962 resultados para Space environment
L’estudi dels materials de construcció és una part fonamental de la formació de l’estudiantat en l’àmbit de la Enginyeria Civil. En aquest context, una part rellevant de les assignatures de Química de Materials i Materials de Construcció és aquella que fa referència als diversos mètodes d’assaig i procediments que ens permeten analitzar i estudiar les característiques d’un material. Per aquesta raó, és de gran importància que els alumnes puguin disposar d’unes determinades hores en les quals l’aprenentatge es realitza a través de la pràctica en el laboratori dels procediments estudiats a classe i la realització d’un informe posterior en el qual quedin reflectits els coneixements adquirits durant l’activitat en el laboratori. Malauradament, la realització de pràctiques en el laboratori du aparellades una sèrie de limitacions (espai, temps, utilització de reactius perillosos o instrumental sofisticat), que fan que el nombre d’activitats d’aquesta mena sigui necessàriament restringit. D'altra banda, l'estudi dels materials només es completa quan els coneixements adquirits a l'aula i al laboratori surten d'aquests àmbits i es confronten amb les situacions reals amb les quals es pot trobar un enginyer durant l'exercici de la seva professió. L'organització de visites a diverses instal·lacions al llarg del curs cobreix en part aquesta necessitat, tot i alguns inconvenients logístics (grups nombrosos, alumnes de mobilitat reduïda i altres). La finalitat d'aquest projecte ha estat posar en funcionament una dinàmica de treball que permeti a l'estudiantat aprofundir en el coneixement dels materials de construcció i el seu comportament en situacions reals amb les quals es trobarà en l'exercici de la seva professió. Aquesta metodologia es basa en l'ús de materials audiovisuals elaborats sota criteris d'adequació pedagògica i que responen a les demandes professionals del futur enginyer. Les possibilitats ofertes per un entorn virtual d'aprenentatge (tecnologia Moodle) permeten el disseny d'activitats que motivin l’autoaprenentatge de l’alumnat.
Gaussian estimates for the density of the non-linear stochastic heat equation in any space dimension
In this paper, we establish lower and upper Gaussian bounds for the probability density of the mild solution to the stochastic heat equation with multiplicative noise and in any space dimension. The driving perturbation is a Gaussian noise which is white in time with some spatially homogeneous covariance. These estimates are obtained using tools of the Malliavin calculus. The most challenging part is the lower bound, which is obtained by adapting a general method developed by Kohatsu-Higa to the underlying spatially homogeneous Gaussian setting. Both lower and upper estimates have the same form: a Gaussian density with a variance which is equal to that of the mild solution of the corresponding linear equation with additive noise.
An ab initio structure prediction approach adapted to the peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I system is presented. Based on structure comparisons of a large set of peptide-MHC class I complexes, a molecular dynamics protocol is proposed using simulated annealing (SA) cycles to sample the conformational space of the peptide in its fixed MHC environment. A set of 14 peptide-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) A0201 and 27 peptide-non-HLA A0201 complexes for which X-ray structures are available is used to test the accuracy of the prediction method. For each complex, 1000 peptide conformers are obtained from the SA sampling. A graph theory clustering algorithm based on heavy atom root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) values is applied to the sampled conformers. The clusters are ranked using cluster size, mean effective or conformational free energies, with solvation free energies computed using Generalized Born MV 2 (GB-MV2) and Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) continuum models. The final conformation is chosen as the center of the best-ranked cluster. With conformational free energies, the overall prediction success is 83% using a 1.00 Angstroms crystal RMSD criterion for main-chain atoms, and 76% using a 1.50 Angstroms RMSD criterion for heavy atoms. The prediction success is even higher for the set of 14 peptide-HLA A0201 complexes: 100% of the peptides have main-chain RMSD values < or =1.00 Angstroms and 93% of the peptides have heavy atom RMSD values < or =1.50 Angstroms. This structure prediction method can be applied to complexes of natural or modified antigenic peptides in their MHC environment with the aim to perform rational structure-based optimizations of tumor vaccines.
This paper addresses the issue of policy evaluation in a context in which policymakers are uncertain about the effects of oil prices on economic performance. I consider models of the economy inspired by Solow (1980), Blanchard and Gali (2007), Kim and Loungani (1992) and Hamilton (1983, 2005), which incorporate different assumptions on the channels through which oil prices have an impact on economic activity. I first study the characteristics of the model space and I analyze the likelihood of the different specifications. I show that the existence of plausible alternative representations of the economy forces the policymaker to face the problem of model uncertainty. Then, I use the Bayesian approach proposed by Brock, Durlauf and West (2003, 2007) and the minimax approach developed by Hansen and Sargent (2008) to integrate this form of uncertainty into policy evaluation. I find that, in the environment under analysis, the standard Taylor rule is outperformed under a number of criteria by alternative simple rules in which policymakers introduce persistence in the policy instrument and respond to changes in the real price of oil.
This paper characterizes a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in a one-dimensional Downsian model of two-candidate elections with a continuous policy space, where candidates are office motivated and one candidate enjoys a non-policy advantage over the other candidate. We assume that voters have quadratic preferences over policies and that their ideal points are drawn from a uniform distribution over the unit interval. In our equilibrium the advantaged candidate chooses the expected median voter with probability one and the disadvantaged candidate uses a mixed strategy that is symmetric around it. We show that this equilibrium exists if the number of voters is large enough relative to the size of the advantage.
This paper tries to resolve some of the main shortcomings in the empirical literature of location decisions for new plants, i.e. spatial effects and overdispersion. Spatial effects are omnipresent, being a source of overdispersion in the data as well as a factor shaping the functional relationship between the variables that explain a firm’s location decisions. Using Count Data models, empirical researchers have dealt with overdispersion and excess zeros by developments of the Poisson regression model. This study aims to take this a step further, by adopting Bayesian methods and models in order to tackle the excess of zeros, spatial and non-spatial overdispersion and spatial dependence simultaneously. Data for Catalonia is used and location determinants are analysed to that end. The results show that spatial effects are determinant. Additionally, overdispersion is descomposed into an unstructured iid effect and a spatially structured effect. Keywords: Bayesian Analysis, Spatial Models, Firm Location. JEL Classification: C11, C21, R30.
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A new hypothesis is formulated to explain the development of rapakivi texture in and around the mafic enclaves of porphyritic granitoids, i.e. in environments involving magma mixing and mingling. The formation of a plagioclase mantle around alkali feldspar megacrysts is attributed to the localized presence of a melt resulting from the reaction of these megacrysts, with host hybrid magma with which they are in disequilibrium. This feldspathic melt adheres to the resorbed crystals and is virtually immiscible with the surrounding magma. Its composition is modified in terms of the relative proportions of K2O, Na2O, and CaO through selective diffusion of these elements, thus allowing the specific crystallization of andesine. With decreasing temperature, the K-feldspar, again stable, crystallizes along with the plagioclase, leading to mixed mantle structures.
ABSTRACT: q-Space-based techniques such as diffusion spectrum imaging, q-ball imaging, and their variations have been used extensively in research for their desired capability to delineate complex neuronal architectures such as multiple fiber crossings in each of the image voxels. The purpose of this article was to provide an introduction to the q-space formalism and the principles of basic q-space techniques together with the discussion on the advantages as well as challenges in translating these techniques into the clinical environment. A review of the currently used q-space-based protocols in clinical research is also provided.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) has produced a series of reviews which look at the health impacts of identified subject areas. Four reviews have been produced in the areas of employment, transport, the built environment and education. All reviews may be found at http://www.publichealth.ie/ireland/hiaresources. This resource supplements the ‘Health Impacts of Built Environment’ report. It highlights a number of organisations whose work considers issues relevant to the relationship between health and built environment.
This review is the third in the series and illustrates how the built environment impacts on health. It also highlights the unequal distribution of these impacts on different sections of the population. We hope it will help inform debate about the links between the built environment and health and be a useful resource for those working to influence public policy for health at local and national level across the island. The review has an extensive reference list. To supplement the health impacts of the built environment review a 'sources of information' list has been developed which highlights a number of organisations whose work considers issues relevant to the relationship between health and the built environment.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland recently hosted a seminar on physical activity. The seminar presentations were: Ms Teresa Lavin, IPH - Physical activity and the built environment in Ireland Prof James Sallis, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University and Director of Active Living Research - Translating evidence from physical activity research into practice.
The main purpose of the Clmate Change Bill is to provide for the adoption of a national policy for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; to support this through the making of mitigation and adaptation action plans; and to make provision for emission reduction targets to support the objective of transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy.The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.IPH has a keen interest in the effects of climate change on health. In September 2010 the IPH published a paper – Climate Change and Health: A platform for action - to inform policy-makers and the public about the health benefits in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper followed a seminar with international speakers, opened by Minister Gormley, on the same topic in February 2010.