977 resultados para Russo-Polish War, 1919-1920.


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Resumen: En el presente trabajo se analiza el aporte que un grupo de poetas, políticos e intelectuales argentinos en la revista Latinidad –creada por el impresor francés Mauricio Bouxin en 1920 y reeditada entre 1939 y 1947–, para dar cuenta de una posible apertura en la recepción de colaboraciones. Esto, en una variedad de sentidos: en cuanto a la nacionalidad y pertenencia de quienes escribían, su espectro ideológico y militancia, el posicionamiento en cuanto a la Segunda Guerra Mundial –tópico principal de la publicación– y, en cuanto a opiniones sobre política interna argentina. Plantearemos cómo la latinidad fue propuesta como un factor cohesionante, no sólo dentro de la propia comunidad francesa, sino en el contexto latinoamericano con el que pretendían estrechar lazos de identidad compartida, en el marco del conflicto bélico mundial.


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Resumen: El anarquismo encontró en el internacionalismo un elemento esencial para la unión del movimiento libertario, pues consideraba que una alianza universal se lograría sólo atravesando las fronteras. Fueron numerosos los pensadores ácratas que buscaron cumplir este objetivo y que, desde su papel de teóricos-militantes, no sólo contribuyeron a la conformación del universo intelectual anarquista en Buenos Aires en las primeras décadas del siglo XX sino que, a través de su rol de agentes activos en el proceso de gestación, recepción y circulación de ideas, intentaron relacionar el anarquismo local con el latinoamericano y el europeo. Dentro de este grupo se destacó, entre los años 1920 y 1930, Diego Abad de Santillán quien, tanto en su papel de teórico como de militante, periodista, escritor, editor y traductor, constituyó una pieza fundamental para el engranaje intelectual libertario desplegado entre Europa y América Latina, e integró el conjunto de pensadores que lideraron el anarquismo argentino. Al cruzar ambos movimientos, no sólo actuó como nexo sino que también buscó representar, y dar respuestas, a los múltiples y variados intereses de la clase trabajadora.


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This paper empirically studies the dynamic relationship between monetary and fiscal policies by analyzing the comovements between the Fed funds rate and the primary deficit/output ratio. Simple economic thinking establishes that a negative correlation between Fed rate and deficit arises whenever the two policy authorities share a common stabilization objective. However, when budget balancing concerns lead to a drastic deficit reduction the Fed may reduce the Fed rate in order to smooth the impact of fiscal policy, which results in a positive correlation between these two policy instruments. The empirical results show (i) a significant negative comovement between Fed rate and deficit and (ii) that deficit and output gap Granger-cause the Fed funds rate during the post-Volcker era, but the opposite is not true.


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This paper considers the basic present value model of interest rates under rational expectations with two additional features. First, following McCallum (1994), the model assumes a policy reaction function where changes in the short-term interest rate are determined by the long-short spread. Second, the short-term interest rate and the risk premium processes are characterized by a Markov regime-switching model. Using US post-war interest rate data, this paper finds evidence that a two-regime switching model fits the data better than the basic model. The estimation results also show the presence of two alternative states displaying quite different features.


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Using U.S. interest rate data covering the period 1950:1-1992:7, this paper tests the rational expectations model of the term structure of interest rates. We show evidence that the rational expectations model of the term structure is supported by the data during the seventies and a period lasting from the mid-eighties to the end of the sample. However, during the …fties, sixties and a period that covers most of the Volcker’s office term (from September 1979 to April 1986) the term structure model is rejected by the data. Moreover, wefind evidence of regime changes in the short-term rate process and the term structure of interest rates. These regime switches roughly coincide with changes in the Federal Reserve chairman. The switches in monetary policy taking place when the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve changes therefore seem to play an important role in characterizing the term structure of interest rates.


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Published as an article in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2004, vol. 8, issue 1, pages 5.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo.


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Joan Nieuhoff, viajante alemão, nasceu em Usen, Vesfália, em 1618, e morreu em Madagascar, em 1672. Trabalhou na Companhia das Índias Orientais, foi nomeado agente em Batávia, em 1654. Em 1655, foi à China tratar da abertura dos portos daquele país ao comércio holandês. Governou o Ceilão de 1662 a 1667. Em 1672, desembarcando em Madagascar, foi morto pelos nativos.


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The article compares a recent aerial photograph of the lowlands of the Isle of Anglesey area with a German surveillance photograph from 1941. The authors aim to infer the environmental changes made to this sand dune and lake system as a direct consequence of constructing the airfield. Part of Tywyn Trewan, the extensive sand dune system, was completely destroyed in order to create runways and the technical and domestic accommodation to house a strategic airfield. As part of the dredging, six new water bodies with a combined surface area of approximately 6 ha were created.


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This paper tries to develop more generally some fundamental bases for the ecological study of freshwater plankton. A special attention is given to the phytoplankton associations which can be separated out and made into groups according to their dependence upon changing environments. Plankton formations in different types of water bodies (ponds, lakes and rivers) are studied.


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Oso ohikoa da landa eremuko emakumeen bizitzaren imaginarioa negatiboa izatea, eta are gehiago, aurreko mendean jaiotakoena emakumeena, egungo belaunaldi zaharrenarena alegia. Esklabizatutako emakumetzat ditu gaur egungo gizarteak, baina ikerketa honen bitartez frogatu nahi da euren bizimodua gaur egungo bizimoduaren ezberdina besterik ez dela, ez hobeagoa ezta okerragoa ere, soilik, beste modu batekoa. Honetarako, emakume hauen denboraren inguruko bizipenei eta ulermenari erreparatuko diogu.