805 resultados para Rotary dryer


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In this paper, we propose a novel high-dimensional index method, the BM+-tree, to support efficient processing of similarity search queries in high-dimensional spaces. The main idea of the proposed index is to improve data partitioning efficiency in a high-dimensional space by using a rotary binary hyperplane, which further partitions a subspace and can also take advantage of the twin node concept used in the M+-tree. Compared with the key dimension concept in the M+-tree, the binary hyperplane is more effective in data filtering. High space utilization is achieved by dynamically performing data reallocation between twin nodes. In addition, a post processing step is used after index building to ensure effective filtration. Experimental results using two types of real data sets illustrate a significantly improved filtering efficiency.


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Il sito archeologico di Arslantepe (provincia di Malatya, Turchia) rappresenta un caso di studio di potenziale interesse per l’interazione tra i mutamenti climatici e la storia della civiltà. Il sito, occupato quasi ininterrottamente per un periodo di tempo relativamente lungo (6250-2700 BP), ha fornito una grande quantità di reperti ossei, distribuiti lungo una stratigrafia archeologica relativamente dettagliata e supportata da datazioni al radiocarbonio. Tali reperti, indagati con le tecniche della geochimica degli isotopi stabili, possono costituire degli efficaci proxy paleoclimatici. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la composizione isotopica di 507 campioni di resti ossei umani e animali (prevalentemente pecore, capre, buoi). I rapporti isotopici studiati sono relativi a ossigeno (δ18Ocarb, δ18Oph), carbonio (δ13Ccarb, δ13Ccoll) e azoto (δ15N), misurati nella frazione minerale e organica dell’osso; la variabilità nel tempo di questi parametri, principalmente legati alla paleonutrizione, può essere correlata, direttamente o indirettamente, a cambiamenti dei parametri ambientali quali temperatura e umidità atmosferiche. I risultati indicano che la dieta degli animali selvatici e domestici di Arslantepe era quasi esclusivamente a base di piante a ciclo fotosintetico C3, generalmente tipiche di climi umidi o temperati. La presenza di piante C4, più tipiche di condizioni aride, sembrerebbe essere riconoscibile solamente nella dieta del bue (Bos taurus). La dieta umana era esclusivamente terrestre a base di cereali e carne di caprini con una percentuale esigua o del tutto assente di carne di maiale e bue. Dal punto di vista paleoclimatico il principale risultato del lavoro consiste nel riconoscimento della preservazione di un segnale paleoclimatico a lungo termine (δ18OW, composizione isotopica dell’ossigeno dell’acqua ingerita), che identifica un massimo relativo di umidità attorno al 5000 BP e che si correla, per andamento e ampiezza della variazione a record paleoclimatici di sedimenti lacustri collocati in regioni adiacenti all’area di studio. Sulla base del confronto dei tre segnali isotopici sono state inoltre riconosciute due anomalie climatiche siccitose a breve termine, apparentemente riferibili a due episodi di aridità a scala regionale documentati in letteratura.


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Esta dissertação relata o desenvolvimento de um produto para determinação do tipo san-guíneo de humanos. A necessidade de criar um produto eficiente e capaz de determinar o tipo sanguíneo em situações de emergências surge da possibilidade das análises serem realizadas em momentos críticos, onde se pretende eliminar o erro humano e minimizar os riscos de incompatibi-lidade nas transfusões sanguíneas. A proposta pretende resolver problemas dos procedimentos realizados na análise do tipo sanguíneo em situações de emergência, que são realizados pelos técnicos da saúde, em ambien-tes da saúde, fixos ou móveis. Atualmente, o processo de análise de grupo sanguíneo, nestas si-tuações, ocorre manualmente através do procedimento de teste em lâmina. Este consiste na reco-lha de sangue e respectiva mistura com os reagentes específicos, a fim de determinar a aglutina-ção do sangue. Os resultados são observados macroscopicamente. Com base na técnica da tipagem manual, desenvolveu-se um produto com os mesmos princípios, semiautomático e com um rápido tempo de resposta, sem interferência humana na in-terpretação dos resultados, eliminando possíveis erros. Para solucionar os aspetos técnicos e me-cânicos, incorporaram-se tecnologias inovadoras, sendo elas resultado do trabalho interdisciplinar com das áreas do Design Industrial e as Engenharias Eletrónica e Mecânica. O sistema eletrónico incorporado utiliza o sistema de controlo Lilliput. Este sistema processa a informação recorrendo a processamento de imagem (através do software LabVIEW) e deteta automaticamente a ocorrência de aglutinação. O tipo sanguíneo é assim determinado num curto intervalo de tempo (aproxima-damente, dois minutos), o que viabiliza a utilização da técnica em situações de emergências. O projeto mecânico do sistema foi desenvolvido com recurso ao software Solidworks. Fo-ram realizadas simulações e testes com um rotary motor para viabilizar o funcionamento do meca-nismo. O sistema mecânico de agitação das amostras é simples, inovador e possui um elevado valor acrescentado, sendo nesse caso uma mais-valia na segurança dos utilizadores. O produto desenvolvido consegue atingir o objetivo do trabalho, realizando a determinação do tipo sanguíneo dos humanos em 5 minutos, sendo eficaz e funcional. É um produto com aspec-to formal que atribui a sua ergonomia adaptada ao utilizador, sendo assim portátil, de fácil uso e manuseio.


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This paper focuses on minimizing printed circuit board (PCB) assembly time for a chipshootermachine, which has a movable feeder carrier holding components, a movable X–Y table carrying a PCB, and a rotary turret with multiple assembly heads. The assembly time of the machine depends on two inter-related optimization problems: the component sequencing problem and the feeder arrangement problem. Nevertheless, they were often regarded as two individual problems and solved separately. This paper proposes two complete mathematical models for the integrated problem of the machine. The models are verified by two commercial packages. Finally, a hybrid genetic algorithm previously developed by the authors is presented to solve the model. The algorithm not only generates the optimal solutions quickly for small-sized problems, but also outperforms the genetic algorithms developed by other researchers in terms of total assembly time.


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A chip shooter machine for electronic component assembly has a movable feeder carrier, a movable X–Y table carrying a printed circuit board (PCB), and a rotary turret with multiple assembly heads. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to optimize the sequence of component placements and the arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously for a chip shooter machine, that is, the component scheduling problem. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total assembly time. The GA developed in the paper hybridizes different search heuristics including the nearest-neighbor heuristic, the 2-opt heuristic, and an iterated swap procedure, which is a new improved heuristic. Compared with the results obtained by other researchers, the performance of the HGA is superior in terms of the assembly time. Scope and purpose When assembling the surface mount components on a PCB, it is necessary to obtain the optimal sequence of component placements and the best arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously in order to minimize the total assembly time. Since it is very difficult to obtain the optimality, a GA hybridized with several search heuristics is developed. The type of machines being studied is the chip shooter machine. This paper compares the algorithm with a simple GA. It shows that the performance of the algorithm is superior to that of the simple GA in terms of the total assembly time.


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A chip shooter machine in printed circuit board (PCB) assembly has three movable mechanisms: an X-Y table carrying a PCB, a feeder carrier with several feeders holding components and a rotary turret with multiple assembly heads to pick up and place components. In order to get the minimal placement or assembly time for a PCB on the machine, all the components on the board should be placed in a perfect sequence, and the components should be set up on a right feeder, or feeders since two feeders can hold the same type of components, and additionally, the assembly head should retrieve or pick up a component from a right feeder. The entire problem is very complicated, and this paper presents a genetic algorithm approach to tackle it.


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A chip shooter machine for electronic components assembly has a movable feeder carrier holding components, a movable X-Y table carrying a printed circuit board (PCB), and a rotary turret having multiple assembly heads. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize the sequence of component placements for a chip shooter machine. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total traveling distance of the X-Y table or the board. The genetic algorithm developed in the paper hybridizes the nearest neighbor heuristic, and an iterated swap procedure, which is a new improved heuristic. We have compared the performance of the hybrid genetic algorithm with that of the approach proposed by other researchers and have demonstrated our algorithm is superior in terms of the distance traveled by the X-Y table or the board.


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The purpose of this article is to delimit the role of pragmatic specialization in the evolution of negation in French. The change in the marking of sentential negation is believed to proceed in characterized stages that would together constitute the Jespersen cycle. As a marker becomes the default expression of negation, the other markers do not necessarily fade away, and are maintained with specialized roles that include pragmatic functions. One such pragmatic function is that of activation (Dryer 1996), by which a proposition is presented as accessible to the hearer. Activation is shown to motivate the use of preverbal non that competes with 'ne' for several centuries. The claims that the emergence of postverbal pas in early French and the loss of 'ne' in contemporary spoken French are associated with activation are considered on the basis of novel data. It is concluded that pragmatic functions contribute to language change by providing marked options that may be conferred the default status in a grammatical paradigm.


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The objective of the thesis was to analyse several process configurations for the production of electricity from biomass. Process simulation models using AspenPlus aimed at calculating the industrial performance of power plant concepts were built, tested, and used for analysis. The criteria used in analysis were performance and cost. All of the advanced systems appear to have higher efficiencies than the commercial reference, the Rankine cycle. However, advanced systems typically have a higher cost of electricity (COE) than the Rankine power plant. High efficiencies do not reduce fuel costs enough to compensate for the high capital costs of advanced concepts. The successful reduction of capital costs would appear to be the key to the introduction of the new systems. Capital costs account for a considerable, often dominant, part of the cost of electricity in these concepts. All of the systems have higher specific investment costs than the conventional industrial alternative, i.e. the Rankine power plant; Combined beat and power production (CUP) is currently the only industrial area of application in which bio-power costs can be considerably reduced to make them competitive. Based on the results of this work, AsperiPlus is an appropriate simulation platform. How-ever, the usefulness of the models could be improved if a number of unit operations were modelled in greater detail. The dryer, gasifier, fast pyrolysis, gas engine and gas turbine models could be improved.


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The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids, and to the drying of droplets containing solids and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for a single droplet suspended from a nozzle were studied within a 42mm I.D. horizontal wind tunnel designed to supply hot dry air, to simulate conditions encountered in a practical spray dryer. A novel rotating glass nozzle was developed to facilitate direct measurements of droplet weight and core temperature. This design minimised heat conduction through the nozzle. Revised correlations were obtained for heat and mass transfer coefficients, for evaporation from pure water droplets suspended from a rotating nozzle. Nu = 2.0 + 0.27 (l/B)°-18Re°-5Pr°-83 Sh = 2.0 + 0.575 ((T0-T.)/Tomfc) -o.o4Reo.5 ^0.33 Experimental drying studies were carried out on single droplets of different types of skin-forming materials, namely, custard, gelatin, skim milk and fructose at air temperatures ranging from 19°C to 198°C. Dried crusts were recovered and examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Skin-forming materials were classified into three types according to the mechanisms of skin formation. In the first type (typified by droplets of custard and starch) skin formed due to gelatinisation at high temperatures. Increasing the drying temperature resulted in increased crust resistance to mass transfer due to increased granule swelling and the crust resistance was completely transferred to a skin resistance at drying temperatures > 150°C. In the second type e.g. gelatin droplets the skin formed immediately drying had taken place at any drying temperature. At drying temperature > 60° C a more resistant skin was formed. In the third type (typified by droplets of skim milk and fructose) the skin appeared on the droplet surface at a certain stage of the drying process under any drying conditions. As the drying temperature was increased the resistance of the skin to mass transfer increased. The drying rate history of any material depended upon the nature of the skin formed which, in turn, depended upon the drying conditions. A mathematical model was proposed for the drying of the first type of skin-forming material. This was based on the assumption that, once all the granules gelatinised at the gelatinisation temperature, a skin appeared instantaneously on the droplet surface. The experimentally-observed times at which the skin appeared on the droplets surfaces were in excellent agreement with those predicted from the model. The work should assist in understanding the fundamentals of paniculate drying processes, particularly when skin-formation occurs and may be a crucial factor in volatiles retention.


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The literature relating to the principles and practice of drying of materials, particularly those susceptible to thermal degradation or undesirable loss of volatile components, has been reviewed. Single droplets of heat-sensitive materials were dried whilst suspended in a horizontal wind tunnel from a specially-designed, rotating thermocouple which enabled direct observation of drying behaviour and continuous measurement of droplet temperature as drying progressed. The effects of drying air temperature and initial solids concentration on the potency of various antibiotics, viz. ampicillin, chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, streptomycin and tetracycline, were assessed using a modified Drug Sensitivity Testing technique. Only ampicillin was heat-sensitive at temperatures above 100°C, e.g. at an air temperature of 115°C its zone diameter was reduced from 100% to 45%. Selected enzymes, viz. dextran sucrase and invertase, were also dried and their residual activities determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The residual activity of dextran sucrase was rapidly reduced at temperatures above 65°C, and the residual activity of invertase reduced rapidly at temperatures above 65°C; but drying with short residence times will retain most of its activity. The performance of various skin-forming encapsulants, viz. rice and wheat starch, dextrin, coffee, skim milk, fructose, gelatine 60 and 150 Bloom, and gum arabic, was evaluated to determine their capabilities for retention of ethanol as a model volatile, under different operating conditions. The effects of initial solids concentration, air velocity and temperature were monitored for each material tested. Ethanol content was analysed by Gas Liquid Chromatography and in some cases dried crusts were removed for examination. Volatiles retention was concluded to depend in all cases upon the rate and nature of the skin formation and selective diffusion phenomena. The results provided further insight into the inter-relationship between temperature, residence time and thermal degradation of heat-sensitive materials. They should also assist in selection of the preferred dryer for such materials, and of the operating parameter to enable maximum retention of the required physico-chemical characteristics in the dried materials.


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What is the role of pragmatics in the evolution of grammatical paradigms? It is to maintain marked candidates that may come to be the default expression. This perspective is validated by the Jespersen cycle, where the standard expression of sentential negation is renewed as pragmatically marked negatives achieve default status. How status changes are effected, however, remains to be documented. This is what is achieved in this paper that looks at the evolution of preverbal negative non in Old and Middle French. The negative, which categorically marks pragmatic activation (Dryer 1996) with finite verbs in Old French, loses this value when used with non-finite verbs in Middle French. This process is accompanied by competing semantic reanalyses of the distribution of infinitives negated in this way, and by the co-occurrence with a greater lexical variety of verbs. The absence of pragmatic contribution should lead the marker to take on the role of default, which is already fulfilled by a well-established ne ... pas, pushing non to decline. Hard empirical evidence is thus provided that validates the assumed role of pragmatics in the Jespersen cycle, supporting the general view of pragmatics as supporting alternative candidates that may or may not achieve default status in the evolution of a grammatical paradigm.


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Heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular, but poor electricity generating efficiency limits the potential energy savings of electrically powered units. Thus the work reported in this thesis concerns the development of a range of gas engine driven heat pumps for industrial and commercial heating applications, which recover heat from the prime mover, normally rejected to waste. Despite the convenience of using proprietary engine heat recovery packages, investigations have highlighted the necessity to ensure the engine and the heat recovery equipment are compatible. A problem common •to all air source heat pumps is the formation of frost on the evaporator, which must be removed periodically, with the expenditure of energy, to ensure the continued operation of the plant. An original fluidised bed defrosting mechanism is proposed, which prevents the build-up of this frost, and also improves system performance. Criticisms have been levelled against the rotary sliding vane compressor, in particular the effects of lubrication, which is essential. This thesis compares the rotary sliding vane compressor with other machines, and concludes that many of these criticisms are unfounded. A confidential market survey indicates an increasing demand for heat pumps up to and including 1990, and the technical support needed to penetrate this market is presented. Such support includes the development of a range of modular gas engine driven heat pumps, and a computer aided design for the selection of the optimum units. A case study of a gas engine driven heat pump for a swimming pool application which provided valuable experience is included.


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The thesis describes the work carried out to develop a prototype knowledge-based system 'KBS-SETUPP' to generate process plans for the manufacture of seamless tubes. The work is specifically related to a plant in which hollows are made from solid billets using a rotary piercing process and then reduced to required size and finished properties using the fixed plug cold drawing process. The thesis first discusses various methods of tube production in order to give a general background of tube manufacture. Then a review of the automation of the process planning function is presented in terms of its basic sub-tasks and the techniques and suitability of a knowledge-based system is established. In the light of such a review and a case study, the process planning problem is formulated in the domain of seamless tube manufacture, its basic sub-tasks are identified and capabilities and constraints of the available equipment in the specific plant are established. The task of collecting and collating the process planning knowledge in seamless tube manufacture is discussed and is mostly fulfilled from domain experts, analysing of existing manufacturing records specific to plant, textbooks and applicable Standards. For the cold drawing mill, tube-drawing schedules have been rationalised to correspond with practice. The validation of such schedules has been achieved by computing the process parameters and then comparing these with the drawbench capacity to avoid over-loading. The existing models cannot be simulated in the computer program as such, therefore a mathematical model has been proposed which estimates the process parameters which are in close agreement with experimental values established by other researchers. To implement the concepts, a Knowledge-Based System 'KBS- SETUPP' has been developed on Personal Computer using Turbo- Prolog. The system is capable of generating process plans, production schedules and some additional capabilities to supplement process planning. The system generated process plans have been compared with the actual plans of the company and it has been shown that the results are satisfactory and encouraging and that the system has the capabilities which are useful.


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Plantain (Banana-Musa AAB) is a widely growing but commercially underexploited tropical fruit. This study demonstrates the processing of plantain to flour and extends its use and convenience as a constituent of bread, cake and biscuit. Plantain was peeled, dried and milled to produce flour. Proximate analysis was carried out on the flour to determine the food composition. Drying at temperatures below 70ºC produced light coloured plantain flour. Experiments were carried out to determine the mechanism of drying, the heat and mass transfer coefficients, effect of air velocity, temperature and cube size on the rate of drying of plantain cubes. The drying was diffusion controlled. Pilot scale drying of plantain cubes in a cabinet dryer showed no significant increase of drying rate above 70ºC. In the temperature range found most suitable for plantain drying (ie 60 to 70ºC) the total drying time was adequately predicted using a modified equation based on Fick's Law provided the cube temperature was taken to be about 5ºC below the actual drying air temperature. Studies of baking properties of plantain flour revealed that plantain flour can be substituted for strong wheat flour up to 15% for bread making and up to 50% for madeira cake. A shortcake biscuit was produced using 100% plantain flour and test-marketed. Detailed economic studies showed that the production of plantain fruit and its processing into flour would be economically viable in Nigeria when the flour is sold at the wholesale price of NO.65 per kilogram provided a minimum sale of 25% plantain suckers. There is need for government subsidy if plantain flour is to compete with imported wheat flour. The broader economic benefits accruing from the processing of plantain fruit into flour and its use in bakery products include employment opportunity, savings in foreign exchange and stimulus to home agriculture.