985 resultados para Roís de Corella, Joan
Los mismos pasos que la escritura va marcando mientras se propone la semblanza del pensamiento empiezan a difuminarse como un pasado en riesgo de ser desmentido por el presente. La temporalidad de la existencia se cumple en actos ininterrumpidos que alteran lo que puede ser concebido como esencia. El espacio también es en el tiempo, así como los cuerpos y fenómenos que construyen los paisajes de la realidad en la cual habitamos. Pero habitar no significa corresponder con lo habitual del espacio, del tiempo, los acontecimientos y las circunstancias. Habitar es construir la vida en hermenéutica con la finitud, reinventándonos en la obra humana; en la escultura del lenguaje, de la narración; en el asombro por las nuevas facetas e identidades que logramos y abandonamos sin vestigios de apego.
El proceso de investigación buscará determinar si los servicios de salud brindados a la población que pertenecen al área n. 6, Centro de Salud Hospital Baba, de la provincia de Los Ríos, tiene una sustentación económica y pueden seguir siendo entregados a la población geográfica de la zona, determinando además los problemas que sobre acceso a los servicios d salud tenga la comunidad del área.-au
El presente trabajo aborda el recorrido del agua como imagen poética en sus dos principales manifestaciones —aguas dulces y saladas— en las "Flores de poetas ilustres de España" (1605), antología lírica ordenada por el antequerano Pedro Espinosa paradigmática del manierismo literario español. Desde la cita erudita hasta el símbolo, pasando por el particular tratamiento de la tópica clásica y petrarquista que le sirve de sustancia en un contexto contrarreformista, así como por la característica personificación de ríos y mares que distingue a la obra, se hace patente el protagonismo otorgado a este elemento tanto en la selección de textos como en su disposición y en la particular elocución de la retórica del movimiento. Como sucede con los juegos de agua del jardín manierista, integrando el agua de modo sustancial en su estética intelectualizante y preciosista y en sus diseños geométricos, el libro ofrece la oportunidad como ninguna otra de nuestra literatura áurea de apreciar la innovadora significación y versatilidad de este elemento como motivo poético.
Background: Hydrocyanines are widely used as fluorogenic probes to monitor reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in cells. Their brightness, stability to autoxidation and photobleaching, large signal change upon oxidation, pH independence and red/near infrared emission are particularly attractive for imaging ROS in live tissue. Methods: Using confocal fluorescence microscopy we have examined an interference of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) with fluorescence intensity and localisation of a commercial hydro-Cy3 probe in respiring and non-respiring colon carcinoma HCT116 cells. Results: We found that the oxidised (fluorescent) form of hydro-Cy3 is highly homologous to the common ΔΨm-sensitive probe JC-1, which accumulates and aggregates only in ‘energised’ negatively charged mitochondrial matrix. Therefore, hydro-Cy3 oxidised by hydroxyl and superoxide radicals tends to accumulate in mitochondrial matrix, but dissipates and loses brightness as soon as ΔΨm is compromised. Experiments with mitochondrial inhibitor oligomycin and uncoupler FCCP, as well as a common ROS producer paraquat demonstrated that signals of the oxidised hydro-Cy3 probe rapidly and strongly decrease upon mitochondrial depolarisation, regardless of the rate of cellular ROS production. Conclusions: While analysing ROS-derived fluorescence of commercial hydrocyanine probes, an accurate control of ΔΨm is required. General significance: If not accounted for, non-specific effect of mitochondrial polarisation state on the behaviour of oxidised hydrocyanines can cause artefacts and data misinterpretation in ROS studies.
Rapamycin consistently increases longevity in mice although the mechanism of action of this drug is unknown. In the present investigation we studied the effect of rapamycin on mitochondrial oxidative stress at the same dose that is known to increase longevity in mice (14 mg of rapamycin/kg of diet). Middle aged mice (16 months old) showed significant age-related increases in mitochondrial ROS production at complex I, accumulation of mtDNA fragments inside nuclear DNA, mitochondrial protein lipoxidation, and lipofuscin accumulation compared to young animals (4 months old) in the liver. After 7 weeks of dietary treatment all those increases were totally or partially (lipofuscin) abolished by rapamycin, middle aged rapamycin-treated animals showing similar levels in those parameters to young animals. The decrease in mitochondrial ROS production was due to qualitative instead of quantitative changes in complex I. The decrease in mitochondrial protein lipoxidation was not due to decreases in the amount of highly oxidizable unsaturated fatty acids. Rapamycin also decreased the amount of RAPTOR (of mTOR complex) and increased the amounts of the PGC1-α and ATG13 proteins. The results are consistent with the possibility that rapamycin increases longevity in mice at least in part by lowering mitochondrial ROS production and increasing autophagy, decreasing the derived final forms of damage accumulated with age which are responsible for increased longevity. The decrease in lipofuscin accumulation induced by rapamycin adds to previous information suggesting that the increase in longevity induced by this drug can be due to a decrease in the rate of aging. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Entre los meses de marzo y setiembre del 2004, el Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Universidad Nacional (CINPE-UNA) elaboró el estudio Valoración económica de los recursos hI’dricos en las cuencas de los rfos Banano y Bananito3 . El objetivo general de éste responde a “estimar el valor del recurso hídrico en las cuencas de los ríos Banano y Bananito, en función de los usos prioritarios, para la recomendación de mecanismos efectivos para la sostenibilidad de un sistema de compensación por los servicios hidrológicos”. Para cumplir con este objetivo se plantean los siguientes objetivos específicos: (1) identificar el método de valoración económica para el recurso hídrico más apropiado dadas las condiciones de la zona, (2) cuantificar los servicios hidrológicos en las cuencas de los ríos Banano y Bananito en función de los principales usos, y (3) recomendar un mecanismo de pago voluntario por el servicio ambiental hídrico, basado en los resultados del estudio, que provea al Área de Conservación La Amistad Caribe (ACLA-C) los elementos para el desarrollo de una experiencia concreta.Producto de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y dados los objetivos del estudio se seleccionó el Análisis de Múltiples Criterios (AMC), como la metodología marco para la valoración económica. Esto implica la aplicación de un método no tradicional, que permite combinar variables cuantitativas y cualitativas. A este respecto, el uso de una metodología participativa y multisectorial hizo posible la participación de los principales grupos de actores usuarios del agua. que se clasificaron en cinco grupos: (1) Asociaciones Administradoras de Acueductos Rurales (ASADAS) y acueductos rurales, (2) ONG’s y organizaciones comunales, (3) sociedad civil, (4) empresa privada y (5) sector público.Luego de sistematizar la información recabada durante las 23 sesiones de consulta participativa. se procede al análisis de los datos, que sirven de insumos para realizar la valoración económica y, finalmente, el diseño de la propuesta de mecanismos de cobro por grupo de usuarios para el pago por servicios ambientales. Los resultados finales se presentan mediante el uso de matrices y gráficos de telaraña.Este informe presenta los avances correspondientes al primer objetivo específico. Asimismo, incluye los comentarios y las sugerencias realizadas durante y posterior al taller de discusión con representantes de PROARCA-APM, TNC y ACLA-C. El documento contiene la caracterización económica y social del área en estudio, una revisión de estudios de valoración, y métodos, así como el método de valoración seleccionado y su forma de aplicación.A bstract:Between March and September 2004, the International Center of Economic Policy for Sustainable Development of the National University (CINPE.IJNA) elaborated the study Economic Valuation of ihe Water Resources in ihe Basins of ihe rivers Banano and Bananito4. The general objcctive of it answers to “estimate the value of the water resource in the basin of the rivers Banano and Bananito, depending on the prior uses, for the recommendation of effective mechanisms for the sustainability of a system of compensation for the hydrological serv ices”.The following specific objectives appear to reach the general objective: (1) To identify the most appropriate method of economic valuation for water resource given (he conditions of the zone. (2) To quantify the hydrological services in the basins of the rivers Banano and Bananito depending on (he principal uses. And (3) to recommend a mechanism of voluntary payment for the environmental water service based on the results of the study, which provides to La Amistad Caribe Conservation Area (ACLA-C), the elements for the development of a concrete experience.Product and given of an exhaustive bibliographical review, the Analysis of Multiple Criteria (AMC) is selected as (he methodology for the economic valuation. It implies (he application of a not traditional method, which allows combining quantitative and qualitative variables. In this regard, the use of a participatory methodoiogy there made possible the participation of the principal groups of actors users of the water, who quatified ¡n five groups to knowing, (1) administrative associations of rural aqueducts (ASADAS), (2) ONG and communal organizations, (3) civil society, (4) private sector and (5) public sector.After systematizing the information obtained during 23 meetings of participatory consultation. one proceeds to the analysis of the information, which use as ¡nputs to realize the economic valuation. Finally, the design of the offer of collection mechanisms for user group for the payment for environmental services is presented. The final results appear by means of the use of counterfoils and spider web graphs.This repon includes the commentaries and suggestions realized during and later to ihe workshop of discussion with representatives of PROARCA-APM, TNC and ACLA-C. The document also contains the economic and social characterization of the area under study, a review of studies of valuation, and methods. as well as the method of valuation selected and its form of application.
El mayor consumo de agua en Costa Rica ocurre en el Valle Central, pues ahíestá asentada cerca del 60% de la población del país. Sin embargo, la disponibilidad de agua está disminuyendo debido al crecimiento demográfico y al decreciente volumen de los ríos y aguas subterráneas.El Valle Central posee cerca de 57 ríos que podrían utilizarse como fuente de agua potable. pero sólo 10 de ellos tienen sus nacientes ubicadas en bosques primarios y son adecuadas para este fin. Las nacientes de la mayoría de los otros ríos se encuentran en tierras económicamente improductivas, tales como pastizales y áreas de bosques muy alterados, que pierden su volumen de agua durante la estación seca.Las proyecciones de crecimiento demográfico hasta el año 2100 permiten visualizar un marcado incremento en la demanda de agua, el cual se mantendrá durante los próximos 50 años. Consecuentemente, para proporcionar un adecuado suministro de agua para esta creciente población. es fundamental detener la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas y recobrar el volumen de agua de los ríos.En este trabajo se propone un plan sencillo para aumentar el volumen de agua de los ríos del Valle Central y para proteger nuestros acuíferos. Se mencionan también otros beneficios económicos y sociales que tendría la aplicación de esta propuesta.Abstract: About 60% of the popuiation of Costa Rica lives in the Central Valley where consequcntly occurs the highest water consumption. As a contrast water shortness is increasing in this country due to population growth and diminishing volume of river and subterranean water.There are about 57 rivers in the Central Valley that could be used as a source of water but only 10 of them have their headwaters inside primary forest and are appropriate for this purpose. The headwaters of mosi of the nvers lay in underproductive lands such as grass fields and very disturbed forest and bose their water volume during dry season.Population growth estimates until year 2100 allow foreseeing a high rate of increase in water demand for the next 50 years. In order to have an adequate supply of water for ihis expanding population it is mandatory to stop subterranean water pollution and to recovcr nver water volume.In this paper 1 propose a simple plan to augment the water volume of the headwaters of the rivers of the Central Valley and to protect our subterranean water sources. Other social and economic benefits that stem from this plan are also analyzed.
Usando procedimientos de trabajo con fotos aéreas de diferentes años, se analiza en el caso de la ciudad de Limón el avance del poblamiento hacia áreas costeras sujetas a inundaciones. Una vez diseñado el mapa que muestra para cuatro períodos la información extraída de las fotos aéreas, se realiza-un análisis físico –social de las condiciones que dan origen a la vulnerabilidad al riesgo por inundación. En el caso del poblado de Parrita, se reconstruyen con ayuda de fotos aéreas, los distintos cursos fluviales que el río Parrita ha formado en un período de toma fotográfica aérea para cuatro años diferentes. Una vez dibujado este documento, se efectúa un análisis sobre las áreas de mayor riesgo por inundaciones, evaluando los aspectos sociales y económicos de la población afectada. SUMMARY Using aerial photographs of different years, we analyze in the case of the Limon city, the growth population in coastal areas affected by flooding. A map showing four periods of aerial photointerpretation, fieldwork and another sources, gives information about the physical and social conditions of some areas with vulnerability by flooding. In the case of Parrita town, the use of aerial photographs of four periods, make it possible to know the geomorphological dynamic of Parrita river. With this map, we evaluate the risk by flooding, taking into account the social and economical aspects of the affected population.
Proyecto de Actualización Cartográfica de usos de la Tierra a escala 1:10.000 GAM de Costa Rica. Elaboración de Cartografía digital y Ortofotos.
The industrial context is changing rapidly due to advancements in technology fueled by the Internet and Information Technology. The fourth industrial revolution counts integration, flexibility, and optimization as its fundamental pillars, and, in this context, Human-Robot Collaboration has become a crucial factor for manufacturing sustainability in Europe. Collaborative robots are appealing to many companies due to their low installation and running costs and high degree of flexibility, making them ideal for reshoring production facilities with a short return on investment. The ROSSINI European project aims to implement a true Human-Robot Collaboration by designing, developing, and demonstrating a modular and scalable platform for integrating human-centred robotic technologies in industrial production environments. The project focuses on safety concerns related to introducing a cobot in a shared working area and aims to lay the groundwork for a new working paradigm at the industrial level. The need for a software architecture suitable to the robotic platform employed in one of three use cases selected to deploy and test the new technology was the main trigger of this Thesis. The chosen application consists of the automatic loading and unloading of raw-material reels to an automatic packaging machine through an Autonomous Mobile Robot composed of an Autonomous Guided Vehicle, two collaborative manipulators, and an eye-on-hand vision system for performing tasks in a partially unstructured environment. The results obtained during the ROSSINI use case development were later used in the SENECA project, which addresses the need for robot-driven automatic cleaning of pharmaceutical bins in a very specific industrial context. The inherent versatility of mobile collaborative robots is evident from their deployment in the two projects with few hardware and software adjustments. The positive impact of Human-Robot Collaboration on diverse production lines is a motivation for future investments in research on this increasingly popular field by the industry.
The computer controlled screwdriver is a modern technique to perform automatic screwing/unscrewing operations.The main focus is to study the integration of the computer controlled screwdriver for Robotic manufacturing in the ROS environment.This thesis describes a concept of automatic screwing mechanism composed by universal robots, in which one arm of the robot is for inserting cables and the other is for screwing the cables on the control panel switch gear box. So far this mechanism is carried out by human operators and is a fairly complex one to perform, due to the multiple cables and connections involved. It's for this reason that an automatic cabling and screwing process would be highly preferred within automotive/automation industries. A study is carried out to analyze the difficulties currently faced and a controller based algorithm is developed to replace the manual human efforts using universal robots, thereby allowing robot arms to insert the cables and screw them onto the control panel switch gear box. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the insertion and screwing strategy, which shows the result of inserting and screwing cables on the control panel switch gearbox precisely.
Trying to explain to a robot what to do is a difficult undertaking, and only specific types of people have been able to do so far, such as programmers or operators who have learned how to use controllers to communicate with a robot. My internship's goal was to create and develop a framework that would make that easier. The system uses deep learning techniques to recognize a set of hand gestures, both static and dynamic. Then, based on the gesture, it sends a command to a robot. To be as generic as feasible, the communication is implemented using Robot Operating System (ROS). Furthermore, users can add new recognizable gestures and link them to new robot actions; a finite state automaton enforces the users' input verification and correct action sequence. Finally, the users can create and utilize a macro to describe a sequence of actions performable by a robot.
The paper deals with the integration of ROS, in the proprietary environment of the Marchesini Group company, for the control of industrial robotic systems. The basic tools of this open-source software are deeply studied to model a full proprietary Pick and Place manipulator inside it, and to develop custom ROS nodes to calculate trajectories; speaking of which, the URDF format is the standard to represent robots in ROS and the motion planning framework MoveIt offers user-friendly high-level methods. The communication between ROS and the Marchesini control architecture is established using the OPC UA standard; the tasks computed are transmitted offline to the PLC, supervisor controller of the physical robot, because the performances of the protocol don’t allow any kind of active control by ROS. Once the data are completely stored at the Marchesini side, the industrial PC makes the real robot execute a trajectory computed by MoveIt, so that it replicates the behaviour of the simulated manipulator in Rviz. Multiple experiments are performed to evaluate in detail the potential of ROS in the planning of movements for the company proprietary robots. The project ends with a small study regarding the use of ROS as a simulation platform. First, it is necessary to understand how a robotic application of the company can be reproduced in the Gazebo real world simulator. Then, a ROS node extracts information and examines the simulated robot behaviour, through the subscription to specific topics.
L’Industria 4.0 richiede sempre più tecnologie con un notevole grado di flessibilità, in modo da garantire il più alto livello di integrazione uomo-macchina e macchina- macchina. In quest’ottica, l’avvento della robotica collaborativa, ha agevolato il pro- cesso. I robot collaborativi (cobot) possono essere facilmente installati all’interno del- le linee di assemblaggio/produzione, senza necessità di barriere che vietino l’accesso agli operatori. Tra i tanti compiti a cui possono asservire i cobot, ci sono quelli dedica- ti all’ispezione delle varie macchine (e.g. microfermate di emergenza), in cui di solito, l’apertura del pannello di protezione è affidata ad un cobot montato a bordo di un AGV. È in questo contesto che si inserisce l’elaborato di tesi, volto al controllo in forza di un robot collaborativo per la movimentazione di un pannello di protezione di una mac- china automatica. In particolare, per ragioni logistiche e di ingombro, un simulacro del pannello di protezione è stato realizzato in scala, mentre il controllo real-time del cobot è stato implementato utilizzando ROS (Robot Operating System), piattaforma disponibile in modalità open-source.