779 resultados para Satisfação total no trabalho - Total job satisfaction


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate retirements over a 4-year period among Australian general practitioners (UPs) and specialists aged 65 years and over, and factors influencing retirement. METHODS: Data from Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) for the years 2009-12 were analysed for 435 GPs and 643 specialists aged 65 years and over at the time of entry to the MABEL survey. Discrete time survival analysis was used. RESULTS: The retirement rates were 4.1% (2009), 5.1% (2010), 4.2% (2011) and 10.4% (2012). Retirement was associated with: (1) the intention to leave medical work in 2009 and 2010; (2) working fewer hours in private consulting rooms in 2010 and 2012; (3) having lower job satisfaction in 2009 and 2011; (4) being older in 2009; (5) working fewer hours in a public hospital in 2012; and (6) working fewer hours in a private hospital in 2010. Doctors who intended to reduce their working hours were less likely to retire in 2009. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies to support doctors at the late career stage to provide their valued contributions to the medical workforce for as long as possible may include increasing job satisfaction and addressing barriers to reducing work hours.


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The degree of delegating authority to non-managerial and non-supervisory workers substantially varies across countries and industries. By examining worker-level data from 14 countries, I empirically explain this variation by region-specific social capital that proxies workers' degree of self-centeredness and the industry-specific need for coordination. The empirical results of this study confirm the theoretical predictions by Alonso et al. (2008) for the first time: the negative association between coordination needs and decentralization is mitigated in regions with lower self-centeredness of workers. In particular, when self-centeredness of workers (respectively, need for coordination) is very low, the degree of delegation is always high regardless of the level of the need for coordination (self-centeredness of workers). Positive associations between delegation and its benefits, including job satisfaction, wages (proxy for higher productivity), and skill upgrading of workers, are also found. These results imply that people's degree of self-centeredness affects a country's economic development patterns by changing the degree of decentralization and its benefits.


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The examination of Workplace Aggression as a global construct conceptualization has gained considerable attention over the past few years as organizations work to better understand and address the occurrence and consequences of this challenging construct. The purpose of this dissertation is to build on previous efforts to validate the appropriateness and usefulness of a global conceptualization of the workplace aggression construct. ^ This dissertation has been broken up into two parts: Part 1 utilized a Confirmatory Factor Analysis approach in order to assess the existence of workplace aggression as a global construct; Part 2 utilized a series of correlational analyses to examine the relationship between a selection of commonly experienced individual strain based outcomes and the global construct conceptualization assessed in Part 1. Participants were a diverse sample of 219 working individuals from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk participant pool. ^ Results of Part 1 did not show support for a one-factor global construct conceptualization of the workplace aggression construct. However, support was shown for a higher-order five-factor model of the construct, suggesting that it may be possible to conceptualize workplace aggression as an overarching construct that is made up of separate workplace aggression constructs. Results of Part 2 showed support for the relationships between an existing global construct workplace aggression conceptualization and a series of strain-based outcomes. Utilizing correlational analyses, additional post-hoc analyses showed that individual factors such as emotional intelligence and personality are related to the experience of workplace aggression. Further, utilizing moderated regression analysis, the results demonstrated that individuals experiencing high levels of workplace aggression reported higher job satisfaction when they felt strongly that the aggressive act was highly visible, and similarly, when they felt that there was a clear intent to cause harm. ^ Overall, the findings of this dissertation do support the need for a simplification of its current state of measurement. Future research should continue to examine workplace aggression in an effort to shed additional light on the structure and usefulness of this complex construct.^


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Employees maintain a personal view toward their work, which can be referred to as their work orientation. Some employees view their work as their life’s purpose (i.e., calling work orientation) and they tend to be 1) prosocially motivated, 2) derive meaning from work, and 3) feel that their purpose is from beyond the self. The purpose of the current dissertation was to differentiate calling work orientation from other similar workplace constructs, to investigate the most common covariates of calling work orientation, and to empirically test two possible moderators of the relationship between calling work orientation and work-related outcomes of job satisfaction, job performance, and work engagement. Two independent samples were collected for the purpose of testing hypotheses: data were collected from 520 working students and from 520 non-student employees. Participants from the student sample were recruited at Florida International University, and participants from the employee sample were recruited via the Amazon Mechanical Turk website. Participants from the student sample answered demographic questions and responded to self-report measures of job satisfaction, job performance, work engagement, spirituality, meaningful work, prosocial motivation, and work orientation. The procedure was similar for the employee sample, but their survey also included measures of counterproductive work behaviors, organizational citizenship behaviors, conscientiousness, and numerical ability. Additionally, employees were asked whether they would be willing to have a direct supervisor, peer, co-worker, client, or subordinate rate their job performance. Hierarchical regression findings suggest calling work orientation was predictive of overall job performance above and beyond two common predictors of performance, conscientiousness and numerical ability. The results for the covariate analyses provided evidence that prosocial motivation, meaningful work, and spirituality do play a significant role in the development of an employees’ work orientation. Perceived career opportunities moderated the relationship between calling work orientation and job performance for the employee sample. Core self-evaluations moderated the relationship between calling work orientation and job performance, and core self-evaluations moderated the relationship between calling work orientation and work engagement. Collectively, findings from the current study highlight the benefits of examining work orientation in the prediction of workplace outcomes.


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This paper considers how utilizing a model of job-related affect can be used to explain the processes through which perceived training and development influence employee retention. We applied Russell’s model of core affect to categorize four different forms of work attitude, and positioned these as mediators of the relationship between perceived training and development and intention to stay. Using data from 1,191 employees across seven organizations, multilevel analyses found that job satisfaction, employee engagement, and change-related anxiety were significantly associated with intention to stay, and fully mediated the relationship between perceived training and development and intention to stay. Contrary to our hypotheses, emotional exhaustion was not significantly associated with intention to stay nor acted as a mediator when the other attitudes were included. These findings show the usefulness of Russell’s model of core affect in explaining the link between training and development and employee retention. Moreover, the findings collectively suggest that studies examining employee retention should include a wider range of work attitudes that highlight pleasant forms of affect.


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Purpose: The aim with this study is to compare perceived productivity and job satisfaction between activity based offices and traditional offices. The goal is to investigate, through a quantitative comparison, productivity and job satisfaction between the office types, and if generations perceive this differently. Method: The method used in this study is a quantitative method, in form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire used was taken from a study made by Sahlström and Severin (2015) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The same questionnaire was taken because it had already been quality assured and had good content for the survey. Four IT companies were included in the study. Two of them had activity based offices and two of them had traditional office type. Literature review has also been a method in order to get a deeper understanding of the subject. Findings: The results of the study show that there are differences between the two office types in perceived productivity and job satisfaction. The traditional office type showed the best results. However, this result can be discussed since the two traditional offices differed widely in their responses. The results also show that there are differences between the generations experiencing productivity and job satisfaction of the various offices. The elder generation, Baby boomers, shows better results on the traditional office type and the younger generation, Generation Y, shows better results on the activity based offices. Implications: One conclusion to be drawn from this is that employees at traditional offices are more satisfied with their working place and experience increased productivity than employees on activity based offices. However, these results may be due to other factors than how the office environment affects the employees. Therefore, these results will not be recommended. Another conclusion is that the Baby boomers are experiencing higher productivity and job satisfaction of traditional office and Generation Y experiences higher productivity and job satisfaction on activity based office. These results can be recommended. Limitations: The limitations of this study are to examine only IT companies in Sweden with a maximal amount of employees of 150 persons. The results are, apart from the scattered results in the first issue, generally valid and can be applied to other IT companies. To succeed fully applicable results, a survey with more companies involved had been better. Then, detections of anomaly would easier have been discovered and possible disregards of certain results could have been done. Keywords: Perceived productivity - Self-rated assessment of employees on their own productivity. Traditional offices - In this work traditional offices includes cell offices and shared rooms. Activity based offices - Office where employees have no fixed work place and there are often zones to support different types of working.


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Abstract Problem Formal Volunteers in volunteer based organizations drop out at a fast pace due to many reasons like lack of interest what they are doing, conflict among volunteers, lack of motivation, job dissatisfaction due to prolonged volunteering etc.  which is causing to improper functioning of these organizations and reaches a point where these volunteer based organizations find it difficult to function properly. The author in this study tries to address this particular issue of this drop out of formal volunteers. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the factors which helps in the retention of formal volunteers in a volunteer based organization for a longer period. Method The research in this paper is done in a qualitative way with primary data collected in the form of participant observation and open interview in two voluntary organizations. The collected data is analyzed in content analysis. The secondary data is collected in the form of necessary documents provided by the participating organizations. Results Many factors were found to influence retention of volunteers namely Job satisfaction, Motivation, Public Service Motivation, Organizational Commitment, Mission Attachment, Work load, Relationship with Coworkers, Justice of Organization, Flexible Timing, Training & Orientation.  Conclusions Recommendations to improve retention is mentioned and a future model is also proposed. The result obtained from this research can be generalized to other form of small scale volunteer organizations where the major employees are formal volunteers.


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El objetivo que tiene este proyecto es revisar los conceptos básicos acerca de las relaciones que crean los líderes con sus colaboradores dentro de las organizaciones, dichas relaciones y vínculos pueden afectar positiva o negativamente el desempeño de sus actividades diarias dentro de una organización. Para darle inicio a la investigación se estudió como primer paso el concepto de liderazgo transformacional, capital psicológico y que componentes hacían parte de este factor. El desarrollo de la investigación se enfatizó entre el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia ya que son factores claves dentro del desarrollo de las actividades organizacionales debido a que afectan claramente el capital humano de las compañías y están directamente relacionados con el crecimiento de las mismas, lo que nos llevó a preguntarnos ¿qué relación tendrá el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia en la productividad de las empresas? Es aquí donde radica la importancia de esta investigación ya que el cambio de pensamiento de las organizaciones hacia un liderazgo transformacional podría lograr una maximización del desempeño del personal de trabajo en relación al objetivo de la compañía. Como conclusión llegamos a que efectivamente hay un efecto positivo en los individuos que desarrollan un capital psicológico específicamente en el factor de autoeficacia para lograr un desempeño destacable, productivo y eficiente dentro de las organizaciones.


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Los factores de riesgo psicosocial se pueden definir como las condiciones del individuo, del medio extra laboral o del medio laboral, que bajo determinadas condiciones de intensidad y tiempo de exposición, generan efectos negativos en el trabajador y en la organización. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral, extra laboral y los síntomas de estrés en médicos de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud en la ciudad de Bogotá, durante el año 2014. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal, en una muestra constituida por 202 registros pertenecientes a médicos generales de una IPS de la ciudad de Bogotá. Las variables incluidas fueron socios demográficos, ocupacionales, intralaborales, extra laborales y sintomatología asociada al estrés. Se contó con la información de la batería de riesgos psicosociales elaborada por el Ministerio de la Protección Social (Actualmente Ministerio del Trabajo) y la Universidad Javeriana la cual esta validada en el país. Para las variables de tipo cuantitativo, se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Para identificar los factores relacionados con el riesgo psicosocial y síntomas asociados al estrés, se utilizaron pruebas de asociación Chi cuadrado o análisis de correlación según la naturaleza de las variables. El nivel de significancia para cada prueba fue 0.05. Para analizar las diferencias entre dichas categorías se utilizó la prueba Anova de una vía. Se consideró un nivel α<0.05 como significativo para las pruebas de hipótesis. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 22.0 de IBM. Resultados: La edad promedio de los participantes fue de 41.3 años (IC 95 % 40.1-42.5), siendo el género predominante el femenino con el 58,6%. Se encontró una asociación significativa entre el estado civil y la presencia de sintomatología asociada al estrés (p= 0,031). Al relacionar los valores de estrés con los riesgos intralaborales, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el 100% de estos y entre estrés y riesgos extralaborales se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) en cada una de las dimensiones evaluadas. Conclusiones Los médicos incluidos en el estudio tienen riesgo muy alto tanto a nivel intralaboral como extralaboral, reflejándose en el desarrollo de niveles incrementados de respuestas asociadas al estrés. Por lo anterior, se propone la realización de acciones de mejora dirigidas a la prevención, así como a la intervención de los factores de riesgo, encaminadas a promover la salud y controlar los factores de riesgo psicosocial, con el fin de mejorar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores participantes en el estudio.


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En este trabajo se evidenciará cómo el liderazgo y el clima organizacional, que son dos componentes importantes dentro de una organización, están estrechamente ligados de tal forma que uno se ve afectado por el otro bien sea de manera positiva o negativa. Así de esta manera quisimos evidenciar este lazo entre liderazgo y clima organizacional con base en el liderazgo auténtico, el cual surge como una nueva teoría alrededor de varios componentes esenciales en el líder: conciencia de sí mismo, transparencia en las relaciones, procesamiento equilibrado y moral internalizada (Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, Peterson, 2008). En la misión empresarial realizada en la ciudad de Nueva York desarrollamos nuestro trabajo de campo. Visitamos empresas de reconocimiento a nivel mundial tales como: Google, Bloomberg, N&C Company y Procolombia. En estas empresas investigamos por medio de encuestas qué estilo de liderazgo existía y lo contrastamos con el clima organizacional. Para nosotros la experiencia fue muy enriquecedora pues todas las organizaciones nos brindaron información muy importante para el desarrollo de la investigación. Encontramos que las empresas siguen un patrón de comportamiento similar: el trabajo en equipo, la innovación, la autonomía, la comunicación, la autoevaluación y la transparencia, fueron elementos que evidenciamos durante la misión empresarial realizada.


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El objetivo del presente artículo es profundizar en los conceptos de liderazgo responsable y responsabilidad social empresarial, basándose en un marco referencial y bibliográfico pertinente para la investigación. Para ello, se realizó una exhaustiva búsqueda de referencias bibliográficas, tales como artículos científicos, publicaciones académicas y estudios de caso, que ayudaron a dar un acercamiento conceptual al tema principal. Se encontraron diferentes aproximaciones conceptuales sobre el liderazgo responsable y la importancia que tiene en términos de responsabilidad social, algunas teorías del liderazgo, estilos de liderazgo responsable, la satisfacción laboral y por ultimo una serie de casos empresariales que ponen estos conceptos en práctica.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the Quality of Life, Sense of Coherence and Job Satisfaction by teachers of technical schools in the Heredia´s region. A group of 81 educators (25 male and 56 female) joined the study. It was used the SF-36 Questionnaire, the Sense of Coherence scale and a list of items related to the Job Satisfaction. There were found three factors associated to job satisfaction: (1) social atmosphere and job recognition, (2) infrastructure conditions, salary and promotion and (3) amount of job and relationship with the students. In general the results showed scores up of average Quality of Life. However, there were found low scores in central aspects like “Vitality”. The highest factors scores were found by the physical function and the physical role. The sense of coherence scores related to the factors “Life” and “Feelings” were middle. Both factors were significant associated to some dimensions of Quality of Life and Job Satisfaction. In sum, the results showed up, that it is necessary to develop programs in order to enhance sense of coherence and quality of life. Likewise, it is important to promote job satisfaction. A good job satisfaction has positive consequences to the health, and increase the compromise levels and teachers identification to the profession.


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The population’s life expectancy is growing every year. This fact highlights the importance of the elderly for the dentistry. The oral cavity quality has great influence on quality of life at both the biological and the psychological and social factors by maintaining a self-esteem, self-expression, communication and satisfactory facial aesthetics. Unfortunately, the number of edentulous elderly population is also high, which may create problems to their social life. Therefore, the objective of this study was to demonstrate and evaluate the difficulties of treating edentulous patients, comparing data prior to treatment to post data after treatment by complete dentures made to the patients undergoing oral rehabilitation in the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of Adamantina – FAI. For this study, questionnaires were filled in the form of answers developed alternative focused on the degree of patient satisfaction, the current situation of occlusion, and outcome of treatment. The results showed that 96% of patients were satisfied with the results obtained in the treatment, all of whom believed that the prosthesis helped them feel better aesthetically and improved self-esteem. By this methodology, it was concluded that the degree of satisfaction was high, but the services provided must be constantly reevaluated, once the elderly population presents a wide labor market for dental professionals and demand level services will certainly increase each year.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, a partir da experiência vivida no Hospital Orêncio de Freitas - Ministério da Saúde - S.U.S - Fundação Municipal de Saúde de Niterói, se a satisfação da clientela tem para as organizações prestadoras de serviços de assistência médico-hospitalar como um todo, particularmente para hospitais e mais especificamente para hospitais públicos, o mesmo significado que para as empresas fornecedoras de produtos e serviços em geral.


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Introduction: The rehabilitation of edentulous patients is one of the main challenges of Dentistry. Objective: To assess the satisfaction and the impact of oral health on quality of life of patients rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures in both arcades. Method: A clinical trial with 25 patients rehabilitated with CCD was conducted. The impact of oral health in individuals quality of life was evaluated through the Brazilian version of the OHIP-Edent and the patient satisfaction was evaluated using a specific questionnaire. The instruments were applied before and 3 months after rehabilitation. Results: There was a statistically significant improvement (p <0.001) on the impact of the quality of life of the denture users after the new rehabilitation. The analysis of 4 OHIP domains also showed statistically significant improvement (p <0.001). The final overall satisfaction with the dentures was statistically superior to initial satisfaction (p <0.001). The analysis of the specific aspects of satisfaction with CCD after 3 months of rehabilitation also showed significant results in the improvement of every aspect. Conclusion: Patients disappointed with their dentures, have their quality of life improved after the new rehabilitation, reducing the negative impact of the prostheses on oral health, and improving their satisfaction with the rehabilitation.