925 resultados para Scott Gordon
Listeria monocytogenes has previously been shown to adapt to a wide variety of environmental niches, principally those associated with low pH, and this compromises its control in food environments. An understanding of the mechanism(s) by which L. monocytogenes survives unfavourable environmental conditions will aid in developing new food processing methods to control the organism in foodstuffs. The present Study aimed to gain a further understanding of the physiological basis for the differential effects of one control strategy, namely the use of the lantibiotic nisin. Using propidium iodide (PI) to probe membrane integrity it was shown that L. monocytogenes Scott A was sensitive to nisin (8 ng mL(-1)) but this was growth phase dependent with stationary phase cells (OD600=1.2) being much more resistant than exponential phase cells (OD600=0.38). We demonstrate that, using a combination of techniques including fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), the membrane adaptations underpinning nisin resistance are triggered much earlier (OD600 < 0.5) than the onset of stationary phase. The significance of these findings in terms of mechanism and application are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.
The 21-day experimental gingivitis model, an established noninvasive model of inflammation in response to increasing bacterial accumulation in humans, is designed to enable the study of both the induction and resolution of inflammation. Here, we have analyzed gingival crevicular fluid, an oral fluid comprising a serum transudate and tissue exudates, by LC-MS/MS using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and iTRAQ isobaric mass tags, to establish meta-proteomic profiles of inflammation-induced changes in proteins in healthy young volunteers. Across the course of experimentally induced gingivitis, we identified 16 bacterial and 186 human proteins. Although abundances of the bacterial proteins identified did not vary temporally, Fusobacterium outer membrane proteins were detected. Fusobacterium species have previously been associated with periodontal health or disease. The human proteins identified spanned a wide range of compartments (both extracellular and intracellular) and functions, including serum proteins, proteins displaying antibacterial properties, and proteins with functions associated with cellular transcription, DNA binding, the cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, and cilia. PolySNAP3 clustering software was used in a multilayered analytical approach. Clusters of proteins that associated with changes to the clinical parameters included neuronal and synapse associated proteins.
This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.
Me gustaría comenzar por agradecer a mi director Josu Larrañaga Altuna no solo su asistencia, guía y soporte para completar esta tesis, sino también el profundo respeto mostrado a la hora de plantear su ejecución en simbiosis con mi paulatino desarrollo vital como artista. Estoy en deuda con mi tutor en Estados Unidos, Leo Costello, por la generosidad mostrada al acogerme durante dos años como investigadora invitada en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de Rice University en Houston, durante los cuales iluminó algunos de los temas que han sido fundamentales para establecer las raíces históricas de la presente investigación. El estímulo y la calurosa acogida ofrecidos por la académica Fabiola López- Duran, Geoff Winnngahan y Annick Dekiouk que hicieron de Houston mi casa, integrándome en ese mundo donde los tejidos artísticos profesionales y académicos se entrelazan ha sido invaluable, así como la beca otorgada por la comisión Fulbright de España y la aceptación en el International Studio and Curatorial Program de Nueva York (ISCP) quienes hicieron posible la aventura americana. Gracias a esta, descubrí como una revelación a Robert Overby, esencial para el rumbo que tomó posteriormente la investigación. José Luis Corazón Ardura y Elisabeth Cummins Muñoz me aportaron el despertar a la conciencia de palabra justa sin renunciar a la esencia poética. Espero que esta tesis refleje las inestimables aportaciones que recibí de cada uno de ellos. Por otra parte me gustaría agradecer a mis galeristas Kerry Inman y Pilar Serra su apoyo a la hora de compatibilizar la vida académica con la artística. A mi hija Mariana por ofrecerme la maravillosa experiencia de descubrir paulatinamente el mundo juntas a través del lenguaje y sus diferentes idiomas. Y finalmente, mi más profundo reconocimiento a mi marido Alexandre, por creer en mí ciegamente, desde el principio y por encima de todas las cosas, mostrando su apoyo incondicional y constante en el tiempo. Porque su extraordinario valor me ha permitido seguir mis sueños y sobre todo por ofrecerme todas esas vidas posibles que no había osado soñar...
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.