976 resultados para Romanesque -- Colorado -- Denver
Calandrinia galapagosa St. John is found only on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos archipelago, where it is severely threatened by feral goats. A population at Cerro Colorado is protected by an exclosure constructed for this purpose in 1993. Individuals of this population have white or pinkish white flowers with a green stem, whereas the population at La Galapaguera, has pinkish white flowers with a purple stem.
Esta dissertação se detém em duas das principais características da literatura brasileira contemporânea: a profusão de escritas de si e a recorrência de personagens-escritores na produção romanesca. Nesse contexto, a discussão concentra-se em algumas das obras de um dos mais consagrados escritores brasileiros da atualidade: Cristovão Tezza. Em se tratando das escritas de si, discutimos a respeito do premiado romance O filho eterno (2007), por ser uma narrativa que congrega elementos factuais e criação ficcional. Nesse sentido, fazer da relação com o próprio filho Down a matéria-prima de um romance significa enveredar pelos caminhos dos gêneros autobiográficos, estabelecendo um novo paradigma em relação a suas obras anteriores, já que, até então, nenhum espaço para a abordagem de elementos referenciais havia sido aberto. Na discussão dessa obra, consideramos que, apesar de se inclinar à autobiografia, o autor lhe distribui índices de ficcionalidade que colocam em xeque a veracidade do discurso, o que impossibilita a delimitação do gênero entre autobiografia e romance. Nesse caso, o que passa a estar em jogo é a ficcionalização do eu frente à criação literária. Num segundo momento, refletimos sobre a inserção de personagens-escritores na escrita tezziana, recurso amplamente utilizado pelo autor em diversas obras ficcionais, investigando os motivos e implicações dessa recorrência. Para empreender tal análise, recorremos às noções de metaficção e gesto literário, visto que a tematização do universo íntimo do escritor na esfera ficcional evidencia o ato de escrever e seu caráter problematizador. Por último, fazemos uma leitura comparada entre o romance de matiz biográfico O filho eterno e a autobiografia literária O espírito da prosa, tendo por premissa que esta pode funcionar como peça-chave na recepção daquele
A proposta deste estudo é analisar o surgimento de uma nova manifestação do insólito ficcional no cenário literário francês novecentista, caracterizada pela incorporação insólita de eventos históricos. Em consonância com o questionamento pós-moderno sobre as limitações do discurso histórico tradicional, que pretendeu representar fielmente o passado, muitos romances insólitos publicados na França na segunda metade do século XX inseriram o referente histórico posicionando-o no mesmo grau de realidade que os fenômenos insólitos narrados. Levando em conta o quadro geral da pós-modernidade, pretendemos analisar a confluência entre elementos insólitos e referências históricas em Le Livre des Nuits, de Sylvie Germain, publicado em 1984. Tal romance, caracterizado pela fusão entre o ordinário e o extraordinário, apresenta eventos históricos, como a guerra franco-prussiana e as grandes guerras mundiais, que provocam reações sobrenaturais nos personagens. Utilizando a noção de metaficção historiográfica proposta por Linda Hutcheon, analisaremos a incorporação de eventos do passado em Le Livre des Nuits, não como dados históricos, mas como elementos ficcionais que integram a realidade mágica e plural do romance. Esta dissertação visa identificar como os elementos insólitos atribuem uma dimensão sócio-histórica aos personagens, analisando os procedimentos textuais que viabilizam a coexistência entre o real e o irreal no universo romanesco. Para um estudo mais aprofundado dos protocolos narrativos que compõem nosso objeto de estudo, examinaremos também outros romances publicados no mesmo período, como Moi, Tituba, Sorcière... de Maryse Condé e La Sorcière de Marie Ndiaye, que apresentam uma caracterização similar das manifestações insólitas, que se integram harmoniosamente à realidade histórica dos personagens
陆地植物起源以后,地球上的环境发生了巨大的变化。大气CO2浓度自泥盆纪早期的2000-4OOOμml•mol_1下降至石炭一二叠纪的300μml•mol_1左右,02浓度在泥盆纪至石炭一二叠纪时期,由20-30μml•mol_1上升到70-80μml•mol_1,随后又下降到目前的水平。陆地植物登陆后,形态结构也发生了显著的改变,气生部分表而分化出了通气结构--气孔器和保护结构--角质层。泥盆纪首选标志植物刺镰蕨(Drelpanophycus spinaefrmis)在整个泥盆纪,广布全世界。刺镰蕨的气孔器类型一直存在两种观点,一种认为刺镰蕨的气孔器是平列型,即气孔器山两个保卫细胞和两个副卫细胞组成:另一观点认为刺镰蕨的气孔器为不规则型,即气孔器仅有两个保卫细胞构成,不具副卫细胞。我们借助于扫描电镜、石蜡制片技术和叶表皮离析法,细致地研究了现代石松(Lycopodium japonicum)叶的横切而、表皮及气孔器的内外表面结构,并同刺镰蕨的表皮和气孔器进行了对比。认为刺镰蕨的气孔器和所有的化石石松类及现代石松类的气孔器一样,均属于不规则型。从而解决了关于刺镰蕨气孔器类型的长期争论的关键性科学问题。 胡桃科青钱柳属植物起源于晚白垩世的环北太平洋沿岸,化石植物最早发现于北美古新世和早始新世的Motana,,Wyoming,North Dakota,north Colorado地区,欧亚地区仅出现在渐新世至上新世的Kazakhstan、Germany、Romnania、Russia、Japan、中国云南远谋和四川米易地区。我们将采于吉林省珲春组始新世的叶化石鉴定为一青钱柳相似种,该化石成为东亚地区出现最早的青钱柳属植物,这一发现也支持晚白垩至早第三纪时期环北太平洋两岸曾经相连的观点,青钱柳属在晚白垩由北美起源,在始新世经东亚向欧亚大陆扩散,由于环境变迁,第四纪以后,青钱柳属仪剩一种植物分布于中国的亚热带地区。文中还利用共存分析方法估测出始新世吉林省珲春地区属于暖温带至亚热带气候。 统万城遗址位于我国黄土高原向毛乌素沙漠过渡地带的北缘,属于暖温带森林草原向温带干草原、温带荒漠草原过渡的地区,同时又是东部季风区向西北干旱区过渡的生态环境敏感带。今天统万城地区的自然景观属于沙漠,仅存稀疏的次生灌丛和草本群落。但是,通过对统万城城墙内的孢粉和木材进行的综合研究表明,在约1600年前,当地为温带草原,在塬面或山丘上分布有侧柏林,沟谷、河岸边生长喜温湿的乔木,河流、湖泊、沼泽中水生植物繁盛,在丘间低洼处或盐碱土上分布有灌木和草本植物。当时该地区的年均温为7.8 ℃-9.3℃,最热月平均温度23.0℃-24.9℃,最冷月平均温度-12℃-5.6℃,年较差28.5℃-3 8.2℃,年降雨量403.4-550.Omm,最大月降雨量83.8-123.9mm,最少月降雨量4.4-12.2mm,当时气候比现在温暖湿润,年均温比现在高出0.2-0.7℃,年降雨量也高出60--lOOmm。而如此的历史景观今天已经向南迁移,侧柏林或森林草原退缩至延安以南地区。在此近1600年的时间里,毛乌素沙漠分布范围不断扩大,其南部边缘推进了约200 km,推测沙漠扩展的速率达到平均125m/a。
We describe the climatology of the western United States as seen from two 1-month perspectives, January and July 1988, of the National Meteorological Center large-scale global analysis, the Colorado State University Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), and various station observation sets. An advantage of the NMC analysis and the RAMS is that they provide a continuous field interpolation of the meteorological variables. It is more difficult to describe spatial meteorological fields from the available sparse station networks. We assess accuracy of the NMC analysis and RAMS by finding differences between the analysis, the model, and station values at the stations. From these comparisons, we find that RAMS has much more well-developed mesoscale circulation, especially in the surface wind field. However, RAMS climatological and transient fields do not appear to be substantially closer than the larger-scale analysis to the station observations. The RAMS model does provide other meteorological variables, such as precipitation, which are not readily available from the archives of the global analysis. Thus, RAMS could, at the least, be a tool to augment the NMC large-scale analyses.
自工业革命以来,大气的C02浓度以前所未有的速度增加,已经由280μmol mol-1升高到了360μmol mol-l。据预测,到下个世纪中/末期,C02浓度将为目前的二倍。C02浓度升高及其引起的全球气候变化必将影响到植物的生长发育,进而对整个生态系统产生巨大影响。因此,有关C02浓度升高对各类生态系统的影响的研究引起了广泛关注,成为近年来的研究热点。早期的研究多数集中于考察C02浓度升高对植物个体水平生长发育的影响。然而,高C02对植物的效应严重依赖于具体物种和具体环境条件,使得基于由短期盆栽实验获得的研究结果不能够有效地预测自然生态系统的行为。因此,长期、原位处理实验越来越受到重视。由于原位研究的难度较大,目前这方面的研究还不是很多。有限研究结果显示,由于生境条件和种间关系方面的巨大差异,自然生态系统对C02浓度升高的反应迥异。 草原生态系统由于C02浓度控制上比较容易实现,而且其物质循环相对较快,因而一直是C02富集实验研究最多的一类植被,生态系统水平的研究更是如此。然而涉及的区域和草原类型并不多,不足以进行可靠预测。目前,关于C02升高效应,研究比较系统的草原生态系统主要集中在:美国Kansas的高草草原、美国California的一年生草原、瑞士西北部的石灰质草原、美国Colorado的矮草草原和一些牧场。我国总土地面积的40%为草地,类型丰富,然而相关研究不多,尤其是对自然生态系统的原位研究几乎为空白。 为揭示C02浓度升高对羊草草原生产力和碳平衡的效应,我们在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站的永久羊草样地开展了两年的C02倍增实验(2001,2002)。在羊草样地选择相对均匀地段设置12个开顶式气室(直径1.8m),每个气室内分成4个小样方(0.5m×0.5m),其中6个气室在生长季给予加倍C02处理(约600μmol mol-l),另6个气室不补充C02(约300μmol moI-l)。地上部分用收割法取样,分种记录数量、高度和重量等指标,地下部分取样用环刀法。用Li-cor6400光合系统测定群落光合和呼吸速率。野外实验结束后,统一分析植物和土壤样品中的C、N等元素含量。另外,在内蒙古草原站院内设置了两组桶培实验,一组是取自羊草样地的带苗原状土,一组是取自羊草样地的混匀土,种上冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)和无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)的种子。2组桶培实验分别用两个水分梯度和两个C02梯度处理。水分处理分别为:浇水处理——每4天浇lOOOml水,相当于平均降雨量的160%;干旱处理——持续干旱,适时补水以保持植物不萎蔫,共浇水4000ml水。C02处理和取样方法与样地原位实验相同。主要研究结果和结论如下: 1)两年的C02加倍处理没有使羊草草原的生物量、植物种和功能型组成发生显著改变,桶培实验中,浇水处理显著促进了植物生长,原状土植物、种子苗实验的冰草和无芒雀麦对C02加倍处理同样不敏感,而种子苗实验的豆科植物紫花苜蓿在C02加倍处理下生物量显著提高。以上结果显示,由于水分和养分(特别是N)的限制,以及优势植物对C02的相对不敏感,C02浓度升高对羊草草原地上生物量和结构的效应相对不大。 2)羊草草原的根垂直分布在加倍C02条件下发生显著改变,但根生物量对C02加倍处 理相对不敏感。在4次取样中只有一次对C02加倍处理表现出显著变化,根长的变化与根生物量的变化不完全一致,根的比根长在加倍C02条件下增加。根垂直分布的变化趋势与降雨的时间分布相适应,干旱少雨时期C02使下层根量增加,多雨时期C02则使上层根量增加。以上结果显示,根的空间分布比根生物量对C02加倍处理更敏感。水分是根空间分布变化的驱动因子,加倍C02条件下,根空间分布的变化趋势倾向于优化对水分的充分利用。 3)加倍C02处理使羊草草原的群落光合速率显著提高,群落呼吸速率显著降低,因而使群落碳净输入量增加。土壤碳贮量占羊草草原碳总贮量的70%以上,碳总贮量及其组分(包括地上碳贮量、根碳贮量、土壤碳贮量)在两个C02浓度处理之问均没有显著差异。另外,加倍C02处理使羊草草原群落及其优势植物羊草的c:N比增加。以上结果显示,在加倍C02条件下羊草草原的碳净输入量增加,这意味着在未来高 C02条件F,羊草草原将作为碳汇对大气C02起反馈调节作用。其碳贮量对加倍C02 处理的不敏感与许多以前的研究结果相似,一般认为是由于土壤碳贮量本底太大, 掩盖了C02效应,这还有待于更长期原位实验的证实。羊草草原群落c:N比在高C02 浓度下的变化将影响凋落物降解、N素循环和动植物营养关系等,进而对生态系统 功能产生深远影响。
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Havasu Creek is the second largest tributary of the Colorado River in Grant Canyon. Perennial streamflow in the creek seldom exceeds 2 cubic meters per second, but it supports an important riparian habitat as well as unique travertine pools and waterfalls that attract over 20,000 tourists annually. Havasu Canyon is also home to over 400 members of the Havasu Tribe. Despite a long history of habitation and recreation in Havasu Canyon, streamflow records for Havasu Creek are extremely limited, making flood prediction difficult.
Manu National Park of southern Peru is one of the most renowned protected areas in the world, yet large-bodied vertebrate surveys conducted to date have been restricted to Cocha Cashu Biological Station, a research station covering <0.06 percent of the 1.7Mha park. Manu Park is occupied by >460 settled Matsigenka Amerindians, 300-400 isolated Matsigenka, and several, little-known groups of isolated hunter-gatherers, yet the impact of these native Amazonians on game vertebrate populations within the park remains poorly understood. On the basis of 1495 km of standardized line-transect censuses, we present density and biomass estimates for 23 mammal, bird, and reptile species for seven lowland and upland forest sites in Manu Park, including Cocha Cashu. We compare these estimates between hunted and nonhunted sites within Manu Park, and with other Neotropical forest sites. Manu Park safeguards some of the most species-rich and highest biomass assemblages of arboreal and terrestrial mammals ever recorded in Neotropical forests, most likely because of its direct Andean influence and high levels of soil fertility. Relative to Barro Colorado Island, seed predators and arboreal folivores in Manu are rare, and generalist frugivores specializing on mature fruit pulp are abundant. The impact of such a qualitative shift in the vertebrate community on the dynamics of plant regeneration, and therefore, on our understanding of tropical plant ecology, must be profound. Despite a number of external threats, Manu Park continues to serve as a baseline against which other Neotropical forests can be gauged.
Bone plays a key role in the paleontological and archeological records and can provide insight into the biology, ecology and the environment of ancient vertebrates. Examination of bone at the tissue level reveals a definitive relationship between nanomechanical properties and the local organic content, mineral content, and microstructural organization. However, it is unclear as to how these properties change following fossilization, or diagenesis, where the organic phase is rapidly removed and the remaining mineral phase is reinforced by the deposition of apatites, calcites, and other minerals. While the process of diagenesis is poorly understood, its outcome clearly results in the potential for dramatic alteration of the mechanical response of biological tissues. In this study, fossilized specimens of mammalian long bones, collected from Colorado and Wyoming, were studied for mechanical variations. Nanoindentation performed in both longitudinal and transverse directions revealed preservation of bone's natural anisotropy as transverse modulus values were consistently smaller than longitudinal values. Additionally, modulus values of fossilized bone from 35.0 to 89.1 GPa increased linearly with logarithm of the sample's age. Future studies will aim to clarify what mechanical and material elements of bone are retained during diagenesis as bone becomes part of the geologic milieu. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
在传统的软件开发过程中,开发者更关注软件开发生命周期的管理,而对软 件开发后生命周期的管理并不热心。随着信息技术和互联网技术的快速发展,软 件产业发生了重大变革。新的软件运营模式要求对软件开发后生命周期管理提供 完善的支持。 本文首先回顾了传统的软件发布技术。PXE技术提供了网络远程引导功能, 该技术结合网络远程唤醒技术Wake-on-LAN使得通过网络远程控制客户机安装 操作系统成为可能。网络安装软件有基于网络克隆的Symantec Ghost和Windows Server 2003 RIS;有基于脚本的Kickstart;有基于镜像的SystemImager suite。在 开源系统中,APT是最为著名的包管理工具,它较为完善地解决了软件包之间的 依赖关系。网络更新技术则提供了更多的功能,目前的更新软件有:通用产品更 新器Install Shield, Power Update, Software Dock, Marimba等;以及供应商产品更 新器Microsoft Update, Windows Update, Microsoft SUS, Microsoft SMS, Norton AntiVirus LiveUpate等。 美国Colorado大学为软件开发后生命周期建立了一个体系结构Software Dock,并实现了一个粗略的原型系统。本研究侧重分析了应用软件的发布和恢 复机制,提出以用户的角度看待软件开发后生命周期管理的思想,建立了一个软 件发布机制体系结构,试图解决如下问题:系统重装后的运行态恢复,即系统崩 溃后如何快速而灵活地恢复到指定状态点并且重建该状态点的运行状态(即运行 态恢复);应用软件恢复透明化和即点即用。
长白山次生杨桦林是该地区阔叶红松林经皆伐和火烧等破坏后恢复形成的主要次生林类型之一,是阔叶红松林次生演替系列中的重要阶段。参照巴拿马巴洛科罗拉多岛(Barro Colorado Island,BCI)50hm2热带雨林样地的技术规范,于2005年在长白山北坡的自然保护区内建立了一块5hm2的次生杨桦林长期监测样地,对样地内所有胸径≥1cm的木本植物进行了详细的定位调查。对样地的物种组成与群落结构的分析表明:次生杨桦林样地物种组成丰富,共包括16科28属44种;区系特征明显,北温带成分占主要部分;样地内被监测的树木个体数为20101,不包括分枝的独立个体数为16565;优势树种明显,从个体数、平均胸径、胸高断面积和重要值等分析来看,演替先锋树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)和山杨(Populus davidiana)在群落中占有绝对优势地位,但从径级结构来看,它们的更新却非常差,随着演替的进展,这些先锋树种将逐渐走向衰亡;阔叶红松林中的主要树种如红松(Pinusko-raiensis)和紫椴(Tilia amurensis)等已经在次生杨桦林中占有了一定的比例,林下更新良好,逐渐进入林冠层并最终取代杨桦等成为该森林的优势种;从物种的空间分布格局来看,演替先锋树种和阔叶红松林中的主要树种并没有表现出明显的聚集性分布格局,而其它的小乔木和灌木树种则表现出明显的聚集性分布格局,但与地形并没有表现出明显的相关性,相关结论还需要进一步分析。
阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林是中国东北地区的地带性植被,长白山区是阔叶红松林的核心分布区。参照巴拿马Barro Colorado Island (BCI) 50hm2热带雨林样地的技术规范,于2004年在长白山自然保护区的阔叶红松林内建立了一块25hm2的固定样地(简称CBS),这是目前中国科学院生物多样性委员会中国森林多样性动态研究网络中最北端的一块,也是全球温带地区最大的一块森林样地。2004年夏的第一次调查结果表明,样地内胸径≥1cm的木本植物有52种,隶属于18科32属。总的独立个体数为38902,包括分枝的总个体数为59121。植物组成上属典型的长白山植物区系,同时混有一些亚热带和亚寒带成分。群落优势种明显,个体数最多的前3个种的个体数占到总个体数的60%,前14个种占到95%,而其余38个种只占到5%。从物种多度、胸高断面积、平均胸径和重要值来看,群落成层现象显著,具有比较明显的优势种。主要树种的径级结构近似于正态分布或双峰分布,而次林层和林下层树种则表现出倒"J"形或"L"形。红松、紫椴(Tilia amurensis)、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)、色木槭(Acermono)和春榆(Ulmus japonica)几个主要树种的空间分布随物种、径级的变化表现出不同的分布格局,其它一些树种的分布格局也表现出一定的空间异质性。