730 resultados para Silos - Ventilação
Natural air ventilation is the most import passive strategy to provide thermal comfort in hot and humid climates and a significant low energy strategy. However, the natural ventilated building requires more attention with the architectural design than a conventional building with air conditioning systems, and the results are less reliable. Therefore, this thesis focuses on softwares and methods to predict the natural ventilation performance from the point of view of the architect, with limited resource and knowledge of fluid mechanics. A typical prefabricated building was modelled due to its simplified geometry, low cost and occurrence at the local campus. Firstly, the study emphasized the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, to simulate the air flow outside and inside the building. A series of approaches were developed to make the simulations possible, compromising the results fidelity. Secondly, the results of CFD simulations were used as the input of an energy tool, to simulate the thermal performance under different rates of air renew. Thirdly, the results of temperature were assessed in terms of thermal comfort. Complementary simulations were carried out to detail the analyses. The results show the potentialities of these tools. However the discussions concerning the simplifications of the approaches, the limitations of the tools and the level of knowledge of the average architect are the major contribution of this study
Nowadays the acquisition of sustainable elements and concepts in construction has been increasingly discussed, improved and incorporated to buildings, since the sector directly interferes in the urban space and environment, representing environmental impact. In order to make a sustainable building (Green Building) it is vital to incorporate less damaging constructive practice, starting from the project until the operation of the enterprise, that means to consider an integrated process of conception, implementation, construction and operation. The more effective sustainable principles participation in architecture happens at the projecting step through minimal environment impact solutions. Among the issues varieties that goes with sustainability proposal of the buildings project, there were added to this work the elements that are directly attached to bioclimatic architecture, more specifically the climate variation, ventilation, lighting and sunlight, that directly affect the project conception. It is important to put in evidence that architecture role goes far beyond the simple activity of building spaces; it is the sequence of political, economic, social and cultural elements, having the users as the main apparatus to its materialization. Thereby this professional dissertation consists of an architecture draft for a professional and technological school in the Rio Grande do Norte State, this dissertation is based on the analysis of previous experience and the bioclimatic principles that implicate in building on hot and dry, hot and humid climates, and the use of strategic solutions that aim the optimization of natural light and ventilation
Mestrado (dissertação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.
The Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) proposed six Action Groups. After almost three years of activity, many achievements have been obtained through commitments or collaborative work of the Action Groups. However, they have often worked in silos and, consequently, synergies between Action Groups have been proposed to strengthen the triple win of the EIP on AHA. The paper presents the methodology and current status of the Task Force on EIP on AHA synergies. Synergies are in line with the Action Groups’ new Renovated Action Plan (2016-2018) to ensure that their future objectives are coherent and fully connected. The outcomes and impact of synergies are using the Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the EIP on AHA (MAFEIP). Eight proposals for synergies have been approved by the Task Force: Five cross-cutting synergies which can be used for all current and future synergies as they consider overarching domains (appropriate polypharmacy, citizen empowerment, teaching and coaching on AHA, deployment of synergies to EU regions, Responsible Research and Innovation), and three cross-cutting synergies focussing on current Action Group activities (falls, frailty, integrated care and chronic respiratory diseases).
This paper will propose that, rather than sitting on silos of data, historians that utilise quantitative methods should endeavour to make their data accessible through databases, and treat this as a new form of bibliographic entry. Of course in many instances historical data does not lend itself easily to the creation of such data sets. With this in mind some of the issues regarding normalising raw historical data will be looked at with reference to current work on nineteenth century Irish trade. These issues encompass (but are not limited to) measurement systems, geographic locations, and potential problems that may arise in attempting to unify disaggregated sources. It will discuss the need for a concerted effort by historians to define what is required from digital resources for them to be considered accurate, and to what extent the normalisation requirements for database systems may conflict with the desire for accuracy. Many of the issues that the historian may encounter engaging with databases will be common to all historians, and there would be merit in having defined standards for referencing items, such as people, places, locations, and measurements.
It is generally assumed that Le Corbusier’s urban planning made a break with the past, and that the public spaces designed by him had nothing to do with anything that existed before – a conviction fostered by both the innovative character of his proposals and by the proliferation in his manifestos of watchwords that mask any evocation of the past – words like civilisation machiniste, l’esprit nouveau, l’architecture de demain. However, in his writings, Le Corbusier often mentioned the powerful analogy that exists between the architecture of other times and the logic of modern production. Vers une architecture, for example, contains a mixture of photographs showing silos, cars, aeroplanes, ships (i.e. the fruits of 19th and 20th century civil architecture and mechanical engineering) alongside photographs of Greek and Roman buildings. While Le Corbusier, at the end of the 1920s, claimed “I have only one teacher: the past; only one education: the study of the past”, a series of sketches in the first volume of the Œuvre complète, done during his youth at the archaeological sites visited during his Grand Tour, shows that his interest in the past went far beyond a simple reference.
O presente trabalho de investigação apresenta um estudo sistemático da expressão arquitetónica que teve na região do Alentejo a implantação agro-industrial da cultura do trigo, em especial, durante a "Campanha do Trigo", iniciada em 1929 e prosseguida durante o Estado Novo, até 1969. Para tanto, procede ao mapeamento dos elementos edificados, em ligação com os processos de produção, silagem e moagem industrial do trigo, bem como ao seu transporte, estabelecendo uma análise comparativa com outras regiões e países, com o intuito de revelar o impacto destes equipamentos nos diversos territórios e paisagens. Assim, procura-se compreender as relações que se estabeleceram entre a forma arquitetónica do silo (cujo desenho resulta fundamentalmente de uma resposta programática intrinsecamente ligada à sua função primordial - armazenamento do cereal) e os lugares, onde se implantaram e com os quais se procuraram articular, e as paisagens, com as quais perspetivaram dialogar. Para tal, procede-se a descrição do estado atual de cada exemplar das denominadas "arquiteturas do trigo", com o objetivo de gerar, num primeiro nível, o entendimento de cada caso em particular e, posteriormente, estabelecer, por efeito de comparação, um confronto, quer entre os diferentes contextos em que se inserem, quer entre as suas caraterísticas formais, de modo a tirar ilações que possibilitem problematizar o seu uso futuro, equacionando diferentes perspetivas de atuação sobre o edificado. Finalmente procura-se introduzir uma discussão segundo diferentes orientações e posicionamentos, de modo a invocar perspetivas de atuação sobre os silos, que se adequem a cada situação específica, a cada contexto e a cada lugar. É no confronto entre as abordagens enunciadas, que se evidencia, mais do que a pertinência, a emergência social e cultural de uma ação diligente, quer ao nível particular de cada peça silar, quer do sistema, do qual era parte integrante a linha de caminho de ferro, que através do seu traçado permitia interligar todas as peças silares e garantir o seu funcionamento a escala industrial; ABSTRACT: This research presents a systematic study of architectural expression of wheat crop agro-industrial development, in particular the "Wheat Campaign", started in 1929 and continue during the "New State", until 1969. We first proceed to map the built elements related to production processes, silage and wheat industrial grinding, as well as the ways of transportation, establishing a comparative analysis with other countries and regions, in order to reveal the impact of these objects in various territories and landscapes. We seek to understand the relationships between the architectural form of the silo (whose design is mainly a result of an intrinsically programmatic response linked to its primary function - cereal storage) and the places where they are implemented and the landscapes which they sought to communicate and articulate. Secondly, we describe the current status of each copy of the "wheat architectures" in Alentejo, with the main objective of attain, at first, the understanding of each particular case and, then, to establish a connection between the different contexts in which they operate and their formal characteristics, in order to conceive and discuss their future use, equating different perspectives of action in the buildings. Finally seeks to introduce a discussion according to different orientations and positions in order to invoke prospects for action on the grain elevators that are appropriate to each specific situation, every context and every place. It is the clash between the stated approaches, which shows more than the relevance, it shows social and cultural emergence of a diligent action on the particular level of each grain elevator on the system, which was an integral part of the railway, which through its tracing allowed to interconnect all grain elevators and assure its operation on an industrial scale
Cuando hablamos de Jaén inconscientemente la memoria nos lleva a un campo de olivar. Sin embargo, este monocultivo tan característico, no fue predominante hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo. El cereal prevalecía en el campo. Y su transformación, presente desde la historia antigua, ha generado apasionantes piezas arquitectónicas como molinos harineros o las evolucionadas fábricas de harina. La fabricación moderna de harina de trigo se inició en España durante las últimas décadas del siglo XIX, y experimentó un rápido y moderno crecimiento durante el primer tercio del s.XX hasta su declive, en los últimos años del mismo siglo. Pese a que la provincia de Jaén en un principio no se especializó en la industrialización de este cultivo, dos de las principales empresas harineras españolas según su capacidad productiva en 1976, se situaban en Linares ( “Marín Palomares” fue una de ellas, y se ubicaba donde hoy existe un gran centro comercial en pleno centro de la localidad) y una tercera estaba en Jaén ( “Sánchez Polaina”, proyectada por Juan Pemartín Calví y cuyos monumentales silos de hormigón fueron demolidos en 2006, ubicada en suelo industrial). En 1993 Jaén, fue la principal provincia harinera española por tamaño medio de capacidad productiva, seguida de Ávila, Baleares y Huesca, y desafortunadamente, en el 2000, la crisis financiera de sus dos principales empresas acabó quitándole el liderato. Con esta comunicación se pretende dar a conocer el interesantísimo patrimonio industrial harinero de esta provincia. Eran bellos los ejemplos arquitectónicos contenedores de estas industrias, desaparecidas en la actualidad. Cada una de ellas sufrió un devenir incierto, distinto, y quizás avivado por la posible especulación en su suelo, objeto de reflexión. Parece que se perdieron en la memoria de nuestros mayores como otros tantos espacios industriales. Sin embargo, la industria harinera no sólo tuvo representación en las grandes empresas. Otras de menor tamaño se instalaron por la provincia aunque son pocos los ejemplos que sobreviven, o mejor dicho, que se dejan morir, como la bella Fábrica de Harinas de Santa Clotilde, Sistema Daverio.
O delírium, vulgarmente conhecido como estado confusional agudo, é actualmente uma das doenças mentais mais prevalentes nos doentes internados nas UCI’s. Para a American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACCN, 2011) e para a Society of Critical Care Medicine (2013) a taxa de delírium pode chegar aos 60% nos doentes em respiração espontânea e aos 80% nos doentes sob ventilação mecânica. A AACCN (2011) e Barr et al (2013) salientam que a presença de delírium é um importante predictor independente de prognóstico negativo, que está associado quer a uma maior mortalidade, quer a uma maior duração do internamento e da ventilação mecânica, quer ainda a uma maior necessidade de reintubação. Estima-se que cada doente internado numa UCI apresente mais de dez factores de risco para o desenvolvimento de delírium, os quais devem ser identificados pelos enfermeiros, já que vários estudos comprovam bons resultados associados à realização de intervenções de enfermagem preventivas desta patologia. (Faria & Moreno, 2013) No âmbito de uma pós-licenciatura em enfermagem em pessoa em situação crítica, foi realizado um estudo exploratório-descritivo numa UCI do HGO, que pretendeu identificar os factores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de delírium em 57 doentes internados. Vários factores foram identificados (idade, género, antecedentes pessoais, fármacos, gravidade clínica, entre outros) e foram assinaladas intervenções de enfermagem preventivas. Com esta comunicação pretendemos dar a conhecer os resultados e as conclusões deste estudo primário sob o ponto de vista da enfermagem.
Reflexão sobre as possbilidades de significação e intervenção sobre os enormes espaços vazios gerados pela desactivção de sistemas de silagem de cereais. O potencial programático que o próprio espaço vazio pode, em si, encerrar, é ponto de partida para considerações arquitectónicas, onde se convoca também o valor da proposta projectual como instrumento de ensaio.Trata-se de um texto que integra o catálogo da Exposição homónima, a partir de exploração projectual em domínio académico avançado (Mestrado Integrado).