999 resultados para Repo-Kaarento, Saara
Este artigo pretende contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o papel dos consultores de gestão acerca da implementação do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) no setor público, bem como a sua perspetiva em relação às motivações para implementar esta ferramenta no setor público e as principais dificuldades sentidas neste processo. Mais em concreto, com este artigo pretende-se analisar a perspetiva dos consultores de gestão em relação às seguintes questões: 1) qual o papel dos consultores de gestão na implementação do BSC no setor público; 2) quais as motivações e benefícios para a adoção do BSC no setor público; e 3) quais as dificuldades/barreiras sentidas na adoção e continuidade do BSC no setor público. Esta abordagem permite contribuir para o aumento da eficácia na adoção e continuidade do BSC nos organismos públicos, assim como conhecer os benefícios do recurso aos consultores de gestão. Para a concretização dos objetivos definidos recorreu-se ao método de investigação qualitativa com base em entrevistas. Os entrevistados são os consultores de gestão com experiência em consultoria no setor público, nomeadamente na construção e na implementação do BSC. Foram realizadas entrevistas a 7 consultores de gestão pertencentes a empresas de consultoria em Portugal. As entrevistas foram efetuadas entre Fevereiro e Março de 2013. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o recurso a consultores externos pode ser útil na adoção do BSC uma vez que estes trazem experiências de outras organizações que podem ser aproveitadas para introduzir melhorias na organização onde se inserem. Por outro lado, os consultores de gestão adotam uma posição de isenção o que tende a facilitar as discussões de propostas e pontos de vista que, internamente, poderiam ficar bloqueados. Os resultados mostram ainda que existem algumas dificuldades na construção e continuidade do BSC no setor público. As condições facilitadoras sugeridas pelos consultores de gestão podem ajudar a ultrapassar estas limitações.
This article intends to understand the motivations, benefits and difficulties inherent to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) adoption in the public sector from the perspective of the professionals who implement it - the management consultants. We chose a qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with management consultants belonging to consulting companies operating in Portugal, with experience in the implementation of the BSC in the public and private sector. The results allowed concluding that the use of management consultants is advantageous on the BSC adoption. To overcome the difficulties in construction and continuity of the BSC in the public sector, the consultants presented some facilitating conditions that can contribute to the increased efficacy in the adoption and continuation of BSC.
Purpose – this paper has two main purposes: (1)explore if government agencies more oriented to NPM postulates are more willing to use PM practices and to improve their performance; and (2) investigate whether the fit between the use of PM practices and the organizationa performance is dependent upon from the capacity of agencies to adapt its structures to changes introduced by NPM reforms. Design/methodology/approach - this paper is based on the survey method and provides empirical evidence from Portuguese government agencies.Findings (mandatory) - Our findings suggest that government agencies that made structural arrangements under the NPM reforms are more willing to use PM practices and will perform better than other agencies. In addition, this paper show that therelationship between the use of PM practices and the organizational performance is dependent upon from the agencies capacity to adopt new structural arrangements under the NPM reforms.Practical implications – this paper has three main contributions: (1) contribute to knowledge about the relationship between the introduction of NPM changes in the use of PM practices; (2) contribute to clarify whether agencies more oriented to NPM postulates are improving performance; and (3) help to clarify the way the organizations should adapt their structures for to be more effective in the use of PM practices. Originality/value - The quantitative empirical research, based on the unique survey applied to Portuguese government agencies on this field, allow us to add to prior research mainly based on case studies and oriented to local governments (Budding, 2004).
New Public Management (NPM) led to great pressures for to introduce and adapt businesslike accounting in the public sector (Hood, 1995; Lapsley, 2008; Lapsley et al., 2009), specially the transition from cash basis to accrual-based accounting. In consequence, since the last 20 years we assist to a movement towards internationally standardized of public sector accounting that led to the publication of 32 International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) for all public sector entities from national central governments to local governments (IFAC, 2008). These standards are accrual-basis and they emphasize the balance sheet approach, the fair value measurement and the revenue-expense approach (Hints, 2007). The main innovations are associated with the use of the balance sheet approach and the fair value measurement because, traditionally, public accounting systems are mainly focused on the revenue-expense approach and on historical cost valuation (Oulasvirta, 2014).
Purpose/objectives: This paper seeks to investigate whether performance management (PM) framework adopted in Portuguese local government (PLG) fit the Otley’s PM framework (1999). In particularly, the research questions are (1) whether PM framework adopted in PLG (SIADAP) fit the Otley´s framework, and (2) how local politicians (aldermen) see the operation of performance management systems (PMS) in PLG (focusing on the goal-setting process and incentive and reward structures). Theoretical positioning/contributions: With this paper we intend to contribute to literature on how the Otley’s PM framework can guide empirical research about the operation of PMS. In particular, the paper contributes to understand the fit between PMS implemented in PLG and the Otley´s PM framework. The analysis of this fit can be a good contribution to understand if PMS are used in PLG as a management tool or as a strategic response to external pressures (based on interviews conducted to aldermen). We believe that the Otley’s PM framework, as well as the extended PM framework presented by Ferreira and Otley (2009), can provide a useful research tool to understand the operation of PMS in PLG. Research method: The first research question is the central issue in this paper and is analyzed based on the main reforms introduced by Portuguese government on PM of public organizations (like municipalities). On the other hand, interviews conducted on three larger Portuguese municipalities (Oporto, Braga, and Matosinhos) show how aldermen see the operation of PMS in PLG, highlighting the goals setting process with targets associated and the existing of incentive and reward structures linked with performance. Findings: Generally we find that formal and regulated PM frameworks in PLG fit the main issues of the Otley’s PM framework. However, regarding the aldermen perceptions about PMS in practice we find a gap between theory and practice, especially regarding difficulties associated with the lack of a culture of goals and targets setting and the lack of incentive and reward structures linked with performance.
Este artigo pretende contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o papel do consultor de gestão na adoção do BSC no setor público, bem como a sua perspetiva em relação às motivações, benefícios e dificuldades na adoção da ferramenta no setor público. Optou-se por uma investigação qualitativa baseada em entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas a consultores de gestão com experiência na gestão pública, pertencentes a empresas de consultoria a operar em Portugal. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o recurso a consultores de gestão é vantajoso na adoção do BSC. Para ultrapassar as dificuldades na construção e continuidade do BSC no setor público, os consultores apresentaram algumas condições facilitadoras que podem conduzir ao sucesso de implementação da ferramenta.
This paper studies the use of results oriented performance information (outputs and outcomes) by local elected politicians (aldermen) in top managers’ performance evaluation. The main goal is to understand the top managers’ performance evaluation process conducted by Portuguese aldermen and to identify the dominant evaluation style. In line with Bogt (2001), an exploratory field research was developed in three large municipalities: Porto, Braga and Matosinhos. We intend to answer the following research questions: to what extent are local politicians (aldermen) 1 using results information (about outputs and outcomes) to evaluate top managers’ performance? Do aldermen give any importance to quantitative output information and report them on current planning and control documents? Will the output performance information be used on performance evaluation in a different way concerning policy field (task orientation)? Based on the Hopwood evaluation styles (adapted from the private to the public sector by Bogt, 2001), we have found that the performance evaluation process of top managers is more featured by the ‘operations-conscious styles’ (or ‘implicit style’). Portuguese aldermen recognize the importance to quantify outputs and outcomes, but these days they focus on the information about activities and the realized operations when they evaluate performance. We haven´t found significant differences between different tasks (some exceptions for culture and environment areas). However, the municipality of Matosinhos paid more attention on quantitative performance information. This finding is reinforced by the quality of quantitative data on outputs reported on its management report. Generally speaking, aldermen are aware that more attention should be paid to quantitative information about results and performance, taking into account recent reforms introduced in Portuguese municipalities (PLG) on this field, but the ‘implicit’ style is dominant.
This article intends to understand the motivations, benefits and difficulties inherent to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) adoption in the public sector from the perspective of the professionals who implement it - the management consultants. We chose a qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with management consultants belonging to consulting companies operating in Portugal, with experience in the implementation of the BSC in the public and private sector. The results allowed concluding that the use of management consultants is advantageous on the BSC adoption. To overcome the difficulties in construction and continuity of the BSC in the public sector, the consultants presented some facilitating conditions that can contribute to the increased efficacy in the adoption and continuation of BSC.
O presente trabalho visa abordar a aplicação do sistema de custeio Activity Based Costing (ABC) numa empresa de fabricação de carroçarias para autocarros, identificando os benefícios da sua adoção e os fatores que mais influenciaram a sua implementação. Para o efeito utilizamos a metodologia de investigação qualitativa com recurso ao método do estudo de caso. Constatamos que o ABC é uma ferramenta de gestão que permite o apuramento dos custos indiretos de produção de uma forma mais precisa e racional do que os demais sistemas de custeio da contabilidade tradicional. Por outro lado, foi possível concluir que os fatores que mais influenciaram a implementação do ABC foram o apoio da gestão de topo, a familiaridade com outras ferramentas de gestão e a elevada formação dos recursos humanos.
Em resultado da atual reforma da Contabilidade Pública em Portugal, foi aprovado, em setembro de 2015, o novo Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para a Administração Pública (SNC-AP). Este trabalho tem por objetivos estudar o delineado no POCAL e no SNC-AP quanto ao reconhecimento e à mensuração dos ativos fixos tangíveis (AFT). Com este estudo podemos concluir que, o novo normativo evidencia um avanço face ao POCAL, ao definir, para além do conceito de ativo e de AFT, os critérios de reconhecimento que um elemento deve cumprir para que possa ser reconhecido como tal, permitindo assim uma maior consistência no reconhecimento destes elementos, por parte das diferentes entidades públicas. Por outro lado, no que respeita à mensuração, o SNC-AP segue de perto, com as devidas adaptações, os normativos internacionais, introduzindo dois momentos de mensuração dos AFT, e referindo o justo valor explicitamente enquanto critério de mensuração aplicável a situações concretas.
Objeto: Este trabajo tiene por objetivos analizar el mencionado en el POCAL (1999), en las NICSP del IPSASB y en diversas opiniones doctrinales con respecto al reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público (BDP), así como verificar si existen problemas inherentes al reconocimiento de los BDP en Portugal, superables con la adopción de las NICSP. Diseño/metodología/Enfoque: Para este estudio, fue efectuada una revisión de literatura, de la posición del POCAL (1999), de las NICSP del IPSASB, y de la perspectiva doctrinal, con respecto al reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público. Además, se realizó un estudio de la evolución de los valores de los bienes de dominio público, de los años 2006 a 2013, del total de los 308 municipios portugueses, para concluir acerca de la existencia de dificultades en el reconocimiento de estos activos y de la necesidad de adoptar los normativos internacionales. Aportaciones y Resultados: En algunos municipios portugueses, el proceso de inventario aún no está concluido, existiendo dificultades con respecto al reconocimiento de los BDP. Dichas dificultades resultan de que el POCAL (1999) no presenta los requisitos para el reconocimiento de los activos; problema superado en la NICSP nº 17 del IPSASB (2006b), que refiere esos requisitos. Adoptar un nuevo Sistema de Normalización Contable aplicable a la Administración Pública (SNC-AP), basado en las NICSP, puede ser la solución para dichas cuestiones, introduciendo criterios a considerar en el reconocimiento de los activos, que aseguren la comparabilidad de la información y de los valores del patrimonio de los municipios portugueses. Limitaciones: La inexistencia de criterios de reconocimiento a seguir por los municipios trae limitaciones al nivel de la comparabilidad de los valores de los diferentes componentes del activo presentados por los varios municipios. Valor añadido: Este trabajo nos enseña que, en Portugal, aún existen problemas con respecto al reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público, en resultado de la inexistencia de una definición precisa de los criterios de reconocimiento, lo que puede ser superado con la adopción de un nuevo SNC-AP.
Minimally invasive cardiovascular interventions guided by multiple imaging modalities are rapidly gaining clinical acceptance for the treatment of several cardiovascular diseases. These images are typically fused with richly detailed pre-operative scans through registration techniques, enhancing the intra-operative clinical data and easing the image-guided procedures. Nonetheless, rigid models have been used to align the different modalities, not taking into account the anatomical variations of the cardiac muscle throughout the cardiac cycle. In the current study, we present a novel strategy to compensate the beat-to-beat physiological adaptation of the myocardium. Hereto, we intend to prove that a complete myocardial motion field can be quickly recovered from the displacement field at the myocardial boundaries, therefore being an efficient strategy to locally deform the cardiac muscle. We address this hypothesis by comparing three different strategies to recover a dense myocardial motion field from a sparse one, namely, a diffusion-based approach, thin-plate splines, and multiquadric radial basis functions. Two experimental setups were used to validate the proposed strategy. First, an in silico validation was carried out on synthetic motion fields obtained from two realistic simulated ultrasound sequences. Then, 45 mid-ventricular 2D sequences of cine magnetic resonance imaging were processed to further evaluate the different approaches. The results showed that accurate boundary tracking combined with dense myocardial recovery via interpolation/ diffusion is a potentially viable solution to speed up dense myocardial motion field estimation and, consequently, to deform/compensate the myocardial wall throughout the cardiac cycle. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: Several studies link the seamless fit of implant-supported prosthesis with the accuracy of the dental impression technique obtained during acquisition. In addition, factors such as implant angulation and coping shape contribute to implant misfit. Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the most accurate impression technique and factors affecting the impression accuracy. Material and Methods: A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature was conducted analyzing articles published between 2009 and 2013. The following search terms were used: implant impression, impression accuracy, and implant misfit.A total of 417 articles were identified; 32 were selected for review. Results: All 32 selected studies refer to in vitro studies. Fourteen articles compare open and closed impression technique, 8 advocate the open technique, and 6 report similar results. Other 14 articles evaluate splinted and non-splinted techniques; all advocating the splinted technique. Polyether material usage was reported in nine; six studies tested vinyl polysiloxane and one study used irreversible hydrocolloid. Eight studies evaluated different copings designs. Intraoral optical devices were compared in four studies. Conclusions: The most accurate results were achieved with two configurations: (1) the optical intraoral system with powder and (2) the open technique with splinted squared transfer copings, using polyether as impression material.
The success of dental implant-supported prosthesis is directly linked to the accuracy obtained during implant’s pose estimation (position and orientation). Although traditional impression techniques and recent digital acquisition methods are acceptably accurate, a simultaneously fast, accurate and operator-independent methodology is still lacking. Hereto, an image-based framework is proposed to estimate the patient-specific implant’s pose using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and prior knowledge of implanted model. The pose estimation is accomplished in a threestep approach: (1) a region-of-interest is extracted from the CBCT data using 2 operator-defined points at the implant’s main axis; (2) a simulated CBCT volume of the known implanted model is generated through Feldkamp-Davis-Kress reconstruction and coarsely aligned to the defined axis; and (3) a voxel-based rigid registration is performed to optimally align both patient and simulated CBCT data, extracting the implant’s pose from the optimal transformation. Three experiments were performed to evaluate the framework: (1) an in silico study using 48 implants distributed through 12 tridimensional synthetic mandibular models; (2) an in vitro study using an artificial mandible with 2 dental implants acquired with an i-CAT system; and (3) two clinical case studies. The results shown positional errors of 67±34μm and 108μm, and angular misfits of 0.15±0.08º and 1.4º, for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, in experiment 3, visual assessment of clinical data results shown a coherent alignment of the reference implant. Overall, a novel image-based framework for implants’ pose estimation from CBCT data was proposed, showing accurate results in agreement with dental prosthesis modelling requirements.