965 resultados para S.P.B. Kommercheskoe uchilishche.


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Weight bias often results in the social exclusion of individuals with obesity. The direct, short-term psychological effects of social exclusion in obesity have not been investigated yet. This study experimentally tests whether social exclusion elicits stronger negative emotions in individuals with obesity compared to normal-weight controls. Specifically, we test whether social exclusion has a specific impact on shame. In total, N = 299 individuals (n = 130 with body mass index [BMI] ≤ 30 and n = 169 with BMI N 30) were randomly assigned to a social exclusion condition or a control condition that was implemented with an online Cyberball paradigm. Before and after, they filled out questionnaires assessing state emotionality. Social exclusion increased negative emotionality in both groups compared to the control condition (p b 0.001) according to a multivariate ANOVA. However, the interaction of group and social exclusion was also significant (p = 0.035) and arose from a significant, specific increase of shame in the group with obesity during social exclusion (p b 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.7). When faced with social exclusion, individuals with obesity do not respond with more intensive negative emotions in general compared to controls, but with a specific increase in shame. As social exclusion is frequent in individuals with obesity, psychological interventions focussing shame-related emotional distress could be crucial.


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P. B.


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The copepod Calanus finmarchicus is the dominant species of the meso-zooplankton in the Norwegian Sea, and constitutes an important link between the phytoplankton and the higher trophic levels in the Norwegian Sea food chain. An individualbased model for C. finmarchicus, based on super-individuals and evolving traits for behaviour, stages, etc., is two-way coupled to the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM). One year of modelled C. finmarchicus spatial distribution, production and biomass are found to represent observations reasonably well. High C. finmarchicus abundance is found along the Norwegian shelf-break in the early summer, while the overwintering population is found along the slope and in the deeper Norwegian Sea basins. The timing of the spring bloom is generally later than in the observations. Annual Norwegian Sea production is found to be 29 million tonnes of carbon and a production to biomass (P/B) ratio of 4.3 emerges. Sensitivity tests show that the modelling system is robust to initial values of behavioural traits and with regards to the number of super-individuals simulated given that this is above about 50,000 individuals. Experiments with the model system indicate that it provides a valuable tool for studies of ecosystem responses to causative forces such as prey density or overwintering population size. For example, introducing C. finmarchicus food limitations reduces the stock dramatically, but on the other hand, a reduced stock may rebuild in one year under normal conditions. The NetCDF file contains model grid coordinates and bottom topography.


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Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the finely dispersed fraction of particulate organic matter in sea water is given. It is demonstrated that in the euphotic zone of high productivity waters this fraction constitutes 86%, in waters with low productivity 61%, and in deep waters (>200 m) 53% of the organic carbon in particulate matter. Formation of the finely dispersed fraction and its role in distribution of energy in the detrital food chain of the ecosystem are discussed.


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The benthic isotopic record of Miocene Cibicidoides from Site 709 provides a record of conditions in the Indian Ocean at a depth of about 3200 mbsf. As expected, the record qualitatively resembles those of other Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites. The data are consistent with the scenario for the evolution of thermohaline circulation in the Miocene Indian Ocean proposed by Woodruff and Savin (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i001p00087). Further testing of that scenario, however, requires isotopic data for Cibicidoides from other Indian Ocean sites. There is a correlation between d13C values of Cibicidoides and planktonic:benthic (P:B)ratios of Site 709 sediments, implying a causal relationship between the corrosiveness of deep waters and concentration of CO2 derived from oxidation of organic matter.


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Die Bodentiergemeinschaft des Wattenmeeres ist von Frühjahr bis Herbst eines jeden Jahres durch extrem hohe Dichten von Jungtieren charakterisiert. Die Kenntnisse über die Ansiedlung von fplanktischen Larven im Wattenmeer, sowie die Dynamik postlarvaler Stadien sind aufgrund der üblicherweise verwendeten, großen Siebmaschenweiten gering. Gerade aber diesen Altersstadien kommt möglicherweise eine besondere Stellung im Energiefluß des Wattenmeeres zu. An 5 Stationen (von NWL bis HWL, B1-B5) im Rückseitenwatt der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum wurden 1986 Ansiedlung, räumliche Verteilung, Wachstum, Mortalität und Produktion der Altersklasse 0 von Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria und Cerastoderma edule untersucht. Um die Ansiedlung der planktotrophen Larven dieser Arten zu beschreiben, wurden ihre Dichten in Plankton und Bodenproben miteinander verglichen. Die Untersuchungen zur Dynamik der benthischen Stadien wurden mit zwei in der Probenfläche und der Siebmaschenweite unterschiedlichen Probenserien durchgeführt. Die Drift postlarvaler Stadien wurde durch bodennahe Planktonfänge innerhalb des Eulitorals nachgewiesen. Parallel zu den Untersuchungen an der Endofauna wurden das Vorkommen und die Größe epibenthischer Räuber im Untersuchungsgebiet erfaßt. Die Hauptansiedlung von M. balthica- und M. arenaria-Larven erfolgte nahezu gleichzeitig Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Die meisten Larven beider Arten gingen an der prielnächsten (tiefsten) Station (B1) zum Bodenleben über, gefolgt von der nächst höher gelegenen Station B2. Während frühe Bodenstadien von M. arenaria nicht im oberen Bereich des Watts (B3,B4) gefunden wurden, ist eine geringfügige Erstansiedlung von M. balthica in diesem Gebiet nicht auszuschließen. Ein die Ansiedlung limitierender Einfluß der relativ dichten Mya arenaria-Siedlung an den Stationen B1 und B2 sowie der Alttiere von M. balthica konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Die Ähnlichkeit des Ansiedlungsprozesses bei beiden Arten, die sich im Zahlenverhältnis Larvenangebot zu Anzahl der ersten Bodenstadien widerspiegelt, kann ein Hinweis auf eine überwiegend passive Ansiedlung der Larven am Boden sein. Der Ort der Hauptansiedlung von C. edule wurde durch den Transekt nicht erfaßt. Die Station B2 war zwar durch ein Herzmuschelfeld charakterisiert, dieses war aber nach zwei Eiswintern nahezu vollständig eliminiert. Der Abundanz der planktischen Larven zufolge war der Hauptansiedlungszeitraum ebenfalls Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Zu dieser Zeit wurden nur vereinzelt frühe Bodenstadien an den Stationen B1 und B2 gefunden, keine an den Stationen B3 und B4. Während die frühen postlarvalen Stadien von M. arenaria überwiegend am Ort der Ansiedlung blieben, verbreiteten sich die von M. balthica bis in den oberen Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes (B3-B5). Analog zu der Besiedlung dieser Gebiete durch postlarvale M. balthica wurde die im Verlauf des Untersuchungsjahres stattfindende Kolonisierung der Station B1 durch C. edule ebenfalls postlarvalem Transport zugeschrieben. Demzufolge spielt bei beiden Muschelarten postlarvaler Transport eine wichtige Rolle bei der Besiedlung von Habitaten. Planktonfänge innerhalb der bodennahen Wasserschicht bestätigten, daß im Untersuchungsgebiet M. balthica die am stärksten verdriftende Muschelart war, gefolgt von C. edule. Mortalität, Wachstum, mittlere Biomasse, Produktion und P/B-Verhältnis wurden für M. balthica an den Stationen B1, B3 und B4 sowie für M. arenaria an der Station B1 bestimmt. Wachstum und damit auch Produktion beider Arten erwiesen sich hier - wie an den höher gelegen Stationen (nur M. balthica) - als durch größenselektiven Feinddruck beeinflußt. Der Effekt postlarvalen Transports auf Wachstum wird diskutiert. Übergreifend über die auf Artebene diskutierten Ergebnisse wird die Bedeutung der Dispersion postlarvaler Stadien und die Wirkung epibenthischen Feinddrucks im Wattenmeer erörtert. Der Vergleich postlarvalen Transportes mit der Dispersion planktischer Larvenstadien, der Dispersion von Meiofauna und der Mobilität adulter Stadien der Makrofauna verdeutlicht, daß es sich hierbei um eine Strategie handeln kann, innerhalb eines unvorhersagbaren Biotops freiwerdende Ressourcen zu nutzen und dadurch Konkurrenz zu vermeiden. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daß Initialansiedlung und Immigration einerseits sowie Feinddruck und Emigration andererseits einen Regelkreis darstellen, der in verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Watts mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit abläuft.


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Bacterioplankton in the photic layer of the Sodruzhestvo Sea area and adjoining waters consists in summer primarily of cocci, with fractions smaller than 2 ?m predominating. The average abundance and biomass of microorganisms are 427 thousand cells/ml and 438 mg C/m**2, with ranges of 150-1770 thousand cells/ml and 221-1146 mg C/m**2. The average daily production and bacterial destruction increase from 49 and 104 mg C/m**2 at the beginning of the growth period to 85 and 180 mg C/m**2 in the middle of the period and remain at this level till the end. Despite low rate of increase (daily P/B coefficient averages 0.12), because of its high abundance bacterioplankton in Antarctic waters plays a major role in destruction of organic matter, accounting for 60-85% of energy consumed by heterotrophs.


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Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic) surface sediments and sediment cores show that maxima in the abundance of taraxerol (relative to other land-derived lipids) covary with maxima in the relative abundance of pollen from the mangrove tree genus Rhizophora and that in the surface sediments offshore maxima in the relative abundance of taraxerol occur at latitudes with abundant coastal mangrove forests. Together with the observation that Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa leaves are extraordinarily rich in taraxerol, this strongly indicates that taraxerol can be used as a lipid biomarker for mangrove input to the SE Atlantic. The proxy-environment relations for taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen down-core show that increased taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen abundances occur during transgressions and periods with a humid climate. These environmental changes modify the coastal erosion and sedimentation patterns, enhancing the extent of the mangrove ecosystem and/or the transport of mangrove organic matter offshore. Analyses of mid-Pleistocene sediments show that interruption of the pattern of taraxerol maxima during precession minima occurs almost only during periods of low obliquity. This demonstrates the complex environmental response of the interaction between precession-related humidity cycles and obliquity-related sea-level changes on mangrove input.


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In the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene a group of 95 species of elongate, cylindrical, deep-sea (lower bathyal-abyssal) benthic foraminifera became extinct. This Extinction Group (Ext. Gp), belonging to three families (all the Stilostomellidae and Pleurostomellidae, some of the Nodosariidae), was a major component (20-70%) of deep-sea foraminiferal assemblages in the middle Cenozoic and subsequently declined in abundance and species richness before finally disappearing almost completely during the mid-Pleistocene Climatic Transition (MPT). So what caused these declines and extinction? In this study 127 Ext. Gp species are identified from eight Cenozoic bathyal and abyssal sequences in the North Atlantic and equatorial Pacific Oceans. Most species are long-ranging with 80% originating in the Eocene or earlier. The greatest abundance and diversity of the Ext. Gp was in the warm oceanic conditions of the middle Eocene-early Oligocene. The group was subjected to significant changes in the composition of the faunal dominants and slightly enhanced species turnover during and soon after the rapid Eocene-Oligocene cooling event. Declines in the relative abundance and flux of the Ext. Gp, together with enhanced species loss, occurred during middle-late Miocene cooling, particularly at abyssal sites. The overall number of Ext. Gp species present began declining earlier at mid abyssal depths (in middle Miocene) than at upper abyssal (in late Pliocene-early Pleistocene) and then lower bathyal depths (in MPT). By far the most significant Ext. Gp declines in abundance and species loss occurred during the more severe glacial stages of the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene. Clearly, the decline and extinction of this group of deep-sea foraminifera was related to the function of their specialized apertures and the stepwise cooling of global climate and deep water. We infer that the apertural modifications may be related to the method of food collection or processing, and that the extinctions may have resulted from the decline or loss of their specific phytoplankton or prokaryote food source, that was more directly impacted than the foraminifera by the cooling temperatures.


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Results of microbiological, biogeochemical and isotope geochemical studies in the Kara Sea are described. Samples for these studies were obtained during Cruise 54 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2007. The studied area covered the northern, central, and southwestern parts of the Kara Sea and the Obskaya Guba (Ob River estuary). Quantitative characteristics of total bacterial population and activity of microbial processes in the water column and bottom sediments were obtained. Total abundance of bacterioplankton (BP) varied from 250000 cells/ml in the northern Kara Sea to 3000000 cells/ml in the Obskaya Guba. BP abundance depended on concentration of suspensded matter. Net BP production was minimal in the central Kara Sea (up to 0.15-0.2 µg C/l/day) and maximal (0.5-0.75 µg C/l/day) in the Obskaya Guba. Organic material at the majority of stations at the Ob transect predominantly contained light carbon isotopes (-28.0 to -30.18 per mil) of terrigenous origin. Methane concentration in the surface water layer varied from 0.18 to 2.0 µl CH4/l, and methane oxidation rate varied from 0.1 to 100 nl CH4/l/day. Methane concentration in the upper sediment layer varied from 30 to 300 µl CH4/dm**3; rate of methane formation was varied from 44 to 500 nl CH4/dm**3/day and rate of methane oxidation - from 30 to 2000 nl CH4/dm**3/day. Rate of sulfate reduction varied from 4 to 184 µg S/dm**3/day.


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Depth fluctuations of the lysocline and calcite compensation depth (CCD) through time were investigated at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, Leg 93. The CCD fell during the middle Miocene at the onset of the Western Boundary Undercurrent, correlated with seismic Horizon X. Subsequently deposited units show fluctuations of the dissolution curve. Major changes in dissolution facies correspond with lithologic boundaries.


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To reveal changes in the oceanic environment on the continental slope adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, east of Cairns (NE Australia), planktonic and benthic foraminiferal abundances were counted and planktonic percentages (P/B ratios) were determined in sediments from two sites. Counts of planktonic and benthic specimens per gram of sediment over the last glacial/interglacial cycle at the shallowest Site 821, located in a water depth of 212 m just below the core of Subtropical Lower Water, show high abundances in the last glacial compared with the Holocene interglacial. We interpret the apparent increase in abundances during the last glacial as mainly a consequence of fluctuations in the intensity of flow of Subtropical Lower Water along the outer shelf edge and upper slope. During the lowstand in sea level, the increased flow winnowed the sediments, concentrating the foraminiferal skeletons. The P/B ratios are low throughout, with the highest values occurring during the Holocene interglacial and glacial stage 2. This suggests that some upwelling might have occurred during glacial stage 2. The relatively deeper water Site 819 is located in 565.2 m of water in a zone of mixing between Subtropical Lower Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water. The studied record at this site represents middle to upper Quaternary sediments, but it was interrupted by a hiatus just above stage 15 (Alexander et al., this volume); stages 7 through 13 are missing. Below the hiatus (isotopic stages 15 through 21), the foraminiferal abundances are low, while above the hiatus, the highest abundances occur in isotopic stage 6. In addition, a major change in the P/B ratio occurs across the unconformity. Below the hiatus, the ratios are low and resemble the values of the top of Site 821; but above it, ratios rapidly fluctuate, with a tendency for high values during glacial periods. We interpret the changes across the hiatus as having been caused by a shift in the position of the mixing zone between subsurface Subtropical Lower Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water. The mixing zone of these watermasses was farther down the slope in isotopic stages 15 through 21. This is indicated by the low P/B ratios, similar to the values found in the top of Site 821, which presently is bathed in subtropical waters. Above the hiatus, the influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water increased, as inferred from the high P/B ratios.


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We compared lifetime and population energy budgets of the extraordinary long-lived ocean quahog Arctica islandica from 6 different sites - the Norwegian coast, Kattegat, Kiel Bay, White Sea, German Bight, and off northeast Iceland - covering a temperature and salinity gradient of 4-10°C (annual mean) and 25-34, respectively. Based on von Bertalanffy growth models and size-mass relationships, we computed organic matter production of body (PSB) and of shell (PSS), whereas gonad production (PG) was estimated from the seasonal cycle in mass. Respiration (R) was computed by a model driven by body mass, temperature, and site. A. islandica populations differed distinctly in maximum life span (40 y in Kiel Bay to 197 y in Iceland), but less in growth performance (phi' ranged from 2.41 in the White Sea to 2.65 in Kattegat). Individual lifetime energy throughput, as approximated by assimilation, was highest in Iceland (43,730 kJ) and lowest in the White Sea (313 kJ). Net growth efficiency ranged between 0.251 and 0.348, whereas lifetime energy investment distinctly shifted from somatic to gonad production with increasing life span; PS/PG decreased from 0.362 (Kiel Bay, 40 y) to 0.031 (Iceland, 197 y). Population annual energy budgets were derived from individual budgets and estimates of population mortality rate (0.035/y in Iceland to 0.173/y in Kiel Bay). Relationships between budget ratios were similar on the population level, albeit with more emphasis on somatic production; PS/ PG ranged from 0.196 (Iceland) to 2.728 (White Sea), and P/B ranged from 0.203-0.285/y. Life span is the principal determinant of the relationship between budget parameters, whereas temperature affects net growth efficiency only. In the White Sea population, both growth performance and net growth efficiency of A. islandica were lowest. We presume that low temperature combined with low salinity represent a particularly stressful environment for this species.


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The few existing studies on macrobenthic communities of the deep Arctic Ocean report low standing stocks, and confirm a gradient with declining biomass from the slopes down to the basins as commonly reported for deep-sea benthos. In this study we have further investigated the relationship of faunal abundance (N), biomass (B) as well as community production (P) with water depth, geographical latitude and sea ice concentration. The underlying dataset combines legacy data from the past 20 years, as well as recent field studies selected according to standardized quality control procedures. Community P/B and production were estimated using the multi-parameter ANN model developed by Brey (2012). We could confirm the previously described negative relationship of water depth and macrofauna standing stock in the Arctic deep-sea. Furthermore, the sea-ice cover increasing with high latitudes, correlated with decreasing abundances of down to < 200 individuals/m**2, biomasses of < 65 mg C/m**2 and P of < 75 mg C/m**2/y. Stations under influence of the seasonal ice zone (SIZ) showed much higher standing stock and P means between 400 - 1400 mg C/m**2/y; even at depths up to 3700 m. We conclude that particle flux is the key factor structuring benthic communities in the deep Arctic ocean, explaining both the low values in the ice-covered Arctic basins and the high values along the SIZ.


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Interannual environmental variability in Peru is dominated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most dramatic changes are associated with the warm El Niño (EN) phase (opposite the cold La Niña phase), which disrupts the normal coastal upwelling and affects the dynamics of many coastal marine and terrestrial resources. This study presents a trophic model for Sechura Bay, located at the northern extension of the Peruvian upwelling system, where ENSO-induced environmental variability is most extreme. Using an initial steady-state model for the year 1996, we explore the dynamics of the ecosystem through the year 2003 (including the strong EN of 1997/98 and the weaker EN of 2002/03). Based on support from literature, we force biomass of several non-trophically-mediated 'drivers' (e.g. Scallops, Benthic detritivores, Octopus, and Littoral fish) to observe whether the fit between historical and simulated changes (by the trophic model) is improved. The results indicate that the Sechura Bay Ecosystem is a relatively inefficient system from a community energetics point of view, likely due to the periodic perturbations of ENSO. A combination of high system productivity and low trophic level target species of invertebrates (i.e. scallops) and fish (i.e. anchoveta) results in high catches and an efficient fishery. The importance of environmental drivers is suggested, given the relatively small improvements in the fit of the simulation with the addition of trophic drivers on remaining functional groups' dynamics. An additional multivariate regression model is presented for the scallop Argopecten purpuratus, which demonstrates a significant correlation between both spawning stock size and riverine discharge-mediated mortality on catch levels. These results are discussed in the context of the appropriateness of trophodynamic modeling in relatively open systems, and how management strategies may be focused given the highly environmentally influenced marine resources of the region.