1000 resultados para Sociedad Rural


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that 58 percent of roadway fatalities are lane departures, while 40 percent of fatalities are single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes. Addressing lane-departure crashes is therefore a priority for national, state, and local roadway agencies. Horizontal curves are of particular interest because they have been correlated with increased crash occurrence. This toolbox was developed to assist agencies address crashes at rural curves. The main objective of this toolbox is to summarize the effectiveness of various known curve countermeasures. While education, enforcement, and policy countermeasures should also be considered, they were not included given the toolbox focuses on roadway-based countermeasures. Furthermore, the toolbox is geared toward rural two-lane curves. The research team identified countermeasures based on their own research, through a survey of the literature, and through discussions with other professionals. Coverage of curve countermeasures in this toolbox is not necessarily comprehensive. For each countermeasure covered, this toolbox includes the following information: description, application, effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages.


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La relevancia que ha tomado la Sociedad de la Información en los últimos tiempos a nivel mundial, ha hecho que los gobiernos de las naciones incluyan dentro de su organización estructural, entes que se dediquen exclusivamente a atender el desarrollo de la SI a nivel nacional. Así también a nivel regional específicamente en el Mercosur, dentro de la RECyT se ha creado el Grupo de Trabajo Sociedad de la Información con el fin de lograr alcanzar la equidad en el acceso a la información y al conocimiento en un mundo eminentemente globalizado. Nuestro objetivo con este artículo, es realizar un diagnóstico de la situación actual del desarrollo de la SI en el Mercosur señalando cuáles son las debilidades y fortalezas de cada país para ingresar en forma proactiva a la SI.


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Se presentan los resultados de la evaluación y seguimiento del programa Rur@lia aplicando una metodología de investigación social de acción participativa. Dicho programa se está llevando a cabo en la provincia de Granada, España y pretende dar a conocer las nuevas tecnologías en los pueblos. Su objetivo principal es la construcción y puesta en marcha de un Telecentro para la formación de mujeres que, por distintos motivos, tienen reducidas sus posibilidades de entrada al uso de los nuevos medios tecnológicos. Este es un proyecto de carácter innovador que pretende ser un agente de empoderamiento social a través de formas activas de participación ciudadana organizadas en base a un GIAP (Grupo de Investigación Acción Participativa). Este programa tiene como ámbito de actuación los municipios integrantes de la Unidad Territorial de Empleo y Desarrollo Local y Tecnológico (UTEDLT) de Alfacar: Alfacar, Cogollos Vega, Calicasas, Nívar, Víznar, Huetor Santillán, Beas de Granada y Güevéjar, además de los distritos de la capital granadina de Albaizin y zona norte.


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Se examina la sociedad de la información como nuevo contexto hacia donde transita el ser social. Se analizan la ética, la política y la legislación en su condición de mecanismos reguladores a nivel social e individual. Se exponen los nuevos imperativos éticos, políticos y legislativos relativos a la información. Se ofrecen consideraciones finales que versan sobre la importancia de la educación ética y moral, la construcción y consolidación de la cultura informacional y la alfabetización informacional como procesos orientados al perfeccionamiento y progreso del individuo y la sociedad.


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El objetivo del artículo se dirige a describir la transformación de las bibliotecas escolares en CREA (Centros de Recursos para la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje), como modo de cumplir una función eficaz en la Educación para la Sociedad del Conocimiento. El estudio se realiza en el caso español, por lo que se aborda el desarrollo legislativo para comprender la situación actual de las bibliotecas escolares en España, como un estado del arte, para presentar luego el modelo teórico, la definición y aspectos organizativos del CREA. El gran reto es la conversión de la biblioteca escolar en una biblioteca digital educativa, por lo que el artículo analiza las disfunciones de la biblioteca escolar en los nuevos entornos tecnológicos, los problemas que se plantean en la transformación, los elementos sobre los que descansará la transformación, para finalmente presentar una propuesta de los instrumentos actualmente existentes y eficaces para la gestión de contenidos digitales educativos y la organización del conocimiento en la biblioteca digital educativa que será el CREA.


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Los telecentros españoles constituyen un instrumento de dinamización e inclusión social en la sociedad de la información. Sin embargo, existe una ausencia de indicadores de impacto que permitan evaluar las transformaciones sociales que originan estas entidades en sus áreas de influencia. Teniendo en cuenta este aspecto se formula un sistema de evaluación basado en indicadores y en el método de análisis multivariable "Rango Selectivo Multidimensional" (RSM) con el objeto de medir el impacto de estas entidades en la sociedad de la información.


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This report provides techniques and procedures for estimating the probable magnitude and frequency of floods at ungaged sites on Iowa streams. Physiographic characteristics were used to define the boundaries of five hydrologic regions. Regional regression equations that relate the size of the drainage area to flood magnitude are defined for estimating peak discharges having specified recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years. Regional regression equations are applicable to sites on streams that have drainage areas ranging from 0.04 to 5,150 square miles provided that the streams are not affected significantly by regulation upstream from the sites and that the drainage areas upstream from the sites are not mostly urban areas. Flood-frequency characteristics for the mainstems of selected rivers are presented in graphs as a function of drainage area.


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Freezing and thawing action induces damage to unbound gravel roads in Iowa resulting in maintenance costs for secondary road departments. Some approaches currently used by County Engineers to deal with this problem include temporarily spreading rock on the affected areas, lowering or improving drainage ditches, tiling, bridging the area with stone and geosynthetic covered by a top course of aggregate or gravel, coring boreholes and filling them with calcium chloride to melt lenses and provide drainage, and re-grading the crown to a slope of 4% to 6% to maximize spring drainage. However, most of these maintenance solutions are aimed at dealing with conditions after they occur. This study was tasked with identifying alternative approaches in the literature to mitigate the problem. An annotated bibliographic record of literature on the topic of frost-heave and thaw-weakening of gravel roads was generated and organized by topic, and all documents were assessed in terms of a suitable rating for mitigating the problem in Iowa. Over 300 technical articles were collected and selected down to about 150 relevant articles for a full assessment. The documents collected have been organized in an electronic database, which can be used as a tool by practitioners to search for information regarding the various repair and mitigation solutions, measurement technologies, and experiences that have been documented by selected domestic and international researchers and practitioners. Out of the 150+ articles, 71 articles were ranked as highly applicable to conditions in Iowa. The primary mitigation methods identified in this study included chemical and mechanical stabilization; scarification, blending, and recompaction; removal and replacement; separation, and reinforcement; geogrids and cellular confinement; drainage control and capillary barriers, and use of alternative materials. It is recommended that demonstration research projects be established to examine a range of construction methods and materials for treating granular surfaced roadways to mitigate frost-heave and thaw-weakening problems. Preliminary frost-susceptibility test results from ASTM D5916 are included for a range of Iowa materials.


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La Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica (SEEGG) nace en 1987. Desde la llegada a la Universidad de la enfermeras, en casi todos los planes de estudios la Enfermería Geriátrica era obligatoria; llegaba el momento, pues, en que las enfermeras que nos dedicamos a la atención de los ancianos desde todos los ámbitos, tuviéramos un foro donde poder dirimir cómo dábamos respuesta a la gran demanda que nos llegaba de la sociedad de dar cuidados de alta calidad al número cada vez más elevado de personas que llegaban a la vejez y con más expectativas de esperanza de vida. En ese año aparece el Real Decreto de Especialidades en Enfermería, donde secontempla que las Sociedades Científicas formarán parte del grupo de trabajo que desarrollen los diferentes programas de la especialidad y este acontecimiento es el que nos da más animo para crear la SEEGG y así poder estar en el debate del desarrollo de la especialidad. En el momento en que estoy escribiendo estas líneas todavía esperamos ver la puesta en marcha de nuestra especialidad, pero como creemos que envejecer es vivir, aunque ya vamos envejeciendo, veremos muy pronto la especialidad en marcha.


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L'asthme est une des maladies chroniques des plus fréquentes chez l'enfant qui touche 7,6 à 10,7 % de la population infantile française (ISAAC, 1998). Un des facteurs étiologiques impliqué dans cette pathologie est les moisissures présentes dans l'habitat. Néanmoins, il reste toujours à clarifier quelle est la fenêtre d'exposition la plus critique au cours de l'enfance et à comprendre le mécanisme de cette étiologie. En effet, des effets contradictoires ont été associés à l'exposition précoce des enfants aux moisissures. L'exposition à une espèce de moisissure dominante augmente l'incidence de l'asthme chez le jeune enfant, alors que l'exposition à des bioaérosols riches et diversifiés en micro-organismes, comme ceux présent dans les fermes, le diminue. Ces deux effets font l'objet des deux études choisies dans cette note. [Auteure]


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In an earlier research project, HR-204, the magnitude and nature of highway related tort claims against counties in Iowa were investigated. However, virtually all of the claims identified in that research resulted from incidents that occurred in areas with predominantly agricultural land use. With recent increases in the rural non-farm population, many traditionally urban problems are also appearing in built-up areas under county jurisdiction. This trend is expected to continue so that counties must anticipate a change in the nature of the tort claims they will encounter. Problems that heretofore have been unique to cities may become commonplace in areas for which counties are responsible. The research reported here has been directed toward an investigation of those problems in rural subdivisions that lead to claims growing out of the provision of highway services by counties. Lacking a sufficient database among counties for the types of tort claims of interest in this research, a survey was sent to 259 cities in Iowa in order to identify highway related problems leading to those claims. The survey covered claims during a five year period from 1975 to 1980. Over one-third of the claims reported were based on alleged street defects. Another 34 percent of the claims contained allegations of damages due to backup of sanitary sewers or defects in sidewalks. By expanding the sample from the 164 cities that responded to the survey, it was estimated that a total of $49,000,000 in claims had been submitted to all 259 cities. Over 34% of this amount resulted from alleged defects in the use of traffic signs, signals, and markings. Another 42% arose from claims of defects in streets and sidewalks. Payments in settlement of claims were about 13.4% of the amount asked for those claims closed during the period covered by the survey. About $9,000,000 in claims was pending on June 30, 1980 according to the information furnished. Officials from 23 cities were interviewed to provide information on measures to overcome the problems leading to tort claims. On the basis of this information, actions have been proposed that can be undertaken by counties to reduce the potential for highway-related claims resulting from their responsibilities in rural subdivisions and unincorporated communities. Suggested actions include the eight recommendations contained in the final report for the previous research under HR-204. In addition, six recommendations resulted from this research, as follows: 1. Counties should adopt county subdivision ordinances. 2. A reasonable policy concerning sidewalks should be adopted. 3. Counties should establish and implement a system for setting road maintenance priorities. 4. Counties should establish and implement a procedure for controlling construction or maintenance activities within the highway right of way. 5. Counties should establish and implement a system to record complaints that are received relating to highway maintenance and to assure timely correction of defective conditions leading to such complaints. 6. Counties should establish and implement a procedure to ensure timely advice of highway defects for which notice is not otherwise received.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a suposição de predominância da agricultura familiar na microbacia do Taquara Branca, Sumaré, SP, poderia ser sustentada com base em informações concretas. Foi possível a utilização de amostragem probabilística, pois estava disponível um mapa com os limites das 106 propriedades da microbacia, sendo sorteadas 33 delas para a aplicação de questionários do tipo cross-section. A técnica multivariada empregada foi a análise de agrupamentos, para a qual foi utilizado o procedimento PROC CLUSTER do SAS. Nessa análise só foram considerados os dados referentes aos 22 respondentes que exerciam atividade agrícola. Após a análise unidimensional, algumas perguntas foram selecionadas com base na variabilidade entre as respostas e, a partir destas, construíram-se as variáveis necessárias para se proceder à análise multidimensional. A análise de agrupamento permitiu identificar claramente três grupos naturais entre as 22 propriedades. De acordo com as características dos componentes de cada grupo, foi possível classificá-los em: grupo 1, doze propriedades de agricultura familiar; grupo 2, seis propriedades de agricultura não familiar em pequenas áreas; e grupo 3, quatro propriedades de agricultura não familiar em grandes áreas. Embora não seja predominante (apenas 36%), a agricultura familiar é o grupo mais freqüente na microbacia do Taquara Branca.