887 resultados para Riordan, Michael: Crystal fire. The birth of the information age
This is a study concerning the Iron Age coroplastic production in the Northern Levant. The research is mostly based on new data gathered from the Joint Turco-Italian Expedition at Karkemish (Gaziantep, Turkey). Figurines presented in this study are limited to the 2011-2015 excavation seasons and they are analyzed from a range of aspects. The work in fact primarily focuses on contextual data, being the starting point for the research. A preliminary typological and chronological framing is also provided, while a tentative functional interpretation is suggested by means of a careful examination of the local iconographic and written repertoires. Furthermore, ethnographic comparisons are sometimes used in order to better define the semantic meaning beyond this production. Comparisons with other key sites located in the Middle Euphrates basin are also presented with the main aim to define a peculiar regional pattern. A minor part of this dissertation is also dedicated to the study of the coroplastic art in the entire northern Levantine region. The aim, in this case, is evidently that of identifying different regional productions, which at the state of the research could be traced back just for a few regions. Thus new important data are provided for the Amuq Plain, the Islahiye Valley and the rest of Inner Syria.
The aim of the project is the creation of a new model for the analysis of the political and social structures of the Northern Levant during the Iron Age, through the study of the production and circulation of ceramics in urban and rural centers. The project includes an innovative approach compared to a traditional contextual and analytical study of ceramic material. The geographical area under consideration represents an ideal context for understanding these dynamics, as a place of interaction between culturally different but constantly communicating areas (Eastern Mediterranean, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia). They corresponds to present-day southeastern Turkey and northern Syria, with the Mediterranean coast and the Euphrates River as limits to the west and east, respectively. The chronological interval taken into consideration by the study extends from the twelfth century BC. to the seventh century BC, corresponding to a phase of political fragmentation of the region into small-medium state entities and their subsequent conquest by the Neo-Assyrian empire starting from the end of the ninth century BC.
Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK) is the second most common pediatric renal tumor, characterized in 90% of cases by the presence of internal tandem duplications (ITDs) localized at the last exon of BCOR gene. BCOR protein constitute a core component of the non-canonical Polycomb Repressive Complex1 (PRC1.1), which performs a fundamental silencing activity. ITDs in the last BCOR exon at the level of PUFD domain have been identified in many tumor subtypes and could affect PCGF1 binding and the subsequent PRC1.1 activity, although the exact oncogenic mechanism of ITD remains poorly understood. This project has the objective of investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying the oncogenesis of CCSK, approaching the study with different methodologies. A first model in HEK-293 allowed to obtain important informations about BCOR functionality, suggesting that the presence of ITD generates an altered activity which is very different from a loss-of-function. It has also been observed that BCOR function within the PRC1.1 complex varies with different ITDs. Moreover, it allowed the identification of molecular signatures evoked by the presence of BCOR-ITD, including its role in extracellular matrix interactions and invasiveness promotion. The parallel analysis of WTS data from 8 CCSK cases permitted the identification of a peculiar signature for metastatic CCSKs, highlighting a 20-fold overexpression of FGF3. This factor promoted a significant increase in invasive ability in the cellular model. In order to study BCOR-ITD effects over cell stemness and differentiation, an inducible model is being obtained in H1 cells. This way, it will be possible to study the functionality of BCOR-ITD in a context more similar to the origin of CCSKs, evaluating both the specific interactome and phenotypic consequences caused by the mutation.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Managing a variable demand scenario is particularly challenging on services organizations because services companies usually have a major part of fixed costs. The article studies how a services organization manages its demand variability and its relation with the organization`s profitability. Moreover, the study searched for alternatives used to reduce the demand variability`s impact on the profitability of the company. The research was based on a case study with a Brazilian services provider on information technology business. The study suggests that alternatives like using outsourced employees to cover demand peaks may bring benefits only on short term, reducing the profitability of the company on long term: Some options are revealed, like the internationalization of employees and the investment on developing its own workforce.
Challenges posed to copyright law in the digital age is most evident in A and M Records Inc v Napster Inc - the various court rulings indicate that Napster is likely to be held responsible for massive copyright infringement should the case come to a full trial - implications for Australian copyright law, the recording industry and individual artists - globalisation may hinder the ability of the recording industry to prevent mass copyright infringement.
This chapter aims at developing a taxonomic framework to classify the studies on the flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP). The FJSP is a generalization of the classical job shop scheduling problem (JSP), which is one of the oldest NP-hard problems. Although various solution methodologies have been developed to obtain good solutions in reasonable time for FSJPs with different objective functions and constraints, no study which systematically reviews the FJSP literature has been encountered. In the proposed taxonomy, the type of study, type of problem, objective, methodology, data characteristics, and benchmarking are the main categories. In order to verify the proposed taxonomy, a variety of papers from the literature are classified. Using this classification, several inferences are drawn and gaps in the FJSP literature are specified. With the proposed taxonomy, the aim is to develop a framework for a broad view of the FJSP literature and construct a basis for future studies.
The simple eyes (ocelli) of recently emerged adult Triatoma infestans exhibit a narrow elongated "pupil", surrounded by a ring of brown-reddish pigment, the "iris". This pupil does not respond to changes in the illumination, but varies in size after the imaginal ecdysis. This change corresponds, internally, with the growth of the corneal lens and the associated retina up to an age of about 20 days. This has not been previously observed in an insect. The use of this characteristic for recognising young adults of this species is suggested.
The field of classical studies has undergone a radical transformation with the arrival of the digital age, particularly with regard to the editing of ancient texts. As Umberto Eco (2003) pointed out, the digital age may mean the end of the history of variants and of the notion of the "original text." Among the texts of antiquity, the editing of Homer and of the New Testament are more especially susceptible to the effects of digital technology because of their numerous manuscripts. Whereas the "Homer Multitext" project recognizes that the notion of a synthetic critical edition is now seriously brought into question, the prototype of the online Greek New Testament continues to be based on the aim of obtaining a unique text, in the style of a printed critical edition. As it moves from a printed culture to the digital age, the editing of the Greek NT is also confronted by the emergence of non-Western scholarship. For example, the presence is to be noted of Arabic Muslim websites that examine Greek New Testament manuscripts but without directly interacting with Western scholarship.
Guided by a modified information-motivation-behavioral skills model, this study identified predictors of condom use among heterosexual people living with HIV with their steady partners. Consecutive patients at 14 European HIV outpatient clinics received an anonymous, standardized, self-administered questionnaire between March and December 2007. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-step backward elimination regression analyses stratified by gender. The survey included 651 participants (n = 364, 56% women; n = 287, 44%). Mean age was 39 years for women and 43 years for men. Most had acquired HIV sexually and more than half were in a serodiscordant relationship. Sixty-three percent (n = 229) of women and 59% of men (n = 169) reported at least one sexual encounter with a steady partner 6 months prior to the survey. Fifty-one percent (n = 116) of women and 59% of men (n = 99) used condoms consistently with that partner. In both genders, condom use was positively associated with subjective norm conducive to condom use, and self-efficacy to use condoms. Having a partner whose HIV status was positive or unknown reduced condom use. In men, higher education and knowledge about condom use additionally increased condom use, while the use of erectile-enhancing medication decreased it. For women, HIV disclosure to partners additionally reduced the likelihood of condom use. Positive attitudes to condom use and subjective norm increased self-efficacy in both genders, however, a number of gender-related differences appeared to influence self-efficacy. Service providers should pay attention to the identified predictors of condom use and adopt comprehensive and gender-related approaches for preventive interventions with people living with HIV.