946 resultados para Remote area power supply systems


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This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers' consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nos dias de hoje a sociedade exige níveis qualitativos de vida cada vez mais elevados, o que torna prioritária a conceção de sistemas eficientes, não poluidores, económicos e diversificados que permitam uma gestão integrada e racionalizada de recursos tão escasso como é o da água e da energia. Em sistemas de abastecimento de água, o uso de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) visa a uniformização e controlo de pressões, promovendo uma perda de carga localizada que dissipa a energia hidráulica presente através da redução dos valores de pressão a jusante. Estas são fundamentais no controlo e redução de pressão. A utilização de microturbinas é uma alternativa sustentável para o controle de pressão e, simultaneamente, para a produção de energia elétrica. Trata-se de um método de mitigação para controlar as perdas referidas convergindo no âmbito da eficiência energética. Na perspetiva de promover um aproveitamento de energia nas redes de abastecimento de água, o presente trabalho sugere a substituição de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) por microturbinas. Desse modo, apresenta-se um método automático de seleção de (i) local para implementação e (ii) projeto de microturbinas para sistemas de abastecimento de água. Para a modelação do funcionamento dos sistemas hidráulicos recorre-se ao simulador hidráulico EPANET. Esta ferramenta possibilita avaliação de caudais e pressões em todos os pontos da rede durante um determinado intervalo de tempo. A metodologia desenvolvida permite selecionar o local ideal no sistema hidráulico através de uma análise de cada secção conduta-nó escolhendo-se a melhor opção baseada na produção de energia. Depois da localização procede-se à seleção do tipo de turbina (Kaplan, Francis, Pelton e Cross-flow) que vai depender das características do sistema hidráulico. Na etapa seguinte apresenta-se os resultados obtidos pela turbina nomeadamente a produção de energia elétrica anual, o investimento necessário, o tempo de retorno e a rentabilização ao final de um período de 25 anos. Na última etapa da metodologia, de forma avaliar o comportamento do sistema final, realiza-se uma nova simulação da rede mas tendo em conta a introdução da microturbina no local. Apresentam-se alguns casos de estudo que validam a ferramenta desenvolvida. A metodologia desenvolvida é comparada com um caso de estudo real. Em ambos os exemplos simulados a metodologia aplicada permite obter soluções com ganhos energéticos significativos associados ao sistema. Apenas num dos exemplos se observaram que a implementação da microturbina no sistema hidráulico não seria economicamente rentável.


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GEA Consulting Engineers, acting as the design engineers, was hired by the owner, East Village 207 Residential LLC2 for energy modeling for compliance with LEED NC V3 -- This report details the results of the energy simulation done with the 100% construction documents -- This report only refers to entities within the LEED3 project boundary -- The project consists of a new eight-story high-end residential condominium building with 81 units, as shown in illustration 1, and approximately 117,905 GSF, equivalent to 10,953.73 m2, is located at 211 E 13th Street in New York, NY -- The residential portion of the building will function 24-7 -- The design goal is to utilize energy efficient measures to reduce electrical energy use and aims to achieve LEED certification -- LEED EA Credit 14 requires a building to demonstrate a percentage improvement in the proposed building performance compared with the baseline building -- The Credit rewards 1 point for achieving 12% reduction in energy costs -- Additionally, the Credit rewards another point for each subsequent reduction of 2% in the building’s energy cost


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Wind energy is one of the most promising and fast growing sector of energy production. Wind is ecologically friendly and relatively cheap energy resource available for development in practically all corners of the world (where only the wind blows). Today wind power gained broad development in the Scandinavian countries. Three important challenges concerning sustainable development, i.e. energy security, climate change and energy access make a compelling case for large-scale utilization of wind energy. In Finland, according to the climate and energy strategy, accepted in 2008, the total consumption of electricity generated by means of wind farms by 2020, should reach 6 - 7% of total consumption in the country [1]. The main challenges associated with wind energy production are harsh operational conditions that often accompany the turbine operation in the climatic conditions of the north and poor accessibility for maintenance and service. One of the major problems that require a solution is the icing of turbine structures. Icing reduces the performance of wind turbines, which in the conditions of a long cold period, can significantly affect the reliability of power supply. In order to predict and control power performance, the process of ice accretion has to be carefully tracked. There are two ways to detect icing – directly or indirectly. The first way applies to the special ice detection instruments. The second one is using indirect characteristics of turbine performance. One of such indirect methods for ice detection and power loss estimation has been proposed and used in this paper. The results were compared to the results directly gained from the ice sensors. The data used was measured in Muukko wind farm, southeast Finland during a project 'Wind power in cold climate and complex terrain'. The project was carried out in 9/2013 - 8/2015 with the partners Lappeenranta university of technology, Alstom renovables España S.L., TuuliMuukko, and TuuliSaimaa.


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The processing of industry and domestic effluents in wastewater treatment plants reduces the amount of polluted material and forms reusable water and dehydrated sludge. the generation of hazardous municipal sludge can be decreased, as well as the impact on surface and underground water and the risk to human health. The aim this study is to verify the possibility to use sintered sewage sludge as support material after thermal treatment in the production of a filtering material to water supply systems. After thermal treatment the sewage sludge ash was characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), leaching test and water solubilization. Dehydration of sludge was performed by controlled heating at temperatures of 180 degrees C, 350 degrees C, 600 degrees C, 850 degrees C and 1000 degrees C for 3 hours.


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The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore


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Matrix converters convert a three-phase alternating-current power supply to a power supply of a different peak voltage and frequency, and are an emerging technology in a wide variety of applications. However, they are susceptible to an instability, whose behaviour is examined herein. The desired “steady-state” mode of operation of the matrix converter becomes unstable in a Hopf bifurcation as the output/input voltage transfer ratio, q, is increased through some threshold value, qc. Through weakly nonlinear analysis and direct numerical simulation of an averaged model, we show that this bifurcation is subcritical for typical parameter values, leading to hysteresis in the transition to the oscillatory state: there may thus be undesirable large-amplitude oscillations in the output voltages even when q is below the linear stability threshold value qc.


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In this work was used a plasma torch of non transferred arc with argon as work gas, using a power supply with maximum DC current of 250 A and voltage of 30 V to activate the plasma and keep it switched on. The flame temperature was characterized by optical emission spectroscopy, through Boltzmann-plot-method. The torch has been used like igniter in the aluminothermic reduction of the mixture tantalum oxide and aluminum, seeking to obtain metallic tantalum. In heating of the reagents only one particle will be considered to study interactions between plasma-particle, seeking to determinate its fusion and residence time. The early powders were characterized by laser granulometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The final product of this reaction was characterized by SEM and X-ray diffraction. Crystallite size was calculated by the Scherrer equation and microdeformation was determined using Willamsom-Hall graph. With Rietveld method was possible to quantify the percentile in weight of the products obtained in the aluminothermic reaction. Semi-quantitative chemical analysis (EDS) confirmed the presence of metallic tantalum and Al2O3 as products of the reduction. As was waited the particle size of the metallic tantalum produced, presents values in nanometric scale due the short cooling time of those particles during the process


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Power distribution systems are susceptible to extreme damage from natural hazards especially hurricanes. Hurricane winds can knock down distribution poles thereby causing damage to the system and power outages which can result in millions of dollars in lost revenue and restoration costs. Timber has been the dominant material used to support overhead lines in distribution systems. Recently however, utility companies have been searching for a cost-effective alternative to timber poles due to environmental concerns, durability, high cost of maintenance and need for improved aesthetics. Steel has emerged as a viable alternative to timber due to its advantages such as relatively lower maintenance cost, light weight, consistent performance, and invulnerability to wood-pecker attacks. Both timber and steel poles are prone to deterioration over time due to decay in the timber and corrosion of the steel. This research proposes a framework for conducting fragility analysis of timber and steel poles subjected to hurricane winds considering deterioration of the poles over time. Monte Carlo simulation was used to develop the fragility curves considering uncertainties in strength, geometry and wind loads. A framework for life-cycle cost analysis is also proposed to compare the steel and timber poles. The results show that steel poles can have superior reliability and lower life-cycle cost compared to timber poles, which makes them suitable substitutes.


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Testing of summing electronics and VDC A/D Cards was performed to assure proper functioning and operation within defined parameters. In both the summing modules and the VDC A/D cards, testing for minimum threshold voltage for each channel and crosstalk between neighboring channels was performed. Additionally, the modules were installed in Hall A with input signals from shower detectors arranged to establish a trigger by summing signals together with the use of tested modules. Testing involved utilizing a pulser to mimic PMT signals, a discriminator, an attenuator, a scaler, a level translator, an oscilloscope, a high voltage power supply, and a special apparatus used to power and send signal to the A/D cards. After testing, modules were obtained that meet necessary criteria for use in the APEX experiment, and the A/D cards obtained were determined to have adequate specifications for their utilization, with specific results included in the appendix.


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A novel numerical model of a Bent Backwards Duct Buoy (BBDB) Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter was created based on existing isolated numerical models of the different energy conversion systems utilised by an OWC. The novel aspect of this numerical model is that it incorporates the interdependencies of the different power conversion systems rather than modelling each system individually. This was achieved by accounting for the dynamic aerodynamic damping caused by the changing turbine rotational velocity by recalculating the turbine damping for each simulation sample and applying it via a feedback loop. The accuracy of the model was validated using experimental data collected during the Components for Ocean Renewable Energy Systems (CORES) EU FP-7 project that was tested in Galway Bay, Ireland. During the verification process, it was discovered that the model could also be applied as a valuable tool when troubleshooting device performance. A new turbine was developed and added to a full scale model after being investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics. The energy storage capacity of the impulse turbine was investigated by modelling the turbine with both high and low inertia and applying three turbine control theories to the turbine using the full scale model. A single Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm was applied to the low-inertia turbine, while both a fixed and dynamic control algorithm was applied to the high-inertia turbine. These results suggest that the highinertia turbine could be used as a flywheel energy storage device that could help minimize output power variation despite the low operating speed of the impulse turbine. This research identified the importance of applying dynamic turbine damping to a BBDB OWC numerical model, revealed additional value of the model as a device troubleshooting tool, and found that an impulse turbine could be applied as an energy storage system.


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Relatório apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de pós-doutorado Ciências Empresariais, ramo de Marketing


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Nowadays, there is a boom in the use of electrification. Electric vehicles are gaining interest worldwide due to various factors, including climate and environmental awareness. In this thesis, a step-down isolated power supply for electric tractors is investigated, specifically the phase-shifted full-bridge (PSFB) DC-DC with synchronous rectification and zero-voltage switching (ZVS). This converter was selected for its high-power capacity with high efficiency. A 3500 W PSFB converter with peak current control (PCCM) is designed and modeled in MATLAB. The input voltage range is from 550 V to 820 V and the output voltage range is limited to 9 V to 16 V with a maximum output current of 250 A. All components were commercially designed and selected, including magnetics for the high-frequency transformer and inductors, taking into account loss calculations. Zero voltage switching for the lagging leg is achieved at 13% to 100% load. The proven efficiency of the converter is around 90


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This master's thesis investigates different aspects of Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) Converter and extends aspects further to Multi-Active-Bridges (MAB). The thesis starts with an overview of the applications of the DAB and MAB and their importance. The analytical part of the thesis includes the derivation of the peak and RMS currents, which is required for finding the losses present in the system. The power converters, considered in this thesis are DAB, Triple-Active Bridge (TAB) and Quad-Active Bridge (QAB). All the theoretical calculations are compared with the simulation results from PLECS software for identifying the correctness of the reviewed and developed theory. The Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation is conducted for checking the control operation in real-time with the help of the RT box from the Plexim. Additionally, as in real systems digital signal processor (DSP), system-on-chip or field programmable gate array is employed for the control of the power electronic systems, and the execution of the control in the real-time simulation (RTS) conducted is performed by DSP.


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Condition monitoring systems for physical assets are constantly becoming more and more common in the industrial sector. At the same time an increasing portion of asset monitoring systems are being remotely supported. As global competitors are actively developing solutions for condition monitoring and condition-based maintenance, which it enables, Wärtsilä too feels the pressure to provide customers with more sophisticated condition-based maintenance solutions. The main aim of this thesis study is to consider Wärtsilä remote condition monitoring solutions and how they relate to similar solutions from other suppliers and end customers’ needs, in the context of offshore assets. A theoretical study is also included in the thesis, where the concepts of condition monitoring, condition-based maintenance, maintenance management and physical asset management are introduced.