1000 resultados para Scale insects


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Herbicides such as trifluralin, simazine, atrazine, metribuzin and metolachlor are used in Brazilian agriculture. The efficiency of a small scale method for determination of these herbicides and two degradation products (deisopropylatrazine and deethylatrazine) in soil samples was evaluated. The compounds were extracted from soil samples (5 g) with 20 ml of ethyl acetate in a mechanical shaker for 50 min. Following the extraction, the supernatant was dried through anhydrous sodium sulphate, concentrated and analysed by high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC) with thermionic specific detection (TSD). Mean recoveries obtained from soil samples fortified at three different levels ranged from 81 to 115% with relative standard deviation (RSD) values varying from 1.2 to 12.7%. The method detection limits ranged from 0.01 to 0.06 mg kg-1. The methodology was applied using soil samples from farms located near the town of Araraquara, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.


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This thesis contains dynamical analysis on four different scales: the Solar system, the Sun itself, the Solar neighbourhood, and the central region of the Milky Way galaxy. All of these topics have been handled through methods of potential theory and statistics. The central topic of the thesis is the orbits of stars in the Milky Way. An introduction into the general structure of the Milky Way is presented, with an emphasis on the evolution of the observed value for the scale-length of the Milky Way disc and the observations of two separate bars in the Milky Way. The basics of potential theory are also presented, as well as a developed potential model for the Milky Way. An implementation of the backwards restricted integration method is shown, rounding off the basic principles used in the dynamical studies of this thesis. The thesis looks at the orbit of the Sun, and its impact on the Oort cloud comets (Paper IV), showing that there is a clear link between these two dynamical systems. The statistical atypicalness of the orbit of the Sun is questioned (Paper I), concluding that there is some statistical typicalness to the orbit of the Sun, although it is not very significant. This does depend slightly on whether one includes a bar, or not, as a bar has a clear effect on the dynamical features seen in the Solar neighbourhood (Paper III). This method can be used to find the possible properties of a bar. Finally, we look at the effect of a bar on a statistical system in the Milky Way, seeing that there are not only interesting effects depending on the mass and size of the bar, but also how bars can capture disc stars (Paper II).


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The results shown in this thesis are based on selected publications of the 2000s decade. The work was carried out in several national and EC funded public research projects and in close cooperation with industrial partners. The main objective of the thesis was to study and quantify the most important phenomena of circulating fluidized bed combustors by developing and applying proper experimental and modelling methods using laboratory scale equipments. An understanding of the phenomena plays an essential role in the development of combustion and emission performance, and the availability and controls of CFB boilers. Experimental procedures to study fuel combustion behaviour under CFB conditions are presented in the thesis. Steady state and dynamic measurements under well controlled conditions were carried out to produce the data needed for the development of high efficiency, utility scale CFB technology. The importance of combustion control and furnace dynamics is emphasized when CFB boilers are scaled up with a once through steam cycle. Qualitative information on fuel combustion characteristics was obtained directly by comparing flue gas oxygen responses during the impulse change experiments with fuel feed. A one-dimensional, time dependent model was developed to analyse the measurement data Emission formation was studied combined with fuel combustion behaviour. Correlations were developed for NO, N2O, CO and char loading, as a function of temperature and oxygen concentration in the bed area. An online method to characterize char loading under CFB conditions was developed and validated with the pilot scale CFB tests. Finally, a new method to control air and fuel feeds in CFB combustion was introduced. The method is based on models and an analysis of the fluctuation of the flue gas oxygen concentration. The effect of high oxygen concentrations on fuel combustion behaviour was also studied to evaluate the potential of CFB boilers to apply oxygenfiring technology to CCS. In future studies, it will be necessary to go through the whole scale up chain from laboratory phenomena devices through pilot scale test rigs to large scale, commercial boilers in order to validate the applicability and scalability of the, results. This thesis shows the chain between the laboratory scale phenomena test rig (bench scale) and the CFB process test rig (pilot). CFB technology has been scaled up successfully from an industrial scale to a utility scale during the last decade. The work shown in the thesis, for its part, has supported the development by producing new detailed information on combustion under CFB conditions.


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The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the structure and the deformation history of a NW-SE trending regional, crustal-scale shear structure in the Åland archipelago, SW Finland, called the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (SJSZ). Approaches involving e.g. structural geology, geochronology, geochemistry and metamorphic petrology were utilised in order to reconstruct the overall deformation history of the study area. The study therefore describes several features of the shear zone including structures, kinematics and lithologies within the study area, the ages of the different deformation phases (ductile to brittle) within the shear zone, as well as some geothermobarometric results. The results indicate that the SJSZ outlines a major crustal discontinuity between the extensively migmatized rocks NE of the shear zone and the unmigmatised, amphibolite facies rocks SW of the zone. The main SJSZ shows overall dextral lateral kinematics with a SW-side up vertical component and deformation partitioning into pure shear and simple shear dominated deformation styles that was intensified toward later stages of the deformation history. The deformation partitioning resulted in complex folding and refolding against the SW margin of the SJSZ, including conical and sheath folds, and in a formation of several minor strike-slip shear zones both parallel and conjugate to the main SJSZ in order to accommodate the regional transpressive stresses. Different deformation phases within the study area were dated by SIMS (zircon U-Pb), ID-TIMS (titanite U-Pb) and 40Ar/39Ar (pseudotachylyte wholerock) methods. The first deformation phase within the ca. 1.88 Ga rocks of the study area is dated at ca. 1.85 Ga, and the shear zone was reactivated twice within the ductile regime (at ca. 1.83 Ga and 1.79 Ga), during which the strain was successively increasingly partitioned into the main SJSZ and the minor shear zones. The age determinations suggest that the orogenic processes within the study area did not occur in a temporal continuum; instead, the metamorphic zircon rims and titanites show distinct, 10-20 Ma long breaks in deformation between phases of active deformation. The results of this study further imply slow cooling of the rocks through 600-700ºC so that at 1.79 Ga, 2 the temperature was still at least 600ºC. The highest recorded metamorphic pressures are 6.4-7.1 kbar. At the late stages or soon after the last ductile phase (ca. 1.79 Ga), relatively high-T mylonites and ultramylonites were formed, witnessing extreme deformation partitioning and high strain rates. After the rocks reached lower amphibolite facies to amphibolite-greenschist facies transitional conditions (ca. 500-550ºC), they cooled rapidly, probably due to crustal uplift and exhumation. The shear zone was reactivated at least once within the semi-brittle to brittle regime between ca. 1.79 Ga and 1.58 Ga, as evidenced by cataclasites and pseudotachylytes. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (and the South Finland shear zone) defines a major crustal discontinuity, and played a central role in accommodating the regional stresses during and after the Svecofennian orogeny.


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The correct quantification of blast caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae on wheat (Triticum aestivum) spikes is an important component to understand the development of this disease aimed at its control. Visual quantification based on a diagrammatic scale can be a practical and efficient strategy that has already proven to be useful against several plant pathosystems, including diseases affecting wheat spikes like glume blotch and fusarium head blight. Spikes showing different disease severity values were collected from a wheat field with the aim of elaborating a diagrammatic scale to quantify blast severity on wheat spikes. The spikes were photographed and blast severity was determined by using resources of the software ImageJ. A diagrammatic scale was developed with the following disease severity values: 3.7, 7.5, 21.4, 30.5, 43.8, 57.3, 68.1, 86.0, and 100.0%. An asymptomatic spike was added to the scale. Scale validation was performed by eight people who estimated blast severity by using digitalized images of 40 wheat spikes. The precision and the accuracy of the evaluations varied according to the rater (0.82scale is suitable to evaluate blast on wheat spikes.


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More and more innovations currently being commercialized exhibit network effects, in other words, the value of using the product increases as more and more people use the same or compatible products. Although this phenomenon has been the subject of much theoretical debate in economics, marketing researchers have been slow to respond to the growing importance of network effects in new product success. Despite an increase in interest in recent years, there is no comprehensive view on the phenomenon and, therefore, there is currently incomplete understanding of the dimensions it incorporates. Furthermore, there is wide dispersion in operationalization, in other words, the measurement of network effects, and currently available approaches have various shortcomings that limit their applicability, especially in marketing research. Consequently, little is known today about how these products fare on the marketplace and how they should be introduced in order to maximize their chances of success. Hence, the motivation for this study was driven by the need to increase our knowledge and understanding of the nature of network effects as a phenomenon, and of their role in the commercial success of new products. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises a theoretical overview of the relevant literature, and presents the conclusions of the entire study. The second part comprises five complementary, empirical research publications. Quantitative research methods and two sets of quantitative data are utilized. The results of the study suggest that there is a need to update both the conceptualization and the operationalization of the phenomenon of network effects. Furthermore, there is a need for an augmented view on customers’ perceived value in the context of network effects, given that the nature of value composition has major implications for the viability of such products in the marketplace. The role of network effects in new product performance is not as straightforward as suggested in the existing theoretical literature. The overwhelming result of this study is that network effects do not directly influence product success, but rather enhance or suppress the influence of product introduction strategies. The major contribution of this study is in conceptualizing the phenomenon of network effects more comprehensively than has been attempted thus far. The study gives an augmented view of the nature of customer value in network markets, which helps in explaining why some products thrive on these markets whereas others never catch on. Second, the study discusses shortcomings in prior literature in the way it has operationalized network effects, suggesting that these limitations can be overcome in the research design. Third, the study provides some much-needed empirical evidence on how network effects, product introduction strategies, and new product performance are associated. In general terms, this thesis adds to our knowledge of how firms can successfully leverage network effects in product commercialization in order to improve market performance.


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Scarcity of long-term series of sediment-related variables has led watershed managers to apply mathematical models to simulate sediment fluxes. Due to the high efforts for installation and maintenance of sedimentological gauges, tracers have been pointed out as an alternative to validate soil redistribution modelling. In this study, the 137Cs technique was used to assess the WASA-SED model performance at the Benguê watershed (933 km²), in the Brazilian semiarid. Qualitatively, good agreement was found among the 137Cs technique and the WASA-SED model results. Nonetheless, quantitatively great differences, up to two orders of magnitude, were found between the two methods. Among the uncertainties inherent to the 137Cs technique, definition of the reference inventory seems to be a major source of imprecision. In addition, estimations of water and sediment fluxes with mathematical models usually also present high uncertainty, contributing to the quantitative differences of the soil redistribution estimates with the two methods.


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Intensive and critical care nursing is a speciality in its own right and with its own nature within the nursing profession. This speciality poses its own demands for nursing competencies. Intensive and critical care nursing is focused on severely ill patients and their significant others. The patients are comprehensively cared for, constantly monitored and their vital functions are sustained artificially. The main goal is to win time to cure the cause of the patient’s situation or illness. The purpose of this empirical study was i) to describe and define competence and competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing, ii) to develop a basic measurement scale for competence assessment in intensive and critical care nursing for graduating nursing students, and iii) to describe and evaluate graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing by seeking the reference basis of self-evaluated basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing from ICU nurses. However, the main focus of this study was on the outcomes of nursing education in this nursing speciality. The study was carried out in different phases: basic exploration of competence (phase 1 and 2), instrumentation of competence (phase 3) and evaluation of competence (phase 4). Phase 1 (n=130) evaluated graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care with Basic Knowledge Assessment Tool version 5 (BKAT-5, Toth 2012). Phase 2 focused on defining competence in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of literature review (n=45 empirical studies) as well as competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of experts (n=45 experts) in a Delphi study. In phase 3 the scale Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Competence Scale (ICCN-CS) was developed and tested twice (pilot test 1: n=18 students and n=12 nurses; pilot test 2: n=56 students and n=54 nurses). Finally, in phase 4, graduating nursing students’ competence was evaluated with ICCN-CS and BKAT version 7 (Toth 2012). In order to develop a valid assessment scale of competence for graduating nursing students and to evaluate and establish the competence of graduating nursing students, empirical data were retrieved at the same time from both graduating nursing students (n=139) and ICU nurses (n=431). Competence can be divided into clinical and general professional competence. It can be defined as a specific knowledge base, skill base, attitude and value base and experience base of nursing and the personal base of an intensive and critical care nurse. Personal base was excluded in this self-evaluation based scale. The ICCN-CS-1 consists of 144 items (6 sum variables). Finally, it became evident that the experience base of competence is not a suitable sum variable in holistic intensive and critical care competence scale for graduating nursing students because of their minor experience in this special nursing area. ICCN-CS-1 is a reliable and tolerably valid scale for use among graduating nursing students and ICU nurses Among students, basic competence of intensive and critical care nursing was self-rated as good by 69%, as excellent by 25% and as moderate by 6%. However, graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care were poor. The students rated their clinical and professional competence as good, and their knowledge base and skill base as moderate. They gave slightly higher ratings for their knowledge base than skill base. Differences in basic competence emerged between graduating nursing students and ICU nurses. The students’ self-ratings of both their basic competence and clinical and professional competence were significantly lower than the nurses’ ratings. The students’ self-ratings of their knowledge and skill base were also statistically significantly lower than nurses’ ratings. However, both groups reported the same attitude and value base, which was excellent. The strongest factor explaining students’ conception of their competence was their experience of autonomy in nursing. Conclusions: Competence in intensive and critical care nursing is a multidimensional concept. Basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing can be measured with self-evaluation based scale but alongside should be used an objective evaluation method. Graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing is good but their knowledge and skill base are moderate. Especially the biological and physiological knowledge base is poor. Therefore in future in intensive and critical care nursing education should be focused on both strengthening students’ biological and physiological knowledge base and on strengthening their overall skill base. Practical implications are presented for nursing education, practice and administration. In future, research should focus on education methods and contents, mentoring of clinical practice and orientation programmes as well as further development of the scale.


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Objective: To evaluate the possible association between the scale of Alvarado (EA) and macroscopic appearance (MA) of the appendix in patients with acute appendicitis.Methods: after receiving the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, EA data were collected. During appendectomy, MA data were collected. Data from patients without appendicitis were excluded. The Spearman correlation test was used to compare EA with Appendix MA (p < 0.05). Other variables were represented by simple frequency. The confidence interval (CI) of 95% was calculated for the correlation test.Results: Data were collected from 67 consecutive patients. The mean age was 37.1 ± 12.5 years and 77.6% of patients were male. The Spearman correlation test used for EA and MA was + 0.77 (95% CI 0.65-0.85, p < 0.0001).Conclusion: although correlation was not perfect, our data indicate that a high score on the scale of Alvarado in patients with appendicitis is correlated with advanced stages of the inflammatory process of acute appendicitis.


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ResumoOBJETIVOValidar o instrumento Body Image Relationship Scale (BIRS) em mulheres brasileiras acometidas pelo câncer de mamaMÉTODOSO instrumento foi aplicado por entrevistadoras treinadas em 139 usuárias do Sistema Único de Saúde que foram submetidas aos tratamentos do câncer entre 2006 e 2010. O instrumento foi aferido considerando-se a consistência interna e a confiabilidade. Para efeito de comparação as técnicas de análise fatorial utilizadas no artigo original foram aplicadasRESULTADOSO valor de correlação Spearman-Brown foi 0,8, o que indica alto nível de confiabilidade, e o alfa de Cronbach encontrado foi 0,9, indicando alto nível de consistência interna. A análise fatorial mostrou que quatro questões não tinham poder discriminatório e carga fatorial baixa e outras cinco foram realocadas em outros domínios. Dessa forma, foi aplicada e mostrou variabilidade semelhante ao instrumento originalCONCLUSÃOA versão brasileira do BIRS, renomeada como Escala de Relacionamento e Imagem Corporal (ERIC), apresentou evidências de adequada confiabilidade e consistência interna, o que torna esse instrumento recomendável para aplicação em mulheres brasileiras com câncer de mama, apesar de alguns poucos limites


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Currently, a high penetration level of Distributed Generations (DGs) has been observed in the Danish distribution systems, and even more DGs are foreseen to be present in the upcoming years. How to utilize them for maintaining the security of the power supply under the emergency situations, has been of great interest for study. This master project is intended to develop a control architecture for studying purposes of distribution systems with large scale integration of solar power. As part of the EcoGrid EU Smart Grid project, it focuses on the system modelling and simulation of a Danish representative LV network located in Bornholm island. Regarding the control architecture, two types of reactive control techniques are implemented and compare. In addition, a network voltage control based on a tap changer transformer is tested. The optimized results after applying a genetic algorithm to five typical Danish domestic loads are lower power losses and voltage deviation using Q(U) control, specially with large consumptions. Finally, a communication and information exchange system is developed with the objective of regulating the reactive power and thereby, the network voltage remotely and real-time. Validation test of the simulated parameters are performed as well.


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Detta arbete fokuserar på modellering av katalytiska gas-vätskereaktioner som genomförs i kontinuerliga packade bäddar. Katalyserade gas-vätskereaktioner hör till de mest typiska reaktionerna i kemisk industri; därför behandlas här packade bäddreaktorer som ett av de populäraste alternativen, då kontinuerlig drift eftersträvas. Tack vare en stor katalysatormängd per volym har de en kompakt struktur, separering av katalysatorn behövs inte och genom en professionell design kan den mest fördelaktiga strömningsbilden upprätthållas i reaktorn. Packade bäddreaktorer är attraktiva p.g.a. lägre investerings- och driftskostnader. Även om packade bäddar används intensivt i industri, är det mycket utmanande att modellera. Detta beror på att tre faser samexisterar och systemets geometri är komplicerad. Existensen av flera reaktioner gör den matematiska modelleringen även mera krävande. Många förenklingar blir därmed nödvändiga. Modellerna involverar typiskt flera parametrar som skall justeras på basis av experimentella data. I detta arbete studerades fem olika reaktionssystem. Systemen hade studerats experimentellt i vårt laboratorium med målet att nå en hög produktivitet och selektivitet genom ett optimalt val av katalysatorer och driftsbetingelser. Hydrering av citral, dekarboxylering av fettsyror, direkt syntes av väteperoxid samt hydrering av sockermonomererna glukos och arabinos användes som exempelsystem. Även om dessa system hade mycket gemensamt, hade de också unika egenskaper och krävde därför en skräddarsydd matematisk behandling. Citralhydrering var ett system med en dominerande huvudreaktion som producerar citronellal och citronellol som huvudprodukter. Produkterna används som en citrondoftande komponent i parfymer, tvålar och tvättmedel samt som plattform-kemikalier. Dekarboxylering av stearinsyra var ett specialfall, för vilket en reaktionsväg för produktion av långkedjade kolväten utgående från fettsyror söktes. En synnerligen hög produktselektivitet var karakteristisk för detta system. Även processuppskalning modellerades för dekarboxylerings-reaktionen. Direkt syntes av väteperoxid hade som målsättning att framta en förenklad process att producera väteperoxid genom att låta upplöst väte och syre reagera direkt i ett lämpligt lösningsmedel på en aktiv fast katalysator. I detta system förekommer tre bireaktioner, vilka ger vatten som oönskad produkt. Alla dessa tre reaktioner modellerades matematiskt med hjälp av dynamiska massbalanser. Målet med hydrering av glukos och arabinos är att framställa produkter med en hög förädlingsgrad, nämligen sockeralkoholer, genom katalytisk hydrering. För dessa två system löstes ämnesmängd- och energibalanserna simultant för att evaluera effekter inne i porösa katalysatorpartiklar. Impulsbalanser som bestämmer strömningsbetingelser inne i en kemisk reaktor, ersattes i alla modelleringsstudier med semi-empiriska korrelationsuttryck för vätskans volymandel och tryckförlust och med axiell dispersionsmodell för beskrivning av omblandningseffekter. Genom att justera modellens parametrar kunde reaktorns beteende beskrivas väl. Alla experiment var genomförda i laboratorieskala. En stor mängd av kopplade effekter samexisterade: reaktionskinetik inklusive adsorption, katalysatordeaktivering, mass- och värmeöverföring samt strömningsrelaterade effekter. En del av dessa effekter kunde studeras separat (t.ex. dispersionseffekter och bireaktioner). Inverkan av vissa fenomen kunde ibland minimeras genom en noggrann planering av experimenten. På detta sätt kunde förenklingar i modellerna bättre motiveras. Alla system som studerades var industriellt relevanta. Utveckling av nya, förenklade produktionsteknologier för existerande kemiska komponenter eller nya komponenter är ett gigantiskt uppdrag. Studierna som presenterades här fokuserade på en av den teknisk-vetenskapliga utfärdens första etapper.


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A parallel pseudo-spectral method for the simulation in distributed memory computers of the shallow-water equations in primitive form was developed and used on the study of turbulent shallow-waters LES models for orographic subgrid-scale perturbations. The main characteristics of the code are: momentum equations integrated in time using an accurate pseudo-spectral technique; Eulerian treatment of advective terms; and parallelization of the code based on a domain decomposition technique. The parallel pseudo-spectral code is efficient on various architectures. It gives high performance onvector computers and good speedup on distributed memory systems. The code is being used for the study of the interaction mechanisms in shallow-water ows with regular as well as random orography with a prescribed spectrum of elevations. Simulations show the evolution of small scale vortical motions from the interaction of the large scale flow and the small-scale orographic perturbations. These interactions transfer energy from the large-scale motions to the small (usually unresolved) scales. The possibility of including the parametrization of this effects in turbulent LES subgrid-stress models for the shallow-water equations is addressed.


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Venturi scrubbers are high efficiency gas cleaners in which suspended particles are removed from gas streams by droplets formed by liquid atomisation, usually in the venturi throat. The size of the droplets formed is of fundamental importance to the performance of the equipment, both in terms of pressure drop and collection efficiency. In this study, drop sizes in a cylindrical laboratory scale venturi scrubber were measured using a laser diffraction technique. Gas velocity and liquid to gas ratios varied from 50 to 90 m/s and 0.5 to 2.0 l/m3, respectively. Water was inserted as perpendicular jets at the beginning of the throat. Measurements were performed at three positions: two located along the throat, and the last one at the end of the diffuser. The data presented here are a typical example of pneumatic atomisation and can be relevant to other industrial applications such as combustion and engine technology. Finally, results are compared to available correlations and the validity of these equations is discussed.


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In the present work, liquid-solid flow in industrial scale is modeled using the commercial software of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ANSYS Fluent 14.5. In literature, there are few studies on liquid-solid flow in industrial scale, but any information about the particular case with modified geometry cannot be found. The aim of this thesis is to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multiphase models, when a large-scale application is studied within liquid-solid flow, including the boundary-layer characteristics. The results indicate that the selection of the most appropriate multiphase model depends on the flow regime. Thus, careful estimations of the flow regime are recommended to be done before modeling. The computational tool is developed for this purpose during this thesis. The homogeneous multiphase model is valid only for homogeneous suspension, the discrete phase model (DPM) is recommended for homogeneous and heterogeneous suspension where pipe Froude number is greater than 1.0, while the mixture and Eulerian models are able to predict also flow regimes, where pipe Froude number is smaller than 1.0 and particles tend to settle. With increasing material density ratio and decreasing pipe Froude number, the Eulerian model gives the most accurate results, because it does not include simplifications in Navier-Stokes equations like the other models. In addition, the results indicate that the potential location of erosion in the pipe depends on material density ratio. Possible sedimentation of particles can cause erosion and increase pressure drop as well. In the pipe bend, especially secondary flows, perpendicular to the main flow, affect the location of erosion.