991 resultados para Soja, Edward W


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Parasitoid Hymenoptera collected in a soybean plantation (Glycine max (L.)) Merril (Fabaceae) at the municipal district of Nuporanga, SP, Brazil. Parasitoid Hymenoptera were collected by using Moericke trap placed in a soybean plantation (Glycine max (L.) Merril) (Fabaceae) of the variety Conquista, during the period of March 24th to April 7th, 2000. A total of 4,969 specimens of parasitoids, belonging to seven superfamilies and 15 families, were collected. Scelionidae, Encyrtidae, Aphelinidae and Trichogrammatidae were the most common families, being responsible for 41.66%, 19.42%, 11.19% and 7.35% of the total number of parasitoids collected, respectively. Other eleven families showed the relative frequency lower than 5%.


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New data on the distributibn and conservation status of some angiosperms of the Cape Verde Islands, W Africa Intensive field work aud analysis of the state of biodiversity ou all islands during the years iYY.3 lo IYYY Icd lo lhc publication ol’several contributions lo the flora and vegelalion of the archipclago of Cabo Verde (Brochniann & al. 1997, Gornes & Vera-Cruz 1993. Gonles & al. I9YSa-h. 1998, Games 1997. Kilian & Leyens 1994, Leyens 1998. Leyens & Lobin 1995, Lobin & al. 1995) as well as to the compilation of the First Red Data List for the Cape Verde Islnuds (Lcyrus & Lobin 1996). the elaboration of the National Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation (SIPA 19YY) and ! compilation of all areas in urgent need of protection (Leyens unpubl. diplonla thc.\is IYYJ. Gwnes & al. iu prep.). As part UC the activities of the lnstituto National de Invcstig;u$o c Dcscnvolvitucnto Agriirio (INIDA) and the Dcpurtamcnto de GeociSncias do Institute Supcriot de Educ;u$o t ISE) iutcnsive t’icld studies were conducted PI many diffcrctu localilics OII xcvcr;~I islands. resulting in a thesis tGo~nes IY97) and several terminal study papers (Luz IYYY. Cosi;t 1994. Gonsalvez 1999). The results show that the vegetation and flora of the islands arc still IWI fully known and much more field work is needed. hllhot~gh Sanliiqw is one of lhc islands whcrc lhc firs1 holanicill iIlVcxligilliollx wcrr c:crriul WI (Wcbh 1x49. Schruidt 1x52. Chcvalicr IY35) and where uu~ny intensive field studirs wcrc


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Agreed upon procedures report for evaluating compliance with provisions of IowaCare (Project No 11-W-00189/7) within the Iowa Department of Human Services for the year ended June 30, 2006


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Kirje 2.11.1966


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Kirje 2.3.1962