872 resultados para Social Network Markets


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Os recentes desenvolvimentos na saúde, sociedade e tecnologia, têm conduzido a novas formas de estar. Encarar hoje a doença oncológica (DO) é enfrentar um desafio. A comunicação, também sofreu evolução e a Internet assume um espaço crescente na sociedade. O blogue revolucionou a partilha de experiências, como é o caso da vivência da DO, podendo ser gerador de um processo de construção de ajuda mútua. Emergiu a questão: Quais os bloguitas mais ativos e dominantes numa rede de pessoas com doença oncológica com blogue? Este artigo tem como objetivos: Identificar as pessoas com DO com blogue; Identificar as pessoas mais ativas e as pessoas dominantes na rede, recorrendo à Análise Estrutural da Rede Social. Para selecionar a amostra recorreu-se ao método de amostragem não probabilística, intencional, em bola de neve. A rede encontrada constitui-se por 32 blogues, com 1602 ligações (720 com pessoas com DO e 434 na rede), dos quais foram selecionados 17 blogues. A rede estudada tem uma boa densidade (0,438), pelo que a informação se difunde com facilidade entre os nós, cujos atores têm altos níveis de capital social.


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By gathering a representative sample of citizens from all 27 EU Member States, the deliberative poll Europolis created the opportunity for the inclusion of a wide variety of European voices. Taking up claims of difference democrats who argue that informal hurdles to participation can endure even after individuals gain formal access to the floor, this article argues for an extended approach to evaluate equality in deliberative minipublics. Specifically, it assesses whether participants contributed in roughly equal measures to the discussion and whether their discussion partners considered their contributions on equal merits. In doing so, the article adds to the small but growing literature on deliberation that expresses reservations about taking the willingness to engage with others' claims for granted. In order to account for the intrinsically relational aspect of interpersonal communication, measures of social network analysis are introduced as possible tools to evaluate participation equality in deliberative encounters.


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This paper examines how local communities adapt to climate change and how governance structures can foster or undermine adaptive capacity. Climate change policies, in general, and disaster risk management in mountain regions, in particular, are characterised by their multi-level and multi-sectoral nature during formulation and implementation. The involvement of numerous state and non-state actors at local to national levels produces a variety of networks of interaction and communication. The paper argues that the structure of these relational patterns is critical for understanding adaptive capacity. It thus proposes an expanded concept of adaptive capacity that incorporates (horizontal and vertical) actor integration and communication flow between these actors. The paper further advocates the use of formal social network analysis to assess these relational patterns. Preliminary results from research on adaptation to climate change in a Swiss mountain region vulnerable to floods and other natural hazards illustrate the conceptual and empirical significance of the main arguments.


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South Africa is one of the countries most affected by HIV/AIDS: According to 2014 UNAIDS data 6.8 million South Africans live with HIV/AIDS, which means a 18.9% prevalence rate among adults (15-49 years old). Despite this strong presence of HIV/AIDS in South African society it remains relatively stigmatized and is not openly talked about. The silence about HIV/AIDS maintained in everyday conversations and the superstitions associated with this illness have led to the creation of a taboo language. This study aims at shedding light on how South African users resort to specific emoticons and graphic signs to talk about HIV/AIDS online. For this purpose 368 Facebook status updates and comments concerning HIV/AIDS and its side effects were analysed. All participants, aged 14-48, lived at the moment of data collection in Cape Town, in the Cape Flats area. The online conversations investigated are mainly in English mixed with Afrikaans and/or Xhosa. The emoticons and graphic signs in most cases display a graphic depiction of the physical (and mental) effects of the illness. These linguistic and semiotic practices employed on Facebook provide insight into how Capetonian users, on the one hand, express solidarity and sympathy with people suffering from HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, the emoticons and graphic signs are used to label and position people affected by HIV/AIDS. Thus, in the South African context social network sites have become an important space and means for communicating HIV/AIDS issues.


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Relatively little is known about the influence of psychosocial factors, such as familial role modeling and social network on the development and maintenance of childhood obesity. We investigated peer se- lection using an immersive virtual reality environment. In a virtual schoolyard, children were confronted with normal weight and overweight avatars either eating or playing. Fifty-seven children aged 7–13 participated. Interpersonal distance to the avatars, child's BMI, self-perception, eating behavior and parental BMI were assessed. Parental BMI was the strongest predictor for the children's minimal distance to the avatars. Specifically, a higher mothers' BMI was associated with greater interpersonal distance and children approached closer to overweight eating avatars. A higher father's BMI was associated with a lower interpersonal distance to the avatars. These children approached normal weight playing and overweight eating avatar peers closest. The importance of parental BMI for the child's social approach/ avoidance behavior can be explained through social modeling mechanisms. Differential effects of pa- ternal and maternal BMI might be due to gender specific beauty ideals. Interventions to promote social interaction with peer groups could foster weight stabilization or weight loss in children.


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In the present study the use and experience of using social media was examined in men and women in order to evaluate a possible relationship to gender. Particular emphasis was placed upon negative emotions. A questionnaire was constructed and submitted via Facebook by an online survey. There were 61 women and 50 men who completed the questionnaire. It was found that women and men used social media similarly with regard to frequency and the kind of social media they approached. Both genders used social media on a daily basis and both had profiles on the most popular social network sites as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. The main purpose for using social media was to maintain already established friend relationships and to take part of other peoples content. A majority of the women but not the men used blogs, whereas a majority of the men but not the women used Twitter more frequently. The study also indicated a sex difference concerning the contents they took part of in the social media. More women took part of content that was related to a female stereotypic image whereas more men took part of content that was related to a male stereotypic image. There was no gender difference concerning contents such as fashion, entertainment, humour, news or politics. In the women there was a significant relationship between the use of social media and negative emotions. However, in the men, such a relationship was not found. The results indicate that more women tend to experience negative emotions when active on social media. More women experienced life as meaningless and boring, as well as stress after consuming contents in social media. They also did compare their life with others on social media leaving them with negative feelings. Such relationships could not be found in the men. In conclusion the present study indicated that for many aspects the use of social media is similar in women and men. However there seems to be a difference with regard to the experience of negative emotions in relation to the use of social media in women but not in men. 


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Esta tese apresenta uma configuração em que, numa rede social regida pelo princípio da ligação preferencial, nós periféricos buscam inflacionar artificialmente seus índices de centralidade, medida pelo grau de entrada, por meio do privilégio temporário da reciprocidade de ligações com outros nós periféricos. Para construir este cenário, criou-se uma rede com as características de uma rede acadêmica de citações entre artigos, em que os nós são artigos publicados por um conjunto de periódicos, e as ligações entre eles são as citações que cada artigo faz a outros artigos existentes. Esta rede foi condensada em outra, na qual os nós são os periódicos aos quais cada artigo da primeira rede está associado, e as ligações são o total de citações que os artigos de um periódico faz aos artigos de cada outro periódico. Implementou-se um método de simulação computacional, no qual, durante alguns ciclos, foram manipulados parâmetros relacionados à quantidade total de ligações (citações) entre periódicos periféricos, de forma a induzir os efeitos desejados de reciprocidade periférica, alterando a lógica de direcionamento de citações pela atribuição de maior probabilidade para que artigos de outros periódicos periféricos recebessem ligações, afastando-se da lógica da ligação preferencial, porém sem alterar qualquer outra característica intrínseca que representasse a capacidade de um artigo ou periódico atrair novas ligações. Chamou-se esta alteração da lógica de alocação de ligações entre periódicos periféricos de Comportamento Estratégico. Observou-se que o Comportamento Estratégico é capaz de trazer benefícios de centralidade medida por grau para aqueles periódicos em que ele foi induzido, e prejuízos para os demais periódicos periféricos, porém não é suficiente para que eles saiam do quartil periférico de centralidade a que pertenciam antes da manipulação dos efeitos. Além disso, observou-se que, na ausência de elementos que alterem a capacidade intrínseca de atração de ligações de um periódico, a interrupção do Comportamento Estratégico levou aos níveis anteriores de centralidade. Também se observou que o Comportamento Estratégico acarretou em alterações de centralidade medida por autovetor estatisticamente significativas, porém não esperadas, mas que, após sua interrupção, esta retornou aos patamares anteriores à indução dos efeitos.


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Evidence demonstrates that the digital divide is deepening despite strategies mobilized worldwide to reduce it. In disadvantaged communities, beyond training and infrastructural issues, there often lies a range of cultural and historically formed relationships that affect people's adoption of ICTs. This article presents an analysis of local resident's engagement with their council's pilot project to develop a computer facility in their community center. We ask, to what extent can people in poor urban communities, once trained, be expected to volunteer to work on furthering community education and development in ICTs in their local area? Findings indicate four patterns of individual engagement with the computer project: reflexive, utilitarian, distributive, and nonparticipatory. It is argued that local people engaged with the intervention in historically patterned and locally distinctive ways that served immediate personal and pragmatic ends. They did not adopt the long-term strategic goals of the council or university.


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The rising consumption of alcohol per capita in Britain over the past 20 years has produced large increases in the prevalence of alcoholic cirrhosis, alcohol related violence, and heavy alcohol use, costing the British economy around £30bn ($55bn; {euro}44bn) a year.1 About 7.5% of men and 2.1% of women in Britain are dependent on alcohol, among the highest rates in the European Union.2 Two papers in this issue show that two relatively brief psychosocial interventions—motivational enhancement treatment and social network therapy—are effective and cost effective in treating alcohol dependence, when delivered under routine clinical conditions in the NHS.3 4 The UK government could realise its stated aim of increasing access to effective treatments for alcohol dependence by investing in these interventions. Britain also urgently needs to reduce the high rates of high risk drinking that produce dependence, health problems, and public disorder. Epidemiologists see the key drivers of rising consumption . . . [Full text of this article]


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Recent developments in workplace learning have focused on relational and social network views of learning that introduce practitioners to the norms, values and assumptions of the workplace as well as the learning processes through which knowledge is acquired. This article reports on a qualitative study of a mentoring programme designed to assist women education managers gain promotion by broadening their networks and stimulating insights into the senior management positions for which they were being prepared. The findings are that members reflexively assess and reassess goals and values to demystify knowledge and resolved cognitive dissonance in these processes. Moreover, this article shows that women participants learn from the networks, and that the networks learn from the participant in a reciprocal and informal way. The article concludes that organizational learning programmes must focus on enabling such networks to flourish.


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This paper examines the definitions and conceptual foundations of crises and distinguishes between crises and disasters. It takes a systems view of these concepts and uses the perspective of systems as organizational networks to examine implications for tourism managers. A tourism destination is perceived as consisting of a network of interacting organizations. This perspective questions the boundaries that should be used to study crisis and disasters. The paper also discusses the possibility of a crisis having a positive outcome for a destination.


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The aim of this study was to further our understanding of the factors that influence the experience of jealousy in romantic relationships. More specifically, the person variables of neuroticism, gender, and attachment style were examined, together with situational determinants such as past infidelity. The research also assessed the interaction between person and situadonal determinants of jealousy, and the relative importance of the various predictors. Questionnaires were completed by 102 undergraduate psychology students and an addidonal five participants from the researcher's social network. Consistent with past research, there was a positive association between neurodcism and chronic, emodonal, and behavioural jealousy. Furthermore, there was a posidve associadon between anxious attachment and jealousy, even when neurodcism was controlled. Past experience of infidelity and attachment dimensions had interacdve effects on jealousy. Interesdngly, the reladve importance of the predictors varied across the dimensions of jealousy. The results extend research in the area of person and situadonal determinants of jealousy, and are discussed in terms of attachment theory.


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Aliadas aos estudos sobre sustentabilidade, há inúmeras discussões e atitudes para combater consequências do uso irracional dos recursos naturais do planeta. Surge assim o entendimento do consumo, suas influências e alternativas. O indivíduo pode ter hábitos de consumo de forma consumista ou de forma consciente. O consumista é entendido como o oposto dos hábitos do consumidor consciente, sendo levado pelo impulso e pelo estímulo à compra, sem avaliar suas necessidades e impactos futuros. O consumo é de fato indispensável à humanidade. Entretanto, quando aplicado de forma exacerbada e incorreta, pode gerar sérias consequências sociais e/ou ambientais. O consumidor consciente tem a qualificação de avaliar dentre as possibilidades existentes, os impactos que podem ser ocasionados com a aquisição, de tal modo, a minimizar suas consequências e contribuir de alguma forma para uma sociedade mais sustentável. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender a aderência dos pesquisados ao comportamento de consumo consciente, bem como avaliar o compartilhamento de informações sobre o tema por pessoas que estão inseridas em alguma rede social na internet, partindo do pressuposto que este é um dos principais meios de comunicação e compartilhamento de informações. Para a pesquisa, foi utilizada a metodologia de análise qualitativa de caráter exploratório e a técnica de entrevistas em profundidade baseada em roteiro semiestruturado. Por meio da análise do conteúdo, a compreensão dos resultados aponta que todos os entrevistados possuem um grau de conhecimento sobre o consumo consciente e a maioria tenta ter algum tipo de ação consciente. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, esses indivíduos podem sofrer influências neste processo principalmente de caráter pessoal, levando à alteração de ação. Com relação ao compartilhamento do tema nas redes sociais na internet, foi possível identificar que grande parte dos entrevistados já teve algum tipo de experiência da situação, mas ainda em pequena escala, com poucas ocorrências. Também acredita-se que o canal pode ser utilizado para a proliferação do tema, o que nos leva à conclusão de que é um canal viável ao compartilhamento. Porém, mediante a ruptura de hábitos, é utilizado para a ocorrência de um maior engajamento por parte dos usuários. A análise apresenta uma compreensão e perspectivas a partir do recorte estudado, abrindo horizonte para novos estudos e aprofundamento das reflexões apresentadas neste trabalho.