1000 resultados para Siècle 20
Esquisse d'une éthique protestante, non plus système de valeurs et de normes, mais lieu de coexistence, espace de reconnaissance mutuelle et d'échange réciproque
Mères entre amour familial et "individualisme moderne?" Une mise en perspective (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles)
Epuisement émotionnel, déshumanisation progressive de la relation avec l'autre et un sentiment d'échec professionnel. Le burnout est tout ça à la fois. La difficulté est de déceler à temps ces symptômes qui peuvent mettre parfois des mois, voire des années à se déclarer. Définition et tour d'horizon du burnout.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar els portadors d'un empelt hepàtic trasplantats en edat pediàtrica amb més de 20 anys de seguiment i per a això hem analitzat un total de 27 pacients. La principal indicació del trasplantament va ser l'atrèsia de vies biliars. S'han analitzat les complicacions quirúrgiques mèdiques i immunològiques, la immunosupressió, infecció per VHC, dades antropromètriques i adaptació social. Hem conclòs que la majoria dels pacients trasplantats en edat pediàtrica amb més de 20 anys d'evolució presenten una adaptació social excel•lent i pocs efectes adversos de la immunosupressió comparada amb la població adulta.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland aims to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and Ireland, to tackle inequalities in health and influence public polices in favour of health. In its work, the Institute emphasises a holistic model of health which recognises the interplay of a wide range of health determinants, including economic, social and environmental factors as well as health and social services.
The Department of Environment (NI) recently held a consultation on preparing a new road safety strategy for Northern Ireland which will cover the years 2010 to 2020. The consultation ran from 16 March 2010 to 15 June 2010. The consultation paper outlined key challenges to be addressed over the lifetime of the strategy and proposed a number of action measures which have been agreed by the statutory road safety partners. Views were invited on preparing a new road safety strategy for Northern Ireland that will shape the way ahead for safety on roads over the next decade.
Previous studies showed that two groups of Trypanosoma cruzi clonal genotypes named clonet 20 and clonet 39 were predominant in Triatoma infestans, the unique vector of Chagas disease in Bolivia. These groups of clones correspond to distinct genetic clusters. These clonets were detected in T. infestans and Rhodnius pictipes fecal samples before isolation and after culture by kDNA PCR (polymerase chain rreaction) and hybridization of the amplified products with clonet specific kDNA probes named 20 and 39 as previously reported. Forty eight T. infestans and three R. pictipes infected insects captured at random in different Bolivian departments were proceeded. As previously reported the direct identification of the two major clonets in fecal samples allowed the detection of abundant mixed infections: 41% in the original sample, however after culture, only 6% of mixed infections were detected. Among the 21 parasite stocks isolated from digestive tracts where mixed infections were initially detected (clonet 20 + 39) clonet 20 alone was detected in 81% of them. This result clearly showed that the culture step selected clonet 20 parasites over those belonging to clonet 39. The taxonomic status of the isolated stocks was also confirmed by isoenzyme typing, and correlation was observed between clustering topology and hybridization patterns with the probes 20 and 39.