995 resultados para Sorjonen, Marja-Leena: Responding in conversation: a study of response particles in finnish
The character of the electronic ground state of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 has been addressed with quantum chemical calculations on large embedded clusters. We find a charge ordered state for the crystal structure reported by Radaelli et al. [Phys. Rev. B 55, 3015 (1997)] and Zener polaron formation in the crystal structure with equivalent Mn sites proposed by Daoud-Aladine et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 097205 (2002)]. Important O to Mn charge transfer effects are observed for the Zener polaron.
PURPOSE: To explore the antitumor activity of imatinib in patients with advanced platelet-derived growth factor β (PDGFB)/PDGF receptor β (PDGFRB)-positive chordomas.¦PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a collaborative Italian-Swiss, prospective, phase II clinical study conducted from November 2004 through April 2006, 56 patients with advanced PDGFB and/or PDGFRB chordoma received 800 mg/d of imatinib until progression. The primary end point was the overall tumor response rate (ORR), defined by RECIST. Secondary, exploratory end points included tissue response (ie, changes in tumor density or signal intensity/contrast enhancement, and/or [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography [PET] uptake), overall survival, progression-free survival (PFS), and pain score.¦RESULTS: Among 50 patients evaluable by RECIST, the best response was one partial response (PR) obtained at 6 months (ORR, 2%). There were 35 patients with stable disease (SD, 70%) and a 64% clinical benefit rate (ie, RECIST complete response + PR + SD ≥ 6 months). A minor dimensional response (< 20%) was detected in nine patients. A maximum standard uptake value decrease ≥ 25% was observed in 10 (39%) of 26 patients evaluable for PET response at 3 months. Changes in the Brief Pain Inventory score were consistent with the response assessment. Median PFS (intention-to-treat population, 56 patients) was 9 months. No unexpected toxicities were observed.¦CONCLUSION: This is the largest phase II study in chordoma to date. It confirms anecdotal evidence that imatinib has antitumor activity in this orphan disease, and therefore, it is worth further investigation.
Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein is a leading malaria vaccine candidate previously assessed in animals and humans. Here, combinations of three synthetic polypeptides corresponding to amino (N), central repeat (R), and carboxyl (C) regions of the CS protein formulated in Montanide ISA 720 or Montanide ISA 51 adjuvants were assessed for immunogenicity in rodents and primates. BALB/c mice and Aotus monkeys were divided into test and control groups and were immunized three times with doses of 50 and 100 μg of vaccine or placebo. Antigen-specific antimalarial antibodies were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunofluorescent antibody test, and IFN-γ responses by enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELIspot). Both vaccine formulations were highly immunogenic in both species. Mice developed better antibody responses against C and R polypeptides, whereas the N polypeptide was more immunogenic in monkeys. Anti-peptide antibodies remained detectable for several months and recognized native proteins on sporozoites. Differences between Montanide ISA 720 and Montanide ISA 51 formulations were not significant.
Rapport de synthèse : Bien que les complications sévères de l'anesthésie soient actuellement rares, des informations contradictoires existent à propos du rôle et de l'importance de l'hypertension artérielle chronique sur la survenue de complications en cours d'anesthésie. En raison de la prévalence élevée de l'hypertension artérielle dans la population et du grand nombre d'anesthésies effectuées, il est important de clarifier cette relation. Le but de l'étude était d'évaluer si les personnes hypertendues étaient à risque accru de présenter des complications lors d'anesthésies à partir de données collectées de routine lors d'anesthésies usuelles réalisées en Suisse. Nous avons utilisé les données figurant dans le registre ADS (Anesthésie Données Suisse) correspondant à des anesthésies, générales ou locorégionales, réalisées pour chirurgie élective chez des adultes, entre 2000 et 2004 dans 24 hôpitaux suisses. L'attention était portée principalement sur les incidents cardio-vasculaires, mais les autres incidents relevés de routine ont aussi été évalués. La présence d'une hypertension artérielle chronique était définie par la présence d'un traitement antihypertenseur ou par l'anamnèse d'une hypertension artérielle, combinée à la mesure d'une pression artérielle élevée (systolique >160 mm Hg ou diastolique >100 mm Hg) lors de l'examen préopératoire de l'anesthésiste. Les incidents relevés en cours d'anesthésie ont été définis a priori et sont enregistrés de routine sur la feuille d'anesthésie et reportés dans une base de données centralisée. En raison de la structure des données, des analyses hiérarchiques ont été effectuées incluant des variables individuelles (niveau 1), liées aux groupes d'interventions chirurgicales (niveau 2) et à l'hôpital (niveau 3). Parmi les 124 939 interventions, 27 881 (22%) concernaient des patients connus pour une hypertension artérielle chronique. Au moins un incident est survenu dans 16,8% des interventions (95% Cl 16,6 -17,0%). Chez 7 549 patients, au moins un incident cardio- vasculaire est survenu, soit dans 6% des anesthésies (95% Cl 5.9-6.2%). Le rapport des cotes (odds ratio) moyen ajusté pour les incidents cardio-vasculaires chez les patients hypertendus était de 1.38 (95% Cl 1.27-1.49), indiquant une augmentation du risque chez les patients hypertendus. Cependant, l'hypertension n'était pas liée à un risque augmenté de survenue d'un autre incident. Les rapports de cotes ajustés de la survenue d'une complication cardiovasculaire en présence d'une hypertension artérielle variaient selon les hôpitaux entre 0.41 et 2.25. Ainsi, cette étude confirme la présence d'un risque accru de survenue d'une complication cardiovasculaire chez un patient hypertendu lors d'une anesthésie pour chirurgie élective. Il s'agissait le plus souvent d'une arythmie ou d'une perturbation hémodynamique. Cette augmentation du risque proche de 40% a aussi été trouvée dans une revue systématique avec méta-analyse. L'hétérogénéité des institutions -qui persiste même en tenant compte des ajustements pour le type d'intervention chirurgicale et des variables individuelles (case-mix) - suggère des différences de pratique de l'anesthésie selon l'hôpital.
Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be associated with the wish to hasten death (WTHD). We aimed to determine the prevalence and stability of WTHD and end-of-life attitudes in ALS patients, identify predictive factors, and explore communication about WTHD. We conducted a prospective questionnaire study among patients and their primary caregivers attending ALS clinics in Germany and Switzerland. We enrolled 66 patients and 62 caregivers. Half of the patients could imagine asking for assisted suicide or euthanasia; 14% expressed a current WTHD at the baseline survey. While 75% were in favour of non-invasive ventilation, only 55% and 27% were in favour of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and invasive ventilation, respectively. These attitudes were stable over 13 months. The WTHD was predicted by depression, anxiety, loneliness, perceiving to be a burden to others, and a low quality of life (all p < 0.05). Lower religiosity predicted whether patients could imagine assisted suicide or euthanasia. Two-thirds of patients had communicated their WTHD to relatives; no-one talked to the physician about it, yet half of them would like to do so. In conclusion, physicians should consider proactively asking for WTHD, and be sensitive towards neglected psychosocial problems and psychiatric comorbidity.
Introduction: Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) represent a heterogeneous disease with variable clinical outcome. Identifying phenotypic biomarkers of tumor cells on paraffin sections that predict different clinical outcome remain an important goal that may also help to better understand the biology of this lymphoma. Differentiating non-germinal centre B-cell-like (non-GCB) from Germinal Centre B-cell-like (GCB) DLBCL according to Hans algorithm has been considered as an important immunohistochemical biomarker with prognostic value among patients treated with R-CHOP although not reproducibly found by all groups. Gene expression studies have also shown that IgM expression might be used as a surrogate for the GCB and ABC subtypes with a strong preferential expression of IgM in ABC DLBCL subtype. ImmunoFISH index based on the differential expression of MUM-1, FOXP1 by immunohistochemistry and on the BCL6 rearrangement by FISH has been previously reported (C Copie-Bergman, J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:5573-9) as prognostic in an homogeneous series of DLBCL treated with R-CHOP. In addition, oncogenic MYC protein overexpression by immunohistochemistry may represent an easy tool to identify the consequences of MYC deregulation in DLBCL. Our aim was to analyse by immunohistochemistry the prognostic relevance of MYC, IgM, GCB/nonGCB subtype and ImmunoFISH index in a large series of de novo DLBCL treated with Rituximab (R)-chemotherapy (anthracyclin based) included in the 2003 program of the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA) trials. Methods: The 2003 program included patients with de novo CD20+ DLBCL enrolled in 6 different LNH-03 GELA trials (LNH-03-1B, -B, -3B, 39B, -6B, 7B) stratifying patients according to age and age-adjusted IPI. Tumor samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using CD10, BCL6, MUM1, FOXP1 (according to Barrans threshold), MYC, IgM antibodies on tissue microarrays and by FISH using BCL6 split signal DNA probes. Considering evaluable Hans score, 670 patients were included in the study with 237 (35.4%) receiving intensive R-ACVBP regimen and 433 (64.6%) R-CHOP/R-mini-CHOP. Results: 304 (45.4%) DLBCL were classified as GCB and 366 (54.6%) as non-GCB according to Hans algorithm. 337/567 cases (59.4%) were positive for the ImmunoFISH index (i.e. two out of the three markers positive: MUM1 protein positive, FOXP1 protein Variable or Strong, BCL6 rearrangement). Immunofish index was preferentially positive in the non-GCB subtype (81.3%) compared to the GCB subtype (31.2%), (p<0.001). IgM was recorded as positive in tumor cells in 351/637 (52.4%) DLBCL cases with a preferential expression in non-GCB 195 (53.3%) vs GCB subtype 100(32.9%), p<0.001). MYC was positive in 170/577 (29.5%) cases with a 40% cut-off and in 44/577 (14.2%) cases with a cut-off of 70%. There was no preferential expression of MYC among GCB or non-GCB subtype (p>0.4) for both cut-offs. Progression-free Survival (PFS) was significantly worse among patients with high IPI score (p<0.0001), IgM positive tumor (p<0.0001), MYC positive tumor with a 40% threshold (p<0.001), ImmunoFISH positive index (p<0.002), non-GCB DLBCL subtype (p<0.0001). Overall Survival (OS) was also significantly worse among patients with high IPI score (p<0.0001), IgM positive tumor (p=0.02), MYC positive tumor with a 40% threshold (p<0.01), ImmunoFISH positive index (p=0.02), non-GCB DLBCL subtype (p<0.0001). All significant parameters were included in a multivariate analysis using Cox Model and in addition to IPI, only the GCB/non-GCB subtype according to Hans algorithm predicted significantly a worse PFS among non-GCB subgroup (HR 1.9 [1.3-2.8] p=0.002) as well as a worse OS (HR 2.0 [1.3-3.2], p=0.003). This strong prognostic value of non-GCB subtyping was confirmed considering only patients treated with R- CHOP for PFS (HR 2.1 [1.4-3.3], p=0.001) and for OS (HR 2.3 [1.3-3.8], p=0.002). Conclusion: Our study on a large series of patients included in trials confirmed the relevance of immunohistochemistry as a useful tool to identify significant prognostic biomarkers for clinical use. We show here that IgM and MYC might be useful prognostic biomarkers. In addition, we confirmed in this series the prognostic value of the ImmunoFISH index. Above all, we fully validated the strong and independent prognostic value of the Hans algorithm, daily used by the pathologists to subtype DLBCL.
PURPOSE: As no curative treatment for advanced pancreatic and biliary cancer with malignant ascites exists, new modalities possibly improving the response to available chemotherapies must be explored. This phase I study assesses the feasibility, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of a regional treatment of gemcitabine administered in escalating doses by the stop-flow approach to patients with advanced abdominal malignancies (adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, n = 8, and cholangiocarcinoma of the liver, n = 1). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Gemcitabine at 500, 750 and 1,125 mg/m(2) was administered to three patients at each dose level by loco-regional chemotherapy, using hypoxic abdominal stop-flow perfusion. This was achieved by an aorto-caval occlusion by balloon catheters connected to an extracorporeal circuit. Gemcitabine and its main metabolite 2',2'-difluorodeoxyuridine (dFdU) concentrations were measured by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection in the extracorporeal circuit during the 20 min of stop-flow perfusion, and in peripheral plasma for 420 min. Blood gases were monitored during the stop-flow perfusion and hypoxia was considered stringent if two of the following endpoints were met: pH </= 7.2, pO(2) nadir ratio </=0.70 or pCO(2) peak ratio >/=1.35. The tolerability of this procedure was also assessed. RESULTS: Stringent hypoxia was achieved in four patients. Very high levels of gemcitabine were rapidly reached in the extracorporeal circuit during the 20 min of stop-flow perfusion, with C (max) levels in the abdominal circuit of 246 (+/-37%), 2,039 (+/-77%) and 4,780 (+/-7.3%) mug/ml for the three dose levels 500, 750 and 1,125 mg/m(2), respectively. These C (max) were between 13 (+/-51%) and 290 (+/-12%) times higher than those measured in the peripheral plasma. Similarly, the abdominal exposure to gemcitabine, calculated as AUC(t0-20), was between 5.5 (+/-43%) and 200 (+/-66%)-fold higher than the systemic exposure. Loco-regional exposure to gemcitabine was statistically higher in presence of stringent hypoxia (P < 0.01 for C (max) and AUC(t0-20), both normalised to the gemcitabine dose). Toxicities were acceptable considering the complexity of the procedure and were mostly hepatic; it was not possible to differentiate the respective contributions of systemic and regional exposures. A significant correlation (P < 0.05) was found between systemic C (max) of gemcitabine and the nadir of both leucocytes and neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS: Regional exposure to gemcitabine-the current standard drug for advanced adenocarcinoma of the pancreas-can be markedly enhanced using an optimised hypoxic stop-flow perfusion technique, with acceptable toxicities up to a dose of 1,125 mg/m(2). However, the activity of gemcitabine under hypoxic conditions is not as firmly established as that of other drugs such as mitomycin C, melphalan or tirapazamine. Further studies of this investigational modality, but with bioreductive drugs, are therefore warranted first to evaluate the tolerance in a phase I study and later on to assess whether it does improve the response to chemotherapy.
Captan and folpet are two fungicides largely used in agriculture, but biomonitoring data are mostly limited to measurements of captan metabolite concentrations in spot urine samples of workers, which complicate interpretation of results in terms of internal dose estimation, daily variations according to tasks performed, and most plausible routes of exposure. This study aimed at performing repeated biological measurements of exposure to captan and folpet in field workers (i) to better assess internal dose along with main routes-of-entry according to tasks and (ii) to establish most appropriate sampling and analysis strategies. The detailed urinary excretion time courses of specific and non-specific biomarkers of exposure to captan and folpet were established in tree farmers (n = 2) and grape growers (n = 3) over a typical workweek (seven consecutive days), including spraying and harvest activities. The impact of the expression of urinary measurements [excretion rate values adjusted or not for creatinine or cumulative amounts over given time periods (8, 12, and 24 h)] was evaluated. Absorbed doses and main routes-of-entry were then estimated from the 24-h cumulative urinary amounts through the use of a kinetic model. The time courses showed that exposure levels were higher during spraying than harvest activities. Model simulations also suggest a limited absorption in the studied workers and an exposure mostly through the dermal route. It further pointed out the advantage of expressing biomarker values in terms of body weight-adjusted amounts in repeated 24-h urine collections as compared to concentrations or excretion rates in spot samples, without the necessity for creatinine corrections.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and aortic and carotid vessel wall thickness (VWT) using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with hypertension as compared with healthy adult volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local medical ethics approval was obtained and the participants gave informed consent. Fifteen patients with hypertension (5 men and 10 women; mean [SD] age, 49 [14] years) and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers were prospectively included and compared. All participants underwent MRI examination for measuring aortic and carotid VWT and aortic PWV with well-validated MRI techniques at 1.5- and 3-T MRI systems: PWV was assessed from velocity-encoded MRI and VWT was assessed by using dual-inversion black-blood gradient-echo imaging techniques. Paired t tests were used for testing differences between the volunteers and the patients and Pearson correlation (r) and univariable and multivariable stepwise linear regression analyses were used to test associations between aortic and carotid arterial wall thickness and stiffness. RESULTS: Mean values for aortic PWV and aortic and carotid VWT (indexed for body surface area [BSA]) were all significantly higher in patients with hypertension as compared with the healthy volunteers (ie, aortic PWV, 7.0 ± 1.4 m/s vs 5.7 ± 1.3 m/s; aortic VWT/BSA, 0.12 ± 0.03 mL/m vs 0.10 ± 0.03 mL/m; carotid VWT/BSA, 0.04 ± 0.01 mL/m vs 0.03 ± 0.01 mL/m; all P < 0.01). Aortic PWV was highly correlated with aortic VWT/BSA (r = 0.76 and P = 0.002 in the patients vs r = 0.63 and P = 0.02 in the volunteers), and in the patients, aortic PWV was moderately correlated with carotid VWT/BSA (r = 0.50; P = 0.04). In the volunteers, correlation between aortic PWV and carotid VWT/BSA was not significant (r = 0.40; P = 0.13). In addition, aortic VWT/BSA was significantly correlated with carotid VWT/BSA, in both the patients (r = 0.60; P = 0.005) and volunteers (r = 0.57; P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: In the patients with hypertension and the healthy volunteers, the aortic PWV is associated more strongly with aortic wall thickness than with carotid wall thickness, reflecting site-specific coupling between vascular wall thickness and function.
Multi-centre data repositories like the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) offer a unique research platform, but pose questions concerning comparability of results when using a range of imaging protocols and data processing algorithms. The variability is mainly due to the non-quantitative character of the widely used structural T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images. Although the stability of the main effect of Alzheimer's disease (AD) on brain structure across platforms and field strength has been addressed in previous studies using multi-site MR images, there are only sparse empirically-based recommendations for processing and analysis of pooled multi-centre structural MR data acquired at different magnetic field strengths (MFS). Aiming to minimise potential systematic bias when using ADNI data we investigate the specific contributions of spatial registration strategies and the impact of MFS on voxel-based morphometry in AD. We perform a whole-brain analysis within the framework of Statistical Parametric Mapping, testing for main effects of various diffeomorphic spatial registration strategies, of MFS and their interaction with disease status. Beyond the confirmation of medial temporal lobe volume loss in AD, we detect a significant impact of spatial registration strategy on estimation of AD related atrophy. Additionally, we report a significant effect of MFS on the assessment of brain anatomy (i) in the cerebellum, (ii) the precentral gyrus and (iii) the thalamus bilaterally, showing no interaction with the disease status. We provide empirical evidence in support of pooling data in multi-centre VBM studies irrespective of disease status or MFS.