866 resultados para Revolutionary Tendency of Peronism


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.


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Flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucía, taking advantage of the ongoing cultural revolution in Spain during the seventies decided to break from tradition by shaping ”Nuevo Flamenco” through flamenco-jazz ensemble ”Paco de Lucía Sextet”. Within its repertoire, the first regular flamenco bass-line: ”Monasterio de Sal”. Electrical bassist Carles Benavent would have a key role in this development, a trait seldom found in academical works of musicology. The aim of the present thesis is to partially fill this void while shedding some light on the revolutionary contributions of Benavent. In order to do so, studying relevant literature, listening to phonograms comparatively, transcribing/analyzing ”Monasterio de Sal” and interviewing Mr. Benavent himself were used as main methods. The conclusion has been drawn that there was barely any electrical bass in flamenco before Benavent and that his work with de Lucía (and later others) would entirely reform the way electric bass was perceived from within and outside this genre of music. It is of no less interest to observe that Benavents main influences for this endeavor were the principal figures of contemporary jazz-bass (Jaco Pastorius) and flamenco-guitar (Paco de Lucía) respectively, infusing ”Monasterio de Sal”, with meaningful historical value.


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This article takes the case of international education and Australian state schools to argue that the economic, political and cultural changes associated with globalisation do not automatically give rise to globally oriented and supra-territorial forms of subjectivity. The tendency of educational institutions such as schools to privilege narrowly instrumental cultural capital perpetuates and sustains normative national, cultural and ethnic identities. In the absence of concerted efforts on the part of educational institutions to sponsor new forms of global subjectivity, flows and exchanges like those that constitute international education are more likely to produce a neo-liberal variant of global subjectivity.


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The present study investigates the coordination between two people oscillating handheld pendulums, with a special emphasis on the influence of the mechanical properties of the effector systems involved. The first part of the study is an experiment in which eight pairs of participants are asked to coordinate the oscillation of their pendulum with the other participant's in an in-phase or antiphase fashion. Two types of pendulums, A and B, having different resonance frequencies (Freq A=0.98 Hz and Freq B=0.64 Hz), were used in different experimental combinations. Results confirm that the preferred frequencies produced by participants while manipulating each pendulum individually were close to the resonance frequencies of the pendulums. In their attempt to synchronize with one another, participants met at common frequencies that were influenced by the mechanical properties of the two pendulums involved. In agreement with previous studies, both the variability of the behavior and the shift in the intended relative phase were found to depend on the task-effector asymmetry, i.e., the difference between the mechanical properties of the effector systems involved. In the second part of the study, we propose a model to account for these results. The model consists of two cross-coupled neuro-mechanical units, each composed of a neural oscillator driving a wrist-pendulum system. Taken individually, each unit reproduced the natural tendency of the participants to freely oscillate a pendulum close to its resonance frequency. When cross-coupled through the vision of the pendulum of the other unit, the two units entrain each other and meet at a common frequency influenced by the mechanical properties of the two pendulums involved. The ability of the proposed model to address the other effects observed as a function of the different conditions of the pendulum and intended mode of coordination is discussed.


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Phenolic compounds constitute 50-70% of tea water extract and are the main quality parameters for teas. Theaflavins (TF), thearubigins (TR) and theabrownins (TB) are the major polyphenols that determine the quality of black tea. These compounds were measured in 56 leaf teas and teabags sampled from Australian supermarkets in Queensland. The various quantities of TF, ranging from 0.29% to 1.25%, indicate a quality difference that exists among the teas studied. Low TF content in black tea may be due to over-fermenting and/or long periods of storage. The solubility of TR and TB from teabags ranged from 82% to 92%, indicating that the permeability of teabags was variable. Variable quantities of TF in Australian teas show instability and a tendency of TF to oxidize during storage. Total polyphenols in green teas ranged from 14% to 34%, indicating a large variation, which was not reflected in price. The solubility of total polyphenols from teabags has been proposed as a useful quality index of the filtering paper used for the teabags. This chemical analysis of phenolic compounds in commercial teas may be a potential tool for the quality control of Australian manufactured and imported teas in Australian markets. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O empreendedorismo tem sido um tema recorrente no mundo corporativo e acadêmico. Porém, o comportamento, as escolhas e os aspectos que formam o empreendedor ainda são questões emergentes na universidade. Desse modo, o objetivo dessa dissertação é discutir esses pontos e avançar sobre questões referentes às escolhas profissionais ao longo de uma carreira empreendedora. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma régua de classificação que posicionou os estudantes de pós-graduação da Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado nas seguintes categorias: (1) empreendedores internos; (2) tendência a empreendedor interno; (3) tendência a empreendedor externo; e (4) empreendedor externo. O resultado dessa dissertação é a validação desta régua bem como uma classificação da tendência empreendedora dos pesquisados, destacando-se alunos com tendência empreendedora externa e interna respectivamente.(AU)


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Este trabalho é um estudo exploratório sobre o Ambiente Comunicacional Internet que investiga tanto a possibilidade da influência de suas ferramentas de interação/comunicação sobre o comportamento sexual e de risco quanto o desenvolvimento de comportamento compulsivo no uso destas ferramentas na busca de parceiros sexuais. A metodologia adotada é, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, a da pesquisa exploratória, um levantamento e análise de dados quantitativos e pode ser considerada como pertencente ao paradigma tradicional empírico, pois a coleta de dados foi baseada em respostas a questionários semi-estruturados, aplicados a um grupo de informação composto por 428 estudantes universitários dos cursos ligados à área de Computação e Informática de uma instituição particular de Ensino Superior do município de São Paulo SP, Brasil. Para isso, obedece à Resolução do Conselho Nacional de Saúde CNS 196/96 e conta com o TCLE. Os resultados indicam que as práticas sexuais, a exposição a DST e vírus HIV e, particularmente, a tendência ao desenvolvimento do Transtorno de Adicção à Internet se distinguem de modo irrefutável. Os participantes que alegaram buscar parceiros sexuais reais na Internet são diretos nos seus objetivos, pois quando encontram esse parceiro concretizam o ato sexual, em ambientes impessoais, como por exemplo, o motel, e muitas vezes de modo arriscado no que toca à prevenção e à segurança no contato com outro. Destaca-se, ainda, que a compulsão não é reconhecida pelo grupo e que a procura de parceiros por intermédio das mídias digitais, para esse grupo, não está relacionada a itens negativos quanto a sua qualidade de vida o que suscita o estudo e a discussão mais aprofundada sobre a interação comunicação, sexo e Internet .(AU)


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O posicionamento da maxila no esqueleto craniofacial tem sido motivo de investigação por diversos autores ao longo do tempo. Traduzindo suas idéias por meio de medidas lineares ou angulares, tais autores definiram o que consideraram como a posição ideal , normal , ou aceitável da maxila, relacionando-a, na maioria das vezes, com a base do crânio. A partir da avaliação de indivíduos com oclusão considerada normal e com bom equilíbrio facial, eram calculados valores médios e desvios-padrão de determinadas medidas, os quais eram tomados como parâmetros para avaliações cefalométricas de pacientes distintos. Diante das divergências de opiniões encontradas na literatura, a proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar o posicionamento da maxila nos sentidos vertical, ântero-posterior e a sua inclinação, numa amostra de 94 indivíduos com oclusão normal. Foram determinadas correlações entre medidas do próprio indivíduo: OPI-N com OPI-ENA e N-ENA com ENA-ENP. A partir dos fortes índices de correlação encontrados, concluiu-se que a medida OPI-N pode ser tomada como referência para determinação de OPI-ENA, da mesma forma que ENA-ENP pode ser considerada para determinação de N-ENA, definindo respectivamente a posição da maxila nos sentidos sagital e vertical. A inclinação da maxila, representada aqui pelo ângulo OPI.ENA.ENP, teve valor médio estatisticamente próximo a 0o (zero), indicando forte tendência do prolongamento posterior do plano palatino (ENA-ENP) tangenciar a base posterior do crânio (ponto OPI), o que se revela uma importante característica de indivíduos com oclusão normal.


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The current study examined the role of executive function in retrieval of specific autobiographical memories in older adults with regard to control of emotion during retrieval. Older and younger adults retrieved memories of specific events in response to emotionally positive, negative and neutral word cues. Contributions of inhibitory and updating elements of executive function to variance in autobiographical specificity were assessed to determine processes involved in the commonly found age-related reduction in specificity. A negative relationship between age and specificity was only found in retrieval to neutral cues. Alternative explanations of this age preservation of specificity of emotional recall are explored, within the context of control of emotion in the self-memory system and preserved emotional processing and positivity effect in older adults. The pattern of relationships suggests updating, rather than inhibition as the source of age-related reduction in specificity, but that emotional processing (particularly of positively valenced memories) is not influenced by age-related variance in executive control. The tendency of older adults to focus on positive material may thus act as a buffer against detrimental effects of reduced executive function capacity on autobiographical retrieval, representing a possible target for interventions to improve specificity of autobiographical memory retrieval in older adults.


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There are very few research studies on macroeconomic inventory behaviour of various countries. It is clear that macro inventories are the results of a large number of individual microdecisions. However, we believe that it is worth analysing how inventories develop in the individual countries and why we can see different tendencies. This paper is the newest piece in a series of studies on the above subject. We use the OECD database to analyse inventory trends between 1987 and 2004 in nine of the most developed economies of the world. Annual inventory investment data are used and their connections with other components of GDP expenditure (governmental and private consumption, investment in fixed assets and foreign trade balance as well as the annual growth rate of GDP) are examined by multi-variable statistical analysis. Conclusions include the steadily decreasing tendency of inventory fluctuations, the varying periods of higher and lower rates of inventory investments and the differences of main influencing factors by country.


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Az árhatásfüggvények azt mutatják meg, hogy egy adott értékű megbízás mekkora relatív árváltozást okoz. Az árhatásfüggvény ismerete a piaci szereplők számára fontos szerepet játszik a jövőben benyújtandó ajánlataikhoz kapcsolódó árhatás előrejelzésében, a kereskedés árváltozásból eredő többletköltségének becslésében, illetve az optimális kereskedési algoritmus kialakításában. Az általunk kidolgozott módszer révén a piaci szereplők a teljes ajánlati könyv ismerete nélkül egyszerűen és gyorsan tudnak virtuális árhatásfüggvényt meghatározni, ugyanis bemutatjuk az árhatásfüggvény és a likviditási mértékek kapcsolatát, valamint azt, hogy miként lehet a Budapesti Likviditási Mérték (BLM) idősorából ár ha tás függ vényt becsülni. A kidolgozott módszertant az OTP-részvény idősorán szemléltetjük, és a részvény BLM-adatsorából a 2007. január 1-je és 2011. június 3-a közötti időszakra virtuális árhatás függvényt becsülünk. Empirikus elemzésünk során az árhatás függ vény időbeli alakulásának és alapvető statisztikai tulajdonságainak vizsgálatát végezzük el, ami révén képet kaphatunk a likviditás hiányában fellépő tranzakciós költségek múltbeli viselkedéséről. Az így kapott információk például a dinamikus portfólióoptimalizálás során lehetnek a kereskedők segítségére. / === / Price-effect equations show what relative price change a commission of a given value will have. Knowledge of price-effect equations plays an important part in enabling market players to predict the price effect of their future commissions and to develop an optimal trading algorithm. The method devised by the authors allows a virtual price-effect equation to be defined simply and rapidly without knowledge of the whole offer book, by presenting the relation between the price-effect equation and degree of liquidity, and how to estimate the price-effect equation from the time line of the Budapest Liquidity Measure (BLM). The methodology is shown using the time line for OTP shares and the virtual price-effect equation estimated for the 1 January 2007 to 3 June 2011 period from the shares BML data set. During the empirical analysis the authors conducted an examination of the tendency of the price-effect equation over time and for its basic statistical attributes, to yield a picture of the past behaviour of the transaction costs arising in the absence of liquidity. The information obtained may, for instance, help traders in dynamic portfolio optimization.


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Over the past few decades, we have been enjoying tremendous benefits thanks to the revolutionary advancement of computing systems, driven mainly by the remarkable semiconductor technology scaling and the increasingly complicated processor architecture. However, the exponentially increased transistor density has directly led to exponentially increased power consumption and dramatically elevated system temperature, which not only adversely impacts the system's cost, performance and reliability, but also increases the leakage and thus the overall power consumption. Today, the power and thermal issues have posed enormous challenges and threaten to slow down the continuous evolvement of computer technology. Effective power/thermal-aware design techniques are urgently demanded, at all design abstraction levels, from the circuit-level, the logic-level, to the architectural-level and the system-level. ^ In this dissertation, we present our research efforts to employ real-time scheduling techniques to solve the resource-constrained power/thermal-aware, design-optimization problems. In our research, we developed a set of simple yet accurate system-level models to capture the processor's thermal dynamic as well as the interdependency of leakage power consumption, temperature, and supply voltage. Based on these models, we investigated the fundamental principles in power/thermal-aware scheduling, and developed real-time scheduling techniques targeting at a variety of design objectives, including peak temperature minimization, overall energy reduction, and performance maximization. ^ The novelty of this work is that we integrate the cutting-edge research on power and thermal at the circuit and architectural-level into a set of accurate yet simplified system-level models, and are able to conduct system-level analysis and design based on these models. The theoretical study in this work serves as a solid foundation for the guidance of the power/thermal-aware scheduling algorithms development in practical computing systems.^


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Armed violence in Paraguay is not a recent phenomenon. During the second half of the XX Century, Paraguay saw the rise of a larger number of underground, revolutionary movements that sought the overthrow of the Alfredo Stroessner’s (1954-1989) government. From among those movements emerged the Partido Patria Libre (or, Free Fatherland, also known for its acronym PPL), made up of a two branches: one legal and the other one, operational. The latter was based on people’s power, as represented by “Ejército del Pueblo Paraguayo” (or, the Paraguayan People’s Army, with acronym EPP). After EPP broke with PPL in March 2008, this Marxist-oriented revolutionary project, which was apparently oriented to put an end to the social, political and economic inequalities in Paraguay, began to carry out markedly criminal activities, which included bank robberies, kidnappings, assassinations, terrorist attacks and armed confrontations. Its strategies and modus operandi utilized by the Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC). Paraguay features a farm sector in a state of crisis, in which cattle-ranchers, peasants and agro-exporting companies live in a constant strife. The Paraguayan Departments that are the most affected by this situation are Concepciόn, San Pedro, Canindeyú y Caazapá, which also suffer from a weak government presence. This deficiency has made these departments ripe for drug-trafficking activity by Brazilian groups such as Primer Comando Capital (i.e., First Capital command), also PCC and Comando Vermelho, (i.e., The Red Command). That is why many peasants, now recruited by EPP, have joined the drug-trafficking business and that, not only as marihuana growers but as “campanas” (i.e., early warning sentinels) for the organization. This helps shape their attitudes for their future involvement in all areas of drug-trafficking. Paraguayan society is the result of social inequity and inequality, such as those resulting from a lack of opportunity. Although Paraguay has successfully recovered from the last world economic crisis, economic growth, by itself, does not ensure an improvement in the quality of life. As long as such economic and social gaps persist and the government fails to enact the policies that would result in a more just society and toward EPP neutralization or containment, the latter is bound to grow stronger. In this context, the situation in Paraguay calls for more research into the EPP phenomenon. It would also seem necessary for Paraguay to promote an open national debate that includes all sectors of society in order to raise consciousness and to induce society to take actual steps to eliminate the EPP, as well as any other group that might arise in the immediate future. EPP has strong connections with the Frente Patriόtico Manuel Rodríguez in Chile and other armed groups and peasant movements in other countries of this region. Although most governments in the region are aware that the armed struggle is not a solution to current problems, it might be worth it to hold a regional debate about armed or insurgent groups in Latin American to seek common strategies and cooperation on dealing with them since the expansion of these armed groups is a problem for all.


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The aesthetic placement and period designation of Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) and José Lezama Lima (1910-1976) are complicated issues among critics. Borges is obviously considered a predecessor of the Latin American literary “boom,” but despite that taxonomy his work transcends that definition and provides a foundation for new trends and styles, such as the “neobarroco” cultivated by Severo Sarduy. Lezama is considered part of the second wave of the “boom,” but his work feeds, stylistically, from the Spanish baroque. At the same time, Lezama’s daring treatment of homoeroticism and his revolutionary system of images place him after the “boom” in a narrative style that is postmodern. This study undertakes a thorough revision of external and internal issues, revealing the key linguistic and fictive elements that characterize both writers. Through discourse analysis and close reading, a poetic system is formulated, which incorporate features of the “neobarroco,” “boom” and postmodern narrative styles. This dissertation uses a polar structure to analyze both poetic visions and concludes that they are compatible and symmetrical. From this perspective, Borges and Lezama belong to the “core” of literature that centers its emphasis in the creation of a system versus other modes of writing in which mimetic function prevails. By doing this and by recycling world culture, they create postmodern myth: the new building material for Hispanic American literature. There are only a few studies that explore the works of Borges and Lezama within the context of Baroque aesthetics. For the first time, this dissertation offers a comprehensive analysis that considers their poetic visions at large. Besides the difference in perspective, defined as macro-spatial in Borges and micro-spatial in Lezama, there are many similarities in content and form. Both writers question the cause and effect relationship and the modern use of metaphor. They also share a redefinition of genre as well as a hedonistic approach to literature and culture. This kinship in poetic vision is revealed through the polar method used for this study, which proposes a new form of aesthetic placement and period designation.


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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the main meteorological mechanisms trainers and inhibitors of precipitation, and the interactions between different scales of operation, the spatial and temporal variability of the annual cycle of precipitation in the Rio Grande do Norte. Além disso, considerando as circunstâncias locais e regionais, criando assim uma base científica para apoiar ações futuras na gestão da demanda de água no Estado. Database from monthly precipitation of 45 years, ranging between 1963 and 2007, data provided by EMPARN. The methodology used to achieve the results was initially composed of descriptive statistical analysis of historical data to prove the stability of the series, were applied after, geostatistics tool for plotting maps of the variables, within the geostatistical we opted for by Kriging interpolation method because it was the method that showed the best results and minor errors. Among the results, we highlight the annual cycle of rainfall the State which is influenced by meteorological mechanisms of different spatial and temporal scales, where the main mechanisms cycle modulators are the Conference Intertropical Zone (ITCZ) acting since midFebruary to mid May throughout the state, waves Leste (OL), Lines of instability (LI), breeze systems and orographic rainfall acting mainly in the Coastal strip between February and July. Along with vortice of high levels (VCANs), Complex Mesoscale Convective (CCMs) and orographic rain in any region of the state mainly in spring and summer. In terms of larger scale phenomena stood out El Niño and La Niña, ENSO in the tropical Pacific basin. In La Niña episodes usually occur normal or rainy years, as upon the occurrence of prolonged periods of drought are influenced by EL NIÑO. In the Atlantic Ocean the standard Dipole also affects the intensity of the rainfall cycle in State. The cycle of rains in Rio Grande do Norte is divided into two periods, one comprising the regions West, Central and the Western Portion of the Wasteland Potiguar mesoregions of west Chapada Borborema, causing rains from midFebruary to mid-May and a second period of cycle, between February-July, where rains occur in mesoregions East and of the Wasteland, located upwind of the Chapada Borborema, both interspersed with dry periods without occurrence of significant rainfall and transition periods of rainy - dry and dry-rainy where isolated rainfall occur. Approximately 82% of the rainfall stations of the state which corresponds to 83.4% of the total area of Rio Grande do Norte, do not record annual volumes above 900 mm. Because the water supply of the State be maintained by small reservoirs already are in an advanced state of eutrophication, when the rains occur, act to wash and replace the water in the reservoirs, improving the quality of these, reducing the eutrophication process. When rain they do not significantly occur or after long periods of shortages, the process of eutrophication and deterioration of water in dams increased significantly. Through knowledge of the behavior of the annual cycle of rainfall can have an intimate knowledge of how it may be the tendency of rainy or prone to shortages following period, mainly observing the trends of larger scale phenomena