997 resultados para Saarimaa, Anja
Bathymetry based on data recorded during M84-2 between 26.02.2011 and 02.04.2011 in the Black Sea. The aim of the cruise was to investigate the gas hydrate distribution in sediments of the Black Sea by using several coring technics. In addition to the coring activities the installed EM122 and the PARASOUND system were used to detect gas emissions in the water column and to map large areas of possible seep sites.
We investigated gas bubble emissions at the Don-Kuban paleo-fan in the northeastern Black Sea regarding their geological setting, quantities as well as spatial and temporal variabilities during three ship expeditions between 2007 and 2011. About 600 bubble-induced hydroacoustic anomalies in the water column (flares) originating from the seafloor above the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) at ~700 m water depth were found. At about 890 m water depth a hydrocarbon seep area named "Kerch seep area" was newly discovered within the GHSZ. We propose locally domed sediments ('mounds') discovered during ultra-high resolution bathymetric mapping with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to result from gas hydrate accumulation at shallow depths. In situ measurements indicated spatially limited temperature elevations in the shallow sediment likely induced by upward fluid flow which may confine the local GHSZ to a few meters below the seafloor. As a result, gas bubbles are suspected to migrate into near-surface sediments and to escape the seafloor through small-scale faults. Hydroacoustic surveys revealed that several flares originated from a seafloor area of about 1 km**2 in size. The highest flare disappeared in about 350 m water depth, suggesting that the released methane remains in the water column. A methane flux estimate, combining data from visual quantifications during dives with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with results from ship-based hydroacoustic surveys and gas analysis revealed that between 2 and 87 x 10**6 mol CH4 yr-1 escaped into the water column above the Kerch seep area. Our results show that the finding of the Kerch seep area represents a so far underestimated type of hydrocarbon seep, which has to be considered in methane budget calculations.
A mesocosm experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of rising fCO2 on the build-up and decline of organic matter during coastal phytoplankton blooms. Five mesocosms (~38 m³ each) were deployed in the Baltic Sea during spring (2009) and enriched with CO2 to yield a gradient of 355-862 µatm. Mesocosms were nutrient fertilized initially to induce phytoplankton bloom development. Changes in particulate and dissolved organic matter concentrations, including dissolved high-molecular weight (>1 kDa) combined carbohydrates, dissolved free and combined amino acids as well as transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), were monitored over 21 days together with bacterial abundance, and hydrolytic extracellular enzyme activities. Overall, organic matter followed well-known bloom dynamics in all CO2 treatments alike. At high fCO2, higher dPOC:dPON during bloom rise, and higher TEP concentrations during bloom peak, suggested preferential accumulation of carbon-rich components. TEP concentration at bloom peak was significantly related to subsequent sedimentation of particulate organic matter. Bacterial abundance increased during the bloom and was highest at high fCO2. We conclude that increasing fCO2 supports production and exudation of carbon-rich components, enhancing particle aggregation and settling, but also providing substrate and attachment sites for bacteria. More labile organic carbon and higher bacterial abundance can increase rates of oxygen consumption and may intensify the already high risk of oxygen depletion in coastal seas in the future.