993 resultados para Rideing, William Henry, 1853-1918.


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Indenture regarding a bond from William Woodruff of St. Davids that he is bound to John Moir of the Township of London for six hundred pounds to be paid to Mr. Moir for a lot of land in the Township of Nissouri in the township of Middlesex, Lot no. 34, Concession no. 2, July 6, 1853.


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Letter to George Rykert (president of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway), engineer from William Danforth, civil engineer in which he states that the preliminary survey has been made between Port Dalhousie and Centreville at which point it may intersect with the Great Western Railway. The estimate is included (2 pages, handwritten), July 25, 1853.


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William Frederick Haile was born in Putney, Windham County, Vermont on November 4th, 1791. He was raised in Fairfield, Herkimer County, New York. At the age of 21 he entered the United States Army. He served in the War of 1812 as a lieutenant in the 11th United States Infantry. He was severely wounded in the Battle of Lundy’s Lane [not mentioned in this memoir]. After the war he settled in Plattsburgh, New York and became a lawyer. He was a judge from April 1837 to March of 1843. He was also the fifth collector of customs for the District of Champlain. He died on October 1861 at the age of 69. This document was written for the children of William Frederick Haile in January of 1859 [as noted on p.23]. The memoir ends in July of 1814 before the Battle of Lundy’s Lane. Haile’s memoir is laced with names of military personnel and he expresses his opinions freely.


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Indenture of bargain and sale between Henry and Mary Miller of the Town of Niagara to Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the Town of Niagara for 50 acres in the east half of Lot no. 15 in the 1st Concession in the Township of Southwold in Elgin County, April 2, 1853.


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Discharge of Mortgage signed by Henry Kalar, President of the Niagara Permanent Building Society stating that John McNeilly [?] has satisfied all money due and the mortgage is therefore discharged. The right hand side of this document is burned. Text is slightly affected, Aug. 8, 1853.


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Letter to Henry Nelles from Ramsay Crooks saying that he has bought the property of his late brother, William. The property is located in Grimsby. Ramsay is leaving the property to Nelles’ management, Aug. 15, 1838.


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Marriage Bond between Henry Stratton of Grimsby and Elizabeth Muir of Grimsby signed by William Crooks of Grimsby and Robert F. Nelles of Grimsby, June 7, 1838.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Ce mémoire revient sur la première tutelle de la Ville de Montréal, imposée par le gouvernement provincial de 1918 à 1921. Pour l’occasion, le Lieutenant-gouverneur du Québec nomme cinq administrateurs afin de gérer les affaires courantes de la municipalité. Peu connu des historiens et du public, cet événement suscite des changements profonds dans les structures politiques et administratives de la Ville qui laissent des empreintes dans la vie quotidienne actuelle des Montréalais. Puisqu’ils ne sont pas redevables devant la population, les commissaires mettent en œuvre plusieurs réformes souvent impopulaires qui permettent de rétablir l’équilibre budgétaire de la Ville. Au passage, ils tentent de moderniser l’administration municipale dont le fonctionnement est jusque-là incompatible avec les réalités d’une population grandissante et d’un espace urbain accru par les nombreuses annexions. Notre étude souligne les réformes implantées par la Commission administrative au niveau de la fiscalité, de l’organisation des services municipaux et des politiques d'urbanisme. Elles s’inspirent de réformes mises en œuvre dans plusieurs villes nord-américaines de grande taille. Durant leur mandat, les nouveaux administrateurs cherchent à imposer un modèle d’administration s’inspirant de grandes entreprises privées et réussissent à réduire de manière substantielle le déficit de la Ville. Enfin, une attention particulière est accordée à la fin du mandat de la Commission administrative et au régime administratif qui lui fait suite.


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Incluye el texto completo de la obra de teatro y se acompaña de una explicación detallada de palabras, frases y pasajes difíciles de entender, resúmenes al comienzo de las escenas individuales y notas sobre los personajes principales. Todo ello para ayudar a los estudiantes a una mejor comprensión del texto. Además, contiene actividades para la clase, prácticas de examen e información sobre la Inglaterra isabelina como apoyo adicional.


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  James Russell Thompson was a successful businessman from Airdrie in Scotland. He arrived in the Victorian gold-mining town of Ballarat in 1853, having previously struck gold on the Ovens goldfields. Deafness caused by his earlier career in mining prevented Thompson from becoming involved in public life in Ballarat but, dying a wealthy man in May 1886, he was able to leave significant bequests to relatives and requested that his remaining estate be put towards the purchase of statues for Ballarat's sprawling botanic gardens. A fellow Scot, Thomas Stoddart, was executor of Thompson's estate, and was able to procure for the gardens numerous monuments and statues made of Italian Carrara marble. The most notable of Stoddart's procurements was the statue of the Scottish hero William Wallace. The Ballarat Star noted that "the statue of Wallace was decided on as a compliment to Mr Thompson's love for the country he came from-an effigy of the greatest character ... in Scottish history or legend". The statue of Wallace in Ballarat's botanic gardens was unveiled and bequeathed to the city on May 24, 1889. It is one of very few outside Scotland.


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Trata-se de uma análise do consagrado conto Uma Rosa para Emily, de William Faulkner, voltada para alguns dos principais aspectos de sua estrutura. Após considerarmos o enredo, discutimos a construção das personagens, com destaque para a protagonista, fazendo um levantamento e comentários sobre possíveis fontes de inspiração, destacando, entre outras, aspectos da biografia da poeta Emily Dickinson, a ficção e a poesia de E. A. Poe, romances de Charles Dickens e Henry James, o conto de Sherwood Anderson e a poesia de William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Robert Browning e John Crowe Ransom, acrescentando paralelos com o conto Bartleby, o escrivão, de Herman Melville. Analisamos, então, o foco narrativo, os símbolos e o significado, ressaltando aqui o desenvolvimento temático da narrativa.


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music by H. A. Russotto. Words by D. Meyerowitz


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Part 1: 1907-1908 The Royal Medical Society of Edinburg, 1907 On the Library of a Medical School, 1907 On Telangiectasis Circumscripta Universalis, 1907 A Clinical Lecture on Abdominal Tumours Associated with Disease of the Testicle, 1907 A Clinical Lecture on Erythraemia, 1908 Vienna after Thirty-Four Years, 1908 Endocardites Infectieuses Chroniques, 1908 Part 2: 1909 Chronic Infectious Endocarditis, 1909 What the Public Can Do in the Fight Against Tuberculosis, 1909 Annual Oration on the Occasion of the Opening of the New Building of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, May 13, 1909 The Medical Library in Post-Graduate Work, 1909 The Treatment of Disease, 1909 Part 3: 1910-1911 The Pupil Symptoms in Thoracic Aneurysm, 1910 The Lumleian Lectures on Angina Pectoris, 1910 Certain Vasomotor, Sensory, and Muscular Phenomena Associated with Cervical Rib, 1910 An Address on the Hospital Unit in University Work, 1911 Sulle Telangiectasie Emorragiche Ereditarie, 1911 Transient Attacks of Aphasia and Paralyses in States of High Blood Pressure and Arterio-Sclerosis, 1911 The Pathological Institute of a General Hospital, 1911 Part 4: 1912-1914 An Address on High Blood Pressure: its Associations, Advantages, and Disadvantages, 1912 Specialism in the General Hospital, 1913 Syphilis of the Liver with the Picture of Banti’s Disease, 1913 An Introductory Address on Examinations, Examiners, and Examinees, 1913 The Medical Clinic: a retrospect and a Forecast, 1914 Part 5: 1915-1919 Remarks on the Diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney, 1915 The War and Typhoid Fever, 1914/15 The Cerebro-Spinal Fever in Camps and Barracks, 1915 Remarks on Arterio-Venous Aneurysm, 1915 Nerve & “Nerves”, 1915 Intensive Work in Science at the Public Schools in Relation to the Curriculum, 1916 Creators, Transmuters, and Transmitters, 1916 Annual Oration on the Campaign Against Syphilis, 1917 The First Printed Documents relating to Modern Surgical Anaesthesia, 1918 Observations on the Severe Anaemias of Pregnancy and the Post-Partum State, 1919 Typhoid Spine, 1919