemiological evidence of schistosomiasis, clinical findings and laboratory tests (stool parasitological examination or rectal biopsies, magnetic resonance imaging findings and cerebrospinal fluid investigations). A total of 139 cases aged between 2-83 years were found. The most important determinants of SMR were male sex (66.2%), contact with fresh water (91%), origin in endemic regions (39.5%), lower-limb muscle weakness (100%), sensory level at the lower thoracic medulla (40.3%), myeloradicular form (76%) and presence of eggs in the stool parasitological examination (48%). This sample indicates the need for intervention policies guided by diagnostic standardization, thereby avoiding disease under-notification.
We present a patient who experienced a stroke due to vertebral artery occlusion after chemotherapy
Neurofilament (NF) proteins consist of three subunits of different molecular weights defined as NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L. They are typical structures of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Their immunocytochemical distribution during postnatal development of cat cerebellum was studied with several monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against phosphorylated or unmodified sites. Expression and distribution of the triplet neurofilament proteins changed with maturation. Afferent mossy and climbing fibers in the medullary layer contained NF-M and NF-L already at birth, whereas NF-H appeared later. Within the first three postnatal weeks, all three subunits appeared in mossy and climbing fibers in the internal granular and molecular layers and in the axons of Purkinje cells. Axons of local circuit neurons such as basket cells expressed these proteins at the end of the first month, whereas parallel fibers expressed them last, at the beginning of the third postnatal month. Differential localization was especially observed for NF-H. Depending on phosphorylation, NF-H proteins were found in different axon types in climbing, mossy, and basket fibers or additionally in parallel fibers. A nonphosphorylated NF-H subunit was exclusively located in some Purkinje cells at early developmental stages and in some smaller interneurons later. A novel finding is the presence of a phosphorylation site in the NF-H subunit that is localized in dendrites of Purkinje cells but not in axons. Expression and phosphorylation of the NF-H subunit, especially, is cell-type specific and possibly involved in the adult-type stabilization of the axonal and dendritic cytoskeleton.
INTRODUCTION Vitamin D deficiency produces inadequate bone mineralization, proximal muscle weakness, abnormal gait and increased risk of falls and fractures. Moreover, in epidemiological studies, has been associated with increased risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases, type 1 and 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases and depression. When synthesis through the skin by sun exposure is not possible and the patient can not eat by mouth, as in the advanced stages of various neurological diseases, the supply of vitamin D has to be done by enteral nutrition. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to review the role of vitamin D in a common group of neurological conditions that often require artificial nutrition and analyze whether the vitamin D of different enteral nutrition formulas is adequate to meet the needs of this group of patients. RESULTS Numerous studies have shown the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased incidence of dementia, stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases. Interventions aimed to increase levels of vit. D and its effects on functional (falls, pain, quality of life) and cardiovascular goals (cardiovascular death, stroke, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular risk factors) have obtained as highlight data a clear reduction of falls and fractures, while the evidence for the other parameters studied is still limited and inconsistent. The content of calcium and vitamin D of enteral formulas is legislated in our country. The total amount of vitamin D for a daily intake of 1,500-2,000 kcal ranges between 300 and 1,600 IU/d (mean ± SD: 32.9 ± 8.5 mg/100 kcal) in the complete formulas for enteral nutrition most commonly used. 50% of the diets studied, for an intake of 2,000 kcal/d, and 90% for an intake of 1,500 kcal/d, provide less than 600 IU/d of vitamin D. DISCUSSION Some revised recently guidelines published recommendations of daily intake of vitamin D. The document published by the U.S. Institute of Medicine recommended for adults between 19 and 70 years, 600 IU/d and up from 70, proposes 800 IU/d of vitamin D. These amounts are deemed insufficient by other scientific societies to state that to achieve blood levels of 25 (OH) D equal or greater than 30 ng/ml may be required a daily intake of 1,500-2,000 IU and a number two or three times higher if previous deficiency exists. CONCLUSIONS Further controlled studies are needed to ascertain which is the appropriate dose of vitamin D in advanced stages of neurological disease, where sun exposure is difficult and unlikely. We suggest that the vitamin D content should probably be reconsidered in enteral nutrition formulas, which, in light of recent publications appear as clearly insufficient for standard energy intakes (1,500-2,000 kcal).
The production of fully functional human red cells in vitro from haematopoietic stem cells (hHSCs) has been successfully achieved. Recently, the use of hHSCs from cord blood represented a major improvement to develop the continuous culture system for Plasmodium vivax. Here, we demonstrated that CD34+hHSCs from peripheral blood and bone marrow can be expanded and differentiated to reticulocytes using a novel stromal cell. Moreover, these reticulocytes and mature red blood cells express surface markers for entrance of malaria parasites contain adult haemoglobin and are also permissive to invasion by P. vivax and Plasmodium falciparum parasites.
Despite their limited proliferation capacity, regulatory T cells (T(regs)) constitute a population maintained over the entire lifetime of a human organism. The means by which T(regs) sustain a stable pool in vivo are controversial. Using a mathematical model, we address this issue by evaluating several biological scenarios of the origins and the proliferation capacity of two subsets of T(regs): precursor CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(-) and mature CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(+) cells. The lifelong dynamics of T(regs) are described by a set of ordinary differential equations, driven by a stochastic process representing the major immune reactions involving these cells. The model dynamics are validated using data from human donors of different ages. Analysis of the data led to the identification of two properties of the dynamics: (1) the equilibrium in the CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+)T(regs) population is maintained over both precursor and mature T(regs) pools together, and (2) the ratio between precursor and mature T(regs) is inverted in the early years of adulthood. Then, using the model, we identified three biologically relevant scenarios that have the above properties: (1) the unique source of mature T(regs) is the antigen-driven differentiation of precursors that acquire the mature profile in the periphery and the proliferation of T(regs) is essential for the development and the maintenance of the pool; there exist other sources of mature T(regs), such as (2) a homeostatic density-dependent regulation or (3) thymus- or effector-derived T(regs), and in both cases, antigen-induced proliferation is not necessary for the development of a stable pool of T(regs). This is the first time that a mathematical model built to describe the in vivo dynamics of regulatory T cells is validated using human data. The application of this model provides an invaluable tool in estimating the amount of regulatory T cells as a function of time in the blood of patients that received a solid organ transplant or are suffering from an autoimmune disease.
BACKGROUND: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and C-reactive protein (CRP) may be positively associated with the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) but no previous studies have investigated their associations with non-epithelial ovarian cancers (NEOC). METHODS: A case-control study was nested within the Finnish Maternity Cohort. Case subjects were 58 women diagnosed with sex cord-stromal tumors (SCST) and 30 with germ cell tumors (GCT) after recruitment. Control subjects (144 for SCST and 74 for GCT) were matched for age, parity, and date of blood donation of the index case. RESULTS: Doubling of IGF-I concentration was not related to maternal risk of either SCST (OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.58-1.62) or GCT (OR 1.13, 95% CI 0.51-2.51). Similarly, doubling of CRP concentrations was not related to maternal risk of either SCST (OR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.43) or GCT (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.68-1.28). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-diagnostic IGF-I and CRP concentrations during the first trimester of pregnancy were not associated with increased risk of NEOC in the mother. Risk factors for NEOC may differ from those of EOC.
A 49-year-old woman, without known cardiovascular risk factors. Hoarseness of voice caused by a paralysis of left vocal cord. She was admitted to hospital because of acute coronary syndrome, associated to resuscitated cardiac arrest (asystolia documented) without later neurology sequels. Physical examination was anodyne. Echocardiographic study demonstrated a compatible image with a large left sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) (Panel A) and mild aortic regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization confirmed the presence of left SVA (Panel B) that produced extrinsic compression of the left main coronary artery (Panels C and D). Repair surgery was made by means of closing the aneurysmal orifice with a patch of dacron. Intra-operatory echocardiographic control study found severe aortic regurgitation, so valvular replacement with 19 mm mechanical prosthesis and extension of the valve annulus with patch of dacron was performed, associated with bypass with safena vein graft to left coronary artery. SVA is a very infrequent cardiac anomaly, generally with silent clinical course until it ruptures. Myocardial ischaemia caused by coronary artery compression is unusual. We described the case of a patient diagnosed of left SVA, whose initial clinical manifestation was the appearance of resuscitated sudden cardiac death in the context of an acute coronary syndrome.
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) was initially described to be rapidly regulated by endocrine cells in response to nutrient ingestion, with stimulatory effects on insulin synthesis and release. Previously, we demonstrated a significant up-regulation of GIP mRNA in the rat subiculum after fornix injury. To gain more insight into the lesion-induced expression of GIP and its receptor (GIPR), expression profiles of the mRNAs were studied after rat sciatic nerve crush injury in 1) affected lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRG), 2) spinal cord segments, and 3) proximal and distal nerve fragments by means of quantitative RT-PCR. Our results clearly identified lesion-induced as well as tissue type-specific mRNA regulation of GIP and its receptor. Furthermore, comprehensive immunohistochemical stainings not only confirmed and exceeded the previous observation of neuronal GIP expression but also revealed corresponding GIPR expression, implying putative modulatory functions of GIP/GIPR signaling in adult neurons. In complement, we also observed expression of GIP and its receptor in myelinating Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes. Polarized localization of GIPR in the abaxonal Schwann cell membranes, plasma membrane-associated GIPR expression of satellite cells, and ependymal GIPR expression strongly suggests complex cell type-specific functions of GIP and GIPR in the adult nervous system that are presumably mediated by autocrine and paracrine interactions, respectively. Notably, in vivo analyses with GIPR-deficient mice suggest a critical role of GIP/GIPR signal transduction in promoting spontaneous recovery after nerve crush, insofar as traumatic injury of GIPR-deficient mouse sciatic nerve revealed impaired axonal regeneration compared with wild-type mice.
In otherwise successful gene therapy trials for the treatment of SCID patients and others, insertional mutagenesis has resulted in leukemia development. Besides the integration of vectors that including strong enhancers, more recently, SIN-vectors have been shown to partially retain oncogenic potential. The identification of genetic elements which would both prevent such activation effects and shield the transgene from silencing, is a main challenge. Previous attempts met with difficulties in producing the vectors and poor efficacy of the insulators (GIE). The improvement of integrating vectors safety has been investigated using new candidate synthetic GIEs. The latter have been introduced in retroviral and lentiviral vectors. Native LTRs, SIN-LTRs, and SIN-insulated constructs have been designed and compared, using two sets of internal promoter, i.e. strong and housekeeping. We could establish that a specific insulator translates at best into functional activity and boundary effect in both vector types. We could also determine that other genetic elements are key determinants in order to achieve accurate expression and viral titre, from these insulated vectors. A dramatic shift in the expression profile is observed in target cells, with a homogenous pattern including data on both cell-lines and primary HSCs from cord blood. The assessment of potential genotoxicity will be presented, based on the comparison of the integration patterns ingenuity in human target cells sampled over a three months period with both reference LTRs and SIN versus test insulated vectors, using high-throughput pyro-sequencing.