873 resultados para SAW
The 1970s are in the limelight of a growing historiographic attention, partly due to the recent opening of new archival resources. 1973, in particular, has a special interest in the historian’s eyes, as many are the events that happened that year: to name but a few, the Chilean coup, the October War, the ensuing oil crisis, the Vietnamese peace treaty. So it is may be not entirely surprising that not much attention has been paid to the Year of Europe, a nebulous American initiative destined to sum up to nothing practical - as Kissinger himself put it, it was destined to be the Year that never Was.1 It is my opinion, however, that its failure should not conceal its historical interest. Even though transatlantic relations have sometimes been seen as an uninterrupted history of crisis,2 in 1973 they reached what could then be considered as their unprecedented nadir. I believe that a thorough analysis of the events that during that year found the US increasingly at odds with the countries of Western Europe is worth carrying out not only to cast a new light on the dynamics of transatlantic relations but also to deepen our comprehension of the internal dynamics of the actors involved, mainly the Nixon administration and a unifying Europe. The Nixon administration had not carefully planned what the initiative actually should have amounted to, and its official announcement appears to have been one of Kissinger’s coups de theatre. Yet the Year of Europe responded to the vital priority of revitalising the relations with Western Europe, crucial ally, for too long neglected. But 1973 did not end with the solemn renewal of the Atlantic Declaration that Kissinger had sought. On the contrary, it saw, for the first time, the countries of the newly enlarged EC engaged in a real, if short-lived, solidarity on foreign policy, which highlighted the Nixon administration’s contradictions regarding European integration. Those, in addition to the numerous tensions that already strained transatlantic relations, gave birth to a downward spiral of incomprehensions and misperceptions, which the unexpected deflagration of the October war seriously worsened. However, even though the tensions did not disappear, the European front soon started to disintegrate, mainly under the strains imposed by the oil crisis. Significant changes in the leadership of the main European countries helped to get the tones back to normal. During the course of 1974-5, the substantial failure of the Euro-Arab dialogue, the Gymlich compromise, frequent and serene bilateral meetings bear witness that the worst was over.
Premise: In the literary works of our anthropological and cultural imagination, the various languages and the different discursive practices are not necessarily quoted, expressly alluded to or declared through clear expressive mechanisms; instead, they rather constitute a substratum, a background, now consolidated, which with irony and intertextuality shines through the thematic and formal elements of each text. The various contaminations, hybridizations and promptings that we find in the expressive forms, the rhetorical procedures and the linguistic and thematic choices of post-modern literary texts are shaped as fluid and familiar categories. Exchanges and passages are no longer only allowed but also inevitable; the post-modern imagination is made up of an agglomeration of discourses that are no longer really separable, built up from texts that blend and quote one another, composing, each with its own specificities, the great family of the cultural products of our social scenario. A literary work, therefore, is not only a whole phenomenon, delimited hic et nunc by a beginning and an ending, but is a fragment of that complex, dense and boundless network that is given by the continual interrelations between human forms of communication and symbolization. The research hypothesis: A vision is delineated of comparative literature as a discipline attentive to the social contexts in which texts take shape and move and to the media-type consistency that literary phenomena inevitably take on. Hence literature is seen as an open systematicity that chooses to be contaminated by other languages and other discursive practices of an imagination that is more than ever polymorphic and irregular. Inside this interpretative framework the aim is to focus the analysis on the relationship that postmodern literature establishes with advertising discourse. On one side post-modern literature is inserted in the world of communication, loudly asserting the blending and reciprocal contamination of literary modes with media ones, absorbing their languages and signification practices, translating them now into thematic nuclei, motifs and sub-motifs and now into formal expedients and new narrative choices; on the other side advertising is chosen as a signification practice of the media universe, which since the 1960s has actively contributed to shaping the dynamics of our socio-cultural scenarios, in terms which are just as important as those of other discursive practices. Advertising has always been a form of communication and symbolization that draws on the collective imagination – myths, actors and values – turning them into specific narrative programs for its own texts. Hence the aim is to interpret and analyze this relationship both from a strictly thematic perspective – and therefore trying to understand what literature speaks about when it speaks about advertising, and seeking advertising quotations in post-modern fiction – and from a formal perspective, with a search for parallels and discordances between the rhetorical procedures, the languages and the verifiable stylistic choices in the texts of the two different signification practices. The analysis method chosen, for the purpose of constructive multiplication of the perspectives, aims to approach the analytical processes of semiotics, applying, when possible, the instruments of the latter, in order to highlight the thematic and formal relationships between literature and advertising. The corpus: The corpus of the literary texts is made up of various novels and, although attention is focused on the post-modern period, there will also be ineludible quotations from essential authors that with their works prompted various reflections: H. De Balzac, Zola, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Calvino, etc… However, the analysis focuses the corpus on three authors: Don DeLillo, Martin Amis and Aldo Nove, and in particular the followings novels: “Americana” (1971) and “Underworld” (1999) by Don DeLillo, “Money” (1984) by Martin Amis and “Woobinda and other stories without a happy ending” (1996) and “Superwoobinda” (1998) by Aldo Nove. The corpus selection is restricted to these novels for two fundamental reasons: 1. assuming parameters of spatio-temporal evaluation, the texts are representative of different socio-cultural contexts and collective imaginations (from the masterly glimpses of American life by DeLillo, to the examples of contemporary Italian life by Nove, down to the English imagination of Amis) and of different historical moments (the 1970s of DeLillo’s Americana, the 1980s of Amis, down to the 1990s of Nove, decades often used as criteria of division of postmodernism into phases); 2. adopting a perspective of strictly thematic analysis, as mentioned in the research hypothesis, the variations and the constants in the novels (thematic nuclei, topoi, images and narrative developments) frequently speak of advertising and inside the narrative plot they affirm various expressions and realizations of it: value ones, thematic ones, textual ones, urban ones, etc… In these novels the themes and the processes of signification of advertising discourse pervade time, space and the relationships that the narrator character builds around him. We are looking at “particle-characters” whose endless facets attest the influence and contamination of advertising in a large part of the narrative developments of the plot: on everyday life, on the processes of acquisition and encoding of the reality, on ideological and cultural baggage, on the relationships and interchanges with the other characters, etc… Often the characters are victims of the implacable consequentiality of the advertising mechanism, since the latter gets the upper hand over the usual processes of communication, which are overwhelmed by it, wittingly or unwittingly (for example: disturbing openings in which the protagonist kills his or her parents on the basis of a spot, former advertisers that live life codifying it through the commercial mechanisms of products, sons and daughters of advertisers that as children instead of playing outside for whole nights saw tapes of spots.) Hence the analysis arises from the text and aims to show how much the developments and the narrative plots of the novels encode, elaborate and recount the myths, the values and the narrative programs of advertising discourse, transforming them into novel components in their own right. And also starting from the text a socio-cultural reference context is delineated, a collective imagination that is different, now geographically, now historically, and from comparison between them the aim is to deduce the constants, the similarities and the variations in the relationship between literature and advertising.
All'interno della tesi si è sviluppata una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni utile all'individuazione di determinate zone distribuite all'interno dell'area del delta del fiume Ural (Kazakistan), da considerare prioritarie ai fini della tutela della biodiversità. Il livello di priorità di queste aree è stato ricavato mediante l'aggregazione delle informazioni relative alle categorie di conservazione delle specie minacciate che popolano i diversi ecosistemi che caratterizzano l'area studio. Le categorie sono state confrontate fra loro mediante l'AHP che ha permesso di ottenere un set di pesi. L'utilizzo di tre differenti metodi di aggregazione (SAW, OWA, TOPSIS), ha permesso di ricavare un valore di conservazione che raggruppa le informazioni dei pesi attribuiti alle specie in un unico valore (CV) diverso per ogni metodo. Distribuiti i CV, sulla base della presenza delle relative specie, viene sviluppata una mappa di distribuzione dei valori di conservazione sintetici (CVS) ricavati mediante l'aggregazione dei CV in ogni punto dell'area studio. L'utilizzo di questa metodologia ha permesso di individuare, come previsto dagli obiettivi dell'elaborato, le aree a maggior valore per la conservazione degli habitat e delle specie, sulle quali focalizzare le future azioni di tutela e monitoraggio ambientale, dall'altro l'applicazione di una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni in grado di far fronte ai problemi di scarsa disponibilità e reperibilità di dati utili alla caratterizzazione dell’area di studio.
A one-dimensional multi-component reactive fluid transport algorithm, 1DREACT (Steefel, 1993) was used to investigate different fluid-rock interaction systems. A major short coming of mass transport calculations which include mineral reactions is that solid solutions occurring in many minerals are not treated adequately. Since many thermodynamic models of solid solutions are highly non-linear, this can seriously impact on the stability and efficiency of the solution algorithms used. Phase petrology community saw itself faced with a similar predicament 10 years ago. To improve performance and reliability, phase equilibrium calculations have been using pseudo compounds. The same approach is used here in the first, using the complex plagioclase solid solution as an example. Thermodynamic properties of a varying number of intermediate plagioclase phases were calculated using ideal molecular, Al-avoidance, and non-ideal mixing models. These different mixing models can easily be incorporated into the simulations without modification of the transport code. Simulation results show that as few as nine intermediate compositions are sufficient to characterize the diffusional profile between albite and anorthite. Hence this approach is very efficient, and can be used with little effort. A subsequent chapter reports the results of reactive fluid transport modeling designed to constrain the hydrothermal alteration of Paleoproterozoic sediments of the Southern Lake Superior region. Field observations reveal that quartz-pyrophyllite (or kaolinite) bearing assemblages have been transformed into muscovite-pyrophyllite-diaspore bearing assemblages due to action of fluids migrating along permeable flow channels. Fluid-rock interaction modeling with an initial qtz-prl assemblage and a K-rich fluid simulates the formation of observed mineralogical transformation. The bulk composition of the system evolves from an SiO2-rich one to an Al2O3+K2O-rich one. Simulations show that the fluid flow was up-temperature (e.g. recharge) and that fluid was K-rich. Pseudo compound approach to include solid solutions in reactive transport models was tested in modeling hydrothermal alteration of Icelandic basalts. Solid solutions of chlorites, amphiboles and plagioclase were included as the secondary mineral phases. Saline and fresh water compositions of geothermal fluids were used to investigate the effect of salinity on alteration. Fluid-rock interaction simulations produce the observed mineral transformations. They show that roughly the same alteration minerals are formed due to reactions with both types of fluid which is in agreement with the field observations. A final application is directed towards the remediation of nitrate rich groundwaters. Removal of excess nitrate from groundwater by pyrite oxidation was modeled using the reactive fluid transport algorithm. Model results show that, when a pyrite-bearing, permeable zone is placed in the flow path, nitrate concentration in infiltrating water can be significantly lowered, in agreement with proposals from the literature. This is due to nitrogen reduction. Several simulations investigate the efficiency of systems with different mineral reactive surface areas, reactive barrier zone widths, and flow rates to identify the optimum setup.
Die für Metazoen einzigartige Fähigkeit, hochdifferenzierte Silikatstrukturen herzustellen und als Gerüstsubstanz zu verwenden, steht bei den Porifera in einem scheinbaren Gegensatz zu der niedrigen Konzentration an Silizium in dem die Schwämme umgebenden Medium. In der zweiten bedeutenden silikatpolymerisierenden Species, den einzelligen Kieselalgen (Diatomeen), konnte bereits ein Silikattransporter identifiziert werden, dessen Sequenzdaten jedoch aufgrund der phylogenetisch geringen Verwandtschaft der Demospongien mit den Diatomeen keine Verwendung finden konnte Im Zuge der Suche nach einem Silikat-Transportsystem im Schwamm Suberites domuncula wurde ein potentielles Kandidatengen mittels molekularbiologischer Techniken aus einer cDNA Bank des Instituts isoliert, vervollständigt und analysiert. Es zeigte sich, dass dieser Transporter durch seine Sequenzdaten der Familie der Bikarbonattransporter angehörte, und somit membranständig war. Seine Transportfunktion zeigte sich mittels spezifischer Inhibitoren hemmbar. Damit der Schwamm in der Lage ist, eine regulierbare und schnelle Anreicherung von Silikat durchführen zu können, lag eine Annahme einer Induzierbarkeit der Transportergene durch das Substrat Silikat nahe. Mittels Northern-Blot Analyse konnte in einem Primmorphensystem des Schwammes eine Hochregulation der Transkription der Transportergene festgestellt werden. Die Lokalisation der Exprimierung des Transporters innerhalb des Schwammgewebes konnte mittels In situ Hybridisierung untersucht werden und zeigte eine direkte Nähe zu den Polysilikatstrukturen des Schwammes. Um Hinweise auf eine Bifunktionalität des Transporters aufgrund der Ähnlichkeit von Carbonat und Silikat zu erhärten, wurden fluoreszenzmikroskopische Studien an isolierten Zellkulturen des Schwammes durchgeführt. Es kam zu einer intensive Reaktion der Zellen auf Silikat als Substrat. Dieser Effekt konnte nicht nur durch einen spezifischen Transportinhibitor (DIDS) gehemmt werden, sondern zeigt auch eine deutliche Temperaturabhängigkeit. Um den potentiellen Silikattransporter in Zusammenhang mit dem Gesamtmechanismus der Silikatnadelherstellung in Schwämmen zu bringen, wurden zusätzliche elektronenmikroskopische Studien angestellt. Hier konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, wie sich das die Polykondensation auslösende und dirigierende Proteinfilament des Schwammes bei der Nadelbildung entwickelt. Mittels einer darauf folgenden Immunogold-Markierung des Hauptaxialfilamentproteins des Schwammes in elektronenmikroskopischen Gewebepräparaten, konnte dessen Vorkommen nicht nur im Zentrum der Silikatnadel, sondern auch in den die Nadel umgebenden Strukturen nachgewiesen werden
Background. Neuroblastoma is the most deadly solid tumor of childhood. In the 25% of cases it is associated with MYCN amplification (MA), resulting in the disregulation of several genes involved in cancer progression, chemotherapy resistance and poor prognosis causing the disregulation of several genes involved in cancer progression and chemotherapy resistance and resulting in a poor prognosis. Moreover, in this contest, therapy-related p53 mutations are frequently found in relapsed cases conferring an even stronger aggressiveness. For this reason, the actual therapy requires new antitumor molecules. Therefore, rapid, accurate, and reproducible preclinical models are needed to evaluate the evolution of the different subtypes and the efficacy of new pharmacological strategies. Procedures. We report the real-time tumorigenesis of MA Neuroblastoma mouse models: transgenic TH-MYCN mice and orthotopic xenograft models with either p53wt or p53mut, by non-invasive micro PET and bioluminescent imaging, respectively. Characterization of MYCN amplification and expression was performed on every collected sample. We tested the efficacy of a new MYCN inhibitor in vitro and in vivo. Results. MicroPET in TH-MYCN mice permitted the identification of Neuroblastoma at an early stage and offered a sensitive method to follow metabolic progression of tumors. The MA orthotopic model harboring multitherapy-related p53 mutations showed a shorter latency and progression and a stronger aggressiveness respect to the p53wt model. The presence of MA and overexpression was confirmed in each model and we saw a better survival in the TH-MYCN homozigous mice treated with the inhibitor. Conclusions. The mouse models obtained show characteristics of non-invasiveness, rapidity and sensitivity that make them suitable for the in vivo preclinical study of MA-NB. In particular, our firstly reported p53mut BLI xenograft orthotopic mouse model offers the possibility to evaluate the role of multitherapy-related p53 mutations and to validate new p53 independent therapies for this highly aggressive Neuroblastoma subtype. Moreover, we have shown potential clinical suitability of an antigene strategy through its cellular and molecular activity, ability to specifically inhibit transcription and in vivo efficacy with no evidence of toxicity.
La storiografia statunitense, a partire dagli anni Cinquanta, vide l’affermarsi di una nuova interpretazione della politica estera americana. Archiviata la storia diplomatica come storia dei trattati o storia delle interazioni delle élites dominanti, abbandonata una visione incentrata sull’equilibrio di potenza, il dibattito storiografico si arricchì della cosiddetta interpretazione «revisionista», antitetica rispetto a quella che, fino a quel momento, aveva predominato. Soggetto di analisi storica restava sempre lo Stato ma l’enfasi maggiore era posta sui fattori economici che ne influenzavano l’azione: si metteva in rilievo l’interazione tra l’interesse privato e il soggetto statale. Capofila di questa nuova scuola fu William Appleman Williams. Questa ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di delineare il contesto storiografico dal quale emersero gli studi di Williams e di cui egli ne roviesciò alcuni assunti fondamentali. Si intende tracciare il suo percorso intellettuale – storiografico e pubblico – al fine di restituire la complessità di un personaggio che divenne un vero e proprio «intellettuale pubblico». I quesiti, a cui questa ricerca vuole dar risposta riguardano l’evoluzione del percorso intellettuale di Williams tanto in ambito storiografico quanto, più in generale, in quello pubblico; il contributo alla ridefinizione dell’identità statunitense e del suo ruolo internazionale; il lascito della sua riflessione nella storiografia. Prendendo le mosse dall’idea di frontiera proposta da Turner, Williams sostenne che la fine dell’espansione territoriale «interna» aveva obbligato gli Stati Uniti a cercare nuovi mercati per il proprio surplus. Era stata tale necessità a catalizzare la Open Door Diplomacy, guidata da ragioni economiche, che presto identificarono l’interesse nazionale per trasformarsi in una vera e propria ideologia nel XX secolo.L’esito di tale politica estera fu la creazione di un impero non più territoriale ma frutto dell’espansione economica. E proprio questa riflessione sull’impero influenzò, negli anni Sessanta, la protesta studentesca che chiese un ripensamento del ruolo internazionale degli Stati Uniti.
Introduzione L’attività fisica moderata seguita da improvvisa interruzione può influenzare le caratteristiche biologiche del tendine. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di valutare l’attività cellulare, le caratteristiche istologiche, istomorfometriche e microstrutturali del tendine patellare e della sua entesi in condizioni di non allenamento (sedentarietà), allenamento ed improvviso arresto dell’attività fisica. E’ stato ipotizzato che un’iniezione peri-tendinea di acido ialuronico nelle settimane successive all’improvviso arresto dell’attività fisica potesse mantenere l’integrità strutturale e biologica del tendine patellare. Materiali e Metodi 24 ratti Sprague Dawley maschi di 8 settimane sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi, allenati per 10 settimane, fino a 60-80% VO2max. I ratti sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi: Non Allenati (6), Allenati (6), Disallenati (12). A 6 dei 12 ratti del gruppo Detrained, è stata praticata un’infiltrazione peri-tendinea a nel tendine patellare destro di 300 μl di acido ialuronico, mentre nei rimanenti 6, è stata praticata l’infiltrazione con soluzione fisiologica. I tendini rotulei espiantati sono stati valutati con coltura cellulare, valutazione biologica molecolare, valutazioni morfologiche microstrutturali, proliferazione, conta ed attività cellulare. Risultati I risultati in vitro hanno evidenziato vitalità e conta cellulare simili fra i Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA con un incremento significativo del metabolismo cellulare rispetto agli altri Gruppi. La cellularità ha mostrato valori maggiori nei Gruppi Non Allenati e Detrained-NaCl ove si è osservata una biosintesi del collagene III superiore ai Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA. Contrariamente, la produzione di collagene I e II presentava valori maggiori nei Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA suggerendo una superiore efficienza tessutale e metabolica di questi ultimi. Conclusioni Questi risultati confermano che l’allenamento ed il suo improvviso arresto hanno effetti sulla struttura tendinea patellare di ratto e che l’iniezione peritendinea di acido ialuronico nel periodo di inattività ha effetti significativi su metabolismo cellulare e sul tendine rispetto al trattamento con soluzione fisiologica.
La tesi analizza una parte della politica estera dell’amministrazione Johnson, e più specificamente l’avvio del dialogo con l’Urss in materia di non proliferazione e controllo degli armamenti e la revisione della China policy, inquadrando entrambe nell’adattamento della cold war strategy all’evoluzione sistema internazionale, argomentando che la distensione intesa come rilassamento delle tensioni e ricerca di terreno comune per il dialogo, fosse perlomeno uno degli strumenti politici che l’amministrazione scelse di usare. Il primo capitolo analizza i cambiamenti che interessarono il Blocco sovietico e il movimento comunista internazionale tra la fine degli anni Cinquanta e l’inizio degli anni Sessanta, soprattutto la rottura dell’alleanza sino-sovietica, e l’impatto che essi ebbero sul sistema bipolare su cui si basava la Guerra Fredda. Il capitolo secondo affronta più specificamente l’evoluzione delle relazioni tra Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica, il perseguimento di una politica di distensione, dopo la crisi dei missili cubani, e in che relazione si trovasse ciò con lo status della leadership sovietica a seguito dei cambiamenti che avevano avuto luogo. Soffermandosi sulla questione del controllo degli armamenti e sul percorso che portò alla firma del Trattato di Non-proliferazione, si analizza come la nuova rotta intrapresa col dialogo sulle questioni strategiche sia stato anche un cambiamento di rotta in generale nella concezione della Guerra Fredda e l’introduzione della distensione come strumento politico. Il terzo capitolo affronta la questione della modifica della politica verso Pechino e il processo tortuoso e contorto attraverso cui l’amministrazione Johnson giunse a distaccarsi dalla China policy seguita sino ad allora.
In questo progetto di tesi abbiamo lavorato all’ottimizzazione di un nuovo processo di sintesi di idrossitirosolo eco-compatibile e di possibile applicazione industriale. Il processo, che risulta una via molto competitiva per ottenere idrossitirosolo, si compone di due step: una prima sintesi di un intermedio acetalico e la successiva riduzione di questo al prodotto di interesse. In particolare il lavoro di tesi ha riguardato lo studio di catalizzatori e delle condizioni per le due reazioni al fine di aumentare le selettività dei prodotti target, analizzando la formazione dei sottoprodotti. Si è cercato, inoltre, di intraprendere una strada alternativa, provando la sintesi di un intermedio acetalico ciclico (possibilmente più stabile dell’altro intermedio acetalico) e, quindi, la sua riduzione, ritenendo di poter così evitare la formazione dei sottoprodotti. In this project we worked on the optimization of a new and industrially applicable process for the synthesis of hydroxytyrosol. Furthermore, we devised a process according to the principles of green chemistry. The process, that is a competitive way to obtain hydroxytyrosol, consists of two steps: first the synthesis of an acetalic precursor and then its reduction. Particularly the work was focused on the study of the catalysts and the conditions for the two reactions in order to increase the selectivity of target products, also analyzing the formation of the by-products. At last, we tried to take an alternative route with the synthesis of another acetalic precursor: a cyclic one. This because we thought that a cyclic acetal should be more stable than not cyclic one and maybe the reduction on this second precursor could not pass by the formation of the by-products already saw.
Fully controlled liquid injection and flow in hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) two-dimensional microchannel arrays based on on-chip integrated, low-voltage-driven micropumps are demonstrated. Our architecture exploits the surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) induced counterflow mechanism and the effect of nebulization anisotropies at crossing areas owing to lateral propagating SAWs. We show that by selectively exciting single or multiple SAWs, fluids can be drawn from their reservoirs and moved towards selected positions of a microchannel grid. Splitting of the main liquid flow is also demonstrated by exploiting multiple SAW beams. As a demonstrator, we show simultaneous filling of two orthogonal microchannels. The present results show that SAW micropumps are good candidates for truly integrated on-chip fluidic networks allowing liquid control in arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional microchannel arrays.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the main cause of human tuberculosis. Infection in companion animals is mainly acquired from close contact to a diseased human patient and hence rarely diagnosed in countries with low tuberculosis incidence rates. Therefore the general awareness of the disease might be low. Here we report the potential risk of infection for veterinary personnel with M. tuberculosis during the clinical and pathological examination of a dog with unexpected disseminated tuberculosis. The dog had presented with symptoms of a central nervous system disease; rapid deterioration prevented a complete clinical workup, however. Post-mortem examination revealed systemic mycobacteriosis, and M. tuberculosis was identified by PCR amplification of DNA extracts from paraffin-embedded tissue sections and spoligotyping. Contact investigations among the owners and veterinary personnel using an IFN-? release assay indicated that the index dog did not infect humans during its lifetime. Serological and IFN-? release assay results of one of two cats in direct contact with the index dog, however, suggested that transmission of M. tuberculosis might have occurred. Importantly, all three pathologists performing the necropsy on the dog tested positive. Accidental infection was most likely due to inhalation of M. tuberculosis containing aerosols created by using an electric saw to open the brain cavity. As a consequence routine necropsy procedures have been adapted and a disease surveillance program, including tuberculosis, has been initiated. Our results highlight the importance of disease awareness and timely diagnosis of zoonotic infectious agents in optimizing work safety for veterinary personnel.
Background and Purpose: In acute stroke it is no longer sufficient to detect simply ischemia, but also to try to evaluate reperfusion/recanalization status and predict eventual hemorrhagic transformation. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion may have advantages over contrast-enhanced perfusion-weighted imaging (cePWI), and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) has an intrinsic sensitivity to paramagnetic effects in addition to its ability to detect small areas of bleeding and hemorrhage. We want to determine here if their combined use in acute stroke and stroke follow-up at 3T could bring new insight into the diagnosis and prognosis of stroke leading to eventual improved patient management. Methods: We prospectively examined 41 patients admitted for acute stroke (NIHSS >1). Early imaging was performed between 1 h and 2 weeks. The imaging protocol included ASL, cePWI, SWI, T2 and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), in addition to standard stroke protocol. Results: We saw four kinds of imaging patterns based on ASL and SWI: patients with either hypoperfusion and hyperperfusion on ASL with or without changes on SWI. Hyperperfusion was observed on ASL in 12/41 cases, with hyperperfusion status that was not evident on conventional cePWI images. Signs of hemorrhage or blood-brain barrier breakdown were visible on SWI in 15/41 cases, not always resulting in poor outcome (2/15 were scored mRS = 0–6). Early SWI changes, together with hypoperfusion, were associated with the occurrence of hemorrhage. Hyperperfusion on ASL, even when associated with hemorrhage detected on SWI, resulted in good outcome. Hyperperfusion predicted a better outcome than hypoperfusion (p = 0.0148). Conclusions: ASL is able to detect acute-stage hyperperfusion corresponding to luxury perfusion previously reported by PET studies. The presence of hyperperfusion on ASL-type perfusion seems indicative of reperfusion/collateral flow that is protective of hemorrhagic transformation and a marker of favorable tissue outcome. The combination of hypoperfusion and changes on SWI seems on the other hand to predict hemorrhage and/or poor outcome.
In a survey of senior academic women whose careers began around 1970, over half of the 98 respondents cited the desire to serve or make a difference and sought personal fulfillment in their work. Most saw men’s motivations as dissimilar, typically as more self-interested and competitive. Despite generally high satisfaction, dissatisfaction with time pressure/workload and with support was common. Satisfactions and accomplishments overlapped. Frequently mentioned were teaching, scholarship, and their discipline, especially by faculty, and programmatic accomplishments, especially by administrators. Many respondents mentioned helping women; many mentioned a collaborative, nurturing style as integral to their success and as different from their typical male colleagues. Context is provided by the metaphor of immigration (Martin, 1997, 2000), the concept of ambivalent sexism (Krefting, 2003; Glick & Fiske, 1999), and recent work on women and leadership by Eagly and colleagues (e.g., Eagly, 2005; Eagly & Carli, 2007).
Auditory imagery for songs was studied in two groups of patients with left or right temporal-lobe excision for control of epilepsy, and a group of matched normal control subjects. Two tasks were used. In the perceptual task, subjects saw the text of a familiar song and simultaneously heard it sung. On each trial they judged if the second of two capitalized lyrics was higher or lower in pitch than the first. The imagery task was identical in all respects except that no song was presented, so that subjects had to generate an auditory image of the song. The results indicated that all subjects found the imagery task more difficult than the perceptual task, but patients with right temporal-lobe damage performed significantly worse on both tasks than either patients with left temporal-lobe lesions or normal control subjects. These results support the idea that imagery arises from activation of a neural substrate shared with perceptual mechanisms, and provides evidence for a right temporal- lobe specialization for this type of auditory imaginal processing.