998 resultados para Sensorial evaluation
O cultivar Prata Anã é o mais plantada no Norte de Minas Gerais, o que demonstra estar a bananicultura regional baseada numa variedade suscetível à sigatoca-negra. Apesar de existirem cultivares resistentes em fase de recomendação para o cultivo na região, ainda são escassos os trabalhos relacionados a metodologias de conservação pós-colheita. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o período de armazenamento e as características físico-químicas e sensoriais dos cultivares de bananeira Fhia - 02 e Precioso, ambos resistentes à sigatoca-negra, e o efeito da atmosfera modificada associada à refrigeração. Foram realizados três experimentos, o primeiro em temperatura ambiente, o segundo a 12 ºC e o terceiro a 15 ºC. Esses experimentos foram instalados no delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, tendo nas parcelas um fatorial 2 (com e sem embalagem) x 2 (Fhia - 02 e Precioso) e nas subparcelas as avaliações em intervalo de seis e dois dias para frutos armazenados nas temperaturas de 12, 15 e 25 ºC, com quatro repetições e três frutos por unidade experimental. Após o tratamento, os frutos foram dispostos em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (sem embalagem) e embalagens de 10 e 16 µm e umidade relativa de 90%. As características avaliadas foram: tamanho, diâmetro, cor, firmeza, perda de matéria fresca, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), SST/ATT, pH e análise sensorial. O uso da embalagem associada à refrigeração permitiu armazenar os frutos por 28 dias, mantendo as características físico-químicas.
The increased preference for minimally processed vegetables has been attributed to the health benefits associated with fresh produce and the demand for ready-to-eat salads. In this paper, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was evaluated for the effects of different cropping systems on the respiratory properties. Lettuce was packaged in low density polyethylene bags and stored in a refrigerator at 4 ºC. The concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen inside the package was monitored during the storage at zero, three, six, eight, ten and twelve days by gas chromatography. Dry matter variation was measured gravimetrically up to day fourteen of storage. Values of respiratory rate for conventional lettuce increased from day 1 to 3 and remained low, while respiratory rate of the organic lettuce increased three-fold up to day 8, stabilizing at a high level. Variation in dry matter during storage also resulted from differences between the two cultivation systems. The highest content of dry matter was achieved by organic lettuce.
A comercialização do abacate processado e sem aditivo químico é difícil, por causa do escurecimento de sua polpa e alterações sensoriais durante o armazenamento. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a aceitação do guacamole, processado com a adição α-tocoferol e ácido áscorbico e conservado pelo frio. Amostras do produto foram acondicionadas em embalagens de polietileno e de polietileno+náilon, com e sem aplicação de vácuo. As amostras embaladas foram submetidas aos tratamentos pelo frio: refrigeração, congelamento lento e congelamento rápido. Avaliações foram realizadas nos dias 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, para o tratamento refrigerado, e 0, 7, 30, 60, 90 dias, para as amostras submetidas aos congelamentos lento e rápido. Para avaliação sensorial, utilizou-se o método de aceitação (escala hedônica estruturada de 9 pontos), com um grupo de 40 provadores não treinados, selecionados ao acaso, que deram notas para aceitação, aparência, cor, textura e sabor. A aceitação do produto e seu sabor tiveram uma correlação de 0,84, que, para cor e aparência, foi de 0,74. Para as demais variáveis, as correlações foram moderadas. A análise sensorial mostrou que a adição de ácido ascórbico e α-tocoferol permite a conservação do produto sob refrigeração em embalagens de polietileno. O produto, conservado até 30 dias, em qualquer embalagem, apresentou médias dos parâmetros de aceitação comparáveis com as obtidas na avaliação do primeiro dia.
The ability to monitor fetal heart rate is vital during late pregnancy and labor in order to evaluate fetal well-being. Current monitoring practice is essentially based on external cardiotocography and, less frequently, during labor, invasive fetal scalp electrocardiography. Many current and envisaged applications could benefi t from simpler devices using a 3-lead ECG confi guration. We are designing a maternity support belt with an embedded wireless 3-lead ECG sensor, and have investigated the infl uence of the ground electrode position on signal quality. Data from over 100 pregnant women was collected with the ground electrode placed in 3 locations in order to determine optimum electrode placement and belt form factor.
Spheres of different types of material are used for the replacement of lost volume after removal of the eye bulb or its content to prevent contraction of the orbital cavity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the scope of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) used as intraocular implant in eviscerated rabbit eye. Twelve New Zealand rabbits underwent unilateral evisceration of the left eye, with subsequent implantation of PMMA sphere 12 mm in diameter. Clinical evaluation was performed daily during the first 15 days after surgery and every 15 days until the end of the study period (180 days). For the histopathological analysis, three animals per trial underwent enucleation at 15, 45, 90 and 180 days after evisceration. There was no wound dehiscence, signs of infection or implant extrusion in any animal throughout the study period. Histological examination revealed the formation of fibrovascular tissue around the implants. The PMMA behaved as inert and non-integrable.
We estimate and compare the performance of Portuguese-based mutual funds that invest in the domestic market and in the European market using unconditional and conditional models of performance evaluation. Besides applying both partial and full conditional models, we use European information variables, instead of the most common local ones, and consider stochastically detrended conditional variables in order to avoid spurious regressions. The results suggest that mutual fund managers are not able to outperform the market, presenting negative or neutral performance. The incorporation of conditioning information in performance evaluation models is supported by our findings, as it improves the explanatory power of the models and there is evidence of both time-varying betas and alphas related to the public information variables. It is also shown that the number of lags to be used in the stochastic detrending procedure is a critical choice, as it will impact the significance of the conditioning information. In addition, we observe a distance effect, since managers who invest locally seem to outperform those who invest in the European market. However, after controlling for public information, this effect is slightly reduced. Furthermore, the results suggest that survivorship bias has a small impact on performance estimates.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o perfil sensorial e a aceitabilidade de néctares de maracujás obtidos de plantas submetidas a diferentes sistemas de produção, orgânico e convencional, com ou sem sombreamento pelo consórcio com mandioca. As amostras foram avaliadas por Análise Descritiva Quantitativa e por teste de aceitação com escala hedônica. Os dados do perfil descritivo e de aceitação foram analisados por Mapa de Preferência Externo, Análise de Variância e teste de comparação de médias de Fisher. Observou-se que os frutos que não foram submetidos ao sombreamento apresentaram néctares com perfil sensorial bastante semelhante e maior aceitação. Néctares de maracujá convencional não sombreado e orgânico não sombreado apresentaram correlação com os atributos aroma verde, homogeneidade e gosto ácido. As maiores diferenças na aceitação foram observadas entre as amostras convencional sombreada e orgânico não sombreada, com diferenças significativas nos atributos de cor, sabor e qualidade global. O Mapa de Preferência Externo apontou que a amostra de néctar convencional sombreado, com menor aceitação, foi correlacionada com os atributos fibrosidade e viscosidade.
This article presents a research work, the goal of which was to achieve a model for the evaluation of data quality in institutional websites of health units in a broad and balanced way. We have carried out a literature review of the available approaches for the evaluation of website content quality, in order to identify the most recurrent dimensions and the attributes, and we have also carried out a Delphi method process with experts in order to reach an adequate set of attributes and their respective weights for the measurement of content quality. The results obtained revealed a high level of consensus among the experts who participated in the Delphi process. On the other hand, the different statistical analysis and techniques implemented are robust and attach confidence to our results and consequent model obtained.
A deficiência de vitamina A é um grande problema de saúde pública e um dos grupos mais vulneráveis a essa deficiência são as crianças em idade pré-escolar. Existem medidas de intervenção que podem ser adotadas como forma de preveni-la ou reduzi-la, sendo uma delas o enriquecimento de alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir massa de tomate com fontes naturais de carotenoides pró-vitamínicos A, oriundos de três diferentes concentrações de suco de cenoura, e caracterizar as formulações em relação à análise microbiológica (bactérias lácticas, bolores e leveduras, clostrídios butíricos e termófilos "flat-sour"), análise físico-química (pH, sólidos solúveis e carotenoides) e análise sensorial (teste de aceitação com escala hedônica e intenção de compra). Os resultados mostraram que todas as formulações foram aprovadas no teste microbiológico, durante 90 dias de armazenamento. Quanto às análises físico-químicas, verificou-se aumento significativo do pH, nas três formulações, enquanto o teor de sólidos solúveis manteve-se inalterado, durante os três meses, em cada um dos produtos. Apesar da degradação significativa ao longo do tempo, foi possível aumentar o conteúdo de carotenoides nas massas de tomate com suco de cenoura, nas formulações. Além disso, as formulações foram consideradas, sensorialmente, como boas, pelos provadores. Considerando-se o teor de carotenoides encontrados e a impressão sensorial, as formulações podem ser uma estratégia de prevenção ou de redução da carência de vitamina A.
The nomination of Guimarães to host the 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECC) has put on the agenda of the city the need of measuring the effects that the implementation of this mega event could have in it and in the municipality a whole. The balance of the benefits and costs and an extended community involvement tend to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones. This chapter analyzes the involvement of population and local associations in the planning and organization of the 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture, using the coverage made during 2011 by local and national press of the mega event. A content analysis of the news published covering the period between January and December 2011 and using three newspapers was conducted. From those, two were local and weekly newspapers and one was a national daily one. Looking to data results, it can be concluded that it was poor the community involvement and, also, the one of the cultural associations in the organizations of the 2012 ECC. A strong negative reaction to the model choose to plan the mega event conducted by official organizers was found, which has cast doubts on the desirable participation of the residents and, consequently, on the success of the mega event, especially in a perspective of a medium and long term effects.
The current level of demand by customers in the electronics industry requires the production of parts with an extremely high level of reliability and quality to ensure complete confidence on the end customer. Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machines have an important role in the monitoring and detection of errors during the manufacturing process for printed circuit boards. These machines present images of products with probable assembly mistakes to an operator and him decide whether the product has a real defect or if in turn this was an automated false detection. Operator training is an important aspect for obtaining a lower rate of evaluation failure by the operator and consequently a lower rate of actual defects that slip through to the following processes. The Gage R&R methodology for attributes is part of a Six Sigma strategy to examine the repeatability and reproducibility of an evaluation system, thus giving important feedback on the suitability of each operator in classifying defects. This methodology was already applied in several industry sectors and services at different processes, with excellent results in the evaluation of subjective parameters. An application for training operators of AOI machines was developed, in order to be able to check their fitness and improve future evaluation performance. This application will provide a better understanding of the specific training needs for each operator, and also to accompany the evolution of the training program for new components which in turn present additional new difficulties for the operator evaluation. The use of this application will contribute to reduce the number of defects misclassified by the operators that are passed on to the following steps in the productive process. This defect reduction will also contribute to the continuous improvement of the operator evaluation performance, which is seen as a quality management goal.
A composição química e a textura dos grãos do milho doce estão, diretamente, relacionadas com as classes de endosperma que interferem na aceitação do produto pelos consumidores. Por isso, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as características sensoriais de híbridos de milho doce e de híbridos de milho verde, em função de intervalos de colheita. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Pesquisa da Syngenta Seeds Ltda, no município de Uberlândia-MG. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 8x4, correspondente a oito híbridos (seis híbridos experimentais de milho doce - SWC03, SWC04, SWC05, SWC06, SWC07 e SWC08 e dois híbridos de milho verde SWC01 e SWC02) e quatro intervalos de colheita (26, 28, 30 e 32 dias após a colheita - DAF), com três repetições. No estudo, que envolveu 41 pessoas (25 mulheres e 16 homens), utilizando-se o teste de aceitação com escala hedônica, concluiu-se que os híbridos de milho doce têm maior aceitação que os híbridos de milho verde, independentemente do intervalo de colheita. Colheitas tardias (32 DAF) refletem-se em redução da aceitabilidade do milho doce, que se assemelha à do milho verde (entre indiferente e gostei ligeiramente, para cor, e desgostei ligeiramente e desgostei moderadamente, para textura e sabor). Para todos os híbridos testados, a colheita, quando realizada entre 26 e 28 DAF, proporciona produtos com melhores resultados sensoriais (textura, sabor e cor).
BACKGROUND: When an organization performs an integrated analysis of risks through its Occupational Health and Safety Management System, several steps are suggested to address the implications of the identified risks. Namely, the organization should make a detailed analysis of the monetary impact for the organization of each of the preventive measures considered. However, it is also important to perform an analysis of the impact of each measure on society (externalities). OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to present a case study related to the application of the proposed economic evaluation methodology. METHODS: An analysis of the work accidents in a hospital has been made. Three of the major types of accidents have been selected: needle stings, falls and excessive strain. Following the risk assessment, some preventive measures have been designed. Subsequently, the Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C) of these measures has been calculated, both in financial terms (from the organization’s perspective) and in economic terms (including the benefits for the worker and for the Society). RESULTS: While the financial ratio is only advantageous in some cases, when the externalities are taken into account, the B/C ratio increases significantly. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to consider external benefits to make decisions concerning the implementation of preventive measures in Occupational Health and Safety projects
This paper studies the use of results oriented performance information (outputs and outcomes) by local elected politicians (aldermen) in top managers’ performance evaluation. The main goal is to understand the top managers’ performance evaluation process conducted by Portuguese aldermen and to identify the dominant evaluation style. In line with Bogt (2001), an exploratory field research was developed in three large municipalities: Porto, Braga and Matosinhos. We intend to answer the following research questions: to what extent are local politicians (aldermen) 1 using results information (about outputs and outcomes) to evaluate top managers’ performance? Do aldermen give any importance to quantitative output information and report them on current planning and control documents? Will the output performance information be used on performance evaluation in a different way concerning policy field (task orientation)? Based on the Hopwood evaluation styles (adapted from the private to the public sector by Bogt, 2001), we have found that the performance evaluation process of top managers is more featured by the ‘operations-conscious styles’ (or ‘implicit style’). Portuguese aldermen recognize the importance to quantify outputs and outcomes, but these days they focus on the information about activities and the realized operations when they evaluate performance. We haven´t found significant differences between different tasks (some exceptions for culture and environment areas). However, the municipality of Matosinhos paid more attention on quantitative performance information. This finding is reinforced by the quality of quantitative data on outputs reported on its management report. Generally speaking, aldermen are aware that more attention should be paid to quantitative information about results and performance, taking into account recent reforms introduced in Portuguese municipalities (PLG) on this field, but the ‘implicit’ style is dominant.
LUDA is a research project of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage" of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission