910 resultados para Serum-lipids


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Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy (NIRS) is a particularly promising technique that is being used in recent years for many biomedical applications. Optical spectroscopy has gained increasing prominence as a tool for quantitative analysis of biological samples, clinical diagnostic, concentration measurements of blood metabolites and therapeutic drugs, and analysis of the chemical composition of human tissues. Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis in public health, and domestic cats are the most important transmitters of the disease. This disease can be detected by several serological tests, which usually have a high cost and require a long time. The goal of this work was to investigate a new method to diagnosis Toxoplasma gondii infections using NIRS. In order to confirm antibody detection, 24 cat blood scrum samples were analyzed by the Raman spectra, from which 23 presented positive serology to toxoplasmosis and one was a reference negative serum. Characteristic Raman peaks allowed differentiation between negative and positive sera, confirming the possibility of antibody detection by Raman spectroscopy. These results give the first evidence that this technique can be useful to quantify antibodies in cat sera.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An investigation is made of the influence from small amounts of the protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the lateral organization of low molecular weight surfactant sodium bis-2-ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate (AOT) at the air-water interface. Surface pressure (pi - A), surface potential (DeltaV - A) and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) experiments were carried out, with particular emphasis on the monolayer stability under successive compression-expansion cycles. AOT monolayer is not stable at the air-water interface, which means that the majority of AOT molecules go into the aqueous subphase as monomers and/or normal micelles. When a waiting time elapses between spreading and compression, the surfactant monolayer tends to reorganize partially at the air-water interface, with a monolayer expansion being observed for waiting times as large as 12 h. The incorporation of very small amount of BSA (10(-9) M) at the interface, also inferred from BAM, increases the monolayer stability as revealed by pi - A and DeltaV - A results. For a waiting time of circa 3 h, the mixed monolayer reaches its maximum stability. This must be related to protein (and/or protein-surfactant complexes) adsorbed onto the AOT monolayer, thus altering the BSA conformation to accommodate its hydrophobic/hydrophilic residues. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer formation and stabilization mean that the AOT monolayer responds cooperatively to BSA. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of small amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA) (nM concentration) on the lateral organization of phospholipid monolayers at the air-water interface and transferred onto solid substrates as one-layer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films was investigated. The kinetics of adsorption of BSA onto the phospholipid monolayers was monitored with surface pressure isotherms in a Langmuir trough, for the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine (N,N-dimethyl-PE) and the anionic dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA). A monolayer of N,N-dimethyl-PE or DMPA incorporating BSA was transferred onto a solid substrate using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of one-layer LB films displayed protein-phospholipid domains, whose morphology was characterized using dynamic scaling theories to calculate roughness exponents. For DMPA-BSA films the surface is characteristic of self-affine fractals, which may be described with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. on the other hand, for N,N-dimethyl-PE-BSA films, the results indicate a relatively flat surface within the globule. The height profile and the number and size of globules varied with the type of phospholipid. The overall results, from kinetics of adsorption on Langmuir monolayers and surface morphology in LB films, could be interpreted in terms of the higher affinity of BSA to the anionic DMPA than to the zwitterionic N,N-dimethyl-PE. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer point to a cooperative response of DMPA and N,N-dimethyl-PE monolayers to the protein. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In a previous study, we showed that purified commercial esterase activity can be detected in a chemiluminescent assay based on the hydrolysis of 2-methyl-1-propenylbenzoate (MPB) to 2-methyl-1-propenol, which is subsequently oxidized by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-H2O2 system. The purpose of this study was to verify the applicability of this assay to human serum. The existence of an esterase activity capable of hydrolysing MPB is indicated by the fact that the MPB-scruin-HRP-H2O2 System consumes oxygen and emits light. Both signals were abolished by prior serum heat inactivation and were preserved when serum was stored at less than or equal to4 degreesC. Addition of aliesterase inhibitors, such as fluoride ion and trichlorfon or the cholinesterase inhibitor eserine, totally prevents light emission. The butyrylcholinesterase-specific substrate benzoylcholine causes a delay in both O-2 uptake and light emission, while the specific acetylcholinesterase substrate, acetyl-beta -methylcholine, had practically no effect. Purified butyrylcholinesterase, but not acetylcholinesterase, triggered light emission. The finding that butyryleholinesterase is responsible for the hydrolysis of MPB in serum should serve as the basis for the development of a specific chemiluminescent assay for this enzyme. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Objectives: We have analyzed the peripheral insulin and glucose sensitivity in vivo, and islet function ex vivo in rats with different degrees of insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone (DEX).Methods: Dexamethasone, in the concentrations of 0.1 (DEX 0.1), 0.5 (DEX 0.5), and 1.0 mg/kg body weight (DEX 1.0) was administered daily, intraperitoneally, to adult Wistar rats for 5 days, whereas controls received saline.Results: Dexamethasone treatment induced peripheral insulin resistance in a dose-dependent manner. At the end of the treatment, only DEX 1.0 rats showed significant increase of postabsorptive blood glucose and serum triglycerides, and nonesterified fatty acids levels. Incubation of pancreatic islets in increasing glucose concentrations (2.8-22 mM) led to an augmented insulin secretion in all DEX-treated rats. Leucine, carbachol, and high KCl concentrations induced the insulin release in DEX 0.5 and DEX 1.0, whereas arginine augmented secretion in all DEX-treated groups.Conclusions: We demonstrate that in DEX 0.5 and, especially in DEX 0.1 groups, but not in DEX 1.0, the adaptations that occurred in the endocrine pancreas are able to counteract metabolic disorders (glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia). These animal models seem to be interesting approaches for the study of degrees of subjacent effects that may mediate type 2 diabetes (DEX 1.0) and islet function alterations, without collateral effects (DEX 0.1 and DEX 0.5).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Toxocara vitulorum, a nematode parasite in the small intestine of cattle and water buffaloes, causes high morbidity and mortality of 1-3 months old buffalo calves. This research evaluated the specific perieneteric antigens (Pe) reactivity of anti-T. vitulorum-Pe antibody (Tv-Pe-Ab) in both immune sera and colostrum from buffalo cows immediately post-partum from buffalo cows. The presence of Tv-Pe-Ab in sera of buffalo newborn calves was also examined at 1 day before and after suckling the colostrum as well as in sera from naturally infected calves at the beginning and peak of the maximum infection and then again during the period of rejection and post-rejection of the parasite. Pe antigens were characterized for Tv-Pe-Ab by SDS-PAGE and Western blot (WB). The SDS-PAGE showed that Pe contained nine protein bands (11, 14, 31, 38, 58, 76, 88,112 and 165 kDa). All Pe bands were recognized by Tv-Pe-Ab in sera and colostrum of buffalo cows. Only the serum antibodies of buffalo calves at 1 day of age after suckling the colostrum and during the beginning of T. vitulorum infection recognized Pe antigen's nine bands. In contrast, serum antibodies from 1-day-old buffalo calves, taken before suckling colostrum, did not react with any protein band. In suckling calves, which reached peak egg output, rejection and post-rejection stages of the infection, serum Tv-Pe-Ab reactivity with lower molecular weight protein bands (11-76 kDa) was lost and only reactivity with the Pe protein bands of higher molecular weight (88, 112 and 165 kDa) remained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Realizaram-se mensurações sérica e urinária de fosfatase ácida prostática (PAP) e antígeno prostático específico (PSA) de 20 cães. Os testes de PAP e PSA foram feitos em um equipamento automatizado, com o uso de kits comerciais para humanos. A média de PAP sérico foi de 0,7U/l e urinário 0,U/l. As médias do PSA sérico e urinário foram 0,005ng/dL e 0,004ng/dl, respectivamente. A determinação do dois biomarcadores in vivo é uma nova opção de diagnóstico na medicina veterinária e os valores obtidos devem ser correlacionados com a lesão morfológica da próstata.


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A importância do estudo dos valores hematológicos, de bioquímica sérica e urinários de Cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous) baseia-se na necessidade de cuidados e manutenção da sanidade destas populações. Este estudo visou investigar os parâmetros fisiológicos hematológicos, de bioquímica sérica e urinários dos Cachorros-do-mato de cativeiro, comparando as possíveis diferenças sexuais e de faixa etária. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 52 animais, pertencentes a diversos Zoológicos do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram colhidos cerca de 7mL de sangue, que foram utilizados para se obter os valores hematológicos e o perfil de bioquímica sérica. Também foram colhidos 5mL de urina para realização da urinálise. Não se encontraram diferenças entre os valores obtidos para machos e fêmeas tanto na hematologia, quanto na bioquímica sérica. Alguns parâmetros hematológicos e de bioquímica sérica foram afetados pela idade, mostrando diferenças significativas. Os resultados da urinálise foram demonstrados apenas em forma descritiva. Os principais valores encontrados foram, hemácias 4,35+0,73 x 106 células /µL, leucócitos totais 7,72+3,66 x 103 células /µL (predomínio de neutrófilos segmentados), plaquetas 227,06+111,58 x 103 células /µL, ureia 43,06+14,28mg/dL e creatinina 1,03+0,24mg/dL. Os valores hematológicos, de bioquímica sérica e urinários obtidos neste estudo podem ser utilizados como valores fisiológicos de Cachorros-do-mato de cativeiro. Pode-se concluir que as espécies silvestres necessitam de seus próprios valores de referência com necessidade de se diferenciar animais em cativeiro de animais de vida livre.


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Foram estudados parâmetros relacionados ao estado nutricional de 151 adultos sadios, pertencentes à classe média e residindo em Botucatu, SP, Brasil. Valores antropométricos foram maiores nos homens, com exceção da prega tricipital e da área adiposa do braço. O aumento da idade associou-se a aumento dos valores da massa muscular (homens e mulheres) e do peso do corpo, da prega tricipital e da área adiposa do braço (mulheres). Os resultados antropométricos aproximaram-se dos valores referenciais internacionais, mas não foram inteiramente concordantes com eles, sendo inferiores para o peso corpóreo e circunferência e área musculares do braço. Nos indivíduos de menos de 50 anos, os valores da ingestão energética foram ligeiramente inferiores aos níveis recomendados. A ingestão protéica foi adequada. Os valores médios das proteínas e lípides do soro foram similares aos valores de referência. Testes de hipersensibilidade cutânea são apresentados como uma prova funcional para avaliação do estado nutricional.