916 resultados para Second Order Damped Response System


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Focusing optical beams on a target through random propagation media is very important in many applications such as free space optical communica- tions and laser weapons. Random media effects such as beam spread and scintillation can degrade the optical system's performance severely. Compensation schemes are needed in these applications to overcome these random media effcts. In this research, we investigated the optimal beams for two different optimization criteria: one is to maximize the concentrated received intensity and the other is to minimize the scintillation index at the target plane. In the study of the optimal beam to maximize the weighted integrated intensity, we derive a similarity relationship between pupil-plane phase screen and extended Huygens-Fresnel model, and demonstrate the limited utility of maximizing the average integrated intensity. In the study ofthe optimal beam to minimize the scintillation index, we derive the first- and second-order moments for the integrated intensity of multiple coherent modes. Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian modes are used as the coherent modes to synthesize an optimal partially coherent beam. The optimal beams demonstrate evident reduction of scintillation index, and prove to be insensitive to the aperture averaging effect.


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Phase stability, elastic behavior, and pressure-induced structural evolution of synthetic boron-mullite Al5BO9 (a = 5.6780(7), b = 15.035(6), and c =7.698(3) Å, space group Cmc21, Z = 4) were investigated up to 25.6(1) GPa by in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction with a diamond anvil cell (DAC) under hydrostatic conditions. No evidence of phase transition was observed up to 21.7(1) GPa. At 25.6(1) GPa, the refined unit-cell parameters deviated significantly from the compressional trend, and the diffraction peaks appeared broader than at lower pressure. At 26.7(1) GPa, the diffraction pattern was not indexable, suggesting amorphization of the material or a phase transition to a high-pressure polymorph. Fitting the P–V data up to 21.7(1) GPa with a second-order Birch–Murnaghan Equation-of-State, we obtained a bulk modulus KT0 = 164(1) GPa. The axial compressibilities, here described as linearized bulk moduli, are as follows: KT0(a) = 244(9), KT0(b) = 120(4), and KT0(c) = 166(11) GPa (KT0(a):KT0(b):KT0(c) = 2.03:1:1.38). The structure refinements allowed a description of the main deformation mechanisms in response to the applied pressure. The stiffer crystallographic direction appears to be controlled by the infinite chains of edge-sharing octahedra running along [100], making the structure less compressible along the a-axis than along the b- and c-axis.


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Previous studies have either exclusively used annual tree-ring data or have combined tree-ring series with other, lower temporal resolution proxy series. Both approaches can lead to significant uncertainties, as tree-rings may underestimate the amplitude of past temperature variations, and the validity of non-annual records cannot be clearly assessed. In this study, we assembled 45 published Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature proxy records covering the past millennium, each of which satisfied 3 essential criteria: the series must be of annual resolution, span at least a thousand years, and represent an explicit temperature signal. Suitable climate archives included ice cores, varved lake sediments, tree-rings and speleothems. We reconstructed the average annual land temperature series for the NH over the last millennium by applying 3 different reconstruction techniques: (1) principal components (PC) plus second-order autoregressive model (AR2), (2) composite plus scale (CPS) and (3) regularized errors-in-variables approach (EIV). Our reconstruction is in excellent agreement with 6 climate model simulations (including the first 5 models derived from the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and an earth system model of intermediate complexity (LOVECLIM), showing similar temperatures at multi-decadal timescales; however, all simulations appear to underestimate the temperature during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). A comparison with other NH reconstructions shows that our results are consistent with earlier studies. These results indicate that well-validated annual proxy series should be used to minimize proxy-based artifacts, and that these proxy series contain sufficient information to reconstruct the low-frequency climate variability over the past millennium.


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In order to study further the long-range correlations ("ridge") observed recently in p+Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) =5.02 TeV, the second-order azimuthal anisotropy parameter of charged particles, v_2, has been measured with the cumulant method using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. In a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 1 microb^(-1), the parameter v_2 has been obtained using two- and four-particle cumulants over the pseudorapidity range |eta|<2.5. The results are presented as a function of transverse momentum and the event activity, defined in terms of the transverse energy summed over 3.1system, the large magnitude of v_2 and its similarity to hydrodynamic predictions provide additional evidence for the importance of final-state effects in p+Pb reactions.


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We partially solve a long-standing problem in the proof theory of explicit mathematics or the proof theory in general. Namely, we give a lower bound of Feferman’s system T0 of explicit mathematics (but only when formulated on classical logic) with a concrete interpretat ion of the subsystem Σ12-AC+ (BI) of second order arithmetic inside T0. Whereas a lower bound proof in the sense of proof-theoretic reducibility or of ordinalanalysis was already given in 80s, the lower bound in the sense of interpretability we give here is new. We apply the new interpretation method developed by the author and Zumbrunnen (2015), which can be seen as the third kind of model construction method for classical theories, after Cohen’s forcing and Krivine’s classical realizability. It gives us an interpretation between classical theories, by composing interpretations between intuitionistic theories.


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The purpose of this research was to better understand the impact of the terrorist attacks in 2001 on public health, particularly for Texas public health. This study employed mixed methods to examine changes to public health culture within Texas local public health agencies, important attitudes of public health workers toward responding to a disaster, and the funding policies that might ensure our investment in public health emergency preparedness is protected. ^ A qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with a large sample of public health officials in Texas found that all the constituent parts of a peculiar culture for public health preparedness existed that spanned the state's local health departments regardless of size, or funding level. The new preparedness culture in Texas had the hallmarks necessary for a robust public health preparedness and emergency response system. ^ The willingness of public health workers, necessary to make these kinds of changes and mount a disaster response was examined in one of Texas' most experienced disaster response teams—the public health workers for the City of Houston. A hypothesized latent variable model showed that willingness mediated all other factors in the model (self-efficacy, knowledge, barriers, and risk perception) for self-reported likelihood of reporting to work for a disaster. The RMSEA for the final model was 0.042 with a confidence interval of 0.036—0.049 and the chi-squared difference test was P=0.08, indicating a well-fitted model that suggests willingness is an important factor for consideration by preparedness planners and researchers alike. ^ Finally, with disasters on the rise and federal funding for preparedness dwindling, a review of states' policies for the distribution of these funds and their advantages and disadvantages were examined through a review of current literature and public documents, and a survey of state-level public health officials, emergency management professionals and researchers. Although the base plus per-capita method is the most common, it is not necessarily perceived to be the most effective. No clear "optimal" method emerged from the study, but recommendations for a strategic combination of three methods were made that has the potential to maximize the benefits of each method, while minimizing the weaknesses.^


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New trace element, Sr-, Nd-, Pb- and Hf isotope data provide insights into the evolution of the Tonga-Lau Basin subduction system. The involvement of two separate mantle domains, namely Pacific MORB mantle in the pre-rift and early stages of back-arc basin formation, and Indian MORB mantle in the later stages, is confirmed by these results. Contrary to models proposed in recent studies on the basis of Pb isotope and other compositional data, this change in mantle wedge character best explains the shift in the isotopic composition, particularly 143Nd/144Nd ratios, of modern Tofua Arc magmas relative to all other arc products from this region. Nevertheless, significant changes in the slab-derived flux during the evolution of the arc system are also required to explain second order variations in magma chemistry. In this region, the slab-derived flux is dominated by fluid; however, these fluids carry Pb with sediment-influenced isotopic signatures, indicating that their source is not restricted to the subducting altered mafic oceanic crust. This has been the case from the earliest magmatic activity in the arc (Eocene) until the present time, with the exception of two periods of magmatic activity recorded in samples from the Lau Islands. Both the Lau Volcanic Group, and Korobasaga Volcanic Group lavas preserve trace element and isotope evidence for a contribution from subducted sediment that was not transported as a fluid, but possibly in the form of a melt. This component shares similarities with that influencing the chemistry of the northern Tofua Arc magmas, suggesting some caution may be required in the adoption of constraints for the latter dependent upon the involvement of sediments from the Louisville Ridge. A key outcome of this study is to demonstrate that the models proposed to explain subduction zone magmatism cannot afford to ignore the small but important contributions made by the mantle wedge to the incompatible trace element inventory of arc magmas.


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Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space–time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of time series data retrieved from point wave probes. We present an application of the Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) for the analysis of offshore video measurements of gravity waves in the Northern Adriatic Sea and near the southern seashore of the Crimean peninsula, in the Black Sea. We use classical epipolar techniques to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time, viz. a sequence of spatial snapshots. We also present a variational approach that exploits the entire data image set providing a global space–time imaging of the sea surface, viz. simultaneous reconstruction of several spatial snapshots of the surface in order to guarantee continuity of the sea surface both in space and time. Analysis of the WASS measurements show that the sea surface can be accurately estimated in space and time together, yielding associated directional spectra and wave statistics at a point in time that agrees well with probabilistic models. In particular, WASS stereo imaging is able to capture typical features of the wave surface, especially the crest-to-trough asymmetry due to second order nonlinearities, and the observed shape of large waves are fairly described by theoretical models based on the theory of quasi-determinism (Boccotti, 2000). Further, we investigate space–time extremes of the observed stationary sea states, viz. the largest surface wave heights expected over a given area during the sea state duration. The WASS analysis provides the first experimental proof that a space–time extreme is generally larger than that observed in time via point measurements, in agreement with the predictions based on stochastic theories for global maxima of Gaussian fields.


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La seguridad en redes informáticas es un área que ha sido ampliamente estudiada y objeto de una extensa investigación en los últimos años. Debido al continuo incremento en la complejidad y sofisticación de los ataques informáticos, el aumento de su velocidad de difusión, y la lentitud de reacción frente a las intrusiones existente en la actualidad, se hace patente la necesidad de mecanismos de detección y respuesta a intrusiones, que detecten y además sean capaces de bloquear el ataque, y mitiguen su impacto en la medida de lo posible. Los Sistemas de Detección de Intrusiones o IDSs son tecnologías bastante maduras cuyo objetivo es detectar cualquier comportamiento malicioso que ocurra en las redes. Estos sistemas han evolucionado rápidamente en los últimos años convirtiéndose en herramientas muy maduras basadas en diferentes paradigmas, que mejoran su capacidad de detección y le otorgan un alto nivel de fiabilidad. Por otra parte, un Sistema de Respuesta a Intrusiones (IRS) es un componente de seguridad que puede estar presente en la arquitectura de una red informática, capaz de reaccionar frente a los incidentes detectados por un Sistema de Detección de Intrusiones (IDS). Por desgracia, esta tecnología no ha evolucionado al mismo ritmo que los IDSs, y la reacción contra los ataques detectados es lenta y básica, y los sistemas presentan problemas para ejecutar respuestas de forma automática. Esta tesis doctoral trata de hacer frente al problema existente en la reacción automática frente a intrusiones, mediante el uso de ontologías, lenguajes formales de especificación de comportamiento y razonadores semánticos como base de la arquitectura del sistema de un sistema de respuesta automática frente a intrusiones o AIRS. El objetivo de la aproximación es aprovechar las ventajas de las ontologías en entornos heterogéneos, además de su capacidad para especificar comportamiento sobre los objetos que representan los elementos del dominio modelado. Esta capacidad para especificar comportamiento será de gran utilidad para que el AIRS infiera la respuesta óptima frente a una intrusión en el menor tiempo posible. Abstract Security in networks is an area that has been widely studied and has been the focus of extensive research over the past few years. The number of security events is increasing, and they are each time more sophisticated, and quickly spread, and slow reaction against intrusions, there is a need for intrusion detection and response systems to dynamically adapt so as to better detect and respond to attacks in order to mitigate them or reduce their impact. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are mature technologies whose aim is detecting malicious behavior in the networks. These systems have quickly evolved and there are now very mature tools based on different paradigms (statistic anomaly-based, signature-based and hybrids) with a high level of reliability. On the other hand, Intrusion Response System (IRS) is a security technology able to react against the intrusions detected by IDS. Unfortunately, the state of the art in IRSs is not as mature as with IDSs. The reaction against intrusions is slow and simple, and these systems have difficulty detecting intrusions in real time and triggering automated responses. This dissertation is to address the existing problem in automated reactions against intrusions using ontologies, formal behaviour languages and semantic reasoners as the basis of the architecture of an automated intrusion response systems or AIRS. The aim is to take advantage of ontologies in heterogeneous environments, in addition to its ability to specify behavior of objects representing the elements of the modeling domain. This ability to specify behavior will be useful for the AIRS in the inference process of the optimum response against an intrusion, as quickly as possible.


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Security intrusions in large systems is a problem due to its lack of scalability with the current IDS-based approaches. This paper describes the RECLAMO project, where an architecture for an Automated Intrusion Response System (AIRS) is being proposed. This system will infer the most appropriate response for a given attack, taking into account the attack type, context information, and the trust and reputation of the reporting IDSs. RECLAMO is proposing a novel approach: diverting the attack to a specific honeynet that has been dynamically built based on the attack information. Among all components forming the RECLAMO's architecture, this paper is mainly focused on defining a trust and reputation management model, essential to recognize if IDSs are exposing an honest behavior in order to accept their alerts as true. Experimental results confirm that our model helps to encourage or discourage the launch of the automatic reaction process.


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In this paper, multiple regression analysis is used to model the top of descent (TOD) location of user-preferred descent trajectories computed by the flight management system (FMS) on over 1000 commercial flights into Melbourne, Australia. In addition to recording TOD, the cruise altitude, final altitude, cruise Mach, descent speed, wind, and engine type were also identified for use as the independent variables in the regression analysis. Both first-order and second-order models are considered, where cross-validation, hypothesis testing, and additional analysis are used to compare models. This identifies the models that should give the smallest errors if used to predict TOD location for new data in the future. A model that is linear in TOD altitude, final altitude, descent speed, and wind gives an estimated standard deviation of 3.9 nmi for TOD location given the trajectory parame- ters, which means about 80% of predictions would have error less than 5 nmi in absolute value. This accuracy is better than demonstrated by other ground automation predictions using kinetic models. Furthermore, this approach would enable online learning of the model. Additional data or further knowledge of algorithms is necessary to conclude definitively that no second-order terms are appropriate. Possible applications of the linear model are described, including enabling arriving aircraft to fly optimized descents computed by the FMS even in congested airspace.


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En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la modelización, análisis y optimización de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación frente a los estados límites último y de servicio. El objetivo general es presentar una técnica secuencial ordenada de optimización discreta para obtener el coste mínimo de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3, incorporando las uniones semirrígidas y elementos no prismáticos en el proceso de diseño. Asimismo se persigue valorar su grado de influencia sobre el diseño final. El horizonte es extraer conclusiones prácticas que puedan ser de utilidad y aplicación simple para el proyecto de estructuras metálicas. La cantidad de publicaciones técnicas y científicas sobre la respuesta estructural de entramados metálicos es inmensa; por ello se ha hecho un esfuerzo intenso en recopilar el estado actual del conocimiento, sobre las líneas y necesidades actuales de investigación. Se ha recabado información sobre los métodos modernos de cálculo y diseño, sobre los factores que influyen sobre la respuesta estructural, sobre técnicas de modelización y de optimización, al amparo de las indicaciones que algunas normativas actuales ofrecen sobre el tema. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de modelización apoyado en el método de los elementos finitos implementado en el entorno MatLab; se han incluido aspectos claves tales como el comportamiento de segundo orden, la comprobación ante inestabilidad y la búsqueda del óptimo del coste de la estructura frente a estados límites, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3. También se ha modelizado la flexibilidad de las uniones y se ha analizado su influencia en la respuesta de la estructura y en el peso y coste final de la misma. Se han ejecutado algunos ejemplos de aplicación y se ha contrastado la validez del modelo con resultados de algunas estructuras ya analizadas en referencias técnicas conocidas. Se han extraído conclusiones sobre el proceso de modelización y de análisis, sobre la repercusión de la flexibilidad de las uniones en la respuesta de la estructura. El propósito es extraer conclusiones útiles para la etapa de proyecto. Una de las principales aportaciones del trabajo en su enfoque de optimización es la incorporación de una formulación de elementos no prismáticos con uniones semirrígidas en sus extremos. Se ha deducido una matriz de rigidez elástica para dichos elementos. Se ha comprobado su validez para abordar el análisis no lineal; para ello se han comparado los resultados con otros obtenidos tras aplicar otra matriz deducida analíticamente existente en la literatura y también mediante el software comercial SAP2000. Otra de las aportaciones de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un método de optimización del coste de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación en el que se tienen en cuenta aspectos tales como las imperfecciones, la posibilidad de incorporar elementos no prismáticos y la caracterización de las uniones semirrígidas, valorando la influencia de su flexibilidad sobre la respuesta de la estructura. Así, se han realizado estudios paramétricos para valorar la sensibilidad y estabilidad de las soluciones obtenidas, así como rangos de validez de las conclusiones obtenidas. This thesis deals with the problems of modelling, analysis and optimization of plane steel frames with regard to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The objective of this work is to present an organized sequential technique of discrete optimization for achieving the minimum cost of plane steel frames, taking into consideration the EC-3 specifications as well as including effects of the semi-rigid joints and non-prismatic elements in the design process. Likewise, an estimate of their influence on the final design is an aim of this work. The final objective is to draw practical conclusions which can be handful and easily applicable for a steel-structure project. An enormous amount of technical and scientific publications regarding steel frames is currently available, thus making the achievement of a comprehensive and updated knowledge a considerably hard task. In this work, a large variety of information has been gathered and classified, especially that related to current research lines and needs. Thus, the literature collected encompasses references related to state-of-the-art design methods, factors influencing the structural response, modelling and optimization techniques, as well as calculation and updated guidelines of some steel Design Codes about the subject. In this work a modelling procedure based on the finite element implemented within the MatLab programming environment has been performed. Several keys aspects have been included, such as second order behaviour, the safety assessment against structural instability and the search for an optimal cost considering the limit states according to EC-3 specifications. The flexibility of joints has been taken into account in the procedure hereby presented; its effects on the structural response, on the optimum weight and on the final cost have also been analysed. In order to confirm the validity and adequacy of this procedure, some application examples have been carried out. The results obtained were compared with those available from other authors. Several conclusions about the procedure that comprises modelling, analysis and design stages, as well as the effect of the flexibility of connections on the structural response have been drawn. The purpose is to point out some guidelines for the early stages of a project. One of the contributions of this thesis is an attempt for optimizing plane steel frames in which both non-prismatic beam-column-type elements and semi-rigid connections have been considered. Thus, an elastic stiffness matrix has been derived. Its validity has been tested through comparing its accuracy with other analytically-obtained matrices available in the literature, and with results obtained by the commercial software SAP2000. Another achievement of this work is the development of a method for cost optimization of plane steel building frames in which some relevant aspects have been taken in consideration. These encompass geometric imperfections, non-prismatic beam elements and the numerical characterization of semi-rigid connections, evaluating the effect of its flexibility on the structural response. Hence, some parametric analyses have been performed in order to assess the sensitivity, the stability of the outcomes and their range of applicability as well.


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The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a b aseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energetic behavior. The main difference between PV and CPV resides in the proper CPV modules, in particular in the inclusion of optical lements and III-V multijunction cells that are much more sensitive to spectral variations than xSi cells, while the rest of the system behaves in a way that possesses many common points with xSi technology. The modeling of the DC power output of a CPV system thus requires several impo rtant second order parameters to be considered, mainly related to optics, spectral direct solar radiation, wind speed, tracker accuracy and heat dissipation of cells.


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In this paper we consider a system of three parabolic equations modeling the behavior of two biological species moving attracted by a chemical factor. The chemical substance verifies a parabolic equation with slow diffusion. The system contains second order terms in the first two equations modeling the chemotactic effects. We apply an iterative method to obtain the global existence of solutions using that the total mass of the biological species is conserved. The stability of the homogeneous steady states is studied by using an energy method. A final example is presented to illustrate the theoretical results.


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TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2NPs) prepared by the sol–gel method have been incorporated to cement paste with the aim of creating a photocatalytic system capable of compensating, through degradation of hazardous molecules, the envi- ronmental impact associated to the production of the clinker. Doping was carried out at different mass ratios with TiO2NPs precursor solutions within a fresh ce- ment paste, which was then characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photocatalytic performance was evaluated by the degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) using a 125W UV lamp as irradiating source. Main cement properties such as hydration degree and C-S-H content are affected by TiO2NPs doping level. Cement containing TiO2NPs exhibited an increasing photocatalytic activity for increasing doping, while the pure cement paste control could hardly degrade MB. The kinetics of the system where also studied and their second order behavior related to microstructural aspects of the system.