948 resultados para Significant Structure


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The majority of past and current individual-tree growth modelling methodologies have failed to characterise and incorporate structured stochastic components. Rather, they have relied on deterministic predictions or have added an unstructured random component to predictions. In particular, spatial stochastic structure has been neglected, despite being present in most applications of individual-tree growth models. Spatial stochastic structure (also called spatial dependence or spatial autocorrelation) eventuates when spatial influences such as competition and micro-site effects are not fully captured in models. Temporal stochastic structure (also called temporal dependence or temporal autocorrelation) eventuates when a sequence of measurements is taken on an individual-tree over time, and variables explaining temporal variation in these measurements are not included in the model. Nested stochastic structure eventuates when measurements are combined across sampling units and differences among the sampling units are not fully captured in the model. This review examines spatial, temporal, and nested stochastic structure and instances where each has been characterised in the forest biometry and statistical literature. Methodologies for incorporating stochastic structure in growth model estimation and prediction are described. Benefits from incorporation of stochastic structure include valid statistical inference, improved estimation efficiency, and more realistic and theoretically sound predictions. It is proposed in this review that individual-tree modelling methodologies need to characterise and include structured stochasticity. Possibilities for future research are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper assesses the reliability with which fossil reefs record the diversity and community structure of adjacent Recent reefs. The diversity and taxonomic composition of Holocene raised fossil reefs was compared with those of modern reef coral life and death assemblages in adjacent moderate and low-energy shallow reef habitats Of Madang Lagoon, Papua New Guinea. Species richness per sample area and Shannon-Wiener diversity (H') were highest in the fossil reefs, intermediate in the life assemblages, and lowest in the death assemblages. The taxonomic composition of the fossil reefs was most similar to the combination of the life and death assemblages from the modern reefs adjacent to the two fossil reefs. Depth zonation was recorded accurately in the fossil reefs. The Madang fossil reefs represent time-averaged composites of the combined life and death assemblages as they existed at the time the reef was uplifted. Because fossil reefs include overlapping cohorts from the life and death assemblages, lagoonal facies of fossil reefs are dominated by the dominant sediment-producing taxa, which are not necessarily the most abundant in the life assemblage. Rare or slow-growing taxa accumulate more slowly than the encasing sediments and are underrepresented in fossil reef lagoons. Time-averaging dilutes the contribution of rare taxa, rather than concentrating their contribution. Consequently, fidelity indices developed for mollusks in sediments yield low values in coral reef death and fossil assemblages. Branching corals dominate lagoonal facies of fossil reefs because they are abundant, they grow and produce sediment rapidly, and most of the sediment they produce is not exported. Fossil reefs distinguished kilometer-scale variations in community structure more clearly than did the modern life assemblages. This difference implies that fossil,reefs may provide a better long-term record of community structure than modern reefs. This difference also suggests that modern kilometer-scale variation in coral reef community structure may have been reduced by anthropogenic degradation, even in the relatively unimpacted reefs of Madang Lagoon. Holocene and Pleistocene fossil reefs provide a time-integrated historical record of community composition and may be used as long-term benchmarks for comparison with modern, degraded, nearshore reefs. Comparisons between fossil reefs and degraded modern reefs display gross changes in community structure more effectively than they demonstrate local extinction of rare taxa.


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The mechanism of growth of silicate films at the air/liquid interface has been investigated in situ by a series of grazing incidence diffraction experiments using a 20 x 25 cm(2) imaging plate as the detector. C(18)TAX (X = Br- or Cl-) has been used as the film templating surfactant. The formation of a layered phase, prior to growth of the hexagonal mesophase in C(18)TABr templated films. has been seen. This layered structure has a significantly shorter d spacing compared to the final hexagonal film (43 versus 48 Angstrom, respectively). The correlation lengths associated with the development of the hexagonal in-plane diffraction spots are much longer in-plane than perpendicular to the air/liquid interface (300 Angstrom versus 50 Angstrom). This implies that the film forms via the growth or aggregation of islands that are initially only a micelle or two thick. which then grow down into the solution.


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We develop a test of evolutionary change that incorporates a null hypothesis of homogeneity, which encompasses time invariance in the variance and autocovariance structure of residuals from estimated econometric relationships. The test framework is based on examining whether shifts in spectral decomposition between two frames of data are significant. Rejection of the null hypothesis will point not only to weak nonstationarity but to shifts in the structure of the second-order moments of the limiting distribution of the random process. This would indicate that the second-order properties of any underlying attractor set has changed in a statistically significant way, pointing to the presence of evolutionary change. A demonstration of the test's applicability to a real-world macroeconomic problem is accomplished by applying the test to the Australian Building Society Deposits (ABSD) model.


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The volatile components of the chin gland secretion of the wild European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), were investigated with the use of gas chromatography. Studies of the chemical nature of this secretion by previous workers demonstrated that it was important in the maintenance of social structure in this species. This study identified 34 different volatile components that consist primarily of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Especially common are a series of alkyl-substituted benzene derivatives that provide most of the compound diversity in the secretion. Samples of chin gland secretion collected from animals at three different geographical locations, separated by more than 100 km, showed significant differences in composition. This work suggests that variation among populations needs to be considered when undertaking semiochemical research. Alternate nonparametric methods are also used for the analysis of chromatographic data.


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In this paper, genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to the optimum design of reinforced concrete liquid retaining structures, which comprise three discrete design variables, including slab thickness, reinforcement diameter and reinforcement spacing. GA, being a search technique based on the mechanics of natural genetics, couples a Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest principle with a random yet structured information exchange amongst a population of artificial chromosomes. As a first step, a penalty-based strategy is entailed to transform the constrained design problem into an unconstrained problem, which is appropriate for GA application. A numerical example is then used to demonstrate strength and capability of the GA in this domain problem. It is shown that, only after the exploration of a minute portion of the search space, near-optimal solutions are obtained at an extremely converging speed. The method can be extended to application of even more complex optimization problems in other domains.


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Sm and Sm-like proteins are key components of small ribonucleoproteins involved in many RNA and DNA processing pathways. In eukaryotes, these complexes contain seven unique Sm or Sm-like (Lsm) proteins assembled as hetero-heptameric rings, whereas in Archaea and bacteria six or seven-membered rings are made from only a single polypeptide chain. Here we show that single Sm and Lsm proteins from yeast also have the capacity to assemble into homo-oligomeric rings. Formation of homo-oligomers by the spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein components SmE and SmF preclude hetero-interactions vital to formation of functional small nuclear RNP complexes in vivo. To better understand these unusual complexes, we have determined the crystal structure of the homomeric assembly of the spliceosomal protein SmF. Like its archaeal/bacterial homologs, the SmF complex forms a homomeric ring but in an entirely novel arrangement whereby two heptameric rings form a co-axially stacked dimer via interactions mediated by the variable loops of the individual SmF protein chains. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the homomeric assemblies of yeast Sm and Lsm proteins are capable of binding not only to oligo(U) RNA but, in the case of SmF, also to oligo(dT) single-stranded DNA.


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The beta subunit of the Escherichia coli replicative DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is the sliding clamp that interacts with the alpha (polymerase) subunit to maintain the high processivity of the enzyme. The beta protein is a ring-shaped dimer of 40.6 kDa subunits whose structure has previously been determined at a resolution of 2.5 Angstrom [Kong et al. (1992), Cell, 69, 425-437]. Here, the construction of a new plasmid that directs overproduction of beta to very high levels and a simple procedure for large-scale purification of the protein are described. Crystals grown under slightly modified conditions diffracted to beyond 1.9 Angstrom at 100 K at a synchrotron source. The structure of the beta dimer solved at 1.85 Angstrom resolution shows some differences from that reported previously. In particular, it was possible at this resolution to identify residues that differed in position between the two subunits in the unit cell; side chains of these and some other residues were found to occupy alternate conformations. This suggests that these residues are likely to be relatively mobile in solution. Some implications of this flexibility for the function of beta are discussed.


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For many years proof that the hypoxic nature of malignant tumours can be used to selectively target anticancer drugs has been sought. Several classes of potential redox activated anticancer drugs have been developed to take advantage of the reducing environment resulting from the hypoxia. Drug complexes with redox active metal centres as carriers have been investigated, but have largely been employed with cytotoxic drugs that require release of the drug intracellularly, complicating the design of such complexes. MMP inhibitors, a new class of anticancer drug, conversely act in the extracellular environment and we have investigated inhibitor complexes with several redox active transition metals. Marimastat is an MMP inhibitor with potent in-vitro antimetastatic activity and was recently in Phase III clinical trials for a variety of cancer types. We have synthesised a Co(II1) complex of marimastat incorporating the tetradentate ligand tpa (tris(2-methylpyridyl)amine) as a carrier ligand. The complex was structurally characterised in the solid state by single crystal X-ray diffraction, the first example of a crystal structure containing marimastat. 2D COSY and NOESY NMR spectra showed that the complex exists in two isomeric forms in solution, corresponding to the cis and trans isomers yet only crystallises in one of these forms. Biological testing of the complex in mice with 4T1.2 tumours showed interesting and unexpected outcomes. Initial results of the tumour growth inhibition study showed that a significant inhibition of growth was exhibited by the complex over the free inhibitor and the control. However, the metastatic potential of both free marimastat and the complex were higher than the control indicating likely problems with the experimental protocol. Further experiments are needed to determine the potential of such complexes as hypoxia activated prodrugs but there appears at least to be some promise.


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The phylogeny of the Australian legume genus Daviesia was estimated using sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Partial congruence was found with previous analyses using morphology, including strong support for monophyly of the genus and for a sister group relationship between the clade D. pachyloma and the rest of the genus. A previously unplaced bird-pollinated species, anceps + D. D. epiphyllum, was well supported as sister to the only other bird-pollinated species in the genus, D. speciosa, indicating a single origin of bird pollination in their common ancestor. Other morphological groups within Daviesia were not supported and require reassessment. A strong and previously unreported sister clade of Daviesia consists of the two monotypic genera Erichsenia and Viminaria. These share phyllode-like leaves and indehiscent fruits. The evolutionary history of cord roots, which have anomalous secondary thickening, was explored using parsimony. Cord roots are limited to three separate clades but have a complex history involving a small number of gains (most likely 0-3) and losses (0-5). The anomalous structure of cord roots ( adventitious vascular strands embedded in a parenchymatous matrix) may facilitate nutrient storage, and the roots may be contractile. Both functions may be related to a postfire resprouting adaptation. Alternatively, cord roots may be an adaptation to the low-nutrient lateritic soils of Western Australia. However, tests for association between root type, soil type, and growth habit were equivocal, depending on whether the variables were treated as phylogenetically dependent (insignificant) or independent ( significant).


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The aim of this work was to exemplify the specific contribution of both two- and three-dimensional (31)) X-ray computed tomography to characterise earthworm burrow systems. To achieve this purpose we used 3D mathematical morphology operators to characterise burrow systems resulting from the activity of an anecic (Aporrectodea noctunia), and an endogeic species (Allolobophora chlorotica), when both species were introduced either separately or together into artificial soil cores. Images of these soil cores were obtained using a medical X-ray tomography scanner. Three-dimensional reconstructions of burrow systems were obtained using a specifically developed segmentation algorithm. To study the differences between burrow systems, a set of classical tools of mathematical morphology (granulometries) were used. So-called granulometries based on different structuring elements clearly separated the different burrow systems. They enabled us to show that burrows made by the anecic species were fatter, longer, more vertical, more continuous but less sinuous than burrows of the endogeic species. The granulometry transform of the soil matrix showed that burrows made by A. nocturna were more evenly distributed than those of A. chlorotica. Although a good discrimination was possible when only one species was introduced into the soil cores, it was not possible to separate burrows of the two species from each other in cases where species were introduced into the same soil core. This limitation, partly due to the insufficient spatial resolution of the medical scanner, precluded the use of the morphological operators to study putative interactions between the two species.


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The crystal structures of a pair of closely related macrocyclic cyano- and hydroxopentaaminecobalt(III) complexes, as their perchlorate salts, are reported. Although the two complexes, [Co(CN)(C11H27N5)](ClO4)2.H2O and [Co(OH)(C11H27N5)](ClO4)(2), exhibit similar conformations, significant differences in the Co-N bond lengths arise from the influence of the sixth ligand (cyano as opposed to hydroxo). The ensuing hydrogen-bonding patterns are also distinctly different. Disorder in the perchlorate anions was clearly resolved and this was rationalized on the basis of distinct hydrogen-bonding motifs involving the anion O atoms and the N-H and O-H donors.


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The present work describes the crystal structure, vibrational spectra, and theoretical calculations of ammonium salts of 3,5-bis-(dicyanomethylene)cyclopentane-1,2,4-trionate, (NH(4))(2)(C(11)N(4)O(3)) [(NH(4))(2)CV], also known as ammonium croconate violet. This compound crystallizes in triclinic P (1) over bar and contains two water molecules per unit formula. The crystal packing is stabilized by hydrogen bonds involving water molecules and ammonium cations, giving rise to a 3D polymeric arrangement. In this structure, a pi-stacking interaction is not observed, as the smaller centroid-centroid distance is 4.35 angstrom. Ab initio electronic structure calculations under periodic boundary conditions were performed to predict vibrational and electronic properties. The vibrational analysis was used to assist the assignments of the Raman and infrared bands. The solid structure was optimized and characterized as a minimum in the potential-energy surface. The stabilizing intermolecular hydrogen bonds in the crystal Structure were characterized by difference charge-density analysis. The analysis of the density of states of (NH(4))(2)CV gives an energy gap of 1.4 eV with a significant contribution of carbon and nitrogen 2p states for valence and conduction bands.


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We analyze the influence of time-, firm-, industry- and country-level determinants of capital structure. First, we apply hierarchical linear modeling in order to assess the relative importance of those levels. We find that time and firm levels explain 78% of firm leverage. Second, we include random intercepts and random coefficients in order to analyze the direct and indirect influences of firm/industry/country characteristics on firm leverage. We document several important indirect influences of variables at industry and country-levels on firm determinants of leverage, as well as several structural differences in the financial behavior between firms of developed and emerging countries. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Most regional programs focus on the supply side of regions, emphasizing the attraction conditions offered, such as infrastructure, labor skills, tax incentives, etc. This study analyzes one aspect of the demand side, that is, how investment decisions of private firms are made by asking the question: ""Do corporations decide the same way on investments in different parts of the territory?"" The paper analyzes the investments of 373 large Brazilian firms during 1996-2004. Based on the investment decisions of these firms, the role of sales, cash-flow, external financing, and working capital is investigated through regression analysis. The regional influence is captured by explanatory variables representing regional and firm characteristics, and by interaction dummies between the region and the main investment determinants. The results indicate significant differences across regions in the importance of investment determinants. This information is important for regional development policy, because different mechanisms should be used in different regions to foster private investments.