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Primary olfactory neurons are located in the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity. Their axons converge and form glomeruli with the dendrites of second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb. The molecular basis of primary olfactory axon guidance, targeting and subsequent arborisation is largely unknown. In this study we examined the spatio-temporal expression of the Eph receptor EphB2 and its ligands, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2, during development of the rat primary olfactory system. Unlike in other regions of the nervous system where receptor and ligand expression patterns are usually non-overlapping, EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 were all expressed by primary and second-order olfactory neurons. In the embryonic animal we found that these three proteins had distinct and different expression patterns. EphB2 was first expressed at E18.5 by the perikarya of primary olfactory neurons. In contrast, ephrin-B1 was expressed from E13.5 and was localised to the axons of these cells up to E18.5 but was then restricted to the perikarya. Ephrin-B2, however, was expressed by olfactory ensheathing cells. EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 were also expressed in the prenatal olfactory bulb and were restricted to the perikarya of mitral cells. In the post-natal olfactory bulb there was a shift in the localisation of both EphB2 and ephrin-B1 to the dendritic arborisations of mitral cells. The dynamic and tightly regulated spatio-temporal expression patterns of EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 by specific olfactory cell populations suggest that these molecules have the potential to regulate important developmental events in the olfactory system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A possible role in RNA replication for interactions between conserved complementary (cyclization) sequences in the 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of Flavivirus RNA was previously suggested but never tested in vivo. Using the M-fold program for RNA secondary-structure predictions, we examined for the first time the base-pairing interactions between the covalently linked 5' genomic region (first similar to 160 nucleotides) and the 3' untranslated region (last similar to 115 nucleotides) for a range of mosquito borne Flavivirus species. Base-pairing occurred as predicted for the previously proposed conserved cyclization sequences. In order to obtain experimental evidence of the predicted interactions, the putative cyclization sequences (5' or 3') in the replicon RNA of the mosquito-borne Kunjin virus,were mutated either separately, to destroy base-pairing, or simultaneously, to restore the complementarity. None of the RNAs with separate mutations in only the 5' or only the 3' cyclization sequences was able to replicate after transfection into BHK cells, while replicon RNA with simultaneous compensatory mutations in both cyclization sequences was replication competent. This was detected by immunofluorescence for expression of the major nonstructural protein NS3 and by Northern blot analysis for amplification and accumulation of replicon RNA. We then used the M-fold program to analyze RNA secondary structure of the covalently linked 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of three tick borne virus species and identified a previously undescribed additional pair of conserved complementary sequences in locations similar to those of the mosquito borne species. They base-paired with DeltaG values of approximately -20 kcal, equivalent or greater in stability than those calculated for the originally proposed cyclization sequences. The results show that the base-pairing between 5' and 3' complementary sequences, rather than the nucleotide sequence per se, is essential for the replication of mosquito-borne Kunjin virus RNA and that more than one pair of cyclization sequences might be involved in the replication of the tick-borne Flavivirus species.
Current methods to detect transduction efficiency during the routine use of integrating retroviral vectors in gene therapy applications may require the use of radioactivity and usually rely upon subjective determination of the results. We have developed two competitive quantitative assays that use an enzyme-linked, amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA) to detect the products of PCR-amplified regions of transgene from cells transduced with Moloney murine leukemia virus vectors. The quantitative assays (PCR-ELAHA) proved to be simple, rapid, and sensitive, avoiding the need for Southern hybridization, complex histochemical stains, or often subjective and time-consuming tissue culture and immunofluorescence assays. The PCR-ELAHA systems can rapidly detect proviral DNA from any retroviral vector carrying the common selective and marker genes neomycin phosphotransferase and green fluorescent protein, and the methods described are equally applicable to other sequences of interest, providing a cheaper alternative to the evolving real-time PCR methods. The results revealed the number of copies of retrovector provirus present per stably transduced cell using vectors containing either one or both qPCR targets.
Objective To determine the incidence and nature of adverse reactions of dogs and cats to tick antitoxin serum and to re-evaluate the role of atropine in the treatment of tick paralysis. Design A retrospective questionnaire of veterinarians. Procedure Questionnaires were posted to 320 veterinarians in tick-endemic regions of Australia. Questions referred to dogs and cats treated for tick paralysis over a period of three years: the number treated, treatment protocols and adverse systemic reactions to tick antitoxin serum. Ninety completed questionnaires were returned and responses analysed. Results Veterinarians reported that approximately 3% of dogs exhibited adverse reactions immediately following treatment with tick antitoxin serum, Eighteen percent of these reactions were described as anaphylaxis, with the remaining 82% attributed to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. Six percent of cats treated with tick antitoxin serum reacted adversely and the majority of reactions (63%) were ascribed to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. Atropine was used routinely by 10% of responding veterinarians in the treatment of dogs and cats with tick paralysis. A similar number of veterinarians used atropine only in selected cases. Most veterinarians (76%) reported that they never used atropine in the treatment of tick paralysis in either dogs or cats. Within the survey population, premedication with atropine reduced the number of Bezold-Jarisch reactions following tick antitoxin administration approximately five-fold in dogs and four-fold in cats. Conclusions Data from this pilot survey indicate that more cats than dogs have adverse systemic reactions to tick antitoxin serum and that the majority of these reactions in both dogs and cats could be related to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. The number of reactions to tick antitoxin serum in dogs and cats could be significantly reduced by the routine use of atropine prior to administration of tick antitoxin serum.
Background: Adrenaline is localized to specific regions of the central nervous system (CNS), but its role therein is unclear because of a lack of suitable pharmacologic agents. Ideally, a chemical is required that crosses the blood-brain barrier, potently inhibits the adrenaline-synthesizing enzyme PNMT, and does not affect other catecholamine processes. Currently available PNMT inhibitors do not meet these criteria. We aim to produce potent, selective, and CNS-active PNMT inhibitors by structure-based design methods. The first step is the structure determination of PNMT. Results: We have solved the crystal structure of human PNMT complexed with a cofactor product and a submicromolar inhibitor at a resolution of 2.4 Angstrom. The structure reveals a highly decorated methyltransferase fold, with an active site protected from solvent by an extensive cover formed from several discrete structural motifs. The structure of PNMT shows that the inhibitor interacts with the enzyme in a different mode from the (modeled) substrate noradrenaline. Specifically, the position and orientation of the amines is not equivalent. Conclusions: An unexpected finding is that the structure of PNMT provides independent evidence of both backward evolution and fold recruitment in the evolution of a complex enzyme from a simple fold. The proposed evolutionary pathway implies that adrenaline, the product of PNMT catalysis, is a relative newcomer in the catecholamine family. The PNMT structure reported here enables the design of potent and selective inhibitors with which to characterize the role of adrenaline in the CNS. Such chemical probes could potentially be useful as novel therapeutics.
Members of the Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community v State of Victoria was the first case in which a claim for native title was lodged in a non-remote area of the Australian mainland which was the subject of European settlement at an early stage in Australian history - highlights the difficulties in establishing native title claims in long settled regions of Australia - a failure to recognise the strength of oral tradition in establishing Aboriginal connection with the land.
Hsp10 (10-kDa heat shock protein, also known as chaperonin 10 or Cpn10) is a co-chaperone for Hsp60 in the protein folding process. This protein has also been shown to be identical to the early pregnancy factor, which is an immunosuppressive growth factor found in maternal serum. In this study we have used immunogold electron microscopy to study the subcellular localization of Hsp10 in rat tissues sections embedded in LR Gold resin employing polyclonal antibodies raised against different regions of human Hsp10. In all rat tissues examined including liver, heart, pancreas, kidney, anterior pituitary, salivary gland, thyroid, and adrenal gland, antibodies to Hsp10 showed strong labeling of mitochondria. However, in a number of tissues, in addition to the mitochondrial labeling, strong and highly specific labeling with the Hsp10 antibodies was also observed in several extramitochondrial compartments. These sites included zymogen granules in pancreatic acinar cells, growth hormone granules in anterior pituitary, and secretory granules in PP pancreatic islet cells. Additionally, the mature red blood cells which lack mitochondria, also showed strong reactivity with the Hsp10 antibodies. The observed labeling with the Hsp10 antibodies, both within mitochondria as well as in other compartments/cells, was abolished upon omission of the primary antibodies or upon preadsorption of the primary antibodies with the purified recombinant human Hsp10. These results provide evidence that similar to a number of other recently described mitochondrial proteins (viz., Hsp60, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein- 1, P32 (gC1q-R) protein, and cytochrome c), Hsp10 is also found at a variety of specific extramitochondrial sites in normal rat tissue. These results raise important questions as to how these mitochondrial proteins are translocated to other compartments and their possible function(s) at these sites. The presence of these proteins at extramitochondrial sites in normal tissues has important implications concerning the role of mitochondria in apoptosis and genetic diseases.
The presence of an intrinsic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the rat epididymis has been previously established by showing the expression of several key RAS components, and in particular angiotensinogen, the indispensable element for the intracellular generation of angiotensin II. In this study, the possible involvement of this local epididymal RAS in the testicular effects of chronic hypoxia was investigated. Semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blotting and by in situ hybridization histochemistry of the rat epididymis were used to show changes in localization and expression of angiotensinogen. Results from RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that chronic hypoxia caused a marked decrease (60%) in the expression of angiotensinogen mRNA, when compared with that in the normoxic epididymis. Western blot analysis demonstrated a less decrease (35%) in the expression of angiotensinogen protein. In situ hybridization histochemistry showed that the reduced angiotensinogen mRNA in chronic hypoxia was specifically localized to the epididymal epithelium from the cauda, corpus and caput regions of the epididymis; a distribution similar to that of normoxic rats. It was concluded that chronic hypoxia decreases the transcriptional and translational expression of angiotensinogen, and thus local formation of angiotensin II, in the rat epididymis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A two-dimensional numerical simulation model of interface states in scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) measurements of p-n junctions is presented-In the model, amphoteric interface states with two transition energies in the Si band gap are represented as fixed charges to account for their behavior in SCM measurements. The interface states are shown to cause a stretch-out-and a parallel shift of the capacitance-voltage characteristics in the depletion. and neutral regions of p-n junctions, respectively. This explains the discrepancy between - the SCM measurement and simulation near p-n junctions, and thus modeling interface states is crucial for SCM dopant profiling of p-n junctions. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Paget disease of bone (PDB) is characterized by increased osteoclast activity and localized abnormal bone remodeling. PDB has a significant genetic component, with evidence of linkage to chromosomes 6p21.3 (PDB1) and 18q21-22 (PDB2) in some pedigrees. There is evidence of genetic heterogeneity, with other pedigrees showing negative linkage to these regions. TNFRSF11A, a gene that is essential for osteoclast formation and that encodes receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK), has been mapped to the PDB2 region. TNFRSF11A mutations that segregate in pedigrees with either familial expansile osteolysis or familial PDB have been identified; however, linkage studies and mutation screening have excluded the involvement of RANK in the majority of patients with PDB. We have excluded linkage, both to PDB1 and to PDB2, in a large multigenerational pedigree with multiple family members affected by PDB. We have conducted a genomewide scan of this pedigree, followed by fine mapping and multipoint analysis in regions of interest. The peak two-point LOD scores from the genomewide scan were 2.75, at D7S507, and 1.76, at D18S70. Multipoint and haplotype analysis of markers flanking D7S507 did not support linkage to this region. Haplotype analysis of markers flanking D18S70 demonstrated a haplotype segregating with PDB in a large subpedigree. This subpedigree had a significantly lower age at diagnosis than the rest of the pedigree (51.2 +/- 8.5 vs. 64.2 +/- 9.7 years; P = .0012). Linkage analysis of this subpedigree demonstrated a peak two-point LOD score of 4.23, at marker D18S1390 (theta = 0), and a peak multipoint LOD score of 4.71, at marker D18S70. Our data are consistent with genetic heterogeneity within the pedigree and indicate that 18q23 harbors a novel susceptibility gene for PDB.
We consider a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in two spatially localized modes of a double-well potential, with periodic modulation of the tunnel coupling between the two modes. We treat the driven quantum field using a two-mode expansion and define the quantum dynamics in terms of the Floquet Operator for the time periodic Hamiltonian of the system. It has been shown that the corresponding semiclassical mean-field dynamics can exhibit regions of regular and chaotic motion. We show here that the quantum dynamics can exhibit dynamical tunneling between regions of regular motion, centered on fixed points (resonances) of the semiclassical dynamics.
Understanding the ecological role of benthic microalgae, a highly productive component of coral reef ecosystems, requires information on their spatial distribution. The spatial extent of benthic microalgae on Heron Reef (southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia) was mapped using data from the Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper sensor. integrated with field measurements of sediment chlorophyll concentration and reflectance. Field-measured sediment chlorophyll concentrations. 2 ranging from 23-1.153 mg chl a m(2), were classified into low, medium, and high concentration classes (1-170, 171-290, and > 291 mg chl a m(-2)) using a K-means clustering algorithm. The mapping process assumed that areas in the Thematic Mapper image exhibiting similar reflectance levels in red and blue bands would correspond to areas of similar chlorophyll a levels. Regions of homogenous reflectance values corresponding to low, medium, and high chlorophyll levels were identified over the reef sediment zone by applying a standard image classification algorithm to the Thematic Mapper image. The resulting distribution map revealed large-scale ( > 1 km 2) patterns in chlorophyll a levels throughout the sediment zone of Heron Reef. Reef-wide estimates of chlorophyll a distribution indicate that benthic Microalgae may constitute up to 20% of the total benthic chlorophyll a at Heron Reef. and thus contribute significantly to total primary productivity on the reef.
The pharmacology of the N -methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor site was examined in pathologically affected and relatively spared regions of cerebral cortex tissue obtained at autopsy from Alzheimer's disease cases and matched controls. The affinity and density of the [H-3]MK-801 binding site were delineated along with the enhancement of [H-3]MK-801 binding by glutamate and spermine. Maximal enhancement induced by either ligand was regionally variable; glutamate-mediated maximal enhancement was higher in controls than in Alzheimer's cases in pathologically spared regions, whereas spermine-mediated maximal enhancement was higher in controls in areas susceptible to pathological damage. These and other data suggest that the subunit composition of NMDA receptors may be locally variable. Studies with modified conantokin-G (con-G) peptides showed that Ala(7)-con-G had higher affinity than Lys(7)-con-G, and also defined two distinct binding sites in controls. Nevertheless, the affinity for Lys(7)-con-G was higher overall in Alzheimer's brain than in control brain, whereas the reverse was true for Ala(7)-con-G. Over-excitation mediated by specific NMDA receptors might contribute to localized brain damage in Alzheimer's disease. Modified conantokins are useful for identifying the NMDA receptors involved, and may have potential as protective agents.
Extracts of the dorid nudibranch Asteronotus cespitosus from two geographically separate regions of Australia and from the Philippines were compared using thin-layer, high-performance liquid and gas chromatography and H-1 NMR analysis. Halogenated metabolites were detected in all mollusk specimens. The major component detected in digestive tissue of specimens from the Great Barrier Reef in northeastern Australia was 4,6-dibromo2-(2',4'-dibromophenoxy)phenol (1), with minor amounts of 3,5-dibromo-2(3',5'-dibromo-20-methoxyphenoxy)phenol (2). In a specimen collected from northwestern Australia, only 3,5-dibromo-2-(3',5'-dibromo-2'-methoxyphenoxy)phenol was found. The specimen from the Philippines contained 2,3,4,5-tetrabromo-6-(2'-bromophenoxy) phenol (3) together with a novel chlorinated pyrrolidone (4). In addition, the sesquiterpenes dehydroherbadysidolide (5) and spirodysin (6) were detected in the digestive organs and mantle tissue of the nudibranchs from the Great Barrier Reef and from the Philippines, whereas these chemicals were not found in the specimen from northwestern Australia. All of the chemicals (1-3,5, and 6) have previously been isolated from the sponge Dysidea herbacea, as have chlorinated metabolites related to 4. This is the first time the characteristic halogenated metabolites that typify Dysidea herbacea have been reported from a carnivorous mollusk, which implies a dietary origin as opposed to de novo synthesis.
psaA encodes a 37-kDa pneumococcal lipoprotein which is part of an ABC Mn(II) transport complex. Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 psaA mutants have previously been shown to be significantly less virulent than wild-type D39, but the mechanism underlying the attenuation has not been resolved. In this study, we have shown that psaA and psaD mutants are highly sensitive to oxidative stress, i.e., to superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, which might explain why they are less virulent than the wild-type strain. Our investigations revealed altered expression of the key oxidative-stress response enzymes superoxide dismutase and NADH oxidase in psaA and psaD mutants, suggesting that PsaA and PsaD may play important roles in the regulation of expression of oxidative-stress response enzymes and intracellular redox homeostasis.